
How would you improve your favorite club ?

I’m going to make you Manager-for-the-day of your favorite club. You’re welcome.

What changes would you make ? No, free blow jobs are not an option. It has to be something that makes economic sense for the club while improving the customer experience.

Here’s my list:
- Fire all the ugly dancers and the ROBs. I’d rather have a club with 20 great and happy dancers, who are constantly working, than 50 losers who pester me, then complain when I turn them down.
- Get rid of 20% of the seating. Right now, it’s too damn crowded. You may need to turn customers away on Friday and Saturday nights. To make up for that, go ahead and raise prices on those nights.
-Tell the bouncers to give customers some space. Sure, they need to get involved if a customer goes way over the line, but stop with the penny ante shit.


  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I"m not sure that things that I would want would fall under the "that makes economic sense for the club ".

    - Better looking women
    - more private VIP rooms
    - make the girls circulate more
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    $10 blow job night would be a huge hit.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i would turn down the volume 10%. and play more good latino music.
  • Electronman
    6 years ago
    Remove the video monitoring in the lap dance area and add privacy curtains.

  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    Expand the area and replace the DJ
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    I'd put some senile/blind guy watching the cameras, and discount the CRs for repeat customers.
  • jthershey
    6 years ago
    --Don't overcharge on anything; entry, dances, drinks, VIP etc. Make your money on volume and repeat business
    --Semi private VIP; no, I don't need a dark room with the doors closed... but separate from the main crowd, and for heavens sake, NO BOUNCERS STARING at your dance
    --per dance VIP pricing; instead of 3/$100 or half-hour/$250... that way if the dancer sucks, its much less damage
    --make good drinks, not watered down messes
    --if your average customer is not a millionaire, then don't try to act like a high-end club. I can find my own seat, I can dispense my own soap, etc.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    1). Play music more customers want.
    2) Hire bouncers and staff that will step in when customers actually misbehave but otherwise treat customers like you want them to return to the club.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    If I owned a club and had the money to modernize it, I’d mount some tablets to the tables. When a dancer went on stage, flash a bio of her, and have a request a dance button or something for the guys too timid to ask. Show how many guys are in front of you, so you know if you should wait or move on, or you can increase your price per song so she picks you over the 3 guys before you.

    Buy her a drink button so even if she’s got a line, she might come over for a break and a drink before going onto the next guy. Maybe a talk or chat button or something, so the girl know if a guy just wants to shoot the shit for a few, get to know her before getting a dance. Have a dancer directory to search to see if a girls working, and the ones that want (that don’t have stalkers) can list what times and nights they are working. Link it to the bar, so you know her favorite drink, and can push a button to order one when she sits down, or a beer for yourself without needing the waitress to make 2 trips.

    Give the girls some proximity bracelets so when they get close to your table and sit down with you, their name and stats pop up. So I don’t sit there for 2 minutes over the music trying to understand if it’s Misty or Missy.

    Maybe a report to a club manager button for ROBs or the chicks that will not go away when you tell them your not interested.

    Search for other traits if you dont have a girl in mind, if you like blonds with fake tits, maybe girls with those traits are alerted that table 6 might like her.

    Maybe a request a song option for a buck or something, if the DJ or girl vetoes your song it refunds you. Tie all that to a free member card, so you swipe it when you get there and it will bring up your old stats. And tell you that Misty is working, and on stage in 8 songs. When you pick her, her proximity bracelet buzzes so when she’s in the back on her phone, she knows someone is there to see her.

    Hell, when you got the seasoned lady that should have retired 6 years ago, let her post 2 for 1 specials, or $5 tables dances or $5 massages or something for the guys with shallow pockets.

    Let the customers rate the girls after a dance, probably just need to be a star rating for the club and not allow txt otherwise too easy for LE to nab the naughty girls. If the one star on lap dances walks up and asks if I want a lap dance, I’d sure like to know she sucks before it costs me $20. Or let her try to sell me that she’s improved. “I know I’m a 1 star, but I’ve been working on this, and I promise you’ll have a good time, or else I won’t charge you” Bad ratings would encourage the shitty girls to be better dancers. Only accept reviews from someone who’s proximity sensor triggered your tablet, so you couldn’t have someone try to 1 star a girl they never met. Or you can rate looks and personality and some other traits, but can’t rate LD without getting a LD. Maybe only let 1 review per guy per girl, you can update your rating, but you can’t leave 600 reviews.

