
Denver officer suspended after he was caught at strip club while on duty

Detroit strip clubs
He had previously run a background check on a stripper "to see if she had a warrant and to see if she was “somebody I can be around""



  • captainfun
    5 years ago
    I’m suspect that most cops routinely use the background database inappropriately. As in, I don’t like the way the butcher cut that pork chop at the grocery store, better look his ass up.

    Love the picture of this cop in the photo. Sitting down leaning up against a tree. Slack ass.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    I don't think they run random searches willy nilly, like a butcher whose pork chop cutting is suspect; too much risk for too little purpose. But every LEO I've known runs their strippers, escorts, girlfriends, etc. through a background check, as soon as they can get enough info to do so.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Waaaaay back when I was in high school a girl I was dating pretty heavily told me that her mother, who worked for the local police department, checked me out in their data base.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    ^ Was that her excuse for dumping you?
  • Musterd21
    5 years ago
    Hope no one checks me out. lol
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    I wonder if he had anything to do with her death...
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    10 days suspension and docked two days pay? So he gets paid to sit on his ass against that fucking tree for almost two weeks for abusing his authority and skipping work?

    WTF? And they wonder why people don’t respect cops.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    George, you're outraged by that? There was a cop who shot a 23 year old kid execution style in the back of the head, in front of his pregnant girlfriend, over less than $200 in crack. All the cop got was a full pension and early retirement at 42. The case never even really made it to the media... this was like 4 years ago. Cops often are above the law. Between tough on crime officials and the Police Union.... they have it made.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I had my uncle tell me that I need to be more careful regarding my license plates. He was a cop in a small town 6 hours away. I asked him why he would say such a thing. He told me that I was pulled over by cops during a random sobriety checkpoint. My license plate was about to expire. I asked him how he knew that since he works 6 hours away from that checkpoint. He told me that he routinely does background checks on family. Fucking pissed me off! I told him that if I ever learn of that shit happening again, I will take his ass to court and file a complaint about violating my 4 amendment rights. We haven’t spoke much since that incident 30 years ago. I trust cops about 1 foot shy of what I can physically toss them over my shoulder.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    There are laws and policies against that type of shit though.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    ^^^ Yes there are. I believe the call those laws CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    There’s probably more than a million law enforcement in this country, when something goes wrong it hit the news with a bang, truth be told the vast majority of them do their jobs properly, yes it sucks when it happens to you, but there are thousands of interactions a day between LEOs and civilians of all races and nationalities very few of them go sadly so stop being stupid, I’d hate to live in a society that had no one to enforce the laws, and I’ll guarantee so would y’all.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    ^^^ I don’t disagree with that. But, I still don’t trust them. But, I don’t trust many regular folk either.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    How to find a dirty cop


    Start at 1:20
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Cop should have claimed to have been arresting crazyjoe for destroying the strip club toilets.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @Nidan111 It’s fine to be wary when dealing with anyone in a position of authority, but the attitude here is quite dangerous, let me give an example maybe it’s not perfect but it’s illustrative, those of you with children know that children take their cues from their parents for the most part, and those little people perceive you distrust cops, now let’s suppose something happens not something terrible just a little mishap like your child gets separated from you in a mall, you’re frantically searching all over, your child is too terrified to walk up to a blue or green uniform because of the attitude you instilled in him/ her, instead that child goes and hides someplace where they can’t be found because of that fear. Don’t mock this real life scenario I know for a fact a child that almost died by hiding in a walk-in refrigerator that he couldn’t get out of.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    Funny how I destroyed an airplane shitter yesterday!
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