
What is a PL's endgame?

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 8:22 PM
These past couple of days have been incredibly entertaining. Nothing better than flame wars and arguments across the board. I notice a lot a of people have been giving DC a hard time because of his approach to women and his PL lifestyle. So with that being said, what is your PL endgame? Fuck as many as you can? Wife one up? Platonic friendship with one?


  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    It's business; o/w so much $$$ would not be changing his hands - we pay them - they pretend to like us - we pretend to believe them
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    Interesting question. Personally, no way in hell I'm ever getting married again. You never say never, but I am saying never! I wouldn't mind a FWB or some other kind of relationship, but I will never get emotionally involved with another woman after being burned badly. That's why I monger and will continue to monger as long as I'm healthy enough to function, sexually and otherwise. The caress of a woman is one of life's greatest pleasures and I will continue to pursue it with vigor.
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    @Japrufrock Was your previous marriage actually that bad?
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    It was wonderful for the first 14 years and went south virtually overnight due to circumstances that are so fucking stupid and ridiculous it would be difficult to fathom. Then it was absolute hell the next several years before dissolving. I never would have expected her to turn on me like that. If she can burn me so badly, then so can anyone else. That's why I'll never give my heart to anyone else.
  • BoringLoser
    6 years ago
    @Japrufrock Wow. same here
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    What exactly went wrong overnight that sent 14 years of marriage down the drain? If you don't mind me asking
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    In the back of my head, Wife up a super hottie that you have chemistry with. It’s like finding a black unicorn but I have met some cool dancers.
  • txtittyspice
    6 years ago
    ^I’m sure that arguing down to the last penny will help you with that.
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    It's a hobby, like those dudes who put together little ships in bottles and shit like that. Or collect cars, beer bottles or whatnot. The difference for me is the collection of experiences lives in my head instead of taking up space around the apartment.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    My PL end game is to never risk a wonderful long-term marriage over the fact that we are promiscuous. We swing and each have our own approved alternative outlets. If I get a bj from a stripper my wife couldn't care less and not just because she has probably seen me with 100 other women. If I met a female clerk from the local Court for coffee she would be very, very mad. On the flip side I have no qualms about her alternatives, but if she told me she met someone at work who made her laugh more than I did I would be devastated. I have a high stress job that I hate more than progressive politics, this is my mini-vacation. Complete honesty? Better to be a PL than another drunk on a bar stool and if I don't drink, I don't club.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    who says there's an endgame. I'll cut back, both in spending and frequency of visits, when it gets boring.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    I'm a little bit on the other end of the spectrum. I had an amazing marriage and lost my wife to illness. I don't feel that I can ever fully give my heart to anyone anymore as I always compare every woman to my wife. But I miss waking up in the morning and smelling a woman's scent on the pillow case and all those other wonderful aspects physically in a marriage. This is my way to have some of the physical aspects without the emotional attachment that I just can't seem to create any more
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I'm not sure I buy into the concept of "endgame"; it's too goal-focused, when in fact I enjoy every step of the journey and my real goal is to have fun whatever we're doing. SCing is a luxury sport for me, if I'm having fun then I'm doing it right, no endgame needed. That doesn't mean there isn't a typical progression for me, which is along the lines of: - Get YMMV best-customer treatment ITC - Move to OTC - Expand her sexual limits as we get to know each other better - Move to a more arrangement-like OTC relationship (I didn't use the term "arrangement-like" until my SA experiences showed me that that's where I go with my ATFs) - FWB That said, it's not true that FWB is my "endgame". I've only accomplished it a few times, and isn't remotely my "goal", but just something that I enjoy when it accidentally jumps into my lap. My goal is to have crazy fun regardless of where we are in that progression, and as long as that's happening, it's fine if we don't take the next step (although a stripper who won't go OTC eventually gets dropped or second-string'ed)
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    STEEL - Your reality is my greatest fear in life. I am so sorry for your loss.
  • Estafador
    6 years ago
    Sexually ambiguous business relationships. The best type of relationship. Where there's sexual tension everywhere but nobody's sure what's going on ^_^
  • Estafador
    6 years ago
    Wait, I retract that. I meant to use romant
  • houjack
    6 years ago
    I just like to spend time with girls I'm attracted to, preferably with a sexual component. That can be anything from drinks/dances at the club to a lunch/dinner date to fun in a hotel room. If I enjoy what we do and I'm comfortable with the cost, I repeat.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    The endgame for most is an empty wallet and a jaded heart....
