
Text nicole1994

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Msg me ur number and I will msg u pics but only when I feel like it which I honestly dont know how often that will be

I love sending pics of myself when I feel sexy and although I can still send them to the two guys my age who are tall, beautiful , and handsome as fuck, I have stopped doing so cuz I don't like their attitudes



  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    You got it
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Tickle mah hairy ballz Nicole
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Juggle deez nuts
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LOL the attention whore is upping her game.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Play see saw with my hairy sac
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Jumanji deez cashews
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    I buy u ice cream if you French kiss my gooch
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    I want you to pretend my balls are like a slurpee on a hot Texas day and you don't have a straw
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    *Cherry slurpee sorry
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Have her diddle it on the Senate floor @pistola
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Hell ya Nicole diddle my doodads while we are on the Senate floor because you aren't on a trajectory to be there one day by your lonesome.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    The Ivy league dropout is gonna need all the help she gets.
  • Yup.the ivy lesgue drop out who now attends another top university in the world(;
  • A school way above that which any of u have attended.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LMAO UT ranks lower than UC Berkeley on so many lists. Yup.

    LOL Nicokeyes is still a 24 yr old sophomore at UT. She's assuming she's going to graduate and LMAO even brags about it. Based on being an Ivy league dropout, odds are she's gonna dropout of UT.

    LOLOLLOL Nicokeyes aggrandizing about being a dropout and a 24 yr old sophomore.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @DC9428 I don't get the attraction to Nicokeyes either. She's at best a 6. Tits too small and an awkward looking body. Her face is a little better than her body but even so she has cold and buggy eyes.
  • Right .. Cornell is below harvard but it is still Cornell..just like how ut is below Berkeley , but it is still UT

    And if you're thinking about how much lower ut is compared to Berkeley, that says more abt u than me..ut is still pretty top and if your school is lower than UT, then why are u even talking ? Of courde u gonna hate from outside the club when ur dumbass cant even get in
  • No..I'm "aggrandizing" how id rather be 3 years behind and come out from a top school than be 30 and be median.
  • Edit: I would Much rather be 3 or 4 yeaes behind and be a graduate of a world renowned university at the expense of only having "wasted" 1\10 (a small fraction) of how long id be working as opposed to being 22 and coming out of a school ranked lower, let alone from one that is not a tier 1 research school and not having the chance to ever do so
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @Nicokeyes since you are a dumbass dropout let me explain my post clearly:

    You posted this -> "A school way above that which any of u have attended."

    And to that I made the simple point that I, as a graduate of UC Berkeley, attended a school that ranks higher on many rankings as compared to UT. It is simply a clear refutation of your quoted words.

    It has nothing to do with all the other dumbass shit you assumed that it did and just posted.

    Furthermore you missed the point that you aggrandize about having something that you don't even have. You have no degree from Cornell and you have no degree from UT. Additionally you are a 24 yr old sophomore, an age where most are already graduated. My point, dumbass, is that you aggrandize AFTER you actually graduate. Why? Because that's an actual accomplishment, dumbass. So yes, when I take into account what you have actually accomplished, you are aggrandizing about being an Ivy league dropout and a 24 yr old sophomore. Why? Because they are your ACTUAL accomplishments.

    And FYI the LOL, LMAO, and LOLOLLOL was me laughing as I read your stupidity.
  • The fact that you are a graduate of berekly has nothing to do with the fact that I will have received a top education in 3 yrs ..which I would much prefer than to not have had the chance at all of doing so, as 4 yrs behind is much smaller compared to 36 yrs I'm the workforce without a good degree.

    The fact that u are saying I wont graduate is ur own opinion which u are Entitled to, despite the fact that it is an inaccurate one .
  • Despite the fact that it will prove to be an inaccurate prediction *
  • There are many ppl twice as old as me graduating with their bachelor's...lmao who is to say that I am not gonna do the same being twice as young as them

    You must have learned a lot about the world from berkeley ? Especially when u think you are legitimate in assuming I'm the one who is ignorant.
  • Nicole 1994 out
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LMAO still aggrandizing from the position of being a dropout and an aged sophomore despite all other points Nicokeyes makes. But what's a student bum to do?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @Nicokeyes posted -> "The fact that u are saying I wont graduate"

    ^ Ok this is just one example as proof of your ignorance. The fact is, dumbass, is that I NEVER said you won't or wouldn't graduate. Since you are clearly an ignorant dumbass that can't read, let me requote myself:

    "Furthermore you missed the point that you aggrandize about having something that you don't even have. You have no degree from Cornell and you have no degree from UT. Additionally you are a 24 yr old sophomore, an age where most are already graduated. My point, dumbass, is that you aggrandize AFTER you actually graduate. Why? Because that's an actual accomplishment, dumbass. So yes, when I take into account what you have actually accomplished, you are aggrandizing about being an Ivy league dropout and a 24 yr old sophomore. Why? Because they are your ACTUAL accomplishments."

