Making the effort to rate clubs fairly
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
When I travel, I sometimes use the rating for search and comparative analysis purposes. I assume that others do as well. This is especially true in areas where there are a number of club choices.
So when someone fucks around with club ratings, it pisses me off, especially when it is a seasoned reviewer who can impact those ratings. Well, one seasoned reviewer did just that recently to a club I happen to know in Pasco County FL. Based upon a 15 minute drive by visit in the middle of a weekday, he felt like he saw enough to reliably give the club 3s down the board. This is a small lightly reviewed club, so it had a big impact. I'm not sure if this was a product of petulance because he felt mistreated or any combination of laziness, stinginess or downright stupidity, but I have no doubt that he felt very satisfied with himself after it was done.
Now to be clear, I am never going to argue with another reviewer about a rating because I wasn't there. But how could he have seen enough in 15 minutes to come to all of these conclusions? Was it the whopping $4 he paid for a coke that dropped the value to a 3? Were the floors made of dirt or the seating so dirty and stained that the club earned a 3 for the facilities? Or was it that he was so pissed off after being ignored by all but the fugliest pigs during his lengthy 15 minute visit that he decided to show them and just trash them down the line? I think we all know the answer there.
Honestly, I expected better from him than that. I would also expect better from any other reviewer who can sway club ratings. We do a disservice to both the clubs and to fellow tusclers when we do not take the time and effort to give each club we review a fair shake.
So when someone fucks around with club ratings, it pisses me off, especially when it is a seasoned reviewer who can impact those ratings. Well, one seasoned reviewer did just that recently to a club I happen to know in Pasco County FL. Based upon a 15 minute drive by visit in the middle of a weekday, he felt like he saw enough to reliably give the club 3s down the board. This is a small lightly reviewed club, so it had a big impact. I'm not sure if this was a product of petulance because he felt mistreated or any combination of laziness, stinginess or downright stupidity, but I have no doubt that he felt very satisfied with himself after it was done.
Now to be clear, I am never going to argue with another reviewer about a rating because I wasn't there. But how could he have seen enough in 15 minutes to come to all of these conclusions? Was it the whopping $4 he paid for a coke that dropped the value to a 3? Were the floors made of dirt or the seating so dirty and stained that the club earned a 3 for the facilities? Or was it that he was so pissed off after being ignored by all but the fugliest pigs during his lengthy 15 minute visit that he decided to show them and just trash them down the line? I think we all know the answer there.
Honestly, I expected better from him than that. I would also expect better from any other reviewer who can sway club ratings. We do a disservice to both the clubs and to fellow tusclers when we do not take the time and effort to give each club we review a fair shake.
I mean there are clearly guys who put very little effort into reviews to get the free month of VIP
If.the club happens to be much better than what he saw, then it.should be getting more reviews to balance things out - "w/e blame there might be" IMO lies more with others not submitting enough "accurate/better" reviews or the club perhaps not being good-enough to garner more reviews.
Asking reviewers to temper their reviews as to how it will affect the club is not warranted nor productive IMO.
But in thsi instance it was a bullshit rating based upon almost nothing. ^He wasn't there long enough to see anything. He doesn't even know how much a dance or VIP costs, yet he felt informed enough to give the club a 3 in Value. And there was nothing remotely accurate about his 3 for the facility - hell hole dumps get that kind of rating and the club in question is not one of those. He trashed the club all around solely out of petulance over the fact that things didn't instantly pick up the second he walked in the door. That's fine for a guy with 5 reviews who won't move the dial on anything, but not so much for a guy who has reviewed 150 clubs and whose rating will move the needle.
As I told you when I responded to some of you review comments, I report what I see. I’m sorry if my reviews got your panties in wad. Actually, not really. I don’t care if they got your panties in a wad. Actually, actually, after reading all of your original post and follow ups, I’m glad I got your panties in a wad.
So, you say you are “never going to argue with another reviewer about a rating because I wasn't there,” and then proceed to argue and rant that my reviews are all wrong, and could only be the “product of petulance because [I] felt mistreated or any combination of laziness, stinginess or downright stupidity.” As I stated when I responded to your review comments, I report what I see.
I’m not going to change my reviews because you might disagree with them. And no, I’m not going to hang around longer than a half-hour when the only girls in sight are a few of skanks I woudn’t fuck with your dick (even if you would) and the visit is clearly going nowhere. You might sit there for a couple of hours rubbing your dick and hoping a 5 comes out of the dressing room, but I’m not going to.
So, you say “we all know” why I gave low ratings to these clubs, with the suggestion that it was because I was somehow offended or pissed off at the clubs or the girls in my short visit. Really? You think so? I have reviewed over 150 clubs since I’ve been active on TUSCL, and that’s probably not even 25% of the number I’ve been in over the years before I joined this site. You think I get pissed off at clubs? Get real.
I checked out Pasco County at your suggestion, which I appreciated because overall it’s a great place, and I never would have thought to go there myself. But, God, you are one arrogant fucking prick.
If not, I'll give it a mediocre grade like I did with a fairly well appointed Dallas club over 10 years ago, taking extra care to mention that it was a slow day shift that I was reviewing.