    Like a casino, you have a bunch of stats on your card. So the house can comp you certain things based on your past spend. This is your 50th CR this month Mr Juice, the next one is on the house.

    Yes, if I owned a club with the funds to do it, it would be all about getting the girls to paying PL, and let the PL’s know info about the girls to spend their money with less regret afterwards.
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    -Reduce alcohol prices
    -No VIP surveillance
    -Girl who orders drink but uses code to have drink served virgin (but PL still pays alcohol price) is administered automatic, uncomfortable electric shock.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The answer is obvious, lift the unreasonable restrictions on front room friendliness. Let the women do it their own way.

    Then, make it across the parking lot from a motel, within stripper shoe distance. And offer robes for the ladies.

  • joc13
    6 years ago
    - let dancers sit on customer laps any time
    - allow boob and ass touching during table dances (at dancer's discretion)
    - do away with stupid ass "bottle service" only tables, especially when it's slow. regulars should be able to sit wherever they like
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ agreed.

    Let front room friendliness ensue in the main no extra cost seating areas.


    And yes indeed, Elliot Rodger was in a school known as a party school. He and his parents chose it because he thought he could get laid there. But too often, college ends up being just another delay in the road to adult status. How long one can stand this varies. The British born AstroPhysicist Freeman Dyson is a vociferous critic of our German derived PhD system for just these sorts of reasons.

    Elliot's parents saw him as a problem, and so they were looking for a fix. So they thought they'd found it in UCSB. I don't fault them though, at least not for that.

    DC, you write very well. Unfortunately I think many at that critical age we are speaking of do not have your powers of perception and discernment. They would not be able to make that kind of a discernment about a school, like in 2 or 3 weeks. They just don't have enough worldly experience. They have never seen or known anything except for the world which they grew up in. And they may have bought into this idea that they are some kind of a problem. Elliot certainly had. So he would not see himself as capable of evaluating a new social environment.

    Anyway, spree shootings had been happening at Post Offices. But they have tried to reform. Locally there was a recent one at the UPS building in San Francisco. Shootings have been on the rise at high schools. And these Incel identified spree shooters seem to be at colleges. I see this as similar to the high school situation.

    But the commentators are just tying it to this PUA culture of misogyny, and to the NRA / Republican Party culture of guns and retributive violence.

    I think both interpretations are equally correct. Conventional college cannot possibly be the best way to get an education. The time interval is just too short, and the pressure and concentration level too high. Education needs to be life long, self-directed, and mixed with all other types of life experience.

    And then there is the cost issue. People should not be saddled with debt, or at the mercy of their parents. And then for those at the public schools, already far to expensive, moving to a private school would generally be out of the question. College has become more about credentialing, than about education.

    A local historian who teaches at UC Berkeley, Gray Brechin, has studied the subject and concluded that even the publicly funded colleges help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And I believe that if one just thinks about it for a moment, this is obvious.


    And then as young adults many have yet to the develop many aspects of themselves, so they really cannot commit or apply themselves to any demanding programs, and they cannot make an informed commitment to anything either. Most of their education will have to come at some later date.

    Being denied adult status for years and years, and especially when childhood has been crippling, is just going to be pain some will not be able to bear. We need to find other ways.



    Mary Jane's Last Dance - Tom Petty

    TJ Street












    Attributed to Denis Diderot, "Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    let the girl draw her own lines and limits instead of the club and bouncers.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^ And I assume that that starts in the front room, in the regular seating, where unstructured free form fraternizing should be occurring!


    MisterWonderful +10

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Sometimes it had gotten to be a bit like that in our San Jose Underground Circuit.

  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    Make it cheaper for girls to work there. Less shitty pop music, more good dance music or classic rock. I automatically tip girls that pick Aerosmith songs.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Well the club has to take in money in order to operate. Some of it just comes down to how much competition they have. And charging the girls access fees does not mean that the girls go home with less money.

    And then of the music, usually it is the girls who are picking it.

    Again, look at what MisterWonderful posted and see how that applies to the front room.

  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    I would require each staff member and dancer to practice recognizing each dancer and remembering their name. As a customer it is annoying when I ask who a dancer is and club workers don't know. Or whether a dancer is in or not.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The less people know, the more free lance the girls are and the wilder it will be.