    Also I posted this: "Based on being an Ivy league dropout, odds are she's gonna dropout of UT."

    Neither of these posts are saying that you won't graduate. At best my last quoted statement is speculation that you won't.

    Learn to read more clearly, dumbass.

  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    The fact is, Nicokeyes makes strawman arguments.

    The fact is, Nicokeyes is a Cornell dropout.

    The fact is, Nicokeyes is an aged sophomore.

    The fact is, living in Nicokeyes head rent free is like living in an empty studio apartment.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    I don't see the big deal with getting a degree outside of the stereotypical age.. there's so many different paths life can take and circumstances.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Pistola killed it with several great comments - rotfl!

    Txtittyfag hit hard with a nostril request too!

    That was great!

  • Lmao blah blah it isnt about not graduating at a stereotypical age . his logic is just stupid as his criticism is stigma alone rather than any real world consequences.

    - I'll still be able to get the same job as anyone who graduated earlier when I get out

    -there's actually a chance of me getting a better job when I get out bc I'm going to one od the best schools

    He'll probably say that I wont be able to get the same job bc of my age. Bur saying this would confirm my statement about him that he is stupid, bcuz so many ppl these days graduate within 6 yrs and even at the age of 30(we all know this) and still get jobs after . so yeah employers will question it , but it wont make it so difficult for me for them to hire me.

    He is complaining about me spending a fraction of how long ppl are in the work force for getting a degree which woukd allow me to get the same job as anyone who graduated earlier, if not a better one bc of the education am receiving lmao ..

    Wow, this guy must really think through thinfs logically.probably not, given that I had to explain to.him.repeatedly that my point is not that I am.24 and in college , but that me being 24 and at one of the best colleges wont prevent me from the same career chances offered to those who graduated earlier .
  • he keeps assuming that "I am aggradizing" about being 24 and in college.

    If I am."aggrandizing" anything, it is that tell me to read Clearly when you haven't been able to understand.thr basic point of my argument , which is that your standard for success is poor.

    He talks about being 24 and still in college , as if the age you graduate is a predicament for succssess..wow thats interesting . I womder how many graduated "at the right age" and are under employed or unemployed ?

    I'm going to be 25 and a graduate of one od thr world's best universities..Wow @blah blah, that is much worse than someone who graduated at 22 from an average or lower ranked school(majority of college grads as most don't go to elite schools)..or wow..I'm gonna 25 anf a graduate of UT..that is so much more different than someone who graduated at 22 from the same school ! So much more different !

  • Wow, graduing at 25 from my school is so much more different than someone who does so at 22, when the same ppl are gonna be hiring us.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LMAO Nicokeyes my points have already been made.

    You continue to throw out your false assumptions and strawman arguments instead of refuting something I actually quoted. Go back and re-read my points, dumbass. I even summarized it.

    Again it has nothing to do with what you just posted. I'm not complaining about anything. I'm just pointing out your own dumbass logic. LOL still you brag and aggrandize from a position of accomplishing being a dropout and still in school at 24.

    And LMAO you can't even give the reason you are 24 yrs old and still a sophomore. You avoid having to disclose that because you are just a student bum. And a dropout.

    LOL once again, read what I actually posted, dumbass.
  • Wow, graduating at 25 from my school is so much more different than someone who does so at 22, when the same ppl are gonna be hiring us.

  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    "Wow, graduing at 25 from my school is so much more different than someone who does so at 22, when the same ppl are gonna be hiring us"

    ^ LOL wow, you haven't graduated yet.

    Wow, you don't even understand that you make assumptions and then brag about those.

    LOL bye, dumbass.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    "he keeps assuming that "I am aggradizing" about being 24 and in college."

    ^ wrong, dumbass. Strawman argument as I already pointed out about you.
  • Guys sir dance said I am making assumptions !!.

