avatar for Muddy
Man I gotta be honest it's brutal. Holy fuck. There's a reason I go to strip clubs. Do you all got any online dating success stories? I bought the 6 month and I regret it already. Whatever I know your supposed to date strippers, but that's my social circle. I put the odds at 90% ending up with some CF. I know it's wrong but it sure as hell beats the buffalos on I'm gonna shit for it but it's so true.


last comment
avatar for Michigan
6 years ago
I think you are confusing "niceness" with hustling.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
@DC Have you tried
avatar for ime
6 years ago
Haha flag
avatar for Musterd21
6 years ago
I met my wife through on line dating. You have to read the bios with a fine tooth comb. They say one thing and live another. It has been good for me! Wonderful woman but I still can’t figure out what she saw in me!
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Both Match and eHarmony cater mostly to women seeking long-term partners or marriage. This is especially true for women over the age of (roughly) 30. If that's not what you're looking for, then you have a struggle on your hands.

Dating sites like Plenty of Fish are friendlier to those seeking short-term relationships. It's sort of the middle ground between Match and Seeking Arrangement.

For most of the guys here on TUSCL, Seeking Arrangement is probably the closest thing to a dating site designed for our... errrrr... needs.
avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
I do on line dating periodically, and I’ve had a lot of success with it. Yes the number of truly hot women is limited, but if you know how to create a killer profile it’s really not that hard to get the interest of the few hot MILFs.
avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
But of course if you’re extremely fat or unattractive for whatever reason, if you’re old as the hills, or if you haven’t had a job in the past ten years, then you’d pretty much always be a lot better off with sex workers unless and until you clean up whatever it is that might turn off the civilian women.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Like JS69, I do online dating (but more than periodically) and have had a lot of success with it. Note that I've been dating women in their 40s and sometimes early 50s, with the concurrent drop in physical attractiveness from a young stripper. But there are still attractive women (relatively) at that age, and I've had fun dating there. But if you're not attracted to women in their 40s (or whatever age you're looking), it will not be fun.

Tinder is full of hot 20-somethings. I've followed the advice of the sugaring forums and tried sugaring there for a couple of weeks (basically, swipe right on someone; if she swipes-right you back, she probably knows the deal and is open to a sugaring discussion, since no super attractive 22 year old is otherwise going to be attracted to guys our age), but no luck during the initial 2-week foray and I turned my profile off. At some point I'll turn it back on and try again.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I wouldn't do online dating. I've tried it and I don't think it really works, you're not gonna get quality bitches... remember, there's always a reason why they can't meet someone normally.

My experiences... - I actually did get matched with a stripper. I recognized her from some clubs. She claimed to be a legal secretary. Also got matched with a 52 year old librarian in Canada.

POF - They're single for a reason!!! I had one bitch tell me she knows she's ugly but she'll suck my dick and would ask me if she did something wrong if I didn't reply to her right away. Lots of P4P offers .... The only good thing is, lots of fat chicks of all races if you're a chubby chaser I guess.

Tinder - Its a hit and miss. I'd get like 5 matches a day, which is better than the other apps and sites... The key to using it is let them contact you. If you try to contact bitches its a lost cause. I know girls who get 2000 or more guys liking them a day on that app...They just ignore them coz its too much to go through.

Don't remember the name - The app that traces your location and matches you with people nearby. The app itself seems like a great idea, it just doesn't have a lot of users.

Some Latino dating app - Mostly older women and bitches with multiple baby daddies.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
DC, a lot of them are good girlfriend material. But they don't strip coz they want to nurture losers. But they know how to please men and tend to be more feminine than other girls. There are good qualities there, but they break tricks, not nurture them.
avatar for Imamutt
6 years ago
AM numbers fall right in line with the old school rule of thumb for cold call sales - 10 initial communication was good, of those 2 led to a meetup, of those 1 has been an amazing and consistent regular gfe.
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
Had a few gfs from Match. But man it's work. You gotta be so clever and witty to make yourself stand out unless you're a Calvin Klein model. Can't respond too soon or you look desperate , can't respond too long or she thinks you lose interest. Key is getting them out f2f ASAP to separate yourself from the herd.
avatar for Mnaz
6 years ago
Best quality bitches I’ve found online are on bumble. Match has always seemed pointless, too much effort required for mostly just bitter unpleasant divorcees. Aside from a few fun bumble dates, the only real success I’ve had online is SA. I generally look for women age 35+
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I like them 18 to 25
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I'm in the group @Ishmail described, I'm not interested in a relationship nor dating - hell I'm not even into having a fave-dancer so if I don't wanna constantly see the same stripper even if she'll do all I want, why get involved with a civilian that will likely have requirements and expectations.

For the last few years all I've wanted/needed is access to T&A, so the demands/effort of a relationship is not.worth it to me just to get some T&A - having access to T&A on the spur of the moment from willing and able women via SCs, with pretty-much no effort no fuss, suits me just fine for the time being.

But, I *have* been mostly burned out with SCing and feel like "I've been there done that" so the thought of getting back into civvie-world *has* crossed my mind but not sure I wanna deal with with a relationship nor the wackiness of dating - and online dating seems more flaky and effort than I want to deal with but I can't say I would never try it although I haven't till this point.
avatar for Assmanjoe
6 years ago
online datings a motherfucker. extreme flakiness, ghosting back and forth, constant texting just to get to a fucking date... having said that ive had mixed results and met my ex-gf through okcupid which is better than most. hottest chicks are on bumble and they message you so its much easier, but im pretty much burned out from the apps after a few months so strippers can help fill that void for now.

