American's Will Not Be Free Until The Last Preacher Has Been Strangled To Death
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Preachers everwhere, using sermons to manipulate emotions and keep people hooked, and keep the money coming in.
The sermon is the only unscripted part of the service. Lectionary readings, liturgy, and even music are completely scripted and can be pre-read. And it is all in a familiar Bible sourced language. So it never hits people cold, people reflect on it and find their own ways to related to it and understand it.
But that sermon, that is deliberately all new, completely vernacular, and as penetrating as possible. They make people believe that they need it, and that they would be lessened without it, and that they need to tell everyone that they meet about it. The sermon is what keeps people hooked, and what keeps the money coming in.
And so perfectly ordinary people are transformed into bleating sheep. And our democracy is poisoned.
And then with the Libertarians, just how similar it actually is. Smart observers have long insisted that capitalism never would have been accepted were it not possible to create some sort of sense of cosmic indebtedness.
Capitalism always has originated by a commercial class getting control of the government. People were starve off of land and driven off at gun point, so that they would have to work in factories at starvation wages. And common lands were fenced off. Capital, land, labor, resources, all made available by getting control of the government.
And people believing that they have to go along with it, because they owe a cosmic debt.
All the church fathers promoted a version of this, but it came to its apex with Augustine of Hippo. the first autobiography, his ":Confessions", the introspection and inferiority, leaving no one untouched.
To Be Continued
American's Will Not Be Free Until The Last Preacher Has Been Strangled To Death By The Entrails Of the Last Libertarian.
The sermon is the only unscripted part of the service. Lectionary readings, liturgy, and even music are completely scripted and can be pre-read. And it is all in a familiar Bible sourced language. So it never hits people cold, people reflect on it and find their own ways to related to it and understand it.
But that sermon, that is deliberately all new, completely vernacular, and as penetrating as possible. They make people believe that they need it, and that they would be lessened without it, and that they need to tell everyone that they meet about it. The sermon is what keeps people hooked, and what keeps the money coming in.
And so perfectly ordinary people are transformed into bleating sheep. And our democracy is poisoned.
And then with the Libertarians, just how similar it actually is. Smart observers have long insisted that capitalism never would have been accepted were it not possible to create some sort of sense of cosmic indebtedness.
Capitalism always has originated by a commercial class getting control of the government. People were starve off of land and driven off at gun point, so that they would have to work in factories at starvation wages. And common lands were fenced off. Capital, land, labor, resources, all made available by getting control of the government.
And people believing that they have to go along with it, because they owe a cosmic debt.
All the church fathers promoted a version of this, but it came to its apex with Augustine of Hippo. the first autobiography, his ":Confessions", the introspection and inferiority, leaving no one untouched.
To Be Continued
American's Will Not Be Free Until The Last Preacher Has Been Strangled To Death By The Entrails Of the Last Libertarian.
And then as Augustine's gross exaggeration of the doctrine of original sin was finally starting to dissipate, it got re-energized with the Reformation. Starting anew, people were expected to make professions of belief, and to show evidence of conversion. And so where Catholicism had been a 24/7 religion, Protestantism was a Sunday Mornings only religion. Outside of that window, churches provided no refuge, People were supposed to be working. And so even more than before, people had this cosmic debt and were expected to show their worth, in the eyes of God, by feeding the fires of capitalism with their own labors.
And then with each generation, a new crop of evangelicals working within christendom, and promoting original sin and cosmic indebtedness.
And so now, Libertarianism, reworking the old Social Darwinism, and making those most negatively effected by capitalism, the poor, into its scapegoats.
And then always working to gut progressive tax structures, ripping apart the engine which sustains the middle tier of wages. And then promoting entrepreneurship, always cutting into payrolls, by deskilling, by union busting, by unlivable wages, by paying people with stock options instead of cash, and just by outsourcing and off shoring.
So for short term employment boosts, safety and environmental regulations are dumped, progressive income tax is cut, and we progress along that road to becoming a nation of shoe shine boys, along with some very rich.
Political consciousness raising is replaced with recovery and salvation programs, with motivationalism, and with financial literacy programs, all while arguing for nonsensical anti-government positions, because they will not be the ones most seriously effected.
And then using evangelical christianity to get their own people elected.
American's Will Not Be Free Until The Last Preacher Has Been Strangled To Death By The Entrails Of the Last Libertarian.
@ san_jose_guy - What does your ideal society look like?…
Marx and Engels had to have been influenced by this. In 1848 they did a very good job of showing what the problem was, just as relevant today as it was back then.…
But Marx and Engels offer very little in the way of what their vision of an ideal society would be like.
And then there was Thomas More's Utopia.
But what seems to be called for is Social Democracy. Gun barrel socialism, like in Russia and China, has had its problems, but those are places with no tradition of Democracy. Social Democracy does work, in Western Europe and Scandinavia. The details though are impossible to predict, as it simply depends on what the electorate goes for. Every issue is contentious. It might mean about a %15 higher top bracket taxes, were it to be set up for the United States. There would be a Universal Basic Income floor and state operated housing, education, and other basic services.
One important factor here is that as UBI is not needs tested, it is no longer so easy to scapegoat the poor. As it is now, so much of our politics, especially the Republican-Libertarian variety, just comes down to scapegoating the poor. And then even right after the 2016 election, Democrats were saying that the problem was that there was just "not enough on the table". That is, you can't just expect people to vote against Trump, you need to offer something for people to vote for. And this would seem to be Social Democracy of at least some degree. The Bernie Sanders plan of Free College was good. And the Clinton plan of Debt Free College, along with a restoration of the Bill Clinton extra %2 taxation on high incomes, to be spent on job creation were also good. But since, everyone seems to be saying that Democrats have to offer much more, to win seats in the election, and then to keep them in the elections which follow, and to finally be rid fo Trump.
Up until the mid 1960s, the US and Europe were basically in sync in going in this direction. Canada's first move towards Universal Health Care was patterned after our Medicare system.
But then in 1968, Richard Nixon and the Republican Party started their campaign, using divisive wedge issues to try and peal away voters from the Democrats, like making a political issue out of abortion to peel away Roman Catholics. And then his big big plan was his Southern Strategy, using coded racism and reaction to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, to shift the South from being a land of conservative Democrats to a land of far Right Republicans.
Governing domestically though, Nixon was not that bad. He assured unwavering support for Social Security. He explored a plan to federalize AFDC ( welfare ) money, and if passed this would have made for some improvement. He never made any moves against progressive income tax and made it clear that he was a Keynesian. And then in his second term he experimented with a couple of rounds of price controls to try and curb inflation. I don't feel that these actually did any good, more complicated things were in play, but the idea was still right.
And then in 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected and its been hell ever since, as the US has continued to move in a more and more reactionary direction, and as the poor have become the major political scapegoat, and as Christian Fundamentalism has become and ever increasing factor in Presidential Elections.
1960 was the first election with 50 states. And when Nixon ran against Kennedy then, all 50 states were competitive.
But in the years since, what has developed is this arrangement of Red States and Blue States, and the Democrat has absolutely no margin if they expect to win. And with each Republican victory or stolen election ( G. W. Bush, Trump ) the popular vote versus electoral college vote margin has gotten bigger.
Senator Birch Bayh of Indiana had sponsored a Constitutional Amendment to abolish the electoral college and just use the popular vote. It failed to pass.
The Electoral College today is our legacy of 3/5ths.
The Jeff Healey Band - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (live) who is the black girl?…
TJ Street…
With Clinton versus Trump 2016, the Clinton popular vote margin over Trump exceeded 2.8 million.
1977 Electoral College Reform…
As for what is happening in the US now, I would say that if the center holds and we can elect progressive candidates, then we will go towards moderate social democracy, like Western Europe, Scandinavia, and the direction Canada seems to be going in.
If on the other hand we continue to elect people like Trump and Far Right Republicans, then as the wealth gap continues to widen and more and more people will have no future, then law and order will break down and violence will erupt in place after place. We could be looking at over throws and most anything could happen. We could have authoritarian and undemocratic regimes of both the Left and the Right, and it could take quite a while until the only long term stable form, Social Democracy, is established.
So the sooner Born Again Christianity and Libertarianism can be discredited, the better.
Michael Moore vs. Donald Trump in “Fahrenheit 11/9”: New Film Warns Our Democracy Is At Risk…
@ orionsmith - Ron Paul should probably stay away from San Jose.
I forgive you, even as Good does.…
Kevin Phillips had been a Nixon staffer. But when it came to Reagan, he had to resign, as what was being done was just too much. And then with the election of G. W. Bush, he had to speak out.
It sounds like you have a lifelong affiliation with a denominational church.
What had happened remember was that in the 1970's all the denominational churches lost members, attendance, and money. It looked like things were going to be that way for the duration.
What happened though was that the evangelicals stepped in. Their churches have multiplied everywhere. And then most of the denominational churches have since taken on an evangelical posture, putting out the message that people 'need jesus' because of an innate moral defect, and emphasizing a split, who is and who is not a Christian. It is hard to stand up to them because most people do not really see the flaws with this sort of thinking.
I think that as this country has always had a big migration from East to West, that where you are, the population is more geographically stable, and so the denominational churches will have had a larger long term stable membership, so there will less susceptibility to the evangelical movement and its premises.
Here on the West Coast, most all churches are heavily influenced by the evangelical movement and its premises, and they depend on an evangelical posture and language to even maintain stable attendance and revenue levels.
Most people are completely ill equipped to argue against the evangelical movement. They have invented a hard of hearing and senile God. You can be walking down the street with the sun shinning on you, but unless you make professions and call out the name of this God, he has likely forgotten you. And if as they encourage, you want him to make it rain on you, you have to sing and dance all day, and wait for him to get up off the toilet. He often gets constipated you know.
Are you acquainted with:…
This is still a work of appeasement to the evangelicals, in part because Borg's wife is a Priest at the Episcopalian cathedral in Portland, and that church has its own copy written version of the Born Again Movement. So Borg cannot totally reject this. But nevertheless, his book does say some critically important things.
I would say that the most important thing he says is that he separates Faith from Belief Systems. Instead he offers Faith as Trust.
And as we know, no one who has Trust would ever talk or conduct themselves like an Evangelical. Their belief system is instead rooted in Fear and Fatalism.
At our local evangelical churches most of the people have lived lives of alcohol, drugs, and spousal abuse. But that was of course before they got Saved.
Borg's explanation of Faith as instead being Trust, I find to be very important.
EchoPizza, I rate Obama extremely well. You would have to go back to JFK and LBJ to find someone as good as Obama.
As far as Gary Johnson, he would be better than Trump. Almost anyone would be better than Trump. But Libertarianism is just a con. What it amounts to is simply Republicans who want to smoke weed and get laid.
