
Risk of BBBJ at HK

Avatar for Gilfly90
Gilfly90Fly on the wall

Planning a trip to Hong Kong. Many reviews discuss getting BBBJ, which often draw comments about the risks. While it's impossible to perfectly quantify the % risk, I'm curious if anyone can share the specific kinds of VD I could expect, ballpark the % risk (i know i know, impossible but I still gotta ask), and especially if anyone has stories of having actually caught something while down there and what the fallout was.

One factor I'm assuming is at play is whether she straight up offers BB vs my bargaining hard for it—in theory the latter situation is lower risk since she's not offering it to everyone, right?


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Avatar for RandomMember

If she has chlamydia of the throat, she could pass it on to you. Impossible to assess the risk.

Avatar for Cristobal

I'm a frequent visitor to TJ and only get covered FS, though my CF sometimes goes BBFS (her choice).

Fortunately, as of now I haven't brought anything back to US except great memories.

I don't think the negotiation is a factor when it comes to risk, if she is willing to do BB then you should assume that's her MO as long as she gets paid.

Avatar for twentyfive

Seems a bit like Russian Roulette to me, but hey blow your brains out.

Avatar for _Constantine_

I’ve gotten bbbj from a girl at FC who fucking ruled so I feel you on the risk factor.

Personally I would be afraid of not having the self control if one of these girls pushed the right buttons

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

AFAIK the risk of BBBJ is much much less than BBFS - comes down to the old risk/reward equation - for some the fun is worth-it, for some the fear of catching something make is not worth it and they rather go w/o the pleasure - it's a choice only each individual can make.

You should do your own research so you can weigh the risk/reward for yourself.

Avatar for _Constantine_

I wonder what my risk of stds would be if I creampied every girl on that sex vacation :)

Avatar for _Constantine_

I wonder what my risk of stds would be if I creampied every girl on that sex vacation :)

Avatar for Icey

Mexican hookers get checked out a lot more than American ones

Avatar for _Constantine_

I’m glad your mom has good healthcare puta

Avatar for _Constantine_

I’m glad your mom has good healthcare puta


this is the precise reason turned down bj the other day. i can;t quantify it. but the risk is significant. if she'll do it with you odds are good she does it a lot. most stds including hiv are on the table.

Avatar for Liwet

I wonder what my risk of stds would be if I creampied every girl on that sex vacation :)

Risk of pregnancy is higher than STDs. There's a reason many of the girls are mothers.

Avatar for jmiddle30234

This risk isn’t chlymidia but it is slight for ghonorrea that can live in the back of the throat so it’s possible that why I just go for hj in vip

Avatar for datinman

"One factor I'm assuming is at play is whether she straight up offers BB vs my bargaining hard for it—in theory the latter situation is lower risk since she's not offering it to everyone, right?"

My opinion is there are only two option here. Dancers that are 100% safe sex and those that are not. I doubt you are statistically safer just because the dancer convinced you she requires an up-charge.

Avatar for RandomMember

"This risk isn’t chlymidia "

I don't know where you're getting your information. Chlamydia can live in the throat and there's some (small) risk of passing it via BBBJ.

Avatar for datinman

Yes Chlamydia, but antibiotic resistant super gonorrhea is the one that has me rethinking BBBJ.

Avatar for _Constantine_

I’ll cum down their throats and inside their belies

Avatar for flagooner

What fun can really be had with no risks? I'm not just talking in this hobby.

Avatar for pistola

A rawdog hummer in a cheap Mexican whorehouse - what could go wrong?

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

It's impossible to say that you have an XX% chance of contracting something via BBBJ (or really any other BB service).

But it's a guarantee that the risk is higher.

It comes down to your risk tolerance.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

There's also a risk that your plane will crash on your flight to SD or you can get killed driving there - so you should play it safe and not go.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

My dudes. A family member worked in an operating room for 25+ years, and let me know once that it is easier to sterilize the inside of your ass than your mouth. Mouths are dirty AF, not sure why.

But don't take my word for it, check the CDC page: www.cdc.gov ...looks like it's just chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HPV, herpes, and the trich. Wrap those weenies up, boys!

Avatar for Jascoi

i will test the op’s question later today. (at least i can ask.)

Avatar for 3131

Biggest std risk would be herpes. When you come home with HSV1 on your junk..... your doctor will know where it came from

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