
WTF? Shemale porn?

avatar for LolitaLove789

In my past relationship I saw that my EX fiancé watched shemale porn and/or a guy with a bdsm mask sucking another guy off. I don’t have any problems with watching porn, but the kind of porn he watched (periodically) confused me! We were engaged, had a child together, but after a few years of being together I saw he watched this kind of porn. He has to be at least bi-sexual right?! He still denies it to this day! He probably just doesn’t want to admit it. What do you think?


last comment
avatar for BoringLoser
6 yrs ago

How many times did you see that he watched it? Sometimes that stuff just comes up while searching. After a couple of seconds it’s obvious that it’s not for me and I move on. My history wouldn’t tell that part of the story though.

avatar for LolitaLove789
6 yrs ago

Hmm well I wouldn’t go out of my way to see/look so I’m not sure...we shared a phone at one point and he would fall asleep with my phone before closing out of anything. I’d say at least 3 times out of 5 times I had seen him watching porn. It was selected on a specific video.

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

I’m guessing this poster is Rx’s SO !

avatar for LolitaLove789
6 yrs ago

He had admitted to specifically selecting it, but because he was “bored” and didn’t jack off to it. I don’t know many guys or people in general who go to porn sites just to watch and not get aroused. Maybe I am missing something.

avatar for pistola
6 yrs ago

Gay fo sho

avatar for Muddy
6 yrs ago

Omg look at that fucking ass. bites knuckles

Sorry can’t pay attention right now

avatar for LolitaLove789
6 yrs ago

@Muddy9 haha thanks

avatar for LolitaLove789
6 yrs ago

@pistola Yeah, what I think. I even said I’d support if he was bi or gay. I just want honesty at this point...but I could understand him not wanting to admit it. He gets hard watching naked chicks and me! That’s why it confuses me.

avatar for Mate27
6 yrs ago

Lolita, is it possible you’re looking for further validation about him being an ex? I mean it is fucked up for sure to view those things as a guy, but in my mind if I was a woman the last thing I’d want to do is bring up this topic again, especially since he is your baby daddy.

No it wasn’t your fault he looked at his type of porn. He just got bored, and maybe he is bi, but I wouldn’t think anymore about his interests other than he wasn’t the kind of guy you thought he was. By the way, I’m confused was to why he would view those things as a heterosexual, other than Sal and Richard from the Howard Stern show admit to watching that stuff for the pure humor in it. Is your ex somebody who has a good sense of humor? If so he could be viewing it for comedic material to gross out his friends. That’s the only non homo reason for watching.

avatar for LolitaLove789
6 yrs ago

Possibly? I’m just confused and always wondered...but I also know that not all questions can be answered or have a specific answer.

He has a sense of humor, but he specifically told me he had looked this up because he was bored. I’d normally got my phone in the early morning to check my messages and I’d open my phone up to it. He did end up being someone I never thought he’d be or become so it may just be that. Who knows.

avatar for georgmicrodong
6 yrs ago

The things about which we fantasize, or watch in porn, are NOT necessarily the things we actually want to do. Sometimes they’re just something to get the juices flowing. The fact that he watches bi-porn doesn’t mean he’s bi.

I’m sure you fantasize about some things while you’re masturbating that you wouldn’t dream of doing in real life, no?

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
6 yrs ago

I will play along;

He has to be at least bi-sexual right?!

Wrong, he doesn’t has to be anything.

What do you think?

I think; it is unarguable that some straight men like or are curious about shemale porn. They may have different reasons for that; some transgender pornstars are mor beautiful than a lot of women pornstars; like sex for real and are more open minded etc etc etc.

The bottom line,in your case, is that he is your Baby Daddy and the emotional benefits from a present father are innumerable to a baby or young human being, and directly impact their emotional and behavioral stability throughout their lives.

So instead of wondering about his sexuality and private sexual life, concentrate in making sure he is a good father figure for your coparented Baby.

avatar for LolitaLove789
6 yrs ago

@georgmicrodong personally, not me... I’ve watched straight and lesbian porn and hook up with girls as well. I do what I really want in real life.

avatar for LolitaLove789
6 yrs ago

@CJKent Very good point. It is just curiosity, there is a part of me that will always love him (which is why this may bother me) but none the less we still get along and spend time with our son as a family. Thanks for your feedback.

How r u a mom u look too fit not fair ha

avatar for Rxeza
6 yrs ago

@Twentyfive. What have I ever said that would allude to me liking shemale or gay bdsm porn? Are you just thinking how cool you are by posting a homophobic comment about me in a random thread at the expense of disrespecting its OP?

@Lolitalove, Bicurious men who are confused about their sexuality or don't want to be attracted by homo-erotic activities, sometimes have the mind set of it being okay to be attracted to shemales even if they have dicks, just because the rest of them look like women.

avatar for LolitaLove789
6 yrs ago

@Nicole1994 Thanks girl, you look good too! ;)

@Rxeza oh okay. Thanks for your responses.

avatar for Mate27
6 yrs ago

Yeah Nicole, way to give props to Lolita for a smoking body she has after giving birth. I’m sure she has no ktonken hooking up with men, or women!


avatar for LolitaLove789
6 yrs ago

Hahahaha thanks @txtittyfag

avatar for HadesHiding
6 yrs ago

Oh WOW don't ask about my porn watching...

avatar for LolitaLove789
6 yrs ago

@HadesHiding now you’ve got my attention! Please tell!! Haha

avatar for ATACdawg
6 yrs ago

Lolita, I have to say, if he's watching shemale porn, or for that matter, any porn if he's in the same room with your naked body, he's got serious issues.

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

@Lolita I’d agree with ATAC

avatar for rickdugan
6 yrs ago

There's a lot of overthinking going on in here. We watch porn that turns us on. If he repeatedly chooses dude on dude action, then it's because he likes seeing it.
The odds are really good that, sooner or later, he'll be doing it for real, assuming he hasn't already.

avatar for LolitaLove789
6 yrs ago

@Meat72, @ATAdawg and @twentyfive Thanks!!

@rickdugan yeah, that makes sense.

avatar for JAprufrock
6 yrs ago

I wouldn't be wasting my time with porn if you were laying next to me in bed, but to each his own.
As someone who is 100 percent straight, I have watched shemale porn. Some of those gals (guys?) are hot. Pretty faces and nice, big, beautiful breasts. Unlike Fagooner, it's never made me crave cock. So I wouldn't be concerned about that.
However, I could never watch a guy sucking off another guy, so I don't know what's up with that. Maybe he is bi.
Anyway, I'm going up to my room to masturbate now.

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