You don't know what 'Libertarian' means...…
Reply to Nicole:…
This one here, I think London, Kelly-Ann Maddox, she goes with the Chaos Magick leaders, Peter J. Carroll, Ray Sherwin, Phil Hine, and Austin Osman Spare. She talks about all of these in some of her hundred plus videos.…
TJ Street…
Elliot Rodger Manifesto 2014, 11 hours, am listening through this, and I see it differently now.…
Baker Gurvitz Army……
But since they are poorly informed and operating under bad influences, they adopt something more like Ayn Rand, and based on denigration of the poor. They adopt a form of fascism.
Libertarians are really just as ignorant as Born Again Christians.
And it works by creating a presumption of moral defect. That is what keeps people coming back, and that is what keeps the money coming in.
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
Getting shifted looks like a too expensive task especially when you are getting shifted by the help of Packers and Movers. And we people think that we can easily complete the shifting work on our own and that would be really easy as compare to the taking help from Packers and Movers. But you are wrong at this time, it is not like much expensive task if you get shifted by the help of Packers and Movers Company, they genuinely charge for the work that they actually do for you, and only for the efforts that they make to help you and to shift you. So it is quite wrong that you take it in an otherwise way and just take it as a headache, and you do not trust on the shifting companies.
There are really some basic difference between the shifting that you get from Packers and Movers and the shifting that you done by yourself. Let me explain you the some so that you understand about what the difference it, and i bet that after looking on to these differences you will prefer booking the Packers and Movers Company for the shifting work.
Packing Stuff – may be you can collect the packing stuff from the market also and can have the packing boxes for the packing, but you would not have an estimate that how much of packing boxes and the other material would be required. And the material which you will going to purchase from the market could be the expensive one as you are taking it only for your shifting specifically but the packing material owned by the Packers and Movers Company is their company material and they buy all these things in bulk in order to complete the shifting of several or even thousands of peoples. So, it this case definitely you will have to pay more if you want to complete shifting on your own.
Labours and transporting – the labours that you take help from will charge you much higher and there is no guarantee that they will protect all your products and if in any case there is some damage to your luggage then you will need to bear the loss. But as with the Packers and Movers they provide the facility of proper protection to your products and they guarantee about the security of the things, and they also provide the insurance facility so that if you choose this service then the cost will be returned to you and you will not ne at loss.
Time management – time is very precious as you cannot make much delay at the shifting work. So if you will work it on your own then you will take much time in completing the whole shifting process. As assembling each and everything from small to big is really very difficult and it consumes time. But there is no such issue with the Packers and Movers Company they give you the service on time and they complete all their shifting work on the time.
Packers And Movers Gurgaon to Bhubaneswar @
Packers And Movers Gurgaon to Bhopal @
Source url :-
Contact Packers and Movers Hyderabad
Top Packers and Movers Hyderabad @
Execute, various involving organizations which gives taking and heading products and services within the
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Without a doubt, the application assistance you to learn the actual market cost of the particular selected service. That
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elements from one spot to help required spot. Packers along with Movers Pvt. Ltd. will be the greatest friends and family owned or operated online business packers and additionally movers business with The indian subcontinent. Our supplier can be issuing clients an agreeable together with helpful moving products and services. Our site visitor experienced flawless planning along with specialized specialist meant for National and additionally world solutions. We have major star ratings customer happiness together with assessments balanced with additional packers movers in addition to separation organizations around Asia. Our own truly fitted in addition to dealt with compartment attained efficiently, easily and sensitively with your goods. Your skilled workers relocates user goods properly and additionally diligently around completely new areas.
Packers & Movers Hyderabad based various feats and additionally just about all type separation business The firm supplies this customer strategically internet business in every one Indian. We provide tactical along with ground breaking relocation services. You gave your vital site visitor unique together with efficiency level of quality assistance. This company provides substantial system most Asia. Currently in depth and additionally completely new technology packaging gadgets. Your corporation offers major ranking packers and movers service provider with substantial fatigue. We have dedicated some of our people for a useful house in harmless give. This site offers maximum together with dependable providing going solution and additionally get new house purchase better for our clients.
Contact Packers and Movers Chennai
Top Packers and Movers Chennai @
Chennai is normally suburb of the money location with Tamil Nadu. It happens to be center of the many successful industries in addition to institutes. Among the list of successful areas inside Chennai can be Movers Packers with Chennai. Improved level associated with migration within Chennai has got provided the movers together with packers an opportunity to prosper. Daily a lot of people can come the following to live and a lot of abandon the town, of which gave climb eventually experienced movers in addition to packers inside Chennai. There are many causes of the improvement involving Packers and additionally Movers around Chennai. An important factor is a escalating wide variety of market sectors and additionally job opportunities inside Chennai. Some people move in this case but because of the active lives move becomes a chaotic operation for your children.
New house purchase consumes big section of ones own active lives and additionally creates worry as well. Best solution to reduce that chaotic job is usually to seek the services of a competent movers together with packers around Chennai. That they generate relocation good in addition to hassle-free. Specialized Chennai Packers and additionally movers produce tailor made solutions in order to reach while using needs within their customers. Many of the assistance offered by a lot of these packers along with movers usually are taking together with unpacking, filling in addition to unloading, insurance coverage services, residence switching, travelling, accessories. You can actually use every Movers and Packers inside Chennai influenced by your needs are. People use the right packing fabric despite the fact that packaging to guard a vital belongings. Most of the new house purchase job is conducted simply by expert power team in order that heading be a moment saving along with superior experience.
Specialized Packers along with movers in Chennai provide several services to aid persons in their relocation. They offer doorstep so that you can entry packing and additionally switching method. The many packaging along with heading assistance supplied by such experienced heading agencies are useful most definitely by means of non commercial separation. It’s surprisingly easy to select a packers and mover within Chennai and you'll easily decide on going service provider in your area. It is advisable to employ a nearby going company due to the fact this approach will assist you discover advantages and disadvantages with the preferred corporation. Getting a local Chennai Packers Movers issuer is additionally really effective reside quite simply discover their services and regularity involving switching.
Whereas getting a good heading supplier you should be especially relaxed. It’s preferable to perform a explore along with get hold of as much details about the organization as you're able. You can actually collect facts because of a variety of options prefer you can search at web, talk to loved ones members, and get associates and their particular outdated shoppers. Today just about all this movers and additionally packers possess ones own web sites; you can also find information about this company on the sites. There is a lot of Chennai Packers Movers sites. As reported by ones move must have it is possible to pick any kind of these of which suits preferred along with your prerequisites.
Specialized packers together with movers in Chennai carryout their own assistance in most useful approach a result of the effective support of their role-specific group associated with properly trained employees together with people. The moving products and services offered by these companies are best to get industrial new house purchase, national switching, business goods relocating and global separation. Consequently, hire a fantastic Movers Packers inside Chennai along with make a moving a straightforward and excitement mission instead of some tense task.
Getting shifted looks like a too expensive task especially when you are getting shifted by the help of Packers and Movers. And we people think that we can easily complete the shifting work on our own and that would be really easy as compare to the taking help from Packers and Movers. But you are wrong at this time, it is not like much expensive task if you get shifted by the help of Packers and Movers Company, they genuinely charge for the work that they actually do for you, and only for the efforts that they make to help you and to shift you. So it is quite wrong that you take it in an otherwise way and just take it as a headache, and you do not trust on the shifting companies.
There are really some basic difference between the shifting that you get from Packers and Movers and the shifting that you done by yourself. Let me explain you the some so that you understand about what the difference it, and i bet that after looking on to these differences you will prefer booking the Packers and Movers Company for the shifting work.
Packing Stuff – may be you can collect the packing stuff from the market also and can have the packing boxes for the packing, but you would not have an estimate that how much of packing boxes and the other material would be required. And the material which you will going to purchase from the market could be the expensive one as you are taking it only for your shifting specifically but the packing material owned by the Packers and Movers Company is their company material and they buy all these things in bulk in order to complete the shifting of several or even thousands of peoples. So, it this case definitely you will have to pay more if you want to complete shifting on your own.
Labours and transporting – the labours that you take help from will charge you much higher and there is no guarantee that they will protect all your products and if in any case there is some damage to your luggage then you will need to bear the loss. But as with the Packers and Movers they provide the facility of proper protection to your products and they guarantee about the security of the things, and they also provide the insurance facility so that if you choose this service then the cost will be returned to you and you will not ne at loss.
Time management – time is very precious as you cannot make much delay at the shifting work. So if you will work it on your own then you will take much time in completing the whole shifting process. As assembling each and everything from small to big is really very difficult and it consumes time. But there is no such issue with the Packers and Movers Company they give you the service on time and they complete all their shifting work on the time.
Packers And Movers Gurgaon to Bhubaneswar @
Packers And Movers Gurgaon to Bhopal @
Source url :-
Contact Packers and Movers Hyderabad
Top Packers and Movers Hyderabad @
Execute, various involving organizations which gives taking and heading products and services within the
market. Internet marketing is right now starting to be the foremost successful tool to market these kinds of products and services. Even as we
most fully understand, with the age associated with know-how, everyone is anxious using mobile or portable, e-mails or web sites.
Tens of thousands of searches are produced by the online guests for nearly most form of services and internet business or even
conditions. WEBSITE POSITIONING, E-mail marketing or categorised web pages helps that people to research ones own
requirements and additionally certainly helps these not having substantially projects. Using one mouse click, they will has got the vast array designed for
ones own personal preference and additionally allows you simply select the actual product or service, site or even system with regard to their very own require.
That know-how has taken some sort of severe adjustments with internet offerings. The time period provides passed on
in the event the marketplace or simply the is actually specifically seen so that you can take advantage of their assistance. At this moment there is a substantial
internet software which supplies many form of products and services at their apartment position. We can easily do some searching online precisely what
we end up needing along with makes the offer of as there are a number competitors to choose from online who provides the same assistance.
Without a doubt, the application assistance you to learn the actual market cost of the particular selected service. That
packaging in addition to heading agencies can be benefitted through the online marketing equipment. Packers and
movers be able to to help captivate people and Management and business industry. Promotion associated with
their particular web site and also deemed web-sites, Adwordsprogramme with google and yahoo etcetera. shows most robust
product for those. Various keyword phrases enjoy: Packers, Movers, Packers and Movers, taking heading,
moving accessories. will be the excellent economical words which can be checked around the world. Blogs can help as well
to promote your assistance. Todaythese days interactive websites tend to be gaining a lot more like twitter,
youtube etc. Several identified web sites supplies the TXT services additionally. And so the things have become
even more much simpler today than original time frame. Transferring market sectors usually are involved yourself around front door to help door solutions designed for
all of form domestic objects or corporate items and also market sectors shifting. The packaging may be very
hassle-free process along with plays a major role with regard to releasing protection involving cargo/shipment out of
elements from one spot to help required spot. Packers along with Movers Pvt. Ltd. will be the greatest friends and family owned or operated online business packers and additionally movers business with The indian subcontinent. Our supplier can be issuing clients an agreeable together with helpful moving products and services. Our site visitor experienced flawless planning along with specialized specialist meant for National and additionally world solutions. We have major star ratings customer happiness together with assessments balanced with additional packers movers in addition to separation organizations around Asia. Our own truly fitted in addition to dealt with compartment attained efficiently, easily and sensitively with your goods. Your skilled workers relocates user goods properly and additionally diligently around completely new areas.
