
Man arrested for exposing himself at strip club

Detroit strip clubs
Friday, April 5, 2019 5:06 AM
Which one of you did this? [view link]


  • 4got2wipe
    5 years ago
    The fact that the woman fled from the sight of the guys penis should narrow it down. I mean, which TUSCL poster has a penis so hideous that it causes women to flee? On second thought, that doesn’t narrow it down. I’m just going to say it was rickdugan because he is probably behind anything non-brilliant that goes down in a strip club! ;)
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Did the article say if the guy was wearing a three piece suit and impersonating a chemical engineer? That would narrow it down. [view link]
  • carolynne
    5 years ago
    What kind of dancer flees from an exposed cock? Amateurs, I tell ya.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Always discuss what is going to happen and for how much before you go into the VIP room.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I’ve had many cringe, but never run away!
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I LOLed while reading that story. Good shit.
  • Prim0
    5 years ago
    I'm with Carolynne.......this is like a negative review!
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    It wasn't my fault. She got me aroused while licking my nipples and my cock involuntarily pushed itself up past my waist band and poked her under her chin.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    @ cristobal absolutely
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Could be he was chasing her bc she ripped him off and took his $$$ - or maybe he was drunk or an idiot but custies usually don't chase after a dancer that's running from him unless she fucked him over (or he was drunk or just an idiot)
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I wouldn't make light of it, legally, what he did is 2 notches below rape.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Lol I’m with Carolynne on this too. Every once in a while, a customer will think it’s cute to pull his dick out for a floor dance. I just pull his t-shirt over it and tuck the shirt in, so that it’s no longer exposed. (This kind of behavior is most common with Hispanic males in their 20s-30s, with an occasional Indian too, so it’s not a geriatric white male thing, Icey) Then I get right to starting the dance. Idk, I don’t find it worth getting bent out of shape over. It’s obnoxious behavior, but as long as he isn’t trying to move my hand on it, then it’s all meh.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I think that's penis discrimination - if a dancer shows her vag no one complains
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    Turns out this guy was a sex offender as well. [view link] . I assume he figured he had nothing else to lose. They should make it illegal for him to live within half a mile from a strip club
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I didn't say it was a geriatric white thing. I know what strippers think of Latino customers....some can be extremely bad. I said its legally 2 notches below rape, which it is.
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    With a name like The Foxy Lady, I assume this is the type of classy club that only employs virginal, innocent dancers who have never before seen a man’s private parts.
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    A true gentlemen in a gentleman's club would hold his member with pinkie and four finger extended (aka Emily Post).
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    A true gentleman would ask: "Madam - would you care for some dick?"
  • Book Guy
    5 years ago
    NJBalla: No, they should make it illegal for him to live NOT within half-a-mile of a strip club. Seriously, my guess is that he appears on the "sex offender" registry for a similar incident previously. Many states include such innocuous actions as pissing in public as a "sexual offense" because it exposes genitals, defining it thusly in order that they can maximize grief to the offender and profit to the subcontractors who maintain registries. Otherwise it would just be a ticketed municipal misdemeanor at worst, not worth the money to prosecute. Also, when I first saw the topic's title, I figured the guy had done the "exposing" out on the main stage as though he were stripping. If I had been required to watch THAT, then I think he SHOULD be arrested.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Sometimes a dick does just peek its way out. Especially if the dancers is hot. I like the wide method of Nicespice. Keeps everyone happy and out of shackles. Hmmmm. Shackles. Can I rethink this?!
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Lol. The WISE method of Nicespice
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    The pissing in public thing is true, an asshole cop can easily ruin your life, and they'll tack charges on to it claiming that you exposed yourself to the officer on purpose. You get indecent exposure, public lewdness, disorderly conduct and even child abuse if a minor can potentially view you... in some states you can automatically be considered a sex offender if you pee on a school or school property. This is actually used to harass the homeless in a lot of places.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Unlike you, not all of us are bold enough to attempt a front room deep throat session.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    But since you’re still hanging out on TUSCL, kudos for not getting arrested.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ wants to know what club so he can make it his hangout
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    Nicespice… You Are a classy lady!!!
  • Janos
    5 years ago
    Last week when I stopped by my fav club a very pretty little asian with blond hair and a string bikini joined me at my table. She sat down with her legs across my lap, so I immediately had my hands on her legs and feet. She unzipped me and pulled it out and started playing with it. Her friend came by a very attractive black girl and she sat right tight beside me, so i picked up the legs of the asian girl so she could sit closer to me. So our hands touch several time while massaging the asian strippers legs. But she was also getting closer to me and soon i have 2 of them massaging it. Went to the vip shortly after with both of them. My next post will be how asian vs black was( both were awesome, but in different ways)
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