Strippers & Video Games

avatar for GoVikings

my home club just added a game room. they don't have arcade games. its consoles like playstation 4 and x-box 1. they even have it set up so that you can play online lol if you choose to. i knew this was coming because a favorite of mine told me about it before it was up and running.

it costs $10 per hour to play by yourself. a club employee told me that some guys are back there for several hours lol. honestly, i have no interest in playing by myself. i think it would be a little cool to play with a favorite of mine, but not for what they're charging. in order to game with your favorite dancer, they want $115 for one hour of game time. That’s too much IMO. It’s the same they charge for a 15 minute VIP

this is new. But according to the club employee its been selling thus far. I wonder if they’ll adjust the prices as time passes. hmmmm

would any of you participate in this? thoughts?


last comment
avatar for MackTruck
5 yrs ago

Ask them how much it is if you bring your own games

avatar for TFP
5 yrs ago

LMAO wow! They are REALLY banking on extreme PLness here IMO. So you're paying just to have a hot girl in her panties playing video games with you? You're not getting a dance or getting physical, but just playing video games???

Yeah, they charge WAY too much money for that but I can see why they do from a dancer's point of view. Why would she want to waste time playing games and making less money when she can dance and get groped for much more per each minute?

This seems like a crappy idea that won't work. Unless they truly had a lot of requests for something like this. OP please keep us posted on how well this is doing, I'm genuinely curious.

avatar for JamesSD
5 yrs ago

I know way too many guys who would pay money to play video games with a hot half dressed stripper

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

LMAO this is hilarious. In GTA V you can go to a few strip clubs and tip at the stage and get lapdances and even try to grope her without the bouncer catching you. I wonder how a PL would feel playing this game in a strip club IRL at the same time doing the same things as in the game.

Art imitating life imitating art. Or vice versa?

avatar for sinclair
5 yrs ago

This is how I feel about pool tables at strip clubs. It is fun to shoot a game with a stripper every once in awhile (loser buys shots), but then you have guys that come in and treat the strip club like it is a pool hall.

avatar for TFP
5 yrs ago

Actually I saw that wrong. So it costs $115 for an hour to game with a dancer? That's actually not bad for the customer. I could see a bunch of gamer dudes doing that. That actually sounds unfair to the dancer for the same reason I mentioned above. If they can make $115 for just 15 minutes of a regular dance then why they hell would they spend an hour playing video games with some dude for the same amount? Sounds like a total waste.

I could see a lot of dancers refusing to do that, much like some dancers refuse to do regular dances and do VIP only.

avatar for JamesSD
5 yrs ago

TFP, I assume "if it's slow" mentality would apply. There are days a girl is going to the back like a revolving door, and days girls don't sell anything for hours. Also remember some girls are Very Low Mileage, so this could appeal to them.

avatar for GoVikings
5 yrs ago

"So it costs $115 for an hour to game with a dancer?"

yes, exactly.

avatar for shadowcat
5 yrs ago

Several years ago at the Crazy Horse Saloon in Atlanta, I watched guys shooting pool with totally nude dancers. They only played a couple of games and I don't know if they were paying for the dancers time or not. It was interesting though.

avatar for GoVikings
5 yrs ago

wow, they already have the info about the game room on their website. here's all the details

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Its a novelty, people will pay for it and if it doesn't work, they still make something off the game room as is.

avatar for whodey
5 yrs ago

I love to game as much as most guys but this is ridiculous. Gives a new, and even more pathetic, meaning to pay for play.

I wonder how many strippers will be paying for their boyfriend's vip gaming card.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

I assume it would appeal to some similar to guys that go to the club and just shoot pool as Sinclair mentioned - but I wouldn't think many would pay any kinda significant $$$ to have a dancer play with them - this is kinda analogous to paying a dancer to eat with you at the club or sit and talk with you.

It's a niche and I think it'll fizzle out but perhaps it may catch on.

avatar for Muddy
5 yrs ago

This the future of gaming. I’m not into it at all but yes, much like James I know way to many dudes who would fantasize about it. I just can’t understand why.

avatar for flagooner
5 yrs ago

I'd pay her to play with my joystick.

avatar for flagooner
5 yrs ago

^ @ GoVikings "honestly, i have no interest in playing by myself."

Don't knock it 'til you try it. @DCRetard is an aficionado and would probably give you a few pointers.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

^ it's called a thumbstick nowdays

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

$115 for an hour is way too much. We struggle over whether to change the minimum wage from $7.25 to $9.00 an hour and people expect to get paid $115 an hour or $55 if club takes half just to play video games? That's absolutely absurd.

avatar for JamesSD
5 yrs ago

I mean guys like to pay strippers to drink with them, right? Is it that different?

avatar for April9424
5 yrs ago

i mean, you could always go to a gaming center and pay way less to sit around playing w a bunch of sweaty gross nerds instead of hot strippers. seems like a cool idea to me. i think it would be fun to play video games and try to give a lapdance at the same time.