A 3 for value in a club where your entire pricing intel was a $4 coke? Good job there tiger. A 3 for facilities in a club that is fairly comfortable all things considered and in which you didn't even sniff a backroom? Interesting. If not petulance, maybe you were just lazy? Was 3 your lucky number that day? ;)
I was happy to share the information, but if I knew that you were going to piss all over the ratings of two clubs based upon those non-visit visits, I might have held it back. Guys like you (and me) need to be better than that dude when our ratings have such an impact upon the overall ratings for a club. This site is only as good as the information we feed into it.
Boys, you'd better call ahead. Read doctor's more recent review for Lollipops in Hudson FL to know what I mean. Doctor has an itchy trigger finger, so they'd better be ready the very minute he walks in or else. ;)
Aham: yes, guys with more reviews of more clubs move the rating needle more. This is as it should be as, with the notable exception of asswipes like doctor, most apply a lot of club experience when they rate a place.
Before I started participating on this board, I lurked for a lengthy period. One of the reasons I didn't participate for quite a while was all of the bullshit trolling and harrassment that went on, including all of the posts/comments mocking "RickyBoy" that I didn't really understand at the time. Well, I understand now.
So much for the VIP Room being troll free. It was nice while it lasted.
Hey weren't we promised a diva beatdown as well?
I was just wondering when we'd have our first blowup in the VIP.
I wish I could make the Jan 24th event. Let us know how it goes.
I've read what I believe to be the "offending" review, and I frankly don't see a problem with it. Nowhere do I see expressed the pique that rick apparently does. It describes the reviewer's experience, and the value he felt he received. Noting that dancers sat on their asses with a potentially paying customer in the house, or the less than appealing appearance of of others, isn't "petulance", it's valid criticism.
So what if there might have been a bevy of buxom beauties biding in back? There also might *not* have been, and at some point, it becomes fish or cut bait time. Maybe 15 minutes isn't long enough for some, but it's obviously long enough for some others, and it's been *more* than long enough for me on occasion.
So what if it "moves the needle" on the ratings? A club's rating is the sum of it's individual reviewers' ratings, and if a club is the bomb on Saturday night, but sucks on Friday afternoon, and if the separate ratings make the club look mediocre, then it's a fucking mediocre club. The review is clearly labeled as to when the visit occurred, and frankly, it's incumbent on readers to examine that data when perusing the reviews. If you're basing a visit to a club on the overall rating, without at least sampling the reviews or going down the list to see what comprises that overall rating, you're doing it wrong.
And yes, I *do* assert that you're doing it wrong if that's how you decide on a club. Anybody with half a brain realizes that club reviews are subjective, and vary over time of day, day of week, time of year, and reviewer. Anyone who doesn't take that into account when looking at a club is, in fact, doing it wrong.
Look, if he had banged them solely on the Dancer front then I'd not have said a peep, even though his visit was too short to know if there were any other dancers in the building.. But 3s down the line was downright punitive and I'm not buying for a second that he wasn't a bit miffed by their perceived treatment of him during his quick in-and-out pop-in. In 9 years I have never called anyone out for a review before,because I don't believe in doing that, but this was just irresponsibly bad.
I agree that using ratings alone is silly, but we also know that human nature makes some people lazy, stupid or both. The many shills on this site who work endlessly to prop up their respective clubs' ratings know this well, which is why they bother in the first place.
And we'll have to disagree on the merits of rating a club based upon a 15 minute pop-in, especially when you intend to pound the place. We need to do better than that or else the ratings will mean even less than they already do. People earn their livings from these clubs and shouldn't have that affected, even a little, by guys who shit on the clubs solely out of spite and petulance.
You know doctor, you may actually be a decent guy in person, but you really came across as an petty ankle biting little cunt in that review and then in this thread.
Can’t even come up with an *original* ad hominem.
But with that said, much like doctor when he foolishly implied (multiple times) that I was a keyboard tough guy who wouldn't be willing to say this to him in person, I also went too far in this thread. So apologies for those who bothered to wade through all of this crap.
LOL, fair enough. Alcohol may have played a role. ;)
I have been in many clubs that have sucked at certain times of the week, only to have them excel at others. The review is a snapshot of that point in time based upon the reviewers observations/expectations.
In the grand scheme of things, the 3 ratings across the board by my calculations probably affected the total cumulative rating by less than .20.
This is hardly enough impact on the rating to get anyone's panties in a bunch
I simply disagree the review in question is inappropriate.
reviews ave
15 6.00
51 7.66
33 7.00
5 6.30
36 7.00
114 3.67
55 5.30
14 6.30
14 4.67
36 8.30
total 373 62.2 "= 6.22 avg rating unweighted
The above table is from the 10 prior reviews to the review in question, listing # of reviews by reviewer and their average rating.
Average reviews per reviewer is 37.3. Reviews by Dr Evil=84. Again, this is a stupid argument, and the impact by Dr Evil is minimal.
ratings and reviews are subjective and experiential
It was lazy and irresponsible, especially for a guy with his review count. And if 5 other screen names with high review counts come on saying that this is ok, then they are all wrong too. Here's a hint: if you plan to leave your car running when you go into the club, then don't bother writing a review. No, doctor isn't the only mutt to pull this stunt, but it doesn't make it right.
What a self-absorbed condescending prick.
I do believe most of us regular reviewers are pretty objective overall
Some strip club visits don't warrant a review, but are best posted as a comment to the club. But I know some people want their VIP status for as little work as possible. Anyway, I reject those reviews.