
Things have changed!

Avatar for 4got2wipe
4got2wipeIn a brilliant place!

You spend a little time away from the board and now there are discussion rooms. Brilliant idea! Let’s see if this decreases the complaining about trolling!

I’m betting it will, at least a bit.

On the other hand, I thinkthere will be some people will avoid posting about strip clubs in this room and in the new VIP room and then post complaints about the lack of strip club discussions in the general room!


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Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Honestly, it has only been a couple of days. It might work out, or it might not. But it's going to take more than a couple of days to figure it out.

Whole lotta hand wringing going on...

Avatar for MackTruck

NOw we have one for each of my multiple personalities

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Though this is the parking lot, I'm sure it's kicking ass on all those grumpy old men talking about ejaculations in the VIP Room.


Joe Jackson - Breaking Us In Two

To my ear this is an extremely sad song.

A lot of emphasis on minor triads

Breaks some of the conventions for guitar music, using lots of slash cords, and this F# Major. Black key music, okay for keyboard, but not common for guitar because it uses no open string notes. Are his people using an alternative tuning?



TJ Street


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