
How to get more dancers on the site

Keepin' it 💯
Real talk. A ‘private’ talk area isn’t going to do anything to attract dancers. What do dancers like? Money and gifts. So here are 3 simple thoughts:

1. Dancer club reviews. These should be separate from regular club reviews. Males may not comment and he’ll I wouldn’t even want to read them, but the ratings should be: shift worked, safety, managers, earning potential, girls on shift, cleanliness, # customers, etc. Then just one paragraph since dancers aren’t usually capable of more than a few sentences (add.). Point is, let the gals talk about the club in terms of their money/earnings potential, hygiene, and business.

2. Gifts. Copy SA. Allow a dancer wish list for gifts small to large and for Tusclers to buy them. TUSCL takes a transaction fee. I doubt many experienced PLs will purchase gifts for strangers but the possibility is there and what would I know? Maybe some of y’all would send them some body lotion or whatever. That it’s there and not offered on SW is a plus.

3. Allow the gals to customize the color of the banner and background. Small thing, but they’re into that. Also add a little better bio section for women using astrological sign, height, fav sex position, fav cheat food, etc. Typical stuff you see in mags.

That’s all. Then participation turns into real, tangible improved earnings aka money. My 2 cents.


  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Give each one a puppy for signing up - ahhhh
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Allow verified dancers to link their profile to the club page where they dance. So, customers who visit that page to read the reviews can see the dancers linked to that club and view their profile information and uploaded images. And message them, if they want to.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    1 and 3 sound good.

    Reviews just for dancers would probably be more honest and beneficial for them - and if they want they can also submit it to the general review area.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Ishmael's idea is very good and beneficial to both PLs and dancers
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Honestly, I'd be interested to find out how much the "Gifts" feature actually gets used on SA.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Personal opinion... I don't really need or want to read the dancers' reviews of the clubs. Keep in mind that what is for us a hobby, recreational activity, etc., is for them a job and how they pay the bills. I'm okay with them having a place to talk shop without us looking through a peephole.

    And, my impression is that if they knew we could read their club reviews, then they would be less forthcoming, which devalues the reviews themselves.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    Link the club and dancer at dancer's option and have the option for her to list schedule
    Love the idea of a dancer review section and perhaps it could be that verified dancers see the whole review, PL's get a star rating and nothing else.
    Dancer customization would be a nice perk, even allowing them to "buy" more stuff for their page based on contributions/reviews/likes from PL's and dancers.
    I doubt the gifts section would fly but it might
    Dancers can "top" discussions they start with their page information so you get the ad for her when you open their topic.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    "Love the idea of a dancer review section and perhaps it could be that verified dancers see the whole review, PL's get a star rating and nothing else."

    That's a viable compromise.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    For starters, be nicer to the dancers
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Most on here are nice to the ones that dont troll. And hookers, I dont like hookers - that's not a dancer...
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago

    Most dancers work more than one club. We're independent contractors not employees. There's no incentive for us to advertise for a club.

    There's no incentive to put in the effort for a blog or to talk to tricks/custies. I can easily make a connectpal or fansonly page where i interact with guys who actually PAY ME for that privilege. I can advertise it on FB and IG and don't need a site like this to do it.

    The only semi useful part of this site is the dancer directory but then that just gets you tons of messages from creepy men asking for free sex or cheap P4P, or just rude comments.

    The reviews are actually lame and not nearly as useful as Google or Yelp reviews.

    And there is definitely NO incentive for dancers to interact with anyone on discussions when there is such a clear bias in where these discussions go.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    I am confused why a dancer would think that a site that is dedicated to strip clubs and strippers and offers them an opportunity to advertise who they are and where they would be to potentially drive customers in, would not have value. It would literally be a quick set up and then minimal maintenance after that. If they chose to participate more they would probably get more out of it
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @pistola I like nice spice a lot, I think you ought to give both her and BBS some credit for continuing to post despite the amount of shade thrown their way, ease up on the hooker thing lest you become a one trick pony, and yes spice has gone hard at you and you’ve returned fire so what let it go
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Post more dick photos!
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    I think that most of us like the thought of dancers participating. But that of course means real dancers, not fake dancer troll accounts. In that vein, I hope that founder maintains a strong dancer verification process. For some reason that continues to baffle me, there are long time members on here who take some odd pleasure in creating fake dancer accounts. Many of them even have plenty of real dancer pics sitting in a folder ready to go. It has turned SW into a weird shit show and the same will happen here too if this is not managed better.

