
Slow night grind and how most strippers don't understand how to play it

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Imagine an average size club on a slow Monday through Wednesday evening or night. Energy from the club as a whole is low and slow. Most the girls don't desire to be present with obvious reasons due to the nature of the early weekday grind of little to no money.

The usual play i see from these ladies is avoiding clients. Hanging in the back room or on phone to much and so on. Most of these girls have a today mindset and see no one spending hence no value to be gained. Most choke it up as a complete wash and even ditch out early.

As when in real life a man has a getting pussy today method of picking up a girl it usually never works well. The girls can see the obvious reasons of the approach and will build a wall to rightfully protect herself from an individual that cares only for himself and his pleasure and nothing of her.

The correct play for a man in the pick up game is to forget about sex. This helps get ride of that creepy vibe. It will also do him great service to focus on each integration as enjoyable and playful. He should enjoy what is allowed for the time being and allow the object of his affection set the pace for the future pay off for this investment.

Hang with me I'll tye this in soon lol

Now if a man only waited for girls he desired he would never get the reps in to be truely good at game once he found a target worth while. It serves him well to practice his social skills on any lady young or old. Pretty or not. It helps build and perfect the skills needed.

Same for a stripper on a dead night. Long term success i believe is built on girls experimenting on these dead days thus making value even if not dollar's as of now. You will perfect and trouble shoot skills needed to find and manipulate the right clients and gain larger payoffs in my humble opinion


  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Strippers need to learn to stop giving off the greedy vibe that your just an ATM to her

    If a girl makes a man forget this he will get lost in the fantasy and will spend more even past his budgets.

  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    If not lets face it men as well build those walls and ptotect his cash even if he is willing to spend that night

    Many men have walked in willing and ready to bust off $500 to only walk out after 4 hours and $50 or $100 out

    Same as the guy that goes in to soend just $100 then finds a fantasy so hypnotic that he has no choice but to hit the ATM in the club or leace and come back with $300 to $500 more to soend that he really should not
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Now just imagine getting skilled at this.. On average you'll see more broke or tightly budgets men and thus make a $100 or $200 from guys that only had plans to spend $25 or $50 on you but the information gained and experience was of more value

    With a little luck as life goes anyways you'll meet the guy with $590 and find a way to lock him uo and get all of close to it

    Same as the times you make a whale love drunk with passion over his fantasy and thus all the wotk and time truely paying off all because of your skills being sharpened in the more difficult times
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    leaving early is better than wasting time on a broke trick or acting like a desperate bitch. tipouts and house fees are pretty low on known slow nights. its not worth the energy to milk broke tricks
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    And that is how broke hoes think and obviously you as well LOL

    I respect your reply and thank you for it.. It will help make a great discussion if one takes off
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    There's a cost to being groped on by guys who don't give you money.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Yes and no.

    Giving out too much time for free is just as cheapening as engaging in $100 blowjobs.

    Probably a good balance when it’s slow is about five songs. That’s a good 15-22 minutes and gives a customer plenty of time to decide.

    But I ditch out early all the time. Lol
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    One point I take from this discussion is the need to cultivate relationships for the future.

    For example, there is a dancer who I was not attracted to initially but she would always say hi and make small talk and sometimes soft sell a dance, which I didn't accept.

    The last time I saw her, she had hair extensions and was a little more flirty, we had a decent conversation but she did not offer me a dance.

    Now, no doubt I'm going to take her to the VIP the next time I see her.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Imagine an average size club on a slow Monday through Wednesday evening or night. Energy from the club as a whole is low and slow. Most the girls don't desire to be present with obvious reasons due to the nature of the early weekday grind of little to no money.

    The usual play i see from these ladies is avoiding clients. Hanging in the back room or on phone to much and so on. Most of these girls have a today mindset and see no one spending hence no value to be gained. Most choke it up as a complete wash and even ditch out early.

    As when in real life a man has a getting pussy today method of picking up a girl it usually never works well. The girls can see the obvious reasons of the approach and will build a wall to rightfully protect herself from an individual that cares only for himself and his pleasure and nothing of her.

    The correct play for a man in the pick up game is to forget about sex. This helps get ride of that creepy vibe. It will also do him great service to focus on each integration as enjoyable and playful. He should enjoy what is allowed for the time being and allow the object of his affection set the pace for the future pay off for this investment.

    Hang with me I'll tye this in soon lol

    Now if a man only waited for girls he desired he would never get the reps in to be truely good at game once he found a target worth while. It serves him well to practice his social skills on any lady young or old. Pretty or not. It helps build and perfect the skills needed.

    Same for a stripper on a dead night. Long term success i believe is built on girls experimenting on these dead days thus making value even if not dollar's as of now. You will perfect and trouble shoot skills needed to find and manipulate the right clients and gain larger payoffs in my humble opinion
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    OOPs wrong account^^^
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Funny how I destroyed an airplane shitter yesterday!
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    Hey who hacked juice's account. He's over here making sense (but with the same charming spelling errors, so maybe he's just drunk :P

    But there's numerous reasons why most of them won't. And there's ways to do it without coming off as desperate or hustling.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    Hey who hacked juice's account. He's over here making sense (but with the same charming spelling errors, so maybe he's just drunk :P

    But there's numerous reasons why most of them won't. And there's ways to do it without coming off as desperate or hustling.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    6 years ago
    Most nights like this, many customers think they can get more out of a dancer or that we should work harder for it. How FUCKED UP. How about, we are human beings...??

    I only have so much patience for people treating me like this. No, my house fee isn’t lower on these days, it’s the same. If I don’t talk to you or I leave early, it’s my prerogative. I would rather do that than waste my time “making value and not dollars,” wtf??

