
Happy New Year, all IGNOREs are lifted! Suggestions to Founder

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
My Ignore List:

DrPhil, DrPhil., IME, Meat72, san_jose_gay, tixtittyfag, JimGassagain, Call.Me.Ishmael, SirLapdancealot, L1oydSchoene, Nicole1994, TrapBapy304, PaulDrake

But no more, now no one is on IGNORE. I do not plan on using IGNORE to keep people from posting on my threads.

Founder, setting up a VIP Room and a Dressing Room is going to neutralize much of the appeal of this forum. Now the juicy stuff about clubs is likely to stay in the VIP Room.

And then letting people prevent someone's posts from being seen on one of their threads, that is a huge amount of power. This forum is going to fragment. People who cannot talk to each other on a thread will be talking across threads!

I see these changes as a big negative.

Both of the above mean that those who want this forum to be very narrow in content will now have a great deal of power.

Lots of people have stopped posting, because they are no longer PL's. Maybe once they were in a situation such that they had to seek regular gratification in strip clubs, and such that they called the women they knew, ATF and CF. But no more. They have been able to move on. They are not the sort of pathetic types only interested in financial speculations, gambling, right wing news and politics, sports, cumming in their pants, and paying hookers for sex. If they are likely to be here, it will be to talk about other things.

So for those of us often holding minority POV's, these new changes are going to make things very tough.

So if this is how it is to be, would you consider 3 other changes.

1. Reopen our old discussions and keep the articles open. It is easier to maintain a broader array of topical threads when one does not have to worry about them closing. I can't see how this contributes to trolling. It is likely those who want only Right Wing PL topics who would think that. WHen one does not have to worry about thread closure, they can put their time into making higher quality posts.

2. Allow us to have a unique URL for each post. Long ago it was like this, the code generator used the post serial number to mare that place in the page.


So then there might be some kind of an icon on the right side of the post, which upon clicking on, it takes you to the top of that post and puts its unique URL in the address bar. Though you can of course still scroll up or down and see all of the other posts. Most message boards today have this feature. It makes it far easier to reference posts in other threads.

3. An end of page link. When threads are long, and if there are text dumpers, it is time consumptive to get to the bottom of a thread. So how about displaying the thread titles as now. But also add at the right side of each threads listing, an EofThread icon. If you click on it, it takes you to the last post on the thread. You can still scroll back up, like say to your own last post. But presumably you know everything above that. This will make things go faster.



  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Founder, also, it now shows a red dot by "Conversations", suggesting that I still have some new ones to read, when in fact I have already read them all.

  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Good Idea sjg
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ You mean opening up our old threads? I think it will make the forum much better, more supportive of people who want long running topical discussions.

    Some of what is talked about here is of no long term interest to anyone but a true PL.

  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I agree 100% with SJG.

    Personally, I think the new changes are just caving in to the small clique of geriatric tricks on here who want to censor, bully and ostracize anyone not like them.

    This forum is supposed to be about strip clubs and thus anything and everything related to them. Not just an outpost for old conservative misogynistic racist classist ageist married men who troll strip clubs for prostitutes.

    What this site needs is to be open enough to offer something for everyone. No matter how much is done to attract dancers, I doubt anyone believes they will actually want to interact on a forum taken over by individuals like that clique.
  • whodey
    6 years ago
    I don't agree with most of your views on the recent changes since you seem to want this board to not be strip club specific. When I want information on topics unrelated to the strip club industry I go to other sites to discuss that information. If you are looking for a general discussion board I would suggest reddit or any of the other general discussion boards available online.

    "Now the juicy stuff about clubs is likely to stay in the VIP Room." This gives lurkers more of a reason to become a VIP member through contributing to the site through writing reviews and articles. If someone wants the juicy details written on the discussion boards they should have to become a VIP they same way they do to read the juicy details in the reviews.

    "Lots of people have stopped posting, because they are no longer PL's. ... If they are likely to be here, it will be to talk about other things." If someone is no longer active in the strip club scene this is not the right site for them since it is 100% strip club focused. There are plenty of other discussion boards to talk about anything that is not strip club related. If someone isn't discussing strip club related topics they are not adding value to a strip club site like this.

    However, founder already has implemented something along the lines of your third suggestion a while ago. At the bottom of the original post there is a line showing the last comment time and author. If you click on that it will take you to the last poat in the thread.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    "Not just an outpost for old conservative misogynistic racist classist ageist married men who troll strip clubs for prostitutes."

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    >I agree 100% with SJG.<

    Anyone who makes a statement like that needs more help than is available on this website.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ Ha Ha Ha!

    Twentyfive, we need those old threads reopened, only way to maintain good topical diversity. All the more so that things have bifurcated into Front Room and VIP Room.

  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    And I thought I was just a good old fashion redneck......
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ You are bro ;)
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Don't mind me.

    I'm just going to head over to the VIP board for some of that sweet, sweet on-topic discussion content.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Exactly, but they don't even want to discuss strip clubs as such. they want their views on strip clubs and that's it
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    DC9428 said "The VIP room doesn't even have 25 discussion topics yet and the largest discussion has 28 comments..."

    That's because it was launched... what?... two days ago?

    most topics there also have nothing to do with strip clubs, most of the threads are just talking about the fact that a VIP room exists and how much they don't like trolls posting.