    Oh, and pistola, ease up already. Who the hell are you to judge a girl who dances for a living and then makes the choice to earn some extra cash on the side? Are you putting food on their tables or roofs over the heads of them and their kids? If you were a single mom sitting in a dead club two days before Christmas with $10 to your name, little food in the fridge and no presents under the tree, wouldn't you be tempted to make the same choice? Let's not turn this into the same nonsense that used to be found all too easily on SW when it actually had real dancers.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    @25 - contrary to what you think feels like Ive rarely gone at spice over the past few months except when she directly derails convos or posts directly under me trolling or instigating trolls. She will disagree of course and claim I'm other personas which I'm not. But you dont see me making snide comments under her every post as she frequently does mine as I'm mature enough to coexist with someone I may not be fond of. We will see if she eases up in the trolling/instigating. As far as hookers, that's my position, I dont think it's good for the site (in fact it may scare some away) but I dont go around and wave the flag about it like others on every post tho.

    @ shadow - lmao
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    @ Rick - I actually like and agree most of your posts. A dancer making a little extra on the side is different than a full p4p in my eyes. I've had a few SBs from SA that weren't full on p4p so I can discern the difference. Dont have anything against that lifestyle, advocate legalizing it, except I would tend to think that it would run off dancers who like to keep their side hustle mostly on the DL and dont want to be guilty by association of full p4p ladies.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @pistola my point wasn’t to attack you and I didn’t but I can disagree quite strongly with many or none, my actual point was what do you gain by calling someone a hooker, as far as spice is concerned I agree she gives as good as she gets, but she is a net positive contributor. I think you’re overlooking that.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    @25 I would actually agree she is 'net positive' although I'm glad you recognize some of the venom directed at her, not just on my end, is self inflicted. And I didnt take your point as an attack. As far use of words, just callin em like I see em; I have no plans to harp on it every day nor do I care to.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    ^ Agreed. "Hooker" is a flippant and derogatory term which is generally used to disparage anyone who accepts money for sex, which is precisely why some people throw the word around. On a site like this, with people engaging in various activities on both sides of the tip rail, it seems kinda' silly to throw that label around.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago

    25 said..."and yes spice has gone hard at you and you’ve returned fire so what let it go"

    Just remember You started that. Spice posted the link earlier to where you did. She had only been posting for a week or two when you started flaming you. I got her back because you were an ass hole.

    Rick Dugan said..."^ Agreed. "Hooker" is a flippant and derogatory term which is generally used to disparage anyone who accepts money for sex, which is precisely why some people throw the word around. On a site like this, with people engaging in various activities on both sides of the tip rail, it seems kinda' silly to throw that label around."

    Even though I do not agree with everything Rick says I totally agree here. You posted this thread trying to make yourself look good like you want dancers here after I posted a thread recently about tipping dancers on here and using bitcoins to do so. This is after you have said this should be an all boys club. You continue to disrespect women in general making yourself a complete hypocrite.

    If you want respect you start by showing it. Any flaming you have received is self inflicted because of your disrespect toward others.

    You may have started this, but if you wish to continue your disrespect and condescending talk the MackTruck crew will finish it.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    @Mack - you dont run this place with your whack ass troll profile so back the fuck up you unfunny feces obsessed troll. Spice left conveniently out the part about her troll accounts following me and others around before that thread she posted where I went at her and she deserved it because shit was getting out of hand. Go ahead, yall butt buddies so go pm her and ask which troll profiles she followed me around with and which people she asked to chime in with different profiles. 2 - I'll use the word hooker when and where I want, maybe your mom is a hooker who knows?. 3 - All for more dancers but the reality is that this will likely to continue to be an almost all boys club since talk is locker room talk revolving around LDK, TJ whores, and the like.