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Do I need an endgame? I don’t have one at this time. It sounds as though you are thinking too much about this. To me, clubbing is a hobby. I enjoy it from time to time. I don’t drink heavily anymore. I can enjoy a beer or two, some t&a, and relax, and that isn’t a bad feeling.
  • lurkingdog
    6 years ago
    Subraman - I like the way you think. Thanks for sharing.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    Skibum, 1 It truly sucks. When it happened I nearly ate a gun. If it weren't for my son's I probly would have. It took me nearly 2 years to get to the point where I could at least be social in conversation with people I just withdrew into myself and tried to be there for my sons while they were in college. My parents told me once the price for great love is great pain and they were so right. But I wouldn't change a thing about my marriage. I told my sons find the woman that you love with all your heart and give it fully to her, it's worth it in end. Sorry about the serious note of this post.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    For me the end game all comes down to the organization I am working to build. It is not a strip club, though it will incorporate some elements of such. But no, I do not see myself as going to strip clubs forever. I am planning on spending a decade living on the road, to expand the organization. After that I will get everything I want, but from the organization. SJG
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    When I think of endgame, I think of an objective that we're trying to accomplish that makes the activity no longer needed. Which isn't the case for me with strip clubs. I go to have a good time, and thankfully that doesn't have to happen just one time.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Too young to be thinking endgame yet. SJG
  • vajmon
    6 years ago
    There is no endgame. The "game" only ends when you die or your dick falls off.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    thanks lurkingdog!
  • justaguy79
    6 years ago
    Did you ever see that movie, Leaving Las Vegas? It's kind of like that, but with a lot more girls, and I only drink 2-3 Coors lights a night.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    @Vantablack It's complicated and would take hours to explain, and I'd prefer to keep it to myself anyway. But trust me, it's so fucking asinine, you'd say "She turned against you for that? WTF?" @vajmon "The "game" only ends when you die or your dick falls off." Agreed.
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    No end game, I just like hot women and am always on a quest to do naughty things with them. Unfortunately in normal dating it is hard to come across girls who are sweet and nice who are also incredibly attractive, but it's easy to cum across hot girls when cash is the component. I burn some of my time waiting out a good catch by playing with hot girl who have loose morals and borderline broke. It may seem strange but the longest-term female friends I have we all met one way or another with me paying for their "time" and as friends they genuinely are the sweetest people. I do wonder if the time I spend being a perv is causing me to lose time with proper dating, but I sure as shit am not losing any more money doing things like this, and the dating world is just plain brutal. I'm starting to not be able to stomach it any more.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    The endgame is to marry a stripper and to live happily ever after.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    There’s no end game, it’s a pastime, not an all consuming strategic pursuit.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    @DC No fucking shit, Sherlock! Why do you think I hung in there for several years at the end while the situation was near untenable? Because I was trying hard to work it out. She left, I didn't boot her out. Nothing I could do to prevent it.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    there is always an end game. Actions are guided by beliefs in epistemological truths. You don't go through a process for nothing
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    @DC Gotcha!
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    DC, take your own advice, try harder to get over your mental problems
  • Mr_PUA_Guy50
    6 years ago
    I am no PL, but my endgame with women is to pump and dump as many of them as possible.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    ^^^^I approve of this message.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    I'll probably be one of the few to give an honest answer lol. My engame within 1-2 years is actually settling down. If I could do it all over again I would. Hobbying has helped me understand what I want in a woman. 10 years ago my criteria in a wife was funny, well educated, and good with money. These days I just want a girl who understands she needs to go to the gym 4 days out of the week, can please me in bed, and keeps her mouth shut when im watching the game. Although i spent a lot of money in my decade of mongering Im sure I would have paid more in alimony payments and trips to marriage counseling with some of the women I used to date years ago.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    6 years ago
    Steel, that happened to me too.
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    Joining TUSCL
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    ^Lol. Smashing dougster’s like button for that one.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    PSD--I am sorry you have had such a loss.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    "Lol I've been keeping my roommate up to date on everything going on here and he is just cracking up over it. We laughed" Basically, if anyone still thinks they WANT to help this guy, should read the above then re-read it and let it sink in. Then do it again. He doesn't want your help. It's just a joke to him. To me, it's his dunce cap. But regardless of his lack of dating success with women, I'll still sleep the same each night. @pinksugardoll and @steeldog65, you have my condolences over your losses.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The girls at elite colleges really do not want relationships. So they will not be your civie GF. The town girls will make serious emotional and time demands on you. Now no, I don't think P4P is a real long term solution to anything. The solution will be found in my organization! SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Imagine, 4 to hold you down and one to ride you first, our stripper grade priestesses initiating you. SJG
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