New "I've Been There" check-mark in TUSCL system
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
A new feature on the club-details page provides an opportunity to mark a check-box to indicate whether or not you've been to the club.
I went and tried to find them all! I spent a great fun time re-living old times, going through many of my old haunts. I first went to my public profile and followed the links to all the places I've reviewed, and marked them as "been there." And then I sought out places I hadn't necessarily reviewed or places whose reviews are so old they've timed out of the system, or the places have closed, etc.. I did it geographically and also by name with Google. I really did enjoy that trip down memory lane. Now I've got check-marks to remind me of just what a PL I have been for about four decades ... :) ...
I went and tried to find them all! I spent a great fun time re-living old times, going through many of my old haunts. I first went to my public profile and followed the links to all the places I've reviewed, and marked them as "been there." And then I sought out places I hadn't necessarily reviewed or places whose reviews are so old they've timed out of the system, or the places have closed, etc.. I did it geographically and also by name with Google. I really did enjoy that trip down memory lane. Now I've got check-marks to remind me of just what a PL I have been for about four decades ... :) ...
You will be able to interact easier with other members who've been to the same clubs as you
Because it's not true. Diminishes the reliability of information on this site.
soooo... a mark at a club that i’ve been to once for 15 minutes is going to count as much as a mark for a club that i’ve been to hundreds of times for many hours each visit?
I do like the "been there" checkbox though. I've been to a bunch of clubs I've never reviewed, would be interesting to have a neat little list of where I've been & a view of who's been to some of my local clubs. Also, I'd be particularly interested to see what other clubs other reviewers have been to when reading a review. A review of a local club indicating great mileage is good info, but it means something different coming from a guy who has only been to air dance clubs vs a guy who has experience at other clubs with more interaction.
It will not be published.
You can also set your location to anywhere you want.
Since this is sort of a BS (bitch session), may I toss something out there?
As a long time member that has been relegated to almost not being able to club, I still like to check out TUSCL and sort of "club" vicariously. That said, I do like to comment at times. Now here is my suggestion. Is there some way to "flag" a discussion that a member is actively commenting in? One could quickly see which discussion they are following. Likely may not be worth your effort, but just thought I'd toss it out there.
Thanks for all you do!
We agree on something. :)
I only suggested this because my clubbing history is extensive and I don't wish to give that up, but as you know, I am VERY limited in my ability to club.
I just went through the "I've been there" check list. I was, "Holy crap! I've been to so many clubs!" Some I've visited have changed names God only know how many times.
What I said has ZERO to do with messaging someone. Just would flag a discussion topic you've commented in, as you had interest in the discussion topic.