Packers & Movers Hyderabad based various feats and additionally just about all type separation business The firm supplies this customer strategically internet business in every one Indian. We provide tactical along with ground breaking relocation services. You gave your vital site visitor unique together with efficiency level of quality assistance. This company provides substantial system most Asia. Currently in depth and additionally completely new technology packaging gadgets. Your corporation offers major ranking packers and movers service provider with substantial fatigue. We have dedicated some of our people for a useful house in harmless give. This site offers maximum together with dependable providing going solution and additionally get new house purchase better for our clients.
Contact Packers and Movers Chennai
Top Packers and Movers Chennai @
Chennai is normally suburb of the money location with Tamil Nadu. It happens to be center of the many successful industries in addition to institutes. Among the list of successful areas inside Chennai can be Movers Packers with Chennai. Improved level associated with migration within Chennai has got provided the movers together with packers an opportunity to prosper. Daily a lot of people can come the following to live and a lot of abandon the town, of which gave climb eventually experienced movers in addition to packers inside Chennai. There are many causes of the improvement involving Packers and additionally Movers around Chennai. An important factor is a escalating wide variety of market sectors and additionally job opportunities inside Chennai. Some people move in this case but because of the active lives move becomes a chaotic operation for your children.
New house purchase consumes big section of ones own active lives and additionally creates worry as well. Best solution to reduce that chaotic job is usually to seek the services of a competent movers together with packers around Chennai. That they generate relocation good in addition to hassle-free. Specialized Chennai Packers and additionally movers produce tailor made solutions in order to reach while using needs within their customers. Many of the assistance offered by a lot of these packers along with movers usually are taking together with unpacking, filling in addition to unloading, insurance coverage services, residence switching, travelling, accessories. You can actually use every Movers and Packers inside Chennai influenced by your needs are. People use the right packing fabric despite the fact that packaging to guard a vital belongings. Most of the new house purchase job is conducted simply by expert power team in order that heading be a moment saving along with superior experience.
Specialized Packers along with movers in Chennai provide several services to aid persons in their relocation. They offer doorstep so that you can entry packing and additionally switching method. The many packaging along with heading assistance supplied by such experienced heading agencies are useful most definitely by means of non commercial separation. It’s surprisingly easy to select a packers and mover within Chennai and you'll easily decide on going service provider in your area. It is advisable to employ a nearby going company due to the fact this approach will assist you discover advantages and disadvantages with the preferred corporation. Getting a local Chennai Packers Movers issuer is additionally really effective reside quite simply discover their services and regularity involving switching.
Whereas getting a good heading supplier you should be especially relaxed. It’s preferable to perform a explore along with get hold of as much details about the organization as you're able. You can actually collect facts because of a variety of options prefer you can search at web, talk to loved ones members, and get associates and their particular outdated shoppers. Today just about all this movers and additionally packers possess ones own web sites; you can also find information about this company on the sites. There is a lot of Chennai Packers Movers sites. As reported by ones move must have it is possible to pick any kind of these of which suits preferred along with your prerequisites.
Specialized packers together with movers in Chennai carryout their own assistance in most useful approach a result of the effective support of their role-specific group associated with properly trained employees together with people. The moving products and services offered by these companies are best to get industrial new house purchase, national switching, business goods relocating and global separation. Consequently, hire a fantastic Movers Packers inside Chennai along with make a moving a straightforward and excitement mission instead of some tense task.
Packers And Movers Gurgaon @
Getting shifted looks like a too expensive task especially when you are getting shifted by the help of Packers and Movers. And we people think that we can easily complete the shifting work on our own and that would be really easy as compare to the taking help from Packers and Movers. But you are wrong at this time, it is not like much expensive task if you get shifted by the help of Packers and Movers Company, they genuinely charge for the work that they actually do for you, and only for the efforts that they make to help you and to shift you. So it is quite wrong that you take it in an otherwise way and just take it as a headache, and you do not trust on the shifting companies.
There are really some basic difference between the shifting that you get from Packers and Movers and the shifting that you done by yourself. Let me explain you the some so that you understand about what the difference it, and i bet that after looking on to these differences you will prefer booking the Packers and Movers Company for the shifting work.
Packing Stuff – may be you can collect the packing stuff from the market also and can have the packing boxes for the packing, but you would not have an estimate that how much of packing boxes and the other material would be required. And the material which you will going to purchase from the market could be the expensive one as you are taking it only for your shifting specifically but the packing material owned by the Packers and Movers Company is their company material and they buy all these things in bulk in order to complete the shifting of several or even thousands of peoples. So, it this case definitely you will have to pay more if you want to complete shifting on your own.
Labours and transporting – the labours that you take help from will charge you much higher and there is no guarantee that they will protect all your products and if in any case there is some damage to your luggage then you will need to bear the loss. But as with the Packers and Movers they provide the facility of proper protection to your products and they guarantee about the security of the things, and they also provide the insurance facility so that if you choose this service then the cost will be returned to you and you will not ne at loss.
Time management – time is very precious as you cannot make much delay at the shifting work. So if you will work it on your own then you will take much time in completing the whole shifting process. As assembling each and everything from small to big is really very difficult and it consumes time. But there is no such issue with the Packers and Movers Company they give you the service on time and they complete all their shifting work on the time.
Packers And Movers Gurgaon to Bhubaneswar @
Packers And Movers Gurgaon to Bhopal @
Source url :-
Contact Packers and Movers Hyderabad
Top Packers and Movers Hyderabad @
Execute, various involving organizations which gives taking and heading products and services within the
market. Internet marketing is right now starting to be the foremost successful tool to market these kinds of products and services. Even as we
most fully understand, with the age associated with know-how, everyone is anxious using mobile or portable, e-mails or web sites.
Tens of thousands of searches are produced by the online guests for nearly most form of services and internet business or even
conditions. WEBSITE POSITIONING, E-mail marketing or categorised web pages helps that people to research ones own
requirements and additionally certainly helps these not having substantially projects. Using one mouse click, they will has got the vast array designed for
ones own personal preference and additionally allows you simply select the actual product or service, site or even system with regard to their very own require.
That know-how has taken some sort of severe adjustments with internet offerings. The time period provides passed on
in the event the marketplace or simply the is actually specifically seen so that you can take advantage of their assistance. At this moment there is a substantial
internet software which supplies many form of products and services at their apartment position. We can easily do some searching online precisely what
we end up needing along with makes the offer of as there are a number competitors to choose from online who provides the same assistance.
Without a doubt, the application assistance you to learn the actual market cost of the particular selected service. That
packaging in addition to heading agencies can be benefitted through the online marketing equipment. Packers and
movers be able to to help captivate people and Management and business industry. Promotion associated with
their particular web site and also deemed web-sites, Adwordsprogramme with google and yahoo etcetera. shows most robust
product for those. Various keyword phrases enjoy: Packers, Movers, Packers and Movers, taking heading,
moving accessories. will be the excellent economical words which can be checked around the world. Blogs can help as well
to promote your assistance. Todaythese days interactive websites tend to be gaining a lot more like twitter,
youtube etc. Several identified web sites supplies the TXT services additionally. And so the things have become
even more much simpler today than original time frame. Transferring market sectors usually are involved yourself around front door to help door solutions designed for
all of form domestic objects or corporate items and also market sectors shifting. The packaging may be very
hassle-free process along with plays a major role with regard to releasing protection involving cargo/shipment out of
elements from one spot to help required spot. Packers along with Movers Pvt. Ltd. will be the greatest friends and family owned or operated online business packers and additionally movers business with The indian subcontinent. Our supplier can be issuing clients an agreeable together with helpful moving products and services. Our site visitor experienced flawless planning along with specialized specialist meant for National and additionally world solutions. We have major star ratings customer happiness together with assessments balanced with additional packers movers in addition to separation organizations around Asia. Our own truly fitted in addition to dealt with compartment attained efficiently, easily and sensitively with your goods. Your skilled workers relocates user goods properly and additionally diligently around completely new areas.
Packers & Movers Hyderabad based various feats and additionally just about all type separation business The firm supplies this customer strategically internet business in every one Indian. We provide tactical along with ground breaking relocation services. You gave your vital site visitor unique together with efficiency level of quality assistance. This company provides substantial system most Asia. Currently in depth and additionally completely new technology packaging gadgets. Your corporation offers major ranking packers and movers service provider with substantial fatigue. We have dedicated some of our people for a useful house in harmless give. This site offers maximum together with dependable providing going solution and additionally get new house purchase better for our clients.
Contact Packers and Movers Chennai
Top Packers and Movers Chennai @
Chennai is normally suburb of the money location with Tamil Nadu. It happens to be center of the many successful industries in addition to institutes. Among the list of successful areas inside Chennai can be Movers Packers with Chennai. Improved level associated with migration within Chennai has got provided the movers together with packers an opportunity to prosper. Daily a lot of people can come the following to live and a lot of abandon the town, of which gave climb eventually experienced movers in addition to packers inside Chennai. There are many causes of the improvement involving Packers and additionally Movers around Chennai. An important factor is a escalating wide variety of market sectors and additionally job opportunities inside Chennai. Some people move in this case but because of the active lives move becomes a chaotic operation for your children.
New house purchase consumes big section of ones own active lives and additionally creates worry as well. Best solution to reduce that chaotic job is usually to seek the services of a competent movers together with packers around Chennai. That they generate relocation good in addition to hassle-free. Specialized Chennai Packers and additionally movers produce tailor made solutions in order to reach while using needs within their customers. Many of the assistance offered by a lot of these packers along with movers usually are taking together with unpacking, filling in addition to unloading, insurance coverage services, residence switching, travelling, accessories. You can actually use every Movers and Packers inside Chennai influenced by your needs are. People use the right packing fabric despite the fact that packaging to guard a vital belongings. Most of the new house purchase job is conducted simply by expert power team in order that heading be a moment saving along with superior experience.
Specialized Packers along with movers in Chennai provide several services to aid persons in their relocation. They offer doorstep so that you can entry packing and additionally switching method. The many packaging along with heading assistance supplied by such experienced heading agencies are useful most definitely by means of non commercial separation. It’s surprisingly easy to select a packers and mover within Chennai and you'll easily decide on going service provider in your area. It is advisable to employ a nearby going company due to the fact this approach will assist you discover advantages and disadvantages with the preferred corporation. Getting a local Chennai Packers Movers issuer is additionally really effective reside quite simply discover their services and regularity involving switching.
Whereas getting a good heading supplier you should be especially relaxed. It’s preferable to perform a explore along with get hold of as much details about the organization as you're able. You can actually collect facts because of a variety of options prefer you can search at web, talk to loved ones members, and get associates and their particular outdated shoppers. Today just about all this movers and additionally packers possess ones own web sites; you can also find information about this company on the sites. There is a lot of Chennai Packers Movers sites. As reported by ones move must have it is possible to pick any kind of these of which suits preferred along with your prerequisites.