    Not a fan of your dump a load humor anyway so you can back your shit truck up in a lake and drown in it for all I care. I could attach a pair of tits to an retarded albino elephant and you'd start a save the elephant campaign.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    And to be clear Mack I'm talking to you and your 10 other troll personas, most of which are not allowed in the VIP chat room
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    Hooker is only a derogatory term if you think being a hooker is derogatory lol

    @Steeldog65, its just not worth the energy to advertise on a site that isn't that popular when you can reach out to a lot more people on IG or FB. Even Fetlife! The dancer directory has potential but my guess is its like a scuffed backpages at most. All I've ever gotten because of it are creepy messages. There's also no point in advertising for a single club when you work at more than one.
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    How can MackTruck be a verified member when everyone knows its Nicespice's troll profile?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    First I will address the contents of this post:

    1. Dancer reviews I guess *could* be done, but wouldn’t bother. Most dancers don’t really write reviews. Whether on stripperweb or others. There have also been a few initiatives to creates spaces for dancers to review on, one of them being The Dancers Resource.

    But dancers are friendly enough with info when one asks in some sort of discussion area “I’m heading to X city where should I apply”

    2. MackTruck already posted a suggestion like this. The responses were lukewarm. https://www.tuscl.net/app/discussion.php…

    3. Maybe? It’s a time/effort thing for founder.
    And now that that’s out of the way. Just going to point out that:

    A) This is an odd case of backtracking from pistola from the “this site has too much estrogen” he has been harping about for months.

    B) MackTruck said it well in his first comment.

    This is an account that has it out for me but makes a few occasional generic comments every here and there to blend in and act credible. Just like taxi_driver was for bj99.
    And here is an incomplete list with evidence of why this thread is just a troll thread. This pistola persona has been coming after me for a while individually, and complaining about having females on the board in general.

    These are older posts. That I found skimming the discussion history starting from July to forward in time. It’s not a complete list since I have to step out today, but there you go.

    “Yall ladies need to tell it like it is and keep it real or run back to that pink website and stick to posting on that delusional board.”
    “I used the term ladies as a general reference to bullshit responses.”

    “But yeah TUSCL is like a sacred locker room and if gals wanna come in an interview or hang out with us, fine - just don't wrap yourselves in a towel and splash aftershave in your pits. In other words, keep the balls sac dangling and keep it real gentlemen.”


    “Yup this joint has been morphing into Stripperweb. Any gal posts on here and it's fanboi central.”

    “^Amen brotha. I may have to take a break because the estrogen levels are off the charts.”

    “^see, spice lady is funnier when she is not writing novels. This comment does not mean we are friends.”
    “Nice spice would love me in person and probably divorce her bf. Lol”
    “Youre a tad bit cooler in my eyes than you were a few weeks ago when you were writing SJG like pages in wannabe high school debate club, so I'm glad to help out and advance your website thread communication skills. No tip necessary. Now show us ur tits. Lol”
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    Nicespice, how did you get your troll profile MackTruck "verified"? lmfao
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Also, smashing MackTruck’s like button!
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    You're Macktruck everyone knows it. So how come you can have verified troll profiles?
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Here's a thought nice/mack/sammy/familyman/daddytricks/etc. Why dont you try not pulling up behind every one of my posts or ideas then see what happens? Maybe the drama will tone down. And lol spice has my whole history probably organized in an excel file hahahahaha
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Congrats on not staying in bed and pot smoking away the day looking for conspiracy theories on tuscl tho!!
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Sounds good. Maybe not all your posts or ideas, but I’ll pull up behind the one in which you “may have to take a break because the estrogen levels are off the charts.”

