How long until prostitution is decriminalized nationwide?
NNJ/NY getting extras cause I'm soooo good looking
Can it be far away? Now that weed is being mainstreamed is sex far behind? I for one look forward to the day that the extras club is renamed a brothel.
Whats a down side?
Whats a down side?
Until it can be regulated and taxed, it probably won't be made legal.
It only takes 13 state legislatures to vote no, or even abstain from voting, to kill such an amendment. And that’s even assuming it can get through *both* House’s super majority, or enough states get together to form a convention.
Nope. While Trump seems likely to have stirred up the Democratic Fascists enough to mobilize them, they’ve doubled and tripled down on the insane rhetoric, thereby almost ensuring everyone is sick enough of their shit to vote for Trump again. *Especially* if Clinton runs again.
Find another Gary Hart (without the scandal) and he’s toast though.
After he’s done with two, and demonstrated what Republican Fascism is like, with any luck, the country will get a fucking clue and vote for an actual person instead of a caricature of extreme Left or Right.
But I’ve been doing some really good drugs lately, so that’s probably just a pipe dream.
Not a joke either.
Since the current United States position on this issue seems so batshit crazy, maybe we could get Mr. Mike Pence to explain it to us.
I mean the mongers need to get there somehow, and the brothels don't have their own airport.