I met a guy (in person) who said he met you (in person). Does that count as real? He said, “you were crazy” (he just meant wilder than he was). I was sorry I missed seeing you. But I don’t think that makes you a troll, just another monger I haven’t met yet.
Country I think you and I are the same in that we freely oscillate between serious troll and serious TUSCL contributor naturally and without much issue. We are multifaceted TUSCLers. Or just bipolar trolls.
Dude don’t even worry about being a troll, it’s some serious haters on this website trying to discredit people that aren’t noobs. Jealous they only make $42,000 a year and wanna live your lifestyle
@flagooner you take them to the hotel nearby, all the beds are always wet or sweaty and the air has that sex smell in it, one of the girls I was with down there freaked out cuz a pad was by the bathroom door once.
Have fun Country. But please stop pushing the cost of arribba up for the rest of us. You don't need to pay the girls more than $100.
I look forward to meeting up in April.