While relationships have never worked out for me. There is a woman who for whatever reason I am truly in love with. There have been a couple times I've taken extended breaks from clubbing because I was with her. Her life is very hectic and complicated which is why we aren't together. If we were together, I would not step in a club again as long as we were together.
No incidents or events, I guess "too much of a good thing" perhaps - i.e. burnout - how many tits can I see and fondle b/f it all starts looking and feeling the same - I guess I've developed some kinda immunity to the "medicine" (SCs)
I quit strip clubbing once because I was spending so much money and figured I could get more from escorts. I got ROBbed a few times though so now I'm back to strip clubbing, and thanks to Hong Kong, I doubt I'll ever go back to escorts. Better to try for OTC with a stripper that you've auditioned.
The episodes of sanity are always brief and I soon find myslelf in a dark corner getting desplooginated by a strange woman again.
Going with the decreasing quality theme dancer quality has gone steeply downhill around here the past few years.
Did they have a hard time treating it because it was so far up your ass?