    -guys , am I lying that ppl graduate college at 30 ?

    -guys , am I lying that there has been a signicant increase in the number of ppl who take 6 yrs as opposed to 4 to graduate?

    Wow! He really wants u to believe someone who calls someone else (such as myslef ) for pointing out not just facts that u can look up online , but that which is obvious regarding college graduates !!
  • Wow..sir dance says nothing is wrojg when is logic, when he is the one who is the age which most students are underemployed or emoloyed as a standard by which to judge success ?

    Wow sir dance is saying nothing with his logic when he thinks that my point is to talk about how I'm 24 and in college, when I have stated multiple times it was not that, but rather that sir dance's opinion of my age will not prevent me from obtaining the same career chances , as someone who graduated at an earlier age.

    Sir dance claims this to be an assumption, when it is actually based on more evidence than his claim which is only supported by stigma.

    The evidence is that way took many these days ar graduating within 5 or 6 yrs , as well as in their 30's and still get jobs.

    So I'm not worried cuz the employers clearly aren't.so why is sir dance worried about me ?

  • Guys sir dance said I am making assumptions !!.

    -guys , am I lying that ppl graduate college at 30 ?

    -guys , am I lying that there has been a significant increase in the number of ppl who take 6 yrs as opposed to 4 to graduate?

    Wow! He really wants u to believe someone who calls someone else (such as myslef ) for pointing out not just facts that u can look up online , but that which is obvious regarding college graduates !!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LMAO dumbass I said you make assumptions about the points that I make. It had nothing to do with assuming what you posted, dumbass.

    Learn to read.
  • Yes sir dance , I am 24 and in college .

    Guys , don't u see who he keeps repeating that after I have admitted it? Do u see how keeps going in circles and saying that as if his opinion of me being 24 and in college is similar to the opinion of those responsible for giving me job ?

    Wow sir dance is saying nothing with his logic when he thinks that my point is to talk about how I'm 24 and in college, when I have stated multiple times it was not that, but rather that sir dance's opinion of my age will not prevent me from obtaining the same career chances as someone who graduated at an earlier age.

    Sir dance claims this to be an assumption, when it is actually based on more evidence than his claim own which is only supported by stigma.

    The evidence is that is becoming a widely common trend that many students hese days are graduating college within 5 or 6 yrs , as well as in their 30's...

    If employers aren't worried about me being 25+ and asking them for a job, then why is this guy worried about such a thing when he doesn't even know me, and when my situation has become increasingly common among college graduates?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    The fact is, Nicokeyes makes strawman arguments.

    The fact is, Nicokeyes is a Cornell dropout.

    The fact is, Nicokeyes is an aged sophomore.

    The fact is, living in Nicokeyes head rent free is like living in an empty studio apartment.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    The fact is, Nicokeyes still aggrandizes about degrees and jobs that she doesn't have.
  • youre the one who needs to re read, not me.

    You are the one who keeps stating that I am 24 and in college , after I have not once, but twice not only admitted it, but have stated that is not the point I am making.

    Wow..sir dance says nothing is wrojg when is logic, when he is the one who is the age which most students are underemployed or emoloyed as a standard by which to judge success ?

    Wow sir dance is saying nothing with his logic when he thinks that my point is to talk about how I'm 24 and in college, when I have stated multiple times it was not that, but rather that sir dance's opinion of my age will not prevent me from obtaining the same career chances , as someone who graduated at an earlier age.

    Sir dance claims this to be an assumption, when it is actually based on more evidence than his claim which is only supported by stigma.

    The evidence is that way took many these days ar egraduating within 5 or 6 yrs , as well as in their 30's

    If employers aren't worried about me being 25+(sure they'll raise an eyebrow but it won't stop me cuz of the New trend in how long ppl take to graduate) and asking them for a job, then why is this guy worried about such a thing when he doesn't even know me, and when my situation has become increasingly common among college graduates?
  • Sir dance is the one saying that I am atlaking abt degrees and jobs I dont have, when i never said that I have them, but that my age isnt a problem in obtaining them

    ...and he tells me that I need to learn to read?
  • Sir dance is the one saying that I am talking abt degrees and jobs I dont have, when i never said that I have them, but that my age isnt a problem in obtaining them

    ...and he tells me that I need to learn to read
  • Yeah sir dance ..I'm 24 and in college

