
So when this racist white guy told me lawyers are rich..I told him that I didn't

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Just the thought of obliterating ppl in court brings me joy like a teddy bear

Ok goodnight


  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    That's now how the legal system works.
  • No..I don't think all white guys are racist, or even most. A lot of racist minorities are racist too....

    But yeah.mentioning the race was irrelevant on my part.
  • Musterd21
    6 years ago
    You know it is cold out when you see a lawyer with their hands in their own pockets.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    What makes him racist? You can’t just say that without probable reasons, otherwise your accusations make you bigoted.

    Queen Bigot out, ok!
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    It's a common fallacy that lawyers are rich. On average lawyers make a decent wage but its comparable to most other business professionals. It's just like anything though the more effort you put into it the more opportunities you have for even greater income.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    ^^ +1

    Median lawyer salary is only $115K -- and most of them can't stand their job.
  • ....im gonna be general counsel for United States Senate so I'll love my job. Good nite
  • ..and even if not I'll still love my job .good nite
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Jesus you must be from Bazaro world. Everybody is waking up in the morning and you’re saying good night, you fat racist pig!
  • Rxeza
    6 years ago
    Most legal jobs suck and most aren't rewarding at all from what I've heard and seen. The money isn't there either. Nowadays, being a "partner" doesn't mean much, its like getting your name on the Employee of the Month wall. Even if you're making more, look at the cost of living in the parts of the country where people actually want to live. A senate counsel job pays about as much as an insurance company one.
  • I dont vare about the pay. I care about graduatijg at the top of my class and doing solid work.
  • Btw senate counsel is at least 60 k..thats fine for me. Legal work isnt arguing cases..its reading about them and I'm fine with that cuz the end goal is to essentially defend someone and essentially argue .
  • Who are you to say what being partner means? Its about the kind of work someone wants to do .

    I want my work to essentially be repredenting people..and even tho there's multiple ways to do that I feel like doing it legally is the most legitimate. I also dont plan on going unless I get a good scholarship which honestly is very possible for me..plus my parents are helping pay half .
  • Being partner is what you make of it...some ppl like being partner, some ppl don't. Some people like being doctors some ppl don't. And being partner at a mid sized law firm pays well I'm sorry to break it to you .let alone partner at big law firm....
    .but Anyway...I don't wanna be partner. The goal is white house counsel or senate leg counsel or Senate judiciary committee......and they do pay well.
  • U said : being partner doesnt mean much...

    Umm says who..being partner at a small firm I'm sure = at least 80 k..mid size firm at least 100..and yeah it means youre one of the best at ur firm.

    Most legal jobs suck- that's what you said..but depends on the type of work someone wants to do and why they wanna be a lawyer .

    Ideally I'd like to be senator but I need a career so the job that relates most to that is lawyer. (Yeah you can b chief of staff etc but that's different to me) Plus I like reading and briefing cases and was good at this in my con law class .
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    How can you represent anyone when your a confirmed racist pig?
  • Omg why do u think I'm a racist pig
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    You bring out the race card against people without stating why they’re racist. If you call someone racist without merit then you’re a bigot/racist. That’s what you do when you post on tuscl. Racist bigot, Nicole!
  • No..I apologized for that.

    I pointed out his race bc he thinks his superior so it made me mad.normally I wouldn't say the race .I already apologized and I meant it........
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Pointing out a bigot by his perceived racial affinity isn't racist.
  • Rxeza
    6 years ago
    Nicole1994. You can be a partner in a nationwide firm and struggle to pay the bills in a major city nor do you really get any prestige in the real world. Graduating at the top of your class, or even the school you graduate from doesn't matter much so long as you pass the Bar. The reason it looks like it matters at some of the supposed "top firms" you talk about is because of wealth condensation. Basically rich boys stroking each other's backs. If you really want to make a difference and help people you can work in the non-profit sector or be a good public defender(something extremely lacking in this country)..... there's public advocacy...

    Great pic by the way!
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^^stfu, you know nothing!
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ "A lot of racist minorities are racist too"

    Actually all are.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Minorities can be prejudiced but lack the institutional power to be racist. Racism = prejudice + institutional power

    Meat, what law school did YOU go to? Also, what medical school and how long have you been a political scientist and constitutional scholar?????

    Also, are you psychic or does your notion of "you know nothing" simply refer to an emotional outburst aimed at people you feel threatened by?????
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Lawyers tend to be the sorts of people whom I get along with best.

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