Anyway flagooner, for wyoming's clubs to become urban first you need black people to exist in Wyoming. That's probably a tall order lmfao. Even most whites dont wanna be there except for well paying jobs or certain pockets like near Yellowstone and the Tetons are really nice...bighorns too. That I know of anyway. Seems all the sizable towns in that state are complete shit hole locations. And I hear the snow is so bad there they shut down major roads or the interstate sometimes because people literally die there driving in the winter. The place sounds nuts.
last commentAce!
"Thought there be a comment to blah blah blah saying that they had a snake for her. Kind of disappointed in you guys"
You should be really disappointed with me. Not only did I not make that comment, I don't understand why I should have.
By why use the euphemisn and not just say that you have a penis for her?
I was serious about wyoming with what I said, actually!