    U have a problem with that, but thankfully a lot of employers don't

    Yeah sir dance, I left Cornell. ..because transferring from one school to another never happens ??
  • Yeah sir dance ..I'm 24 and in college

    U have a problem with that, but thankfully a lot of employers don't

    Yeah sir dance, I left Cornell. ..because transferring from one school to another never happens ??
  • Yeah sir dance ..I'm 24 and in college

    U have a problem with that, but thankfully a lot of employers don't

    Yeah sir dance, I left Cornell. ..because transferring from one school to another never happens ??
  • Yeah sir dance ..I'm 24 and in college

    U have a problem with that, but thankfully a lot of employers don't

    Yeah sir dance, I left Cornell. ..because transferring from one school to another never happens ??
  • Yeah sir dance ..I'm 24 and in college

    U have a problem with that, but thankfully a lot of employers don't

    Yeah sir dance, I left Cornell. ..because transferring from one school to another never happens ??
  • Yeah sir dance ..I'm 24 and in college

    U have a problem with that, but thankfully a lot of employers don't

    Yeah sir dance, I left Cornell. ..because transferring from one school to another never happens ??
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Yeah Nicokeyes, you still assume shit I never posted. I'm just saying being a dropout and aged sophomore is a very weak position to aggrandize from. It really is that simple. And I got no problem. I'm having fun with you!
  • I'm.not aggrandizing about anything , I'm stating the following simple facts:

    Me being 25+ and in college wont ruin my career chances or even do damage to it cuz I'll.still be getitng offers from the same employers who hired my peers when who graduated not that much earlier before me..

    I'm also stating that I'm a transfer student which is true. By your logic, every student who leaves their previous institution for a new one is a drop out their old school..guess u haven't heard of transfer students ?

    I'm not aggrandizing anything..I never talked about how awesome I am bc of this, as you were the one who brought it up.the on my time I talk about my education is In response to comments like these, in which I don't aggrandize anything, I just say what I said here, which like I said, are simple facts

    The on my time I aggradized was months ago(I saif that just for fun which is why I don't bring it up anymoew ), which is funny cuz that means u are using statements I said months ago and not recently to say that I am "aggrandizing "
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LMAO you can't even see the aggrandizing in your own posts in this thread.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    "...the fact that I will have received a top education in 3 yrs ..which I would much prefer than to not have had the chance at all of doing so, as 4 yrs behind is much smaller compared to 36 yrs I'm the workforce without a good degree."

    There is no FACT that you actually HAVE a degree from a top university. Hence, you are aggrandizing about something that you don't have. And claim something in the future as fact which is a logical fallacy, dumbass.
  • the fact that I will have received a top education in 3 yrs

    ^ I said will have received.the key word is WILL . so we think will have received is the equivalent of saying I haVE something right now?

    And you're the one calling me a dumbass ? I think you are more confused than you are stupid lol.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LOL you are now arguing my point, dumbass. We agree now.

    Aggrandizing about something you HAVE is much different than and not the equivalent of aggrandizing about something you do NOT have. You are doing the latter which is my point LMAO. You make my point and then call me the dumbass for it. LOLOLLOL!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    It took a while, but recognizing that the keyword is WILL is a step towards understanding your own dumbass points. Progress!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Since you are clearly an ignorant dumbass that can't read, let me requote myself:

    "Furthermore you missed the point that you aggrandize about having something that you don't even have. You have no degree from Cornell and you have no degree from UT. Additionally you are a 24 yr old sophomore, an age where most are already graduated. My point, dumbass, is that you aggrandize AFTER you actually graduate. Why? Because that's an actual accomplishment, dumbass. So yes, when I take into account what you have actually accomplished, you are aggrandizing about being an Ivy league dropout and a 24 yr old sophomore. Why? Because they are your ACTUAL accomplishments."
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "A school way above that which any of u have attended."