Specialized packers together with movers in Chennai carryout their own assistance in most useful approach a result of the effective support of their role-specific group associated with properly trained employees together with people. The moving products and services offered by these companies are best to get industrial new house purchase, national switching, business goods relocating and global separation. Consequently, hire a fantastic Movers Packers inside Chennai along with make a moving a straightforward and excitement mission instead of some tense task.
Packers And Movers Gurgaon @
Getting shifted looks like a too expensive task especially when you are getting shifted by the help of Packers and Movers. And we people think that we can easily complete the shifting work on our own and that would be really easy as compare to the taking help from Packers and Movers. But you are wrong at this time, it is not like much expensive task if you get shifted by the help of Packers and Movers Company, they genuinely charge for the work that they actually do for you, and only for the efforts that they make to help you and to shift you. So it is quite wrong that you take it in an otherwise way and just take it as a headache, and you do not trust on the shifting companies.
There are really some basic difference between the shifting that you get from Packers and Movers and the shifting that you done by yourself. Let me explain you the some so that you understand about what the difference it, and i bet that after looking on to these differences you will prefer booking the Packers and Movers Company for the shifting work.
Packing Stuff – may be you can collect the packing stuff from the market also and can have the packing boxes for the packing, but you would not have an estimate that how much of packing boxes and the other material would be required. And the material which you will going to purchase from the market could be the expensive one as you are taking it only for your shifting specifically but the packing material owned by the Packers and Movers Company is their company material and they buy all these things in bulk in order to complete the shifting of several or even thousands of peoples. So, it this case definitely you will have to pay more if you want to complete shifting on your own.
Labours and transporting – the labours that you take help from will charge you much higher and there is no guarantee that they will protect all your products and if in any case there is some damage to your luggage then you will need to bear the loss. But as with the Packers and Movers they provide the facility of proper protection to your products and they guarantee about the security of the things, and they also provide the insurance facility so that if you choose this service then the cost will be returned to you and you will not ne at loss.
Time management – time is very precious as you cannot make much delay at the shifting work. So if you will work it on your own then you will take much time in completing the whole shifting process. As assembling each and everything from small to big is really very difficult and it consumes time. But there is no such issue with the Packers and Movers Company they give you the service on time and they complete all their shifting work on the time.
Packers And Movers Gurgaon to Bhubaneswar @
Packers And Movers Gurgaon to Bhopal @
Source url :-
Contact Packers and Movers Hyderabad
Top Packers and Movers Hyderabad @
Execute, various involving organizations which gives taking and heading products and services within the
market. Internet marketing is right now starting to be the foremost successful tool to market these kinds of products and services. Even as we
most fully understand, with the age associated with know-how, everyone is anxious using mobile or portable, e-mails or web sites.
Tens of thousands of searches are produced by the online guests for nearly most form of services and internet business or even
conditions. WEBSITE POSITIONING, E-mail marketing or categorised web pages helps that people to research ones own
requirements and additionally certainly helps these not having substantially projects. Using one mouse click, they will has got the vast array designed for
ones own personal preference and additionally allows you simply select the actual product or service, site or even system with regard to their very own require.
That know-how has taken some sort of severe adjustments with internet offerings. The time period provides passed on
in the event the marketplace or simply the is actually specifically seen so that you can take advantage of their assistance. At this moment there is a substantial
internet software which supplies many form of products and services at their apartment position. We can easily do some searching online precisely what
we end up needing along with makes the offer of as there are a number competitors to choose from online who provides the same assistance.
Without a doubt, the application assistance you to learn the actual market cost of the particular selected service. That
packaging in addition to heading agencies can be benefitted through the online marketing equipment. Packers and
movers be able to to help captivate people and Management and business industry. Promotion associated with
their particular web site and also deemed web-sites, Adwordsprogramme with google and yahoo etcetera. shows most robust
product for those. Various keyword phrases enjoy: Packers, Movers, Packers and Movers, taking heading,
moving accessories. will be the excellent economical words which can be checked around the world. Blogs can help as well
to promote your assistance. Todaythese days interactive websites tend to be gaining a lot more like twitter,
youtube etc. Several identified web sites supplies the TXT services additionally. And so the things have become
even more much simpler today than original time frame. Transferring market sectors usually are involved yourself around front door to help door solutions designed for
all of form domestic objects or corporate items and also market sectors shifting. The packaging may be very
hassle-free process along with plays a major role with regard to releasing protection involving cargo/shipment out of
elements from one spot to help required spot. Packers along with Movers Pvt. Ltd. will be the greatest friends and family owned or operated online business packers and additionally movers business with The indian subcontinent. Our supplier can be issuing clients an agreeable together with helpful moving products and services. Our site visitor experienced flawless planning along with specialized specialist meant for National and additionally world solutions. We have major star ratings customer happiness together with assessments balanced with additional packers movers in addition to separation organizations around Asia. Our own truly fitted in addition to dealt with compartment attained efficiently, easily and sensitively with your goods. Your skilled workers relocates user goods properly and additionally diligently around completely new areas.
Packers & Movers Hyderabad based various feats and additionally just about all type separation business The firm supplies this customer strategically internet business in every one Indian. We provide tactical along with ground breaking relocation services. You gave your vital site visitor unique together with efficiency level of quality assistance. This company provides substantial system most Asia. Currently in depth and additionally completely new technology packaging gadgets. Your corporation offers major ranking packers and movers service provider with substantial fatigue. We have dedicated some of our people for a useful house in harmless give. This site offers maximum together with dependable providing going solution and additionally get new house purchase better for our clients.
Contact Packers and Movers Chennai
Top Packers and Movers Chennai @
Chennai is normally suburb of the money location with Tamil Nadu. It happens to be center of the many successful industries in addition to institutes. Among the list of successful areas inside Chennai can be Movers Packers with Chennai. Improved level associated with migration within Chennai has got provided the movers together with packers an opportunity to prosper. Daily a lot of people can come the following to live and a lot of abandon the town, of which gave climb eventually experienced movers in addition to packers inside Chennai. There are many causes of the improvement involving Packers and additionally Movers around Chennai. An important factor is a escalating wide variety of market sectors and additionally job opportunities inside Chennai. Some people move in this case but because of the active lives move becomes a chaotic operation for your children.
New house purchase consumes big section of ones own active lives and additionally creates worry as well. Best solution to reduce that chaotic job is usually to seek the services of a competent movers together with packers around Chennai. That they generate relocation good in addition to hassle-free. Specialized Chennai Packers and additionally movers produce tailor made solutions in order to reach while using needs within their customers. Many of the assistance offered by a lot of these packers along with movers usually are taking together with unpacking, filling in addition to unloading, insurance coverage services, residence switching, travelling, accessories. You can actually use every Movers and Packers inside Chennai influenced by your needs are. People use the right packing fabric despite the fact that packaging to guard a vital belongings. Most of the new house purchase job is conducted simply by expert power team in order that heading be a moment saving along with superior experience.
Specialized Packers along with movers in Chennai provide several services to aid persons in their relocation. They offer doorstep so that you can entry packing and additionally switching method. The many packaging along with heading assistance supplied by such experienced heading agencies are useful most definitely by means of non commercial separation. It’s surprisingly easy to select a packers and mover within Chennai and you'll easily decide on going service provider in your area. It is advisable to employ a nearby going company due to the fact this approach will assist you discover advantages and disadvantages with the preferred corporation. Getting a local Chennai Packers Movers issuer is additionally really effective reside quite simply discover their services and regularity involving switching.
Whereas getting a good heading supplier you should be especially relaxed. It’s preferable to perform a explore along with get hold of as much details about the organization as you're able. You can actually collect facts because of a variety of options prefer you can search at web, talk to loved ones members, and get associates and their particular outdated shoppers. Today just about all this movers and additionally packers possess ones own web sites; you can also find information about this company on the sites. There is a lot of Chennai Packers Movers sites. As reported by ones move must have it is possible to pick any kind of these of which suits preferred along with your prerequisites.
Specialized packers together with movers in Chennai carryout their own assistance in most useful approach a result of the effective support of their role-specific group associated with properly trained employees together with people. The moving products and services offered by these companies are best to get industrial new house purchase, national switching, business goods relocating and global separation. Consequently, hire a fantastic Movers Packers inside Chennai along with make a moving a straightforward and excitement mission instead of some tense task.
Packers And Movers Gurgaon @
Getting shifted looks like a too expensive task especially when you are getting shifted by the help of Packers and Movers. And we people think that we can easily complete the shifting work on our own and that would be really easy as compare to the taking help from Packers and Movers. But you are wrong at this time, it is not like much expensive task if you get shifted by the help of Packers and Movers Company, they genuinely charge for the work that they actually do for you, and only for the efforts that they make to help you and to shift you. So it is quite wrong that you take it in an otherwise way and just take it as a headache, and you do not trust on the shifting companies.
There are really some basic difference between the shifting that you get from Packers and Movers and the shifting that you done by yourself. Let me explain you the some so that you understand about what the difference it, and i bet that after looking on to these differences you will prefer booking the Packers and Movers Company for the shifting work.
Packing Stuff – may be you can collect the packing stuff from the market also and can have the packing boxes for the packing, but you would not have an estimate that how much of packing boxes and the other material would be required. And the material which you will going to purchase from the market could be the expensive one as you are taking it only for your shifting specifically but the packing material owned by the Packers and Movers Company is their company material and they buy all these things in bulk in order to complete the shifting of several or even thousands of peoples. So, it this case definitely you will have to pay more if you want to complete shifting on your own.
Labours and transporting – the labours that you take help from will charge you much higher and there is no guarantee that they will protect all your products and if in any case there is some damage to your luggage then you will need to bear the loss. But as with the Packers and Movers they provide the facility of proper protection to your products and they guarantee about the security of the things, and they also provide the insurance facility so that if you choose this service then the cost will be returned to you and you will not ne at loss.
Time management – time is very precious as you cannot make much delay at the shifting work. So if you will work it on your own then you will take much time in completing the whole shifting process. As assembling each and everything from small to big is really very difficult and it consumes time. But there is no such issue with the Packers and Movers Company they give you the service on time and they complete all their shifting work on the time.
Packers And Movers Gurgaon to Bhubaneswar @
Packers And Movers Gurgaon to Bhopal @
Source url :-
Contact Packers and Movers Hyderabad
Top Packers and Movers Hyderabad @
Execute, various involving organizations which gives taking and heading products and services within the
market. Internet marketing is right now starting to be the foremost successful tool to market these kinds of products and services. Even as we
most fully understand, with the age associated with know-how, everyone is anxious using mobile or portable, e-mails or web sites.
Tens of thousands of searches are produced by the online guests for nearly most form of services and internet business or even
conditions. WEBSITE POSITIONING, E-mail marketing or categorised web pages helps that people to research ones own
requirements and additionally certainly helps these not having substantially projects. Using one mouse click, they will has got the vast array designed for
ones own personal preference and additionally allows you simply select the actual product or service, site or even system with regard to their very own require.
