
We need an app we can see exactly who’s working that night

Friday, January 4, 2019 6:59 PM
It would save me so much time and money. At the clubs I live near and especially on the road. I would need an ass and titties profile of everyone and then you can make better informed decisions on where or if you want to go. Maybe this exists on some club website/twitter already. Too many times I up and leave the club immediately. Even when I call ahead at one of my clubs and ask “Is XXXXX working?” I get a “We can’t give that information out over the phone” Bitch save me a trip.


    5 years ago
    how would the app work?
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Well I would to see face, ass and titties of each stripper working for that shift. If they need more confidentiality you can take out the face it’s fine. Each club would have a page. Sort of like looking up what movies are playing with showtimes. Same thing just replace it with dancers.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    My local club used to have a list online that said who was working. It got shut down either for LE reasons or stalker reasons
  • BoringLoser
    5 years ago
    If it was on this website the dancers could decide which PL accounts can see when they’re in the club. If someone turned creepy she could block him. For someone who wouldn’t mind if their ATF saw their posts it would give them a reason to tell her to join TUSCL.
  • aroundtown
    5 years ago
    Nice idea but not safe for the dancers.
  • 501traveler
    5 years ago
    Some clubs still post their nightly roll calls on their websites, twitter or instagram. Maybe founder could add a link to the clubs home page to where the line up can be found. Members could email him the info where their local clubs post the info. When Xoticspot was around you could find the nightly roll calls for most OR clubs. Too bad they shut down.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Such an app would be great. But its usefulness would depend on strippers and strip club managers entering reliable data in a timely fashion. Good luck with that.
  • s275ironman
    5 years ago
    Last I knew, Deja Vu clubs post a roll call on their Facebook and Instagram accounts nightly, but a picture of one dancer, focusing on ass or tits (no face) and list of dancer names is all they post, and most of them don’t do it until late in the evening. While it would be nice to have an app that helps us decide, I just don’t think it is a good idea if you take dancer safety into consideration. If you have a favorite, it is better to ask her for her schedule, or exchange phone numbers if you want to know she is working before you go to the club. Otherwise, just go to the club. If she is there, great. If she isn’t, then you can choose someone else. If she isn’t there and none of the other dancers interest you, it isn’t the end of the world. There is always next time.
  • gentleman6555
    5 years ago
    Doing a roll call on twitter was pretty common at LA clubs like Spearmint Rhino, but I haven't checked in with that recently. Also there was a different (now defunct) website that did something like this.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Wouldn't that possibly hurt club biz - i.e. a PL sees the lineup on the app and decides to pass thus the club losing out on cover-charge and overpriced alcohol - seems most ckubs/dancers make a lot of $$$ based on smoke & mirrors, rather than transparency
  • K
    5 years ago
    Some clubs here do update their twitter to include who came in. Snapchat broadcasts your location to your friends. Many strippers dont turn it off or they know enough to turn it on when the arrive at the club
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    Disclaimer - I am not actually going to do this idea. But if the club had free wifi and you could find a power outlet hidden out of the way you could rig up something that would sniff the wifi/bluetooth and report home what devices were in range.
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    One of the clubs here posts its weekly schedule every Monday. It works. I’ve definitely adjusted my visits based on who is supposed to be working. Another club would post their schedule about 830-9p on Facebook but wasn’t very reliable. It certainly helped. It does take some effort on the clubs’ part and most won’t bother.