    Why would you assume that no one here has gone to a school as good if not better than UT Austin? You live in a bubble. Not everyone here decides to just list what school(s) they have gone to; this isn't a job application site, we don't post résumés here. For those of us who are in the strip club industry and not just jobless trolls, there is a thing called "discretion" that some people here take seriously. Grow up.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @NinaBambina that is yet another aggrandizing post that she fails to recognize as such (like a dumbass).
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Nicole text me # is 555-suk-dick
  • jsully63
    6 years ago
    Nicole for a college student your grammar is horrible. Learn the queens English or your resume won’t make it to any hiring managers desk.
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
  • @ sir dance: for a term that you have used ten thousand times thus far, you seem to know to deprive the term "aggrandize" of its meaning

    for every one thousand times which you have stated this word, I have not once aggrandized anything on this very post.

    not only do you lie, your logic is as flawed as you are confused about current trends among college graduates which you think you know about.

    your logic is flawed because I cannot aggrandize about having a degree when I have admitted numerous times that I am still in college pursuing a degree.
  • sir dance claims that I aggrandize about having a degree when I have admitted proudly that I am still a student....how can I aggrandize about having something when I have admitted to still being in the process of pursuing it? this is not what I have said, but rather what you think that I said.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LOL and you still can't read what posted. I never said that you aggrandize about having a degree, dumbass. Quit making strawman arguments. Go back and re-read what I actually posted multiple times. I even reposted it a few times for your dumbass.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    "...the fact that I will have received a top education in 3 yrs ..which I would much prefer than to not have had the chance at all of doing so, as 4 yrs behind is much smaller compared to 36 yrs I'm the workforce without a good degree."

    There is no FACT that you actually HAVE a degree from a top university. Hence, you are aggrandizing about something that you don't have. And claim something in the future as fact which is a logical fallacy, dumbass.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    The fact is, Nicokeyes makes strawman arguments.

    The fact is, Nicokeyes is a Cornell dropout.

    The fact is, Nicokeyes is an aged sophomore.

    The fact is, living in Nicokeyes head rent free is like living in an empty studio apartment.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago

    - increase the power, status, or wealth of.

    - enhance the reputation of (someone) beyond what is justified by the facts.

    Example of Nicokeyes aggrandizing about a degree that she admittedly does not have:

    ""...the fact that I will have received a top education in 3 yrs ..which I would much prefer than to not have had the chance at all of doing so, as 4 yrs behind is much smaller compared to 36 yrs I'm the workforce without a good degree."

    I've spelled it out again for your dumbass.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Another example of dumbass aggrandizing:

    "Yup.the ivy lesgue drop out who now attends another top university in the world(;"
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Yet another example:

    "I'm going to be 25 and a graduate of one od thr world's best universities.."

    Like I already said Nicokeyes, you're too stupid to understand you're own posts. Like a dumbass you claim you aren't aggrandizing and clearly you are.
  • I said : the fact that I will have received a top education in 3 yrs

    You said : There is no FACT that you actually HAVE a degree from a top university.

    That's exactly right, sir dance . there is no fact that I have a degree from UT, because I never said that I in fact possess a degree from UT .

    So I am not aggrandizing that I have anything, because" will have "(the term I used) refers to a future tense, and speaks nothing about what I have or do not have today.

    Please stop conflating simple grammatical tenses togsther. I understand if you have trouble distinguishing these tenses which we learned in kindergarten, but I cannot understand you repeating that you fail to understand such an elementary concept by using the same logically flawed arguments continuously .especially when you think that I am somehow denying what you said, when I have admitted to the fact that I am currently a student , a claim which you have made repeatedly .

    Again, you seem to be more confused than stupid.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LMAO you are still so stupid to realize that you are still aggrandizing about something you don't have. Your quoted posts prove it.

    LMAO you actually are arguing my point.

    Reread the definition of aggrandizing. Reread the examples I showed you, dumbass. They are clearly examples of it. That you repeatedly don't see it is exactly why you are a bonafide dumbass.

    It's speculation only but it is likely why you are a dropout and 24 yr old sophomore. Too stupid to progress through college like others.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    The fact is, Nicokeyes makes strawman arguments.

    The fact is, Nicokeyes is a Cornell dropout.

    The fact is, Nicokeyes is an aged sophomore.

    The fact is, Nicokeyes still aggrandizes about degrees and jobs that she doesn't have.

    The fact is, living in Nicokeyes head rent free is like living in an empty studio apartment.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ smashing that like button
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Lol yes to smashing all like buttons.

    Btw did you actually collect any phone numbers?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    "Btw did you actually collect any phone numbers?"

    ^ Great post! It sets up the potential for more aggrandizing posts.