That know-how has taken some sort of severe adjustments with internet offerings. The time period provides passed on
in the event the marketplace or simply the is actually specifically seen so that you can take advantage of their assistance. At this moment there is a substantial
internet software which supplies many form of products and services at their apartment position. We can easily do some searching online precisely what
we end up needing along with makes the offer of as there are a number competitors to choose from online who provides the same assistance.
Without a doubt, the application assistance you to learn the actual market cost of the particular selected service. That
packaging in addition to heading agencies can be benefitted through the online marketing equipment. Packers and
movers be able to to help captivate people and Management and business industry. Promotion associated with
their particular web site and also deemed web-sites, Adwordsprogramme with google and yahoo etcetera. shows most robust
product for those. Various keyword phrases enjoy: Packers, Movers, Packers and Movers, taking heading,
moving accessories. will be the excellent economical words which can be checked around the world. Blogs can help as well
to promote your assistance. Todaythese days interactive websites tend to be gaining a lot more like twitter,
youtube etc. Several identified web sites supplies the TXT services additionally. And so the things have become
even more much simpler today than original time frame. Transferring market sectors usually are involved yourself around front door to help door solutions designed for
all of form domestic objects or corporate items and also market sectors shifting. The packaging may be very
hassle-free process along with plays a major role with regard to releasing protection involving cargo/shipment out of
elements from one spot to help required spot. Packers along with Movers Pvt. Ltd. will be the greatest friends and family owned or operated online business packers and additionally movers business with The indian subcontinent. Our supplier can be issuing clients an agreeable together with helpful moving products and services. Our site visitor experienced flawless planning along with specialized specialist meant for National and additionally world solutions. We have major star ratings customer happiness together with assessments balanced with additional packers movers in addition to separation organizations around Asia. Our own truly fitted in addition to dealt with compartment attained efficiently, easily and sensitively with your goods. Your skilled workers relocates user goods properly and additionally diligently around completely new areas.
Packers & Movers Hyderabad based various feats and additionally just about all type separation business The firm supplies this customer strategically internet business in every one Indian. We provide tactical along with ground breaking relocation services. You gave your vital site visitor unique together with efficiency level of quality assistance. This company provides substantial system most Asia. Currently in depth and additionally completely new technology packaging gadgets. Your corporation offers major ranking packers and movers service provider with substantial fatigue. We have dedicated some of our people for a useful house in harmless give. This site offers maximum together with dependable providing going solution and additionally get new house purchase better for our clients.
Contact Packers and Movers Chennai
Top Packers and Movers Chennai @
Chennai is normally suburb of the money location with Tamil Nadu. It happens to be center of the many successful industries in addition to institutes. Among the list of successful areas inside Chennai can be Movers Packers with Chennai. Improved level associated with migration within Chennai has got provided the movers together with packers an opportunity to prosper. Daily a lot of people can come the following to live and a lot of abandon the town, of which gave climb eventually experienced movers in addition to packers inside Chennai. There are many causes of the improvement involving Packers and additionally Movers around Chennai. An important factor is a escalating wide variety of market sectors and additionally job opportunities inside Chennai. Some people move in this case but because of the active lives move becomes a chaotic operation for your children.
New house purchase consumes big section of ones own active lives and additionally creates worry as well. Best solution to reduce that chaotic job is usually to seek the services of a competent movers together with packers around Chennai. That they generate relocation good in addition to hassle-free. Specialized Chennai Packers and additionally movers produce tailor made solutions in order to reach while using needs within their customers. Many of the assistance offered by a lot of these packers along with movers usually are taking together with unpacking, filling in addition to unloading, insurance coverage services, residence switching, travelling, accessories. You can actually use every Movers and Packers inside Chennai influenced by your needs are. People use the right packing fabric despite the fact that packaging to guard a vital belongings. Most of the new house purchase job is conducted simply by expert power team in order that heading be a moment saving along with superior experience.
Specialized Packers along with movers in Chennai provide several services to aid persons in their relocation. They offer doorstep so that you can entry packing and additionally switching method. The many packaging along with heading assistance supplied by such experienced heading agencies are useful most definitely by means of non commercial separation. It’s surprisingly easy to select a packers and mover within Chennai and you'll easily decide on going service provider in your area. It is advisable to employ a nearby going company due to the fact this approach will assist you discover advantages and disadvantages with the preferred corporation. Getting a local Chennai Packers Movers issuer is additionally really effective reside quite simply discover their services and regularity involving switching.
Whereas getting a good heading supplier you should be especially relaxed. It’s preferable to perform a explore along with get hold of as much details about the organization as you're able. You can actually collect facts because of a variety of options prefer you can search at web, talk to loved ones members, and get associates and their particular outdated shoppers. Today just about all this movers and additionally packers possess ones own web sites; you can also find information about this company on the sites. There is a lot of Chennai Packers Movers sites. As reported by ones move must have it is possible to pick any kind of these of which suits preferred along with your prerequisites.
Specialized packers together with movers in Chennai carryout their own assistance in most useful approach a result of the effective support of their role-specific group associated with properly trained employees together with people. The moving products and services offered by these companies are best to get industrial new house purchase, national switching, business goods relocating and global separation. Consequently, hire a fantastic Movers Packers inside Chennai along with make a moving a straightforward and excitement mission instead of some tense task.
Packers And Movers Gurgaon @
Getting shifted looks like a too expensive task especially when you are getting shifted by the help of Packers and Movers. And we people think that we can easily complete the shifting work on our own and that would be really easy as compare to the taking help from Packers and Movers. But you are wrong at this time, it is not like much expensive task if you get shifted by the help of Packers and Movers Company, they genuinely charge for the work that they actually do for you, and only for the efforts that they make to help you and to shift you. So it is quite wrong that you take it in an otherwise way and just take it as a headache, and you do not trust on the shifting companies.
There are really some basic difference between the shifting that you get from Packers and Movers and the shifting that you done by yourself. Let me explain you the some so that you understand about what the difference it, and i bet that after looking on to these differences you will prefer booking the Packers and Movers Company for the shifting work.
Packing Stuff – may be you can collect the packing stuff from the market also and can have the packing boxes for the packing, but you would not have an estimate that how much of packing boxes and the other material would be required. And the material which you will going to purchase from the market could be the expensive one as you are taking it only for your shifting specifically but the packing material owned by the Packers and Movers Company is their company material and they buy all these things in bulk in order to complete the shifting of several or even thousands of peoples. So, it this case definitely you will have to pay more if you want to complete shifting on your own.
Labours and transporting – the labours that you take help from will charge you much higher and there is no guarantee that they will protect all your products and if in any case there is some damage to your luggage then you will need to bear the loss. But as with the Packers and Movers they provide the facility of proper protection to your products and they guarantee about the security of the things, and they also provide the insurance facility so that if you choose this service then the cost will be returned to you and you will not ne at loss.
Time management – time is very precious as you cannot make much delay at the shifting work. So if you will work it on your own then you will take much time in completing the whole shifting process. As assembling each and everything from small to big is really very difficult and it consumes time. But there is no such issue with the Packers and Movers Company they give you the service on time and they complete all their shifting work on the time.
Packers And Movers Gurgaon to Bhubaneswar @
Packers And Movers Gurgaon to Bhopal @
Source url :-
Contact Packers and Movers Hyderabad
Top Packers and Movers Hyderabad @
Execute, various involving organizations which gives taking and heading products and services within the
market. Internet marketing is right now starting to be the foremost successful tool to market these kinds of products and services. Even as we
most fully understand, with the age associated with know-how, everyone is anxious using mobile or portable, e-mails or web sites.
Tens of thousands of searches are produced by the online guests for nearly most form of services and internet business or even
conditions. WEBSITE POSITIONING, E-mail marketing or categorised web pages helps that people to research ones own
requirements and additionally certainly helps these not having substantially projects. Using one mouse click, they will has got the vast array designed for
ones own personal preference and additionally allows you simply select the actual product or service, site or even system with regard to their very own require.
That know-how has taken some sort of severe adjustments with internet offerings. The time period provides passed on
in the event the marketplace or simply the is actually specifically seen so that you can take advantage of their assistance. At this moment there is a substantial
internet software which supplies many form of products and services at their apartment position. We can easily do some searching online precisely what
we end up needing along with makes the offer of as there are a number competitors to choose from online who provides the same assistance.
Without a doubt, the application assistance you to learn the actual market cost of the particular selected service. That
packaging in addition to heading agencies can be benefitted through the online marketing equipment. Packers and
movers be able to to help captivate people and Management and business industry. Promotion associated with
their particular web site and also deemed web-sites, Adwordsprogramme with google and yahoo etcetera. shows most robust
product for those. Various keyword phrases enjoy: Packers, Movers, Packers and Movers, taking heading,
moving accessories. will be the excellent economical words which can be checked around the world. Blogs can help as well
to promote your assistance. Todaythese days interactive websites tend to be gaining a lot more like twitter,
youtube etc. Several identified web sites supplies the TXT services additionally. And so the things have become
even more much simpler today than original time frame. Transferring market sectors usually are involved yourself around front door to help door solutions designed for
all of form domestic objects or corporate items and also market sectors shifting. The packaging may be very
hassle-free process along with plays a major role with regard to releasing protection involving cargo/shipment out of
elements from one spot to help required spot. Packers along with Movers Pvt. Ltd. will be the greatest friends and family owned or operated online business packers and additionally movers business with The indian subcontinent. Our supplier can be issuing clients an agreeable together with helpful moving products and services. Our site visitor experienced flawless planning along with specialized specialist meant for National and additionally world solutions. We have major star ratings customer happiness together with assessments balanced with additional packers movers in addition to separation organizations around Asia. Our own truly fitted in addition to dealt with compartment attained efficiently, easily and sensitively with your goods. Your skilled workers relocates user goods properly and additionally diligently around completely new areas.
Packers & Movers Hyderabad based various feats and additionally just about all type separation business The firm supplies this customer strategically internet business in every one Indian. We provide tactical along with ground breaking relocation services. You gave your vital site visitor unique together with efficiency level of quality assistance. This company provides substantial system most Asia. Currently in depth and additionally completely new technology packaging gadgets. Your corporation offers major ranking packers and movers service provider with substantial fatigue. We have dedicated some of our people for a useful house in harmless give. This site offers maximum together with dependable providing going solution and additionally get new house purchase better for our clients.
Contact Packers and Movers Chennai
Top Packers and Movers Chennai @
Chennai is normally suburb of the money location with Tamil Nadu. It happens to be center of the many successful industries in addition to institutes. Among the list of successful areas inside Chennai can be Movers Packers with Chennai. Improved level associated with migration within Chennai has got provided the movers together with packers an opportunity to prosper. Daily a lot of people can come the following to live and a lot of abandon the town, of which gave climb eventually experienced movers in addition to packers inside Chennai. There are many causes of the improvement involving Packers and additionally Movers around Chennai. An important factor is a escalating wide variety of market sectors and additionally job opportunities inside Chennai. Some people move in this case but because of the active lives move becomes a chaotic operation for your children.