    Not that you will, since you will keep targeting me and finding excuses to flame me. But I still support it.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Congrats on not staying in bed and pot smoking away the day looking for conspiracy theories on tuscl tho!!
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Yea I forgot. I am not in charge of this board. Pistola is the kang
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Show us what your working with
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    ^I ain't the king, never claimed to be. You the 'kang of the trolls' tho right? Gets all mad when people talk shit to the imaginary creations lol
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    pistola, you're really coming across as awful judgmental now and maybe a little angry. First the "hookers" stuff in one thread and now this. Idk, but I've always viewed tuscl as a big tent filled with a lot of different personalities and viewpoints. And if she has historically trolled the site, then she's far from alone in that. I might not find her posts to always be as amusing as I'm sure she does, but that doesn't justify this kind of blowup.

    Besides, with the VIP requirement to post, it's a new day. Let's treat it as such and keep this board as welcoming as possible for everyone, including nicespice.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    @ Rick I did not bring up anybody in my post and if you'll notice have had no issues with anybody's opinion on topic. And lol I dont get angry at a stripper website. Just got the same old troll gang following me around post to post, you're better off trying to lecture them and quite frankly if one were objective youd be telling mack and spice to back off in the same regard.
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    Pistola just says it how it is. Its a fucking joke when certain people are allowed to get VIP and verified status with their troll profiles.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    **This thread is an insincere troll with evidence: part 2

    “Y'all ladies need to stop posting on TUSCL and get back to cooking and cleaning and make daddy a goddamn tuna fish sammich!”

    “^holy shit with these fukken novels, you need a dick in your mouth” (directed at me, completely nothing to do with that I said, and it was unprovoked)

    “@txtittyfag I just want to give you props for the line 'ain't no velvet rope at the pig pen'. Been chuckling about that line all day.” (In response to tittyfag making disparaging comments about blondbmb’s body—and nothing to do with any faux concern for the site.)

    “Why I never want to meet shitspice is she follows Drakes posts like a pup. Almost stakkerish. That said, I’m all about that ldk gear.”

    “FWIW idgaf about strippers on this site, I want a strippers opinion I go to my local club there are plenty of them there. ”
    “Verified member board? You must be joking. How elitist. Bet those threads are boring AF. Who gets to be in, the strippers who don’t contribute a single damn review? Or the gals only shilling for custies?

    Drama is what drives good talk boards, always has been. Don’t censor it, encourage it.”

    “sooooooooooweeeeeee dis 1 here done aimin for the blue ribbon at the county fair I reckon” (like before, another jab mocking blond bomb’s body and nothing to do with faux moral concern. Oh, and why I’ve been calling him txtittyfag.)

    “I heard having tits and not writing review is the fastest way to a bunch of trusts.”

    “You were/are responsible, directly or indirectly, for about 75% of trolling on main board. So dont act like 'whew it sure is better over here' when you are a primarily factor in the original place going downhill. Now then, go be a good girl and finally start writing a review or three.”
  • pistola
    6 years ago
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Someone keeps reading my lines, they must be entertaining. :)
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    ^Lmao. Datz right no timeouts. I may buy that song now
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    “I heard having tits and not writing review is the fastest way to a bunch of trusts.”

    Well, when they look like that, you have to be made of stone not to want to be a little nicer to her. Just sayin'. ☺
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Dam thumbs up doesnt work, but I gave you 3 thumbs up Rick. So true!
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Well, when they look like that, you have to be made of stone not to want to be a little nicer to her. Just sayin'. ☺
    A pretty face and shiny cans isn’t the end all. Surprised you’re sticking up for her as much as you are considering her Family Man was meant to parody you, maybe created because of the beef you have with someone else after... Eh.. I hope you jab her but good Ricky...
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    anyways no one really gives a fuck about the site. most reviews in major cities are like 5 moths old. like it means anything. IG is where its at
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    TrapBaby, considering your sentiments you bitch, moan and post an awful lot. It has been unpleasant for me to have you on the board. You are now the third ignore for me, I had hoped you would be a good poster but. . .
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ What took you so long lol
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    25-I try to be patient, hoping something might change. It didn't.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @steeldog Patience is not always a virtue, if you are too patient sometimes you fall asleep waiting for the event to occur and you miss what you were looking for.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    pistola posted: "A pretty face and shiny cans isn’t the end all. Surprised you’re sticking up for her as much as you are considering her Family Man was meant to parody you, maybe created because of the beef you have with someone else after."

