Just need Info
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I understand what “LDK” means but I don’t know that words those 3 letters stand for?
What is it?
Living, Dining, Kitchen?
Linux Development Kit?
Legendary Dark Knight?
Lemon Drop Kid?
What is it?
Living, Dining, Kitchen?
Linux Development Kit?
Legendary Dark Knight?
Lemon Drop Kid?
It was named after a member here.
His mother must be so proud!
I personally prefer to cum on or in my strip club playmate though I will candidly admit that accidents do happen occasionally.
Maybe it's because she wasn't treated as considerately
But just to set the record straight, I don’t go to strip clubs for the purpose or with the expectation of being desplooginated. I go to strip clubs for the sexual tease.
It is true, however, that because I generally limit my visits to a small number of venues where I have previously enjoyed exceptionally good times, my desploogination batting average has climbed considerably.
I think it’s safe to say that I’ve become recognizable in some Houston clubs to the point where, even if the dancers don’t recognize me, the waitresses do and will encourage the dancers to “be extra nice to that guy over there.”
That’s not all good because it sometimes interferes with my search for variety.
I’ll gladly give up some reliability for added variety.
By the way, nobody at any club anywhere knows me by my TUSCL name.
Seriously though, I never understood all of the criticism lapdanceking82 received for his love of the LDK. The guy tells brilliant stories and it isn’t like he’s hurting anybody by jizzing in his pants. I think some of lapdanceking82’s critics would enjoy jizzing in their pants if they tried it!
reverendhornibastard said "I think it’s safe to say that I’ve become recognizable in some Houston clubs to the point where, even if the dancers don’t recognize me, the waitresses do and will encourage the dancers to 'be extra nice to that guy over there.'
That’s not all good because it sometimes interferes with my search for variety."
lol. Don't mind me. I'm just tuning the world's smallest violin to play a sad song for you.