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Point #1 I see going back to 2 things.
Point #1.1 is FDR and the New Deal where business decided it needed to market itself to the electorate, but needed to do so without appearing selfish or self-interested. So they latched onto religion. But knew that religion on America was a always a minority because people didn't think of themselves as "Christian". No. It was Baptist. Or Lutheran. Or Methodist. And each of these was always a minority. Business knew this. So how to market Republican Party as Christian instead of each little denomination was to be key. That was a bloc of voters would also vote along side business.
Point #1.2 is the marketing and consumerism, particularly in the mega churches, like Pat Roberts. Get the money coming in, they said. It was also conservative evangelical religion. It was not Mainline Protestantism, as was common in 1950s and 1960s. Mainline Protestantism (liberal or moderate) is like a Mule. It is a perfectly healthy animal. But it cannot reproduce. It is conservative evangelical religion that is growing. Like Pat Roberts.
Point #2. There was pull back from the political process around the time of the Scopes Monkey trial in the 1920s. There was a reverse and there was push back into the political sphere near the equal rights movement, with the desegregation of the schools and the right of the private christian schools. There was another push into Christianity as a political force with Roe v. Wade.
@Richard Nixon:
WASHINGTON — On Jan. 22, 1973, when the Supreme Court struck down laws criminalizing abortion in Roe v. Wade, President Richard M. Nixon made no public statement. But the next day, newly released tapes reveal, he privately expressed ambivalence.
Nixon worried that greater access to abortions would foster “permissiveness,” and said that “it breaks the family.” But he also saw a need for abortion in some cases — like interracial pregnancies, he said.
“There are times when an abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white,” he told an aide, before adding, “Or a rape.”
So it was a strategy with Nixon. Then Carter courting the Born Again evangelicals with him coming out as a Born Again. Then Reagan courted them. And the rest is history. Republicans have the the pro business and pro Christian party since.
For Evangelical Churches that don't understand their place. What about using Taxation as a weapon? I would be against such a thing. But could taxation be a viable political weapon to fight Christians involved in the political process? I am thinking, if they contribute campaign money, finance a candidate, etc. They revoke their tax-exempt status. It is taxation as a weapon against certain groups messing in elections. It would get the point across. I have no idea if it would be effective. Plus I am against such an idea. Or at least I'd need to consider arguments why we should do it.
Point #1 I see going back to 2 things.
Point #1.1 is FDR and the New Deal where business decided it needed to market itself to the electorate, but needed to do so without appearing selfish or self-interested. So they latched onto religion. But knew that religion on America was a always a minority because people didn't think of themselves as "Christian". No. It was Baptist. Or Lutheran. Or Methodist. And each of these was always a minority. Business knew this. So how to market Republican Party as Christian instead of each little denomination was to be key. That was a bloc of voters would also vote along side business.
Point #1.2 is the marketing and consumerism, particularly in the mega churches, like Pat Roberts. Get the money coming in, they said. It was also conservative evangelical religion. It was not Mainline Protestantism, as was common in 1950s and 1960s. Mainline Protestantism (liberal or moderate) is like a Mule. It is a perfectly healthy animal. But it cannot reproduce. It is conservative evangelical religion that is growing. Like Pat Roberts.
Point #2. There was pull back from the political process around the time of the Scopes Monkey trial in the 1920s. There was a reverse and there was push back into the political sphere near the equal rights movement, with the desegregation of the schools and the right of the private christian schools. There was another push into Christianity as a political force with Roe v. Wade.
@Richard Nixon:
WASHINGTON — On Jan. 22, 1973, when the Supreme Court struck down laws criminalizing abortion in Roe v. Wade, President Richard M. Nixon made no public statement. But the next day, newly released tapes reveal, he privately expressed ambivalence.
Nixon worried that greater access to abortions would foster “permissiveness,” and said that “it breaks the family.” But he also saw a need for abortion in some cases — like interracial pregnancies, he said.
“There are times when an abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white,” he told an aide, before adding, “Or a rape.”
So it was a strategy with Nixon. Then Carter courting the Born Again evangelicals with him coming out as a Born Again. Then Reagan courted them. And the rest is history. Republicans have the the pro business and pro Christian party since.
For Evangelical Churches that don't understand their place. What about using Taxation as a weapon? I would be against such a thing. But could taxation be a viable political weapon to fight Christians involved in the political process? I am thinking, if they contribute campaign money, finance a candidate, etc. They revoke their tax-exempt status. It is taxation as a weapon against certain groups messing in elections. It would get the point across. I have no idea if it would be effective. Plus I am against such an idea. Or at least I'd need to consider arguments why we should do it.
Okay, many issues raised:
First of all, Randal Balmer's main point is that abortion and homosexuality were not what drew Evangelicals into politics. Rather it was actions against Bob Jones University, for refusing to comply with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Evangelicals struck back against this. They turned against their own, Jimmy Carter. Racism was always the primary motivating force for Evangelicals going into the political sphere. Abortion and homosexuality were things they politicized later when they saw that they could be effective.……
So going back now to your mention of FDR. Yes, you could say that business was hiring advocates. They were called, "Public Relations Men". and it was overtly political, trying to influence public views and election outcomes.
How necessary was this? Well it is what they wanted, what they did. Today under the doctrine of Neo-Liberalism, there is a huge contingent that thinks it is the role of government to promote business, and also educational achievement, and maybe Financial Literacy too.
As I know though, in FDR's time, these Public Relations Men were not making appeals to religion. The appeal to religion was when the Evangelical came into politics, which started with Jimmy Carter's 1976 election, but really came into its own, with the 1980 election of Ronald Reagan. And the main guy behind all of this was Republican Activist Paul Weyrich.
So yes, Evangelicals had been driven to hide under rocks via the humiliation they receive in the Scopes Monkey Trail, Tennessee, mid 1920's, covered extensively in the newspapers and broadcast live on the radio.
And yes, before the 1970's people had denominational loyalty. They did not publicly refer to themselves as "Christians", but rather as Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, etc.
What actually happened, as I see it, was that in the 1970's public attitudes changed. All denominational churches, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant, took huge attendance and money losses. It looked as though this was a permanent change and that many of these churches were not going to make it.
And so what happened though instead was the rise the Evangelicals. Their churches exploded in size and number. And mostly what their churches are about is getting people to say on cue, "I am a Christian".
And what does this mean? It means that other people could be less than worthy.
People in the denominational churches had not talked like this. They were much less concerned with who was and who was not Christian, or Born Again, or Saved. They were not interested in dividing people into categories.
Evangelical Christianity is bullshit. It is just a conservatising movement, an ideology.
So they are rolling back the Civil Rights, Anti-War, War on Poverty, and Women's movements. How do they do this? All it takes is to get people to say four words, "I am a Christian".
And of course this also works to get the money flowing, and Evangelical Churches have taken over what was left of the denominational churches.
It is in all of them, even the Roman Catholic Church goes with it, because it sounds sexy It comes in through the youth ministries. And when a clergyman is first ordained, what is often their first assignment, youth ministries. Only later will they work with the main church congregations.
Maybe the Lutheran ELCA has been the least effected. And Marcus Borg grew up in this.
Not meaning to be disrespectful to our ATACdawg, what I think he may be benefiting from is that on the eastern side of the country, the population is less mobile. So you probably do still have more long term loyalty to main line Protestant Denominations, and they are more moderate and reasonable.
Here on the West Coast, the population is more mobile. So churchy people have to find themselves a church. Our Mainline Protestant Churches are often just miniature versions of the Mega Churches.
Marcus Borg@All Saints: Mysticism, Resistance, and Counter-Advocacy…
Marcus Borg, Heart of Christianity, part 1 of 9…
Raspberries - Go All The Way………
Elton John - Bennie and the Jets…
Creedence Clearwater Revival: Have You Ever Seen The Rain?…
The Animals - House of the Rising Sun (1964)…
The World Is A Ghetto by War…
TJ Street…
His attempt to federalize welfare money (AFDC) had good points to them. And remember Wage and Price Controls, Phase 1 and Phase 2?
But he was also a primary architect of using divisive social wedge issues, to try and break up the progressive base and bring voters to an economic right wing agenda.
So for example, with his Family Assistance Plan, federalizing welfare money, he reached the point where even his own people said he had to move it to the Left, if he wanted it to pass. But he decided again to let it flounder and never pass. What it might have accomplished was less important than what was accomplished by letting it stay on the table and be a divisive social issue.
Francis Fox Piven…
So I refer back now to my original title.
The Roman Catholic Church does not preach this, nor did the demoinational Protestant Churches. But the Born Again Movement has in some places taken over the denominational Churches.
This Born Again intoxication does bring in people and money.
Sure, our Constitution grants religious freedom, but except for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, that mostly just applies to the government. We are not obliged to refrain from critique of religion.
So what I saw then was that the news media did not know how to critique it, not unless is was about money and sex.
What was really alerting me to this problem was the local emergence of this 'Jubilee Christian Center'.
Website seems down:
Dick Bernal is their founder:
Sounds like Bernal is involved in this, and there must have been some changes:
It used to be Jubilee Christian Center, but I guess now it is this:…
Okay so continuing, I started seeing more and more bumper stickers for this Jubilee Christian Center. I knew nothing about this sort of church. They talked about spiritual warfare and prayer warfare.
I started reading about it in the newspapers. People were angry because Bernal would host this weekend even, Pray For The Bay. It was about Satan, and clearly targeted at the gay community.
And I met people involved with it. One was going on about how Satan made the landlord raise the rent to stop she and a neighbor from praying together and having fellow ship. And she talked about how Satan would stalk her in the apartment, and about how she once caught him trying to get his fingers around her neck. She said that the only way she could stop him was to 'put on a Christian tape'.
It would be years later that I finally realized that all the problems she was having with Satan were just her own sexual desires.
But I was mortified after listening to her. Other than in Stephen King stories I had no idea that such people actually existed. And this one was engaging with people who were experiencing economic troubles, encouraging them to start interpreting in her ways, and to start attending Jubilee Christian Center.
Now you could tell that news media did not like Bernal and Jubilee. They wrote about how he had this big event where he burned the artifacts of this "San Francisco Gay Pagan Witch". But they showed that Bernal had actually been paying this guy all along.
The news media was trying to do what it could, but unless tax laws were being broken, they did not how to stop him. And he was pumping out poison, usually to the poor and vulnerable.
And I knew nothing about it really, 'Prayer Warfare', and the entire religious body of thinking he was appealing too. Jim and Tammy had been alien to me as well. I knew nothing at all about that sort of religion, not until they became a national scandal.
So I decided that it was necessary to learn, and to learn how to criticize.