    What I invest at the club is my time and my labor/skills/conversation in giving a dance and chatting etc. What customers invest is money. So turn the tables and ask yourself if it would be acceptable for you to commit your side of the investment, and I don’t deliver mine—that’s what you’re saying strippers should do, just because it’s slower in the club.

    Give me a break, what a foolish argument. — eye roll —
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    PSD I assume that this is based on the experiences of customers. Of course we want more attention, better dances etc whenever we can but there is some sense in that practicing on ow days may help a dancer cultivate a regular. Not sure it would be worth it but. . .
  • PinkSugarDoll
    6 years ago
    I have never encountered a person who spent $0 and then suddenly became a regular, that just does not make sense for it to happen.

    Of course we both want more, dancer and customer. But it is a two way street. Give love, get love.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    PSD--I will happily give to you but I don't have that opportunity.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    6 years ago
    I know, I have been meaning to make it down your way so maybe you can sometime lol.

    I just meant in general, not you in particular.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    It’s true that some customers may just be slow decision makers. And some who may be initially uninterested can possibly change his mind later.

    But even then, if the goal is trying to play the long game with club regulars, then I think it’s more important to:

    1. Make the effort to remember everybody’s name
    2. Maintain a postive and upbeat attitude

    ...rather than spend more physical time with him in a non-paid way.

    If he rejected a dance in the past, doesn't matter. In the future, whenever you pass by his table, just spend the 3 seconds to say “hi [insert name here]” in a happy & upbeat way, and then continue walking. That is what will cause him to stop you and ask for a dance, if he might want one.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    ^^^ good answer nicespice
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    i used to get angry about this juice, but Ive learned life is short. If the girl you're interested in runs to the corner and jumps on her cellphone the smart thing to do is walk up to her and ask if you can buy her a drink or if she gives dances. My experience has found that girls who work on slow nights do so because of regulars and the majority of guys who show up and those nights are just there to drink. And as nicespice alluded never be the guy who appears disinterested when a girl you are interested in stops by. I used to be dumb and ask girls to stop by later. Later to me always meant 10 minutes, but most girls see that as a "no" and never stop by again.

    Another tip in mongering is to stop applying logic to dancers. The majority of them are attracted to the flexibility of hours and quick money. This isnt a trade where girls learn business strategies and customer service. We'd like to think so, but there are enough guys showing up daily to help these girls make thier ends meet. Of course there are the smart ones but they are few.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    I think this discussion depends on whether we are talking about dancer conversation time with a regular or with a potential new customer.

    With a new customer I understand the viewpoint expressed by PSD and nicespice that people don't deserve freebies when the club is slow. However I have personally experienced that when a club is dead that many inexperienced/immature dancers tend to get pissy and actually give less free time. I tend to think they have consigned themselves to having a bad day and aren't in the right mood to hustle.

    When it comes to being a valuable regular then yes I do expect a little more freebies when the club is slow. However personally I also am willing to spend less time on a day the club is packed and my CF is clearly in demand. I generally tell favs of mine to give me extra time on slow days and I'll give it back on a busy day when they need it.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Here we go, yet another TUSCL Professor parceling out advice on how to turn a guy into a long-term prospect. Of course, some dancers would argue that the guy who they give unpaid time to is far more likely to show up a week later, on another slow night, and expect the same rather than convert into a paying customer.

    But hey, I don't want to be the storm cloud in Juice's sunshine and rainbows story, so I'll stop there. After all, a guy like Juice, who recently waived a roll of dollars in a girl's face and then tipped her a lousy single, wouldn't dream of eating up gobs of her time for free barside, now would he? ;)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Funny how you look at it, with me this never seems to be an issue, I enjoy slower shifts, yet when I end up in the same club on a busy afternoon or evening, the girls that I hang out with still give me all the attention that I like, true I tip well and I’m never looking to do private rooms, but here’s the the thing that I think works in my favor. I am always extra nice to my favorites and nice to most people, and in return they are usually nice to me, if you give love you get love. Simple.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ one quick caveat to the above, be kind always but never be weak, in other words, don’t be pressured into doing anything that you don’t want to, if necessary be willing to show your ability to say no if asked to do something you don’t want , like buy the girl a drink hustle, or the tandem stripper hustle, if you turn them down properly, the girls will get the message and the hustlers will leave you alone.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “After all, a guy like Juice, who recently waived a roll of dollars in a girl's face and then tipped her a lousy single”

    I didn’t read that part. :(
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    ^Yup. Juice grips his money so tightly that he could make a nickel bleed. It's that same attitude that leads to juice trolling a guy, using his multiple accounts, for the high crime of tipping a nice hardworking girl like you barside. He doesn't like to hear anything which might drive up his cost of entertainment. You can be sure that if he's advocating any particular strategy that he's not really doing it for altruistic reasons.

    Shame on you juice. :(
  • PinkSugarDoll
    6 years ago
    I wish I could click a like button on comments.

    Rick Dugan— Like
    Paul Drake—Like
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    I always find it amusing when someone suggests how another job can be made better. I don't know that anyone who hasn't worked a job can truly understand it. I know that there are basics the carry across all jobs and customer service is something that everyone needs to have when they are in a job with the public. But this job is not like being a waitress or waiter or working at home depot. I personally believe the psychological costs for dancers is exceptionally high and that if they are not making money during an evening I would assume is extremely difficult for them to offer great customer service. I believe, personally, the more money you offer a dancer begets better service.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Steeldog says, "believe, personally, the more money you offer a dancer begets better service."

    Sure, all things being equal, which it never is.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @psd - If I could kindly correct you there is no such thing as clicking like you have to SMASH that like button!
  • PinkSugarDoll
    6 years ago
    I just like to quietly *click.*
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Paul Drake she’s telling you she’s a classy lady not a broad. Not that there’s anything wrong with great broads ;)
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