
TUSCL Challenge - Dancer Directory

Avatar for shailynn
shailynnThey never tell you what you need to know.

Okay how about a challenge.

Post a link to who you feel is the hottest looking dancer (from the photos they have posted) from the dancer directory.

San Jose Guy, we already know you’re going to pick the dude in the wheelchair, but I believe he is NOT a dancer.


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Avatar for nicespice

First place, waffle, because what else can be sexier than fat stacks of money.


Second place, Pinksugardoll, because of how toned she is


Avatar for yahtzee74

Actually I liked her previous profile picture a lot. Can't really tell much from her current one.

Avatar for TxVegas

I would say Pink Sugar Doll is first of those that participate. BJ69 also has some good pics as an avatar. Nina looks good too. There area few hot ladies in the dancer directory that I have not seen participate.

Avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle

"First place, waffle, because what else can be sexier than fat stacks of money."

Lol, thanks NS!

I can't choose anyone because they're all pretty hot and sexy in their own respects.

Avatar for jackslash

LinzeeDet. I have met her. She is hot and fun to talk to. Her photos on TUSCL don't do her justice.


Avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle

^dude, I love Linzee and she is such a kind person. I second your vote for Linzee.

Avatar for flagooner

"I can't choose anyone because they're all pretty hot and sexy in their own respects."

When did this become the PC zone?

Avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle

I was trying not to show favoritism and be supportive.

Avatar for twentyfive

I didn’t see that flagooner picked anyone in particular just picked on someone #fruitcupbully


Avatar for ime

Pinksugardoll but Linzee looks good.

Avatar for flagooner

Of those recently active I vote for nicespice.

Avatar for wallanon

Not enough photos. There's a reason why people post photos of their favorite body part.

Avatar for Cashman1234

No contest - PoleDancer83 wins easily!

Her body is hot as fuck - she’s got a filthy mind too - and I’ve heard she’s a great fuck.

Avatar for Dominic77

PinkSugardoll for me. Her body is just Disneyland. Also PoleDancer83 has some nice tits and I like her philosophical discussions and dirty thoughts, too.

Avatar for ASUS12

Without a doubt , Nicespice , I have always had a thing for Asians , but there are none in Houston, I need to come visit SA or Austin, I get over there from time to time , but usually just in the daytime....

Avatar for stripfighter

Don't know her other than one recent discussion about club but Bree1989 is looking pretty good and fun. (cue she should post more (c: }


Lots of good choices can't go wrong a number of them.

Avatar for LinzeeDet

Awe Waffle ur the babe :) my vote is for "sexonwheels" though. Hands down. Lololol

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