    But I'm glad its there so that you guys can see what the forum would actually look like if we really did take the measures that people "suggested" in Founder's thread to remove all the trolls and stop allowing off topic discussions. Basically, dead with almost no one posting.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Dammit. Sorry. Hit "Post Comment" too soon.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    DC9428 said: "The VIP room doesn't even have 25 discussion topics yet and the largest discussion has 28 comments..."

    That's because it was launched... what?... two days ago? And, I don't think that anyone expects it to have the same posting volume as the "Front Room". That's the point... quieter and more on topic.

    "... most topics there also have nothing to do with strip clubs, most of the threads are just talking about the fact that a VIP room exists and how much they don't like trolls posting...."

    Again, it's new. So, yes. People are asking questions about what all the changes mean. But aside from that, there are also topics related to strip clubs. We'll all have to wait and see if the VIP takes root or doesn't.

    But declaring it a failure only a few days after it launches is you (and others) having a bit of a foot-stamping tantrum.

    "But I'm glad its there so that you guys can see what the forum would actually look like if we really did take the measures that people 'suggested' in Founder's thread to remove all the trolls and stop allowing off topic discussions. Basically, dead with almost no one posting."

    Excellent. If it's actually DOA, as you argue, then you don't have to worry about missing anything going on that's going on in there.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    Can't wait to get ignored by you again, you gigantic pussy.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    "Happy New Year, all IGNOREs are lifted!"

    Let's be honest. The only reason why you wiped out your ignore list is because it made you nuts to suddenly discover that the people you blocked were no longer going to be obligated to view your shitty content.

    It's the same reason why you don't like the VIP area. It's a place where you can't go and tell people that they're having fun wrong.
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    No disrespect, but I don’t quite get your logic Call.Me.Ishmael. san_jose_guy never had any ability to force anybody to read his content. Other people still had access to ignore if they wanted to ignore san_jose_guy.

    Moreover, why do you assume san_jose_guy doesn’t have access to the VIP room? Regardless, I think san_jose_guy’s idea is brilliant! Maybe once a year everybody should give everybody else a chance to either earn a new ignore or forge a new readership!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    4got2wipe said "san_jose_guy never had any ability to force anybody to read his content."

    Using the previous Ignore functionality, if you ignored me then you stopped seeing my posts / comments, but I would still see your post / comments unless I decided to ignore you in return. Using the new Ignore tool, if you ignore me then you don't see my posts *and* I automatically don't see your posts as well.

    SJG has been happy to use the Ignore tool for years while knowing that the block only worked one way by default. Now that it's a two-way block, it's unacceptable to him. Because he likes to be watched...

    "Other people still had access to ignore if they wanted to ignore san_jose_guy."

    This has been explained many times before and by frequent posters other than me. Many prefer to not put anyone on ignore because it makes certain discussion threads indecipherable with unblocked users responding to blocked users.

    Founders change took that preference out of our hands, which I didn't love but I'm willing to give it a shot. It's not my sandbox.

    "Moreover, why do you assume san_jose_guy doesn’t have access to the VIP room?"

    First and foremost, because he's not posting there. If he had access, he'd be posting there. Because he likes to be watched...

    Also, he refuses to write a review or shell out the money. So, there's that as well.

    "Regardless, I think san_jose_guy’s idea is brilliant! Maybe once a year everybody should give everybody else a chance to either earn a new ignore or forge a new readership!"

    I'm perfectly happy to be ignored by a guy who (a) thinks it's okey dokey to put his dick in a woman who is asleep and not able to provide consent, and (b) spends the rest of his time telling people that they're having fun wrong.

    You know, because he likes to be watched... and he's creepy as fuck.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Phony premise on the part of SJG, he only wants to be free to spew his negativity and he doesn’t like it much when folks can’t see his self serving drivel.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    I dont mind divergent viewpoints, so long as they align with mine. I dont mind SJG or Icey. They have different viewpoints and I'm cool with that. They've never been rude nor acted like they're part of the in clique that thinks they run this place. And SJG and Icey both have a pretty good sense of humor if you're making a joke and not being a mean spirited asswipe. I'm not in favor of the board split (hope I'm wrong), I'm down with the ladies having their own place to gossip about us, and in favor of a crackdown on multiple accounts. You wanna talk smack do it under your real account and dont be a chickenshit scared biaaatch.

    I wish everyone lots of LDKs in 2019. Lol
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Yeah, going after multiple accounts is a good one, but that can be hard if someone uses a proxy or more than one device. But still. It would be good.

    And yeah we need more different viewpoints on here, more diversity.

    And no one forces anyone to read anything....

    I really don't get the whole point of the problematic clique here being so antagonistic towards everyone. They're like a gang and think this is their turf.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    Pistola are you retarded SJG has no sense of humor.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    ^its dry and subtle and you can either pick up on the sarcasm or you cant
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    But most of his stuff is tl,dr for me.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    SJG is really smart his humor is intelligent...
  • Mate27
    6 years ago

    I always pictured SJG was this guy.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Founder, when I logged in it said I had 5 messages. So I looked and I found 1, and I read it. Now it says I have 4 messages, but I cannot see them. So something would seem to be wrong.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Meat72, you are off ignore. So time to grow up.


    Joe Jackson - Breaking Us In Two

    To my ear this is an extremely sad song.

    A lot of emphasis on minor triads

    Breaks some of the conventions for guitar music, using lots of slash cords, and this F# Major. Black key music, okay for keyboard, but not common for guitar because it uses no open string notes. Are his people using an alternative tuning?



    TJ Street

  • JimGassagain
    6 years ago
    ^^^ Bacon!!
    3 years ago
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