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    NJ has the highest concentration of strip clubs in america and we only have 3 or 4 clubs that post schedules like the one below. [view link] The reasons why clubs dont do this have been listed and include 1. Strippers are very flaky and/or change schedules a lot. They might not feel like dancing one night, decide to go on vacation, or they may have a kid thats sick. Clubs dont want to be liable for this. 2. Sites like this out a lot of girls who perform extras. Listing the times she works makes it real easy for LE . I do know one club in NJ (XXXV) which stopped posting lineups after 2 girls fled the state to avoid prison time. 3. Customers love to complain. As soon as they list schedules you have guys asking "Why doesnt Sierra dance here anymore" 4. Sites make it easy for girls to develop a following of stalkers expecting high mileage service she only gives to nice regulars 5. Strip club managers are notoriously lazy best advice is if you have a fav treat her well and take down her phone number. You will be rewarded with good service and prompt text replies
  • ime
    5 years ago
    Playhouse Lounge in NJ posts a schedule with girls and there shift times. Great club, like a neighborhood bar except it's BYOB. a recent review called it the Burlington Handjob factory which is a perfect description.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Interesting. And I don’t want every girls number, I don’t want to have that kind of relationship with more than one or two at a club. But if my CF ain’t working that night could see if there’s something there worth going for. And yes probably clubs make money on those cover fees from idiots like me who want to try to find out what’s going on inside
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    yeah places like playhouse and johnny a's must have a great relationship with the local PD. Both are well known extras spot and never have any problems with customers and law enforcement. @muddy , ive had your opinion 2 years ago when I had an option of 5 clubs to go to for a guranteed good time. These days I wish I had been a bit more diligent asking for a few numbers. Theres nothing worse than running into an old fav after thinking she retired to only find out she moved to a different club 10 minutes away or changed her dancing schedule
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Just call the club and ask if the bitch you want is on the schedule, or come earlier and ask them to ask her if she can come to work coz you're there.
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    There is a website for SoCal. It’s called BonedIn. It’s brilliant, has daily roll calls for clubs per shift and rating the dancers on scales of hotness, performance, and rob factor. You can’t join unless you are from Cali. Reviews of the gals too. It’s too bad no others are out there like that, needs to be a populated area for it to work though. Like Vegas, Detroit, Miami, etc. When I lived in Cali, I’d used that more than this site.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    There's a "garbage in; garbage out" issue with any app like that. The dancers would need to be consistent and accurate users of the app. The safety issue with regard to stalkers is also valid. The dancers I like either send me texts or post updates to their Instagram. I don't struggle a lot with this.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    If you build it they Might come lol
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    @CMI not true, the clubs in SoCal regularly post their shift roll calls which regular users post to the site. These are clubs busy enough though with minimum 15-20 gals on day shift and 50+ at night so they're never embarrassed to post. No idea where stalking comes into play, girls are working at the club. Guy wants to visit her over and over again to point where she is concerned with safety, she can go talk to a bouncer.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Just call the club and ask if she's on the schedule for that shift.... its easy.
  • dancewdcpa
    5 years ago
    I believe dancer schedules are set up weeks or even a month in advance Even if a club says Beatrice is dancing 9-2 today, she may have several good (or not good) reasons to call out or not show... and the management wouldn't update the info, (if they did update the info) in time to be of use.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    pistola... Understood. Perhaps it works better in SoCal because it's a huge market. Perhaps the success of any solution is to have the club management feed in the data, rather than the dancers. It has never been tried around here, so I'm not knowledgeable enough to debate the merits. Also, sometimes I like to hit the club and be surprised. A little spontaneity never killed anyone. Well... that's probably not true...
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    @CMI yes it works because its SoCal but the site is amazing as it helps avoid the robs. Imagine some hit girl comes up, you chat for 5 minutes, you excuse yourself to the restroom and read her 'review.' You see she earned the (labed skull and crossbones) rating of 4.2 out of 5 on a ROB scale. You tell her to walk lol. It really holds the dancers accountable as they are being reviewed individually. The other part of the site is there are 2 review sections for the dancera. One is overall with enough juicy details, the second is the dirty details of what went down. Only privileged members can read the dirty details so it behooves people to contribute; one cant buy VIP access in other words. That said, I found the reviews dead on. Also each dancer had their own link and blog page so a lot of them posted bio stuff and monitored their ratings. As one buddy called it, 'Holy shit it's like Yelp but for individual dancers!' The site was heavily monitored and allowed no douchebaggery.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    pistola said "The site was heavily monitored and allowed no douchebaggery." ... huh...
  • GACA
    5 years ago
    Ridiculous. If you floow on FB or whatever a girl can check-in and you will be notified
  • GACA
    5 years ago
    Honestly @Founder could bring that simple function to this app with minimal programming
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    This is a dumb debate. Just call the club and ask if she's working that night.
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