
The Blind Man

Two nuns are ordered to paint a room at the convent. They are warned however, by Mother Superior, that they are not to get so much as a drop of paint on their habits. They are unsure of how to accomplish this at first, but then decide it's best to just remove them. They begin to paint the room.

Some time later they are startled by a knock at the door. A man's voice calls out "Blind man!". They begin to reach for their habits, but decide what harm can it be if he's blind?
They walk over and open the door.

There is a man standing there with boxes in his arms, who takes one look at them and says, "Nice tits ladies, but where do you want these blinds?"


  • captainfun
    5 years ago
    Good one
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    A painter was painting the steeple on a church. As he neared the top, he realized that he was going to run out of paint before he finished. Not wanting to climb all the way down, drive to the store, return and climb back up, he sat back for a moment and contemplated. Aha! He was using water based paint and he had a bottle of water. He quickly mixed some in and continued to paint.

    Just as he reached the top, the sky clouded over and turned black and it began to rain torrents of water, washing away what the painter had done.

    Suddenly, the sky opened up over the cowering painter, and a voice said, "Go, repaint, and thin no more."
  • Musterd21
    5 years ago
    Good ones!
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    There's actually a blind regular at my favorite club. Always comes in with a guy in a wheelchair
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    @ATAC, good one.

    Icey: hope the wheelchair guy chooses well for his friend.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    I never pay attention to them. But I'm happy for them...no reason they shouldn't enjoy themselves like other guys. But dancers aren't always crazy about them, they end up with the nastiest ones, probably coz of extras
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