    Lighten up man. She's just a young gal having a little fun on a strip club web site. And Family_Guy had its funny moments, at least until it took a weird turn at one point.

    if you get worked up over every contrary opinion that some girl in the business has re: what you say or do, then this will quickly become less fun for you. As you know, whether on a board like this or in the clubs, different dancers will have different personalities and different views on any number of things. Sometimes a little snark, especially from the younger girls, comes with the turf. I have a very thick skin nowadays and don't really worry about the silly stuff - something you should consider IMHO.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    ^ Well said Rick. Thank you for taking me off of ignore
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    Why do you want more dancers on the site? To turn this place into StripperWeb?
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    ^Thanks and np cj. Your name popped up as the last comment in another thread and I was curious, so in the "new day" spirit I thought I'd take a peak.
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    Well, something has to be done to keep the site from dying!

    There are closed clubs with fake new reviews being written for them.
    Popular clubs in major cities with months since the newest review.
    The discussions being commandeered by sick old tricks.

    Anyways, I don't see dancer participation going up.

    The most I see is the attempt to turn TUSCL into another backpages but with "verified" hoes. We all know how sites like that end up.

    A more professional looking up to date layout would probably be the best thing for the site in the short term.
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    Its not going to take the place of IG.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    ^ not turning it into stripperweb, Just adding a more rounded and interesting discussion board. Plus you can meet some of these ladies in real life
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    ^ that was meant for JeffTUSCL
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    I appreciate that Rick
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    >>> "Well, something has to be done to keep the site from dying!"

    How is it dying? If you mean forum participation I don't think that impacts the value of the site other than traffic from search engines. Mos people don't come here to chat it up with fellow PLs, they come looking to figure out if a club is worth going to and what to expect.

    >>> "The most I see is the attempt to turn TUSCL into another backpages but with "verified" hoes. We all know how sites like that end up."

    That would be a bad idea, yes. That's why I question trying to up the ante to get increased dancer participation and then somehow flip that participation into advertising. Great way to eventually shutter the site.

    >>> "A more professional looking up to date layout would probably be the best thing for the site in the short term."

    I agree with this and sent the suggestion to founder a while back. Every other page type on the site has a totally different navigation and it is confusing as fuck for anyone who might stumble on the site from a search. Sites like this where the navigation and look and feel are treated like an afterthought project a message to visitors that the owner doesn't give a shit. It's not that hard to maintain a consistent menu interface across a whole site and not that much harder to make pages look better and be more readable & useful and not just look like a bunch of white boxes with drop shadows.
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    I don't want to meet these ladies in real life, I can meet them in the club and not have to deal with drama because they know my "TUSCL handle".
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    No, I'm saying its dying cos of the lack of up to date reviews and the number of fake reviews(like new reviews for closed clubs)

    It would be a terrible idea. But thats the only way more "dancers" on here would increase participation when you really think about it. The site isn't popular enough to make a dancer use it for advertising when one IG account can easily cover all she needs. As is, all the dancer directory does is get weirdos to send you creepy messages lol

    Yeah the site is too old fashioned and definitely isn't touch screen friendly.
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    That too, there's no incentive to interact between dancers and their customers on here, its actually a bad idea. I agree
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    @JT- agree with a lot of your points, I don’t think more dancers is necessarily a good idea, I’ve been vocal against it actually. Founder seems to want to try, but this site needs improvement to attract more. Post is for suggestions as I am open to explore topics, doesn’t mean I’d vote for it given the choice. The minute this place turns into the vaginal halls of SW, I’d bounce. Lol. I wonder if all the SW dancers menstruate at the same time, not sure why that popped in my head ahahaha.
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