there are a lot of girls who make a killing on twitch gaming with guys and they don't even get any physical contact whatsoever. i would love to work at a place that offers this

avatar for mrrock
5 yrs ago


avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

@April Truth be told, if not too much cost - like around what I'd pay to have a stripper drink and sit for a while - I'd be down for this provided we sat spoon with me behind and she didn't mind my boner 'tween her butt cheeks. As long as I'm getting a good boner and not too expensive I'd be down to play some Super Smash Bros with my CF.

avatar for TFP
5 yrs ago

@April so you'd be cool with only getting $115 for an entire hour of your time playing videogames, vs $115 for a regular lap dance for just 15 minutes? I'd just think that a girl who could possibly sell two or even three of those 15 minute dances at $115 each would way rather do that than sit for an hour playing videogames for the same price.

avatar for TFP
5 yrs ago

@Sirlap now THAT would definitely be worth it! For some reason when I pictured this whole ordeal I saw it as two of you sitting side by side playing games. If she's sitting in your lap that'd be a bit more fun. But even then I'd probably be able to concentrate on the game for about 10 minutes max before I would throw down the controller and want to grope and grind her immensely for the remaining 50 minutes lol.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

I can see it working out for a dancer - sure $$$ w/o having to work the room and possibly getting multiple rejections - and making $$$ w/o having to grind on an erection or be groped - a possible down-side is the dancer unlikely keeping the whole $115 as the club I assume will keep a cut

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

@TFP LOL right? Spooning FTW! Side by side is a 'chump's game'!

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

@Papi it doesn’t seem much different than those guys playing pool in Tootsies they often have a few strippers hanging with them I’m assuming that they tip those girls, unless they’re playing for money and the girls are sharks instead of straight out strippers.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

Wanna play Diddle Kong? Or Balls of Duty? Mortal Cumbot?

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

^ Diddle Dong

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Ok with a girl on my lap, yes that does make it more worth the money. For some reason I had the same image TFP had where you would be side to side playing video games together and I was like wtf? Who the hell thinks they deserve to get paid $115 per hour for that? I also would have a very difficult time paying attention to what I'm doing though I'd probably just be playing with one hand and groping her with the other lol.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

Final Fantasy, anybody? Head Rising? Lapdancer's Creed?

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Call of booty.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

^ Papi_Chulo plays the "Black Ops" version. LOL well played!

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

Grind Tourismo?

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Left 4 Pussy.

avatar for April9424
5 yrs ago

"@April so you'd be cool with only getting $115 for an entire hour of your time playing videogames, vs $115 for a regular lap dance for just 15 minutes?"


avatar for TFP
5 yrs ago

LOL these names are killing me!

@Papi I'm sure the club takes a cut of the $115, just like they probably take the same cut of the $115 she gets from the 15 minute room. I was using the entire number just for comparison. And I would imagine it's not really sure money as they have to have a PL pick them for the game room just the same as a PL picking them for a dance. I can't really see a dancer trying to walk around selling the game room option. The fact that she doesn't have to grind on a dick or be groped would definitely be an upside, however is it worth making possibly three times less for the same hour? For a newbie dancer, maybe. For a veteran dancer that is already used to the whole grinding groping bit, probably not.

avatar for TFP
5 yrs ago

@April thanks for the reply. I guess I'm just thinking that dancers are all about money money money so doing the math it wouldn't seem as profitable. I wonder if most dancers would actually be cool with it?

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

@TFP you know your favorite game is Bonk Me Thong.

avatar for TFP
5 yrs ago

^^^I'm all over that, hand me the controller!

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

I think that people on TUSCL overestimate how much of a money obsessed hustler the average dancer is. More so than being all about money money money, I think dancers are all about what makes plenty of money but doesn't require you to work that many hours or restrict your lifestyle much. And what other job in America pays nearly a six figure salary for working 20 hours a week? Cause I've never met a dancer that worked full time or five days a week. Its four days a week maximum, often times three, possibly as little as once a week.

avatar for stripfighter
5 yrs ago

Ok I admit I'd be that PL loser (or is it pathetic PL) who would be up for this. So Nina, blahblah, or lolita(if you come a dancing) let's do it... just know I do act out the games and get physical... oh and I may or may not do this as well :)

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

Virtual Poke Her

Skeet Fighter

Get Hard Hero

avatar for Liwet
5 yrs ago

The issue I see is charging more to do it with a dancer. I think charging a flat fee is fine (maybe adjusted based on time of day) and let the dancers decide how much they want to charge the customer extra.

I really like the idea of having more activities to do with the dancers.

avatar for MackTruck
5 yrs ago

April said..."i think it would be fun to play video games and try to give a lapdance at the same time."

What if you gave lapdances to guys whilenthey are playing video games and see if they can even concentrate on playing...

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

@MackTruck you should buy some old Nintendo Gameboys for you and your favorite lot lizards. Play some Tetris whilst at your favorite glory holes.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

You're not just paying to play video games though. You're paying for the experience of playing with a stripper. That ups the price. Its a one of a kind experience each time... But like I said, novelties eventually wear off. Unless they make it a stable promotion or something

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