I remembered having read about the mythologist Joseph Campbell, always keeping diaries, and starting around age 12, critiquing Roman Catholic Sermons. I thought this was outrageous. In doing this, Campbell was pulling back and keeping a critical distance. Mostly his diary entries were like theater criticism, how good the guy came across doing it. But this also implies that Campbell did not necessarily go along with any of it.…
Memory Lane, Baker Gurwitz Army…
Some might want two guitars. But you could never get all the quasi orchestral effects without the keyboard, like a modern theater organ.
TJ Street…
And so horrible things get going. Locally the worst of the worst was Dick Bernal and his Jubilee Christian Center, a new mega-church, promoting Prayer Warfare, and getting people obsessed about Satan.
Bernal was aligned with Church Growth Inc. and a student of this guy in Seoul Korea who has a church with 840,000 members. This kind of stuff always works by fear, superstition, and fatalism.
Modern School was in NYC, just before WWI.……
Between 1910 and 1960 a remarkable educational experiment took place in the United States under the aegis of the anarchist movement. For half a century anarchists from New York to Los Angeles carried on a venture in learning that was unique in American history. Inspired by the execution of Francisco Ferrer, the Spanish educator and martyr, more than twenty schools were established in different parts of the country where children might study in an atmosphere of freedom and self-reliance, in contrast to the formality and discipline of the traditional classroom.
It was also where Will and Ariel Durant got their starts:…
He also has:
Translating anarchy : the anarchism of Occupy Wall Street / Mark Bray. (2013)
This kind of a school could change things. For one thing, it could be a counter to that noxious piece of filth which enters so many minds today, the Sunday Sermon.
And then the Pentecostals use the scripture like it were that 9am New Wine, trying to get you intoxicated with it, so you take it all as a prescription.
I am not a supporter of the mainline churches. But at least they are not quite like that. But they have been unable to resist this Evangelical - Pentecostal influence. It is just so damned lucrative.
He is not really talking about the role of economic elites. Rather, he is talking about the role of the working class in promoting fascism, mostly racism and anti-semitism. There was this Oswald Mosely in the UK, and still continuing after WWII and the Holocaust.
So he shows how people have fought back at the street level.
But one thing he does not seem to look at is the role of Evangelical Christianity. Maybe because he is looking more at Europe?
But there are still some interesting things potentially related:
page 52
"... soul of the autonomous movement was strongly animated by new currents of radical feminism, evident in the first Take Back the Night marches in Rome in 1976, were ten thousand women dressed as witches and chanted "No longer mothers, no longer daughters, we're going to destroy families."
referencing George Katsiaficas, The Subversion of Politics: European Autonomous Social Movements and the Decolonization of Everyday Life (1997)
see if I can find this. Yes, a 2006 updated edition:
The subversion of politics : European autonomous social movements and the decolonization of everyday life / Georgy Katsiaficas. (2006)
Introduction to the AK Press edition (2006) iii
Introduction to the Korean edition (2000) x
Preface to the first edition (1997) xiii
Acknowledgements xxi
Chronology xxii
Abbreviations xxiv
List of Illustrations xxv
Federal Republic of Germany (map) xxvi
From 1968 to Autonomy 1 (16)
The European Context
3 (3)
The Meaning of Autonomy
6 (3)
The Autonomen: An Invisible Movement
9 (4)
Media and Marginality
13 (4)
Italian Autonomia 17 (42)
Worker Roots Of Autonomy
18 (9)
The Women's Movement
27 (9)
Student And Youth Roots Of Autonomy
36 (7)
1977: A Year Of Crisis
43 (8)
Repression And Resistance
51 (8)
Sources of Autonomous Politics in Germany 59 (48)
The Autonomous Women's Movement
67 (13)
The Antinuclear Movement
80 (8)
Müslis And Mollis: From The New Left To The Punk Left
88 (9)
The Elections In Berlin
97 (3)
The Structure Of Spontaneity
100 (7)
European Autonomous Movements 107 (32)
111 (6)
117 (7)
Hafenstrasse: International Symbol
124 (4)
The Guerrillas And The Movement
128 (4)
The Red Zoras
132 (3)
May Day 1988: A Personal Note
135 (4)
Photos 139 (14)
The Autonomen in Unified Germany 153 (34)
Neo-Nazis And The State
155 (10)
Autonomy And Antifascism
165 (3)
The Battle For Mainzerstrasse
168 (6)
The Contradictions Of Autonomy
174 (6)
The German Problem
180 (7)
The (Anti)Politics of Autonomy 187 (48)
Autonomy And The Greens
196 (13)
Autonomy And The Left
209 (8)
In Defense of the Dialectic
217 (3)
From the Fetishization of Production to the Production of Fetish
220 (2)
The Centrality of Patriarchy
222 (2)
Neo-Leninist Rectitude
224 (2)
Strategic Concerns
226 (2)
Toward A Rationality Of The Heart
228 (7)
The Theory of Autonomy 235 (34)
Late Capitalism's Postmodern Features
238 (6)
Colonization Of Everyday Life
244 (4)
New Social Movements And The Politics Of Identity
248 (7)
From The Invisibility Of The Private To Its Rationalization: A Reasonable Project?
255 (2)
The Atomized Individual And The Constraint Of Autonomy
257 (2)
The Autonomy Of Theory?
259 (4)
Decolonization And Democracy
263 (6)
Notes 269 (28)
Index 297…
Baker Gurvitz Army - Memory Lane…
Peter Kuznick: Three False Myths Americans Believe (about WWII)…
Oliver Stones Untold History of the United States Prequel A…
The Concorde…
TJ Street…
"I am a Christian"
And so, a huge percentage of the population has been shifted to the Right.
And then of Libertarianism, it runs on a very similar logic, that people have some sort of a cosmic debt to pay, some need to prove themselves for some reason. It is just the flip side of Evangelical Christianity.
Interesting Old Thread
Favorite Strip Clubs of San_Jose_Guy?…
TJ Street…………
Nirvana - Aneurysm (Live at Reading 1992)…
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Live at Reading 1992) w/ surprise into……
So I can just pick up a book and ride my bicycle to Vietnamese Coffee. I can read about anything I want to.………………
EchoPizza :) :) :)…
Denis Diderot…
TJ Street……………
"Who is the Popular God in Public Life in the 21st Century?"…
Bishop John Shelby Spong - "From a Tribal God to a Universal Presence: The Story Of The Bible"…
Time to Talk about Trinity, Monotheism and Panentheism…
Why Christianity Must Change or Die: A Bishop Speaks to Believers In Exile…
A New Christianity for a New World: Why Traditional Faith is Dying & How a New Faith is Being Born…
Jesus for the Non-Religious…
Unbelievable: Why Neither Ancient Creeds Nor the Reformation Can Produce a Living Faith Today…
Baker Gurvitz Army………
TJ Street……
Just get people to say, "I am a Christian".
TJ Street…………
It is a reprehensible doctrine to be preaching. The most naked form just keeping the pews and the collection plate full.
Yet this is how the evangelicals rose after denominational churches lost most of their members in the 1970's.
Well today the evangelicals are taking over the denominational churches.
So we have to fight Christians against Christians, only way to stop it. My lions will have to wait on the sidelines.
Joe Bonamassa - "Sloe Gin" - Muddy Wolf at Red Rocks…
And now his own forum, harmonic notes:…
Midnight Blues…
Guitar Harmonics…
Beth and Joe - Black Coffee ( a Steve Marriott song, quite a vocal legend to try and imitate )…
Beth and Joe - I'd Rather Go Blind ( Live Amsterdam )…
Robin Trower, live ( more harmonic notes )…
And then likewise Libertarianism is also completely destructive in a similar manner.
Lady Zep…
Led Zeppelin Heartbreaker / Living Loving Maid (She's Just a Woman)…
John Shelby Spong
From a Tribal God to a Universal Presence: The Story Of The Bible…
God in the 21st Century…
Story of O Dress……
And then Libertarianism is really just saying that people have to measure up to social expectations or they are deficient. Very similar to the above.
Waring of Rising Nationalism………!
Adam Hochschild…
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, underneath the Arch of Triumph, should be visible from this East side angled view………
Theatre Chochotte - Paris…
Hookers in Paris…
Baker Gurwitz…
That about says what Libertarianism is.…
We know the answer to that. It is thinking, "I am going to be great, just like SJG's Christian Eating Lions."
Levi's Stadium Missing Man Video Released By Police……
Gustav Holst - The Planets…
Boy Erased, gay conversion therapy……
Not that many people are willing to challenge Christianity openly.
Her book…
The goddess pose : the audacious life of Indra Devi, the woman who helped bring yoga to the West / Michelle Goldberg (2015)
The means of reproduction : sex, power, and the future of the world / Michelle Goldberg (2009)
Trying out a free proxy server, not for tuscl, for something else.
^^^^^ above proxy fails in some critical places
TJ Street……
Theatre Chochotte, Paris…
Today, the Evangelical Christians are Trump's primary base of support.
Steven Arthur Pinker is a Canadian-American cognitive psychologist, linguist, and popular science author. He is Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University, and is known for his advocacy of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind.…
Bill Moyers, Forrest Church Interview…
Stravinsky: The Firebird / Gergiev · Vienna Philarmonic · Salzburg Festival 2000…
So you folks like these no proscenium concert halls?
Disney Music Center…
San Jose Center for the Performing Arts, not designed that way.…
TJ Street…………
Libertarians just want to loosen up government restrictions so that people are more free. If you support sexual freedom and drug decriminalization then libertarians are certainly better than the republicans are.
Libertarians just want to loosen up government restrictions so that people are more free. If you support sexual freedom and drug decriminalization then libertarians are certainly better than the republicans are.
I can't read this whole thread but its important to be tolerant of different viewpoints. This thread title seems very aggressive.
Libertarians just want to loosen up government restrictions so that people are more free. If you support sexual freedom and drug decriminalization then libertarians are certainly better than the republicans are.
And while criminalization of drugs has not worked very well, I for one do not support drug use and I do not have any special interest in decriminalization. I certainly do not want there to be more drug use. Marijuana is turning into what critics have claimed, Tobacco 2.0, and there are commercial interests promoting this.
And as far as sexual freedom, Libertarians do not really support that. Their whole doctrine is based on the premise that some of the population is legitimate, and some of the population is not legitimate. And so of course they judge people negatively, especially women, based on their sexual practices. What they hate most is poor people having sex.
And it is such Libertarian-Republicans who are most likely to divide women into two categories, coming down the most hard on strippers.
And we don't have tolerance of different viewpoints. Christians and Libertarians are the ones most opposed to diversity of opinion.
And Lizzy, your text wall dumping shows that you are opposed to diversity of views on this board.
Dawkins & Krauss: Life, The Universe, And Everything (An Origins Project Dialogue)…
Something From Nothing - a conversation w/ Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss - ASU Feb 4, 2012…
page 119ff
We come now to the critical turning point in our quest. Why does it matter whether or not traditional religion fades and the external God of traditional religion dies? It matters because we would once more be alone facing realities that threaten us deeply. It matters because we have invested in this deity our sense of purpose, our sense of meaning and our hopes for eternal life. All of these things die if this God dies, or at least that is the common wisdom. When these issues are stated outside their usual "stained-glass" setting, their strangeness becomes apparent. It becomes clear that we believe these things not because we are convinced that they are true, but because we have a deep need for them to be true. We do not recognize that our need for something to be true does not affect what is; it only manifests our willingness to be delusional. In order to support and to shore up our believing, we human beings have tended to resist every new insight into how the world operates over the last five hundred years or so, if it was perceived as challenging our religious presuppositions.