@gooner retarddate lol, one of your better lines

@DC one of these girls is gonna rob you blind one day and youd be lucky if its just for a couple hundred and not alimony. they dont strip to nurture loners LOL they strip to pay their bills and live better than most of us lol. True there are some diamonds in the rough but you need to go in knowing the deal - its sex (or the illusion of sex) for money, plain and simple. Not saying theyre all undateable but its dangerous to build them up the way you are. As for those who prefer to spend their time with elderly, disabled, animals, etc. yes they tend to be bighearted but some are attracted to these jobs because they dont like dealing with other adults. i almost married one like that. just cuz some chick has big tits and likes old people doesnt automatically mean shes a saint. All right now go have fun.
avatar for Assmanjoe
6 years ago
emotional health...dude lmao what are they psychologists now? unreal
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
I’ve tried a few dating sites - and it seemed like too much work resulting in very limited returns (no sex).

I tried match - and evidently I’m too direct with those women. One girl told me that I was speaking to her as though she was some sort of dirty slut or whore! Imagine that! From someone as demure as I! Lol!

Anybody try christianMingle?
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I call you and @Countryman retarded for 2 very different reasons.

It was just a playful jab to @Country because he was a broken record, just saying the same thing over and over again about TJ.

You are a different story. In addition to being just plain stupid, you have consistently displayed an inability to think, reason, understand, and be social. Compared to others it seems it is harder for you to control your impulses, relate to others, and manage your feelings when you get frustrated.

These are classic characteristics of people with Down Syndrome.
avatar for sinclair
6 years ago
Buy a six month membership to Match and you will see how women end up being that 42 year old crazy cat lady. It is hilarious how some of the women are so picky. Even women who are in their mid 30's with their biological clock to have kids almost up are ridiculous.

I have had success banging chicks off Tinder. The secret is that you have to buy Tinder Gold and buy the boosts. Then they really make sure your profile is seen by women. If you just use the app for free, you will get little visibility.

In my opinion, meeting people in public face to face is still the best way to network and find girlfriends. People lie and flake too much online.
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
I know there are different takes on this but I’ve tried a dating site and it seemed to be a lot of hassle and not worth it to me. The one true scam I’ve run into in the underworld came via SA. I know some here have had some good experiences with the dating sites but I prefer looking elsewhere.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Sugar Arrangements are basically about paying hoes, not about dating...

DC, strippers aren't therapists.... and a hoe working a club is just that, a hoe working a club. She's not a therapist either. They do it coz its fast money and flexible hours. They don't care about their customers and tricks. A GFE isn't a real gf...and they're right, your attitude will end up getting you used or hurt...I love strippers, but its about the're not going to see that side of them as long as you're only paying them. And when you pay them, they'll get used to it and will try to keep that up, feed into your fantasy...its about money to them, its not real. Its real when you have normal relationships with them.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I think the best way to meet chicks is in person. Bars, the grocery store or any kind of shopping area. Clubs and yeah strip clubs. The online thing only attracts bitches who can't meet men normally.... The only man they should be with is a psychologist
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
-->" I know some here have had some good experiences with the dating sites but I prefer looking elsewhere."

Yeah, totally understand why some of you would give up on those -- the women interested in the age range of most of us here, are older and less attractive as a group, but you can find some great, attractive women as well. Since you brought up SA, I'll say there's a parallel to the challenges there. With SA, no problem finding profiles of hot women, but sorting through the scammers, escorts, and flakes can take time (and is the reason many guys here aren't fans of SA). On Match, you can find attractive, amazing women, but you have to sort through a lot of unattractive women, women with insane expectations, etc, first. Depends on how motivated you are, I guess. Easier to find a hot SB on SA than it is to find a great SO on Match, but both can require some patience and work.
avatar for stripfighter
6 years ago
Too much unrealistic expectations. Stay away. But if you do decide to play, don't be Asian. Someone here I think posted a graph about that, and surprised how some of my successful, not bad looking friends, have had such discouraging experiences with it.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
There was a study done by OKCupid years ago, I think it was, showing that Asian men and black women are the least sought after (or at least, the least likely to get messaged or return-messaged). Just applies to their site, of course, at that point in time
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
People who use dating sites to find thier soulmates are the types of people who sign up for gym memberships on January 1st. Thier intentions are good, but they lack the drive and consistency to make the goals happen. My advice is to question your commitment to finding a girlfriend, future wife. If you really want to find a soul mate make the effort to get out there and meet women in person and be the type of guy she'd consider dating.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Or go the @DC route...

Realize you're a total fucking retarded Millenial loser that no lady in her right mind would ever want to have a romantic relationship with and scrap the idea of getting together with civvies entirely and just pay whores to have sex with and pretend to like you even though you are still young and in the most fertile relationship building environment you'll ever experience.
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
*And if you arent quite there yet keep clubbing. It will save you time and headaches.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I would say I would use it as alternative way to flirt. When I’m BSing on my phone in the day time, why not see what’s out there. But I’m with you I like in person better. Especially after all this clubbing when talking to 9’s ain’t a big deal anymore.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
SA isn't about "dating" its for middle class chicks with an extreme sense of self entitlement who don't want to straight up call themselves hoes...

You know, DC could probably date a stripper or a hoe if he actually worked on himself....
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
DC, That's relating to their act, not to them. Most of them want fast money so they can be pop culture zombies and buy whatever is considered trendy. They're obsessed with makeup trends, clothing, music, want the most hyped up cars...And no one judges a customer who keeps the money coming in...they don't actually like dealing with men like that.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Strippers just have that bad girl aura to them a lot of times, and what they want is some one to fill the niche of whatever it is they're lacking. They want men who can take care of their needs. I'm not talking about money.
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