  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    * Hire Juice as greeter/floor-host

    * guys that lock down a dancer for more than 30-minutes w/o getting dances or doing VIP, receive a beating and get thrown out of the club
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Better/more-fair song lengths - seems most clubs do not play full-songs - the avg seems to be 3:30 in length which is often not the full/whole song - many clubs play them even shorter, 3-mins and even below that - and some clubs seem stagger them playing them from 2:30 to 3:30 so one can at times get a very-short song while still paying full-price - not fair to pay full-price for every song while getting different song-lengths.

    Fair IMO:

    - $10/dance - 3-minutes

    - $20/dance - 4-minutes

    - $25+/dance - 5-minutes+

    In fact IMO it's fairer and more transparent if dances are by time and not by song
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Papi, I like that second point. Free up the girls to circulate. But I'm not sure about Juice working there. He would be back in the back with a girl at all times.
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    my favorite club is a booze club in socal and i would change it so that lapdances were topless and some touching was allowed, that's it. they are so strict it's stupid and makes it hard to sell dances. if i make money doing air bikini dances... god i can't imagine how amazing it would be if the rules were just a little bit more lax. so many guys stop after 1 when they realize i can't take my top off and they'll get yelled at for lightly caressing my upper thigh
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I’d make the dances priced based on what you want - and not dependent on the length of the song.

    Dancers will learn quickly what return customers want - and what the will tip - so the money won’t be an issue.

    You want a dance - with a dancer grinding against your pants - thats $50.

    A nude dance with a blow job - $100.

    A fuck is $150.

    You tip the girl what you find appropriate.

    The lap dance area should be private - no cameras - no bouncer checking to see if you are knuckle deep in the girl - and the private booths should be large enough to relax and spread out.

    I wouldn’t give a shit about selling shitty booze to horny guys. Horny guys will spend money on hot girls.

    I wouldn’t have a DJ. I’d just use one of those streaming services. If there isn’t a streaming service with a strip club mix - then I’d create one - and market it as a way to reduce DJ expenses for clubs.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    How about just letting the women do it their way, meaning whatever happens in the front room happens. Let the money be between the customer and the girl.

    Then when they want to go to a back room, there is a fee per time.

    Very simple, and it lets the house have what it needs most, plausible deniability.


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    Lou Reed - Egg Cream

    Ghilottibros.com, Golden Gate Bridge
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    No cell phones on the floor
    No hidden charges with fair VIP prices
    Active IG account
    Robs get put on suspension immediately
    Bartenders must be topless for 5 minutes for every $5 tip
    No ghetto bitches (you know who you are and I'm not talking about color)
    Ability to go online to club website and rate dancers from 1-5
    And homemade ranch. Every place needs fresh homemade ranch.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    No smoking except in a designated area (outdoor patio; or enclosed separate room like they do in airports)
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    more dance options is how I would improve

    my fav local club is great: variety in races of dancers, no smoking, extras available, club isn’t too big, free admission passes.

    But the only options for dances are one song for 25 bucks or dances bought by time: like 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour

    I don’t mind dances in time, I do it all the time, but more options would be nice
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    How about letting it be between you and the girl, starting in the front room. Then when you want the back room, there is a fee.

    Otherwise the whole thing is just between you and the girl.

  • Book Guy
    6 years ago
    1. Privacy layout to encourage tricks ...

    The trick is in the layout. As in, the shape of the building, where the walls are, where the private booths are, where the stage is, whether or not it's a reasonable expectation that so-and-so can see such-and-such from here or from there. Therefore, I would ...

    rearrange the entire building to put the VIP rooms down on the other end of a very long noisy corridor, near to a non-alarmed emergency exit out to the parking lot. Tip the angle of the VIP booths at about 45 degrees to the corridor (basically, the same floor-plan as a typical diagonal layout for a parking lot). Customers wouldn't have to walk the main floor if they're worried that there's a raid going on. And you would always know who was coming toward you down the noisy planks of the corridor. Then install some fake cameras and be smart enough about technology that you can make it look like you were filming, by means of changing but blurry images that played out on the control console in the office.

    2. NYTimes style ticker

    Put a simple little LED text-display that shows the name of the dancer who is on stage, maybe some other stuff. "Red Bull on Sale! 2 for 1. Roxy now dancing first song of a 2 song set. Red Bull on Sale! 2 for 1. Charlotte and Bambam will dance next. Red Bull on Sale ..."
  • Book Guy
    6 years ago
    Oh yes and the $10 blow-job days would be great too ...
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    How about just let it be between you and the girl, front room, and back room?

    And when you invite the girl to the back room the house does get a time based fee.

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