The Masonic Trowel…
Kabbalah Online
Driving Distances Between Cities, seems to work, seems to know highway distances, not just great circle distances. Knows Mexican border towns too.…
Border Towns…
Wicked Lady, Axeman Cometh…
Full Album…
Hidden in Plain Sight ( Sex Tr*****ing) I say that this women is just wrong, especially about the US and about CA……
This is a serious spiritual sickness!
You know here who is being paraphrased.
Now I am saying "Christianity is Reaction, Imbecile Reaction".
Yanis Varoufakis: Is Capitalism Devouring Democracy?…
TJ Street…
Nicki Minaj…
Merkaba - Chariot of the Gods…
Ever notice that Stephen Spielberg's films always include appearances of the Chariot, and that always before these there is silence and a void? Often such appearances mean that someone is going to die violently.
Chariot of God: Merkabah Mysticism - Vision of Ezekiel…
Christ of the Apocalypse, from one of the doorways to Chartres…
The Merkaba Explained IN DETAIL From Lightworkers org…
TJ Street…
Baby's Looki' Hot…
TJ Street……
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
Stage Side Makeout Session, lots more going on in the shadows too.…
Lap sitting, prelude to a real nice DFK + FIV makeout session, if the guy wants to come on to her some and go for it.…
Stage side DATY discernable ( abajo )…
Heavy thighs and tush, in white. Such girls are best for TLN, and she looks very ready for that.…
Led Zeppelin: Live on TV BYEN/Danmarks Radio [Full Performance] 1969…
Nicki Minaj……
Lots of great visions, but with Christianity it would never work. You know why, why communalism would never work with Christianity? Well, if you are holding property in common, they sooner or later it will be seen that you also have to hold women in common. So that is where it breaks down.
And though this may seem surprising, The I AM A CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT is what supports Libertarianism.
American Fascists
The Christian Right and the War On America
Chris Hedges…
san_jose_guy - Commonly referred to as SJG this forum member may have some sort of mental illness and is usually mocked or ignored. SJG has a long history of posting incendiary comments including being pro-rape. His comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate.
Libertarians (PSA: most of the politicians calling themselves “libertarian”, like Rand Paul, are not) are not the problem.
Real libertarians don’t give a flying fuck how you live your life, as long as “how you live your life” doesn’t involve trying to force others to live how you want them.
So I half agree with your title. The second half should be “with the entrails of the last collectivist.”
If you think your collectivist philosophy is so damned utopian, why don’t you go to somewhere that they agree with you, instead of polluting this country with your shit for brains hypotheses?
Ur Facism, by Umberto Eco
So Chris Hedges starts off with the above.
I find the above to be very insightful, but I only half agree with it. If you really go along with Eco, then you would condemn Nietzsche and hold him responsible for the Nazi's, and you would condemn Deleuze and Guattari. I do not agree with that.
Totally false, dipshit. No real libertarian is going to stop you from adopting whatever kind of “market ethos” you want. They just aren’t going to let *you* force *them* to accept it.
Want a socialism? Fine, go ahead. Leave out anyone who doesn’t.
Want communist? Go for it, but leave alone those who don’t.
Want fascism? Cool, you and your buddies get together and fascist each other all you want. Leave the rest of us to our selves.
But that’s never good enough for you collectivist assholes, is it? You’re not content with creating a system and then inviting others into it. No, you have to *force* everyone else to accept your “gimme, gimme” scheme, because you know better what we need than we do.
Or is it because you know that given a choice, a real choice, anybody with half a brain will reject your idiocy?
And it is also advanced by force.
The Christian Right and the War On America
by Chris Hedges…
So a number of interesting books referred to.
Robert O. Paxton, The Anatomy of Fascism (2004)
Reinhold Niebuhr, The Irony of American History (1952)
Sara Diamond, Spiritual Warfare: the politics of the Christian Right (1989)
--- Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States (1995)
--- Not by politics alone: the enduring influence of the Christian Right (1998)
William Slone Coffin, The Heart is a Little to the Left: Essays on Public Morality (1999)
there is also James Luther Adams…
Chris Hedges was one of his students.
Hedges starts with this from Umberto Eco…
I find the above to be extremely insightful, but I only partially agree with it. If you go with Eco, then Nietzsche is is a fascist, and so are Deleuze and Guattari. I do not agree with this.
TJ Street……
Who Was Aiwaz? The Strange Story of Samuel Jacobs and Aleister Crowley…
You mean like the *communists* did in Russia?
That’s not capitalism, shit for brains, and no amount of bleating on your part will make it so.
Well this dates it later:…
Well here, this is saying 1700's.
It is what Capitalism needed in order to make people work for starvation wages in factories.
Russian Communism started in 1917. As is always the case with Gun Barrel Communism, it is installed by purges and liquidations. Some times it is necessary to have water barrels to quench the rifles so that they don't seize up, as the volumes are so high.
If we are not able to restore our electoral democracy, then there will probably be wars and eventually Gun Barrel Communism in the United States.
The more pleasant alternative is Ballot Box Socialism, like what most of Western Europe has to some degree. But it requires some intelligence among the electorate. Like Andy Yang says, MATH, Make Americans Think Harder.
As I know, peaking in the 1600's.
san_jose_guy - Commonly referred to as SJG this forum member may have some sort of mental illness and is usually mocked or ignored. SJG has a long history of posting incendiary comments including being pro-rape. His comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate.
The Christian Right and the War On America
by Chris Hedges
In this version of the Christian Gospel, the exploitation and abuse of other human beings is a good. Homosexuality is an evil. And this global, heartless system of economic rationalism has morphed in the rhetoric of the Christian Right into a test of faith. The ideology it espouses is a radical evil, an ideology of death. It calls wanton destruction, destruction of human beings, of the environment, of communities and neighborhoods, of labor unions, of a free press, of Iraqis, Palestinians or others in the Middle East who would deny us oil fields and hegemony, of federal regulatory agencies, social welfare programs, public education--in short, the destruction of all people and programs that stand in the way of a Christian America and its God-given right to dominate the rest of the planet. The movement offers, in return, the absurd but seductive promise that those who are right with God will rise to dominate the rest of the planet. The movement offers, in return, the absurd but seductive promise that those who are right with God will rise to become spiritual and material oligarchs. They will become the new class. Those who are not right with God, be they poor or Muslim or unsaved, deserve what they get. In the rational world none of this makes sense. But believers have been removed from a reality-based world. They believe that through Jesus all is possible. It has become a Christian duty to embrace the exploitation of others, to build a Christian America where freedom means the freedom of the powerful to dominate the weak. Since believers see themselves as becoming empowered through faith, the gross injustices and repression that could well boomerang back on most of them are of little concern. They assuage their consciences with the small acts of charity they or their churches dole out to the homeless or the mission fields. The emotion -filled religious spectacles and spiritual bromides compensate for the emptiness of their lives. They are energized by hate campaigns against gays or Muslims or liberals or immigrants. They walk willingly into a totalitarian prison they are helping to construct. They yearn for it. They work for it with passion, self-sacrifice and a blinding self-righteousness.
Remembering the Greensboro Massacre of 1979, When KKK & Nazis Killed 5 People in Broad Daylight…
Hubert Dreyfus Interview - AI, Heidegger, Meaning in the Modern World…
No religion preaches being a good person. They all preach that a good person is one who follows scripture ritual and the people presenting it to you.
Rather, pretend ignore them. 🤭🤡
But for sure I'll troll you when I'm in the mood. Why? Because you've trolled me! It's that simple.
But I never trolled you.
You're absolutely a troll, an ignorant one, but a troll nonetheless.
You're incapable of recognizing it. Hence, your ignorance.
I explained to him that long ago a local dancer said, "Don't use strip clubs for sexual gratification, because that is perverted."
And she was a veteran of Deja Vu LDK shops.
What she meant was LDKing, Cum In Pants, that is perverted.
So then what can you do with strip clubs that is not perverted?
1. Absorb the aesthetic, the dolled up hotties, the bodily and emotional openness, the high heels and makeup. But then you recreate this in your own personal life.
2. For those few extremists who actually want to know strippers and be waking up in the morning with them, you meet them there.
Booths and backroom and LDKing was not how lap dancing started. It started being all front room, mostly titty fondling, but also a fair amount of DFKing.
Deja Vu is a think thank, and they developed the modern clip joint, highly restricted front room, and mostly LDKing.
LMAO you cite one example from one stripper that called LDKing perverted. That's just ONE OPINION. Maybe if you actually went to strip clubs you'd learn this from other strippers. But instead you'd rather cling to ONE OPINION.
And FYI I have no issues with what other PLs want and don't want to do with strippers for THEIR fun. You won't find any post by me that contradicts this. So sorry, I'm not surprised when I read other ways to have fun, even though it's different than my fun.
There you go again, ASSUMING you know what others think.
Again that's why you're an ignorant troll.
Know the difference, dumbass.
In one of our underground places, girls were doing very high velocity front room friendliness, DFKing, cock grabbing, unzipping you, followed by front room FS.
And then in TJ, where there are no legal restrictions, most of the people writing about it who seem to know what they are doing, are doing Front Room Makeout Session, followed by Backroom Full Service
Other people copy it, but it is the Deja Vu trademark, very restrictive front room, the usually back room LDKing, and working by "wanna dance".
Now sure, sometimes the backroom can go further, but it is not the norm. For most guys it is just an expensive fantasy.
And then I have gotten girls to reverse themselves front room on, "I don't kiss."
But the norm is just a dissociated girl taking your money, and giving some to the house, and LDKing you. She is acting like she were a fembot.
Know the difference, dumbass.
Know the difference, dumbass.
Know the difference, dumbass.
You don't get under a girl's skin by having her LDK you. Certainly not as a matter of regular practice.
Know the difference, dumbass.
And guys with SL's should not be anywhere around a strip club. They should be with their SO.
As Maury Povich used to say,”that is a lie!”
I have responsibilities, commitments, and obligations. So I must not disclose more.
"...describes a woman after copulation with Satan as 'very proud and satisfied'."…
Hence, his lame ass excuses about having "sensitive responsibilities" and needing to separate his online self from his real life self. 🤷
That is you mode.
That is you mode.
And FYI my beautiful wife has never had to tie my shoes. But she did make the coffee I'm drinking right now and laughed with me as I explained how you're still in utter denial about yourself in real life and how you are obsessed with escaping this as "SJG" on TUSCL.
But that was before, back when you were alive. Now you are a zombie, decomposing and dropping of bits, as you have climbed out of the grave.
But don't worry, on Monday you'll be able to go back to the library and restart your same fantasy life here. 🤷