I think it's an anti troll technique, no guy wants to complement another guys appearance, even if it's fake. I think a lot of guy criticized your looks when they thought you were a troll. You'd know better than I would, but I'd assume a lot of that dropped once you did the picture with the tuscl 2018, and once nicespice vouched for you, I think you have very few haters, if any that still rip on you physical appearance.
once guys knew you were real, I felt like I noticed more compliments towards you regarding your avatar.
or if guys don't like you, they're keeping that to themselves now, since it's pretty mean to tell a girl they aren't super cute and wouldn't kill it in the senate, and they're not gonna murder their next test. ;)
Ugh Im not a guy..................................... and yeah they have shit beauty standards. Anyways they're lucky i even used a pic, I hate using pics online cos they end up stolen.
^I'm not about to click on your link, but if you really are posting links to a Facebook page, Id be 1000% sure it's not yours, and putting up someone else's information, make you a sleazy bitch.
You really are fucking paranoid sick fucks. You're not normal. I'm Persian, its my full legal name in Farsi, it isn't "arabic" ROTFLMFAO and if you're afraid to click a link but you're not afraid to engage in prostitution and unprotected sex with prostitutes LMFAO
Serious question here, but why are you so hell-bent on trying to prove that you're not a troll? I don't know if the other members here would respond to you any differently even if you were able to prove your identity.
I did prove my identity. Im not hell bent on anything. I'm tired of these socially retarded paranoid delusional senior citizens with early onset alzheimers and dementia pretending that anyone who doesn't pretend to claim that sex with hoes is more than what it is, is a troll. On what planet do these bitch boys think they're not repulsive?
Who do we have active in here? Old men paying hoes coz its the only way they get sex. DC is a socially retarded fucktard who can't talk to girls so he pays hoes.Book Man admitted to kinda being the same. Middle aged men paying hoes coz they are going through midlife crises. Fag bitches like 25 paranoid as fuck thinking everyones out for their money and pretending to be all that coz he has a gf and doesnt buy hoes. Fuck all of these losers. No one coming on here will get any decent advice from fucked up social retards like them.This place is like a StripperWed for tricks trying to convince themselves they're not
Well it is the internet after all. The internet is full of people trying to be someone that they are not. A lot of people are skeptical about believing all the things they hear/read on the internet. You can't blame them for that. And the constant flame wars certainly don't put you in a better light either.
I don't want to start a flame war with you, but I'm just telling what I think about all this. Your hostility is only met with hostility from others. You can't expect to get normal answers from other members when you're constantly trying to roast them in every thread
Reality hurts the fags boo hoo. Im not kissing some pathetic tricks asses. If them calling me a fake after I proved Im real makes them feel better, theyre fucking delusional. moreso than i thought
I never said any of that. Everyone is entitled to think whatever they want to think.
Sure there will always be people that think differently from you and you may not agree with them on it. However, is starting a giant flame war every time really necessary?
They wanna hear "yes daddy your 70 year old wrinkled dick with dripping dribbling cum makes me all yours, its all you daddy" ROTFLMFAO Anything else makes you a troll!
The funny thing is.... if they paid you enough you would be drooling all over that 70 year old wrinkled dick, you would lick and swallow all that dripping dribbling cum..... because that's what you are a cum slut for 50 bucks
Being not socially retarded involves being abke to communicate with men..not just girls..about more things than drugs politics school sex girls ...debating and interacting are different things lolol.
Communication is about forming connections with people. Its how you make someone feel, that's ultimately what makes anyone interested in you or not. If you can't do that you have no personality and no communication skills. Flirting is something that happens naturally. If someone likes you, you can say just about anything and it kinda comes across as flirty.
Thousands of years of civilization and persians still have yet to figure out that soap and water are permitted by the koran; that mohammed marrying a 9 year old girl makes him a pedophile; and that arabs hate persians and turks. Trap's pic is a pic of a passable tranny, not a genetic female.
Trap, there is nothing that you could do to turn me on.... I don't find you attractive physically, your macho attitude is a turn off also, while I am sure there are guys who like your type, I'm not one of them..... I mean really we have guys into beastiality, necrophilia, etc.... so I'm sure you have no problem finding guys to pay you to fuck them, but I personally would not fuck you with Juices dick
He isnt a dumbass for not having social issues.that's kind of insensitive
Oh wait..calling someone a dumbass for having lack of social skills or having lost control of their life is fucked up..but I guess calling someone a dumbass after he has admittedly lashed out on ppl is ok lolol
unless he's under house arrest he's under no obligation to be on campus. Frankly nothing Ive said to any of these dumbasses is as insensitive as the way they're treating me
last commentonce guys knew you were real, I felt like I noticed more compliments towards you regarding your avatar.
or if guys don't like you, they're keeping that to themselves now, since it's pretty mean to tell a girl they aren't super cute and wouldn't kill it in the senate, and they're not gonna murder their next test. ;)
Would a "troll" post a link to her FB account? Nope. https://www.facebook.com/profi…
TrapBaby304 - definite troll account
Nicole1994 - real person but posts troll content
if people want to believe that i'm not making millions, fucking hoes and snorting cocaine every day, well then i'll leave them to their delusions.
can't have my shit going out on the tmz front page
The message was a little cryptic:
"This page isn't available...The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed."
You have severe mental problems.............
Sure there will always be people that think differently from you and you may not agree with them on it. However, is starting a giant flame war every time really necessary?
Skibum, the language of thousands of years of civilization
Dadillac, you're lying. I have yet to ever be rejected in my life or not wanted.
And ya, they stink too
And trap jump'n isn't a real thing. You just made that up.
So do u @skibum
Not tricked??
Oh wait..calling someone a dumbass for having lack of social skills or having lost control of their life is fucked up..but I guess calling someone a dumbass after he has admittedly lashed out on ppl is ok lolol
He’s not my type, but he would be considered handsome in certain circles...