    Which of course I will point out, should Nicokeyes the Aggrandizer choose to respond to it in her usual self aggrandizing way, as evidenced in this thread.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I sent her a number and got a text back.....
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    If I had to choose, I would much rather have her text me back than send me a "sexy" pic of herself. Which says a lot because her typing is atrocious.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    "...the fact that I will have received a top education in 3 yrs ..which I would much prefer than to not have had the chance at all of doing so, as 4 yrs behind is much smaller compared to 36 yrs I'm the workforce without a good degree."

    ^ FYI @Nicokeyes the aggrandizing in this post by you is NOT that you WILL have a degree, as you keep arguing about like a dumbass. The aggrandizing parts about this quote are where you said:

    "which I would much prefer than to not have had the chance at all of doing so, as 4 yrs behind is much smaller compared to 36 yrs I'm the workforce without a good degree"

    ^ One example of aggrandizing is you 'elevating the status' of being 4 yrs behind in graduating as compared to someone NOT 4 yrs behind. Also it is you 'elevating the status' of having a good degree in the workforce as opposed to someone in the workforce without one. In both cases you are 'elevating your status' as compared to someone else. Both of these things you said are...

    ...wait for it...

    ...the very definition of aggrandizing.

    Ok now I've spelled it out so that any dumbass can understand it. It's clear that you are so stupid that you can't see your own aggrandizing posts, so I'm here to help you when I have the time and I want to put in the effort.

    You're welcome, dumbass.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ smashing that like button!!!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @Nicokeyes just a word of advice...

    ... if you want to try to refute what I just posted I highly suggest that you reread it several times to make sure you fully comprehend it. Make sure you understand what I specifically wrote and don't try to read more into it than what is literally written.

    And furthermore as you formulate your response, take care not to misconstrue the point I'm making into something else that you are thinking but I never said. You tend to do this a lot and it makes you look like a dumbass that can't read what I wrote.

    Just some friendly advice based on your responses to me in this thread, dumbass.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Naked pics?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    I seriously doubt any TUSCL man will get pics from her because I don't think Nicokeyes really likes men. She's always finding some sort of fault in them as a reason not to like them.

    For example she didn't like the attitudes of the two she mentioned in her first post.

    Also pretty much every thread and every post by her in regards to men she does the same thing. She finds a way to put man down.

    She's got serious issues with men and the irony is that she also yearns for attention from them. So much that she comes to a strip club forum for it. A conflicted misandrist. A dumbass one at that
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ smashing that dyke button?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ psych button?
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    @nicole1994 posted: “-guys , am I lying that ppl graduate college at 30 ? The evidence is that way took many these days ar graduating in their 30's and still get jobs.”

    The name for this is Non-Traditional student. Generally most colleges and hiring managers will consider you to be a Non-Traditional student if you are still an undergrad at age 24/25. Often the reason a student is still an undergrad at 24 or later is because of 1) financial reasons or 2) family reasons (e.g., single mother).

    You are a non-traditional student.

    @nicole1994 posted: “-guys , am I lying that there has been a significant increase in the number of ppl who take 6 yrs as opposed to 4 to graduate?”

    ^^^If the uptick in colleges formally and conspicuously offering guidance and assistance to Non-traditional students, then yes, there is an uptick in these numbers of older students.

    @nicole1994 posted: “The evidence is that is becoming a widely common trend that many students hese days are graduating college within 5 or 6 yrs , as well as in their 30's...If employers aren't worried about me being 25+ and asking them for a job, “

    ^^^Not career killing, no. It’s not career ending. Certain job barrier? Yes. One thing you cannot control is any biases in the Hiring Manager for a given position. When a hiring manager posts a job position or interviews candidates for one, he or she will have a preconception of what the educational path and educational attainment should be for the “ideal candidate” for this position. It is possible that the hiring manager MAY have a bias against candidates who don’t match his biases, which can include Non-traditional students. This is not likely, but possible.

    Generally the school or institution itself isn’t as important as you are implying. It’s more of is the institution accredited for this degree, and did the student learn what he or she said she learned. The rest is just culture fit.

    @nicole1994 posted: “Wow, graduating at 25 from my school is so much more different than someone who does so at 22, when the same ppl are gonna be hiring us.”

    ^^^ Most hiring managers will see your education history, and put you in the Non-traditional student “bucket”. You actually have more in common with the 30 y/o that you do with the 22 y/o. But fortunately most hiring managers don’t discriminate against non-traditional students, so you’ll be okay. ;)
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