Cheap ass mongers

avatar for Countryman5434
Some mongers are cheap and really piss me off! There was a recent hk review where a monger was bragging about getting a model quality chica down from 90 to 80 and said she was so beautiful he left her a 5 dollar tip! Wtf mongers like that should be ashamed of hisself. These chicas are goddesses and should be treated as much


last comment
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
I really don't get it when someone complains about how much I may have spent for something. I spend wherever the hell I feel like spending as long as I'm happy with it what the hell does anyone else care. If you think it's driving up the price than be a better bargainer but being a cheap ass causes problems because service will suck. I'd rather pay a little extra and potentially have better service than save myself $10 have a shit experience
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
avatar for ime
6 years ago
Why would you care what someone else pays, maybe he values it less than you do. Don't be a white knight for tijuana whores it will get you no where, treat the ones you interact with how you want to.
avatar for wellhungsac420
6 years ago
I don't care what people pay. I don't think it affects anyone else either. Dancers come up with their prices on the fly, I doubt they go back home and do analytics to update their prices. They see a fat cat in a suit walk in and its $200 a pop cause he can probably afford it, they see a slob walk in and its $200 cause he's so gross, someone else maybe its $100... I don't think their menu is written in stone.
That said I happily pay a few extra dollars, being cheap isn't a great lube but $$$ is.
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
@ pinksugardoll--Daaaaaammmmmnnn nice picture!
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Build the Wall!!!
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
haggling and bargaining is part of the mexican culture. nothing wrong with it. i do it often.
avatar for Smalltowncpl
6 years ago
Mexican whores, American whores, whatever. If I think the price is to high I will try to negotiate some.I probably wouldn't make a big deal over $10 and I would probably leave more than a $5 tip.
avatar for Lil_Baller100
6 years ago
mexico is for cheap asses in general

if i want a hoe, i fly her out to me on my private jet, and she knows we'll be fucking when she gets off.
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
I will always treat them like goddesses anybody that don't fuck them! I am not a cheap ass and i love mexico lil baller
avatar for shailynn
6 years ago
This is like when I go out with friends who are cheap as fuck. Like one will be like “I’ll get the bar tab this time” while I’m thinking “great because you never offered to get the last 10,” and the tab comes and it’s $100... and the fucker leaves a $5 tip! I just want to crawl under the table at that point. If I can I usually will slip the wait/er/ress some cash.
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
I tend to over tip. I’d rather my tipping mistake be tipping more - than less.

That being said, I don’t care what anyone else tips. That’s between the pl and the whore.
avatar for TJ Lee
TJ Lee
6 years ago
I got a model quality street chica down from 80/hr to 50 :-)
avatar for stripfighter
6 years ago
I tend to pay a premium, but I also tend to be very selective about it. Except for when I used a coupon a couple nights back :)
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
Yeah if the chica is beautiful and the rate is already cheap compared to U.S. rates, why even embarrass yourself haggling over $10.

I would understand haggling in the U.S. when the stripper quotes you $500 and you counter with $300.
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@ Bavarian I agree
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@ misterwonderful really? Chicas don't take offense or give worse service?
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
And you care why?

But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they should be treated like Goddesses. Next time you cross into stinky town, bring a wad with you and give each girl who entertains you no less than $300, which is what one would give a high end American girl in many places. That will show us.
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@ rickdugan ok i will and you keep wasting your money on u.s clubs! Your comments about tj just makes me not respect your opinion moron! Just keeping fucking those corn fed holes jackass,
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
Stinky town rick dugan wants to bad mouth mexico because he is a clown anyone that does not like mexico is a moron! Keep writing reviews about the joke ass strip clubs in the u. S. You go to that will show me! I will go to hk moron
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@rick duggan connecticut long island absolute shitholes of america you write reviews about the northeast clubs and you wanna put down tj lmao!
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
Rick dugan raves about a ky dive full of herion addicts and wants to put down tj unbelievable to me
avatar for JAprufrock
6 years ago
Was going to bed, then saw PinkSugarDoll's avatar and ... well, it's time to toss-off, as they say across the pond.
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@dc9428 you wont ve disappointed words can't describe it as good as you hear it is it's better in real life
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
What does “toss off” mean, jerk off?? (Like does it mean “to jerk off,” not actually calling you a jerk off??)

Ty for the compliments steel dog and pru. :)
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Countryman you said you text regularly with your ATF. Is she able to type in English or do you have to translate it? I only ask because out of all the chicas I talked with, only about 3 out of 15 could actually converse in English.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
Have you heard of google translate??
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Yes. But I thought that worked only for live conversations. It works for text messages also?

I actually had a question about Google translate for the HK regulars. I've heard plenty of folks who review Hong Kong say that Google translate allowed them to talk to girls. How the heck do you manage to use it in the club when the music is so loud you can barely hear? Or do you only use it once you're up in the room?
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
Countryman... it depends on the girl in question. more times than not i approach the girl and suggest a price. there is only a couple of girls that i immediately accept their initial price.
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
TFP, you use a cell phone. You write out what you want said and they read it, you don't need any noise.
avatar for two_bits
6 years ago
"give each girl who entertains you no less than $300, which is what one would give a high end American girl in many places"

$300? I thought $200 was your OTC break point.

And what exactly makes an addict stripper "high-end"? Her track marks don't show?
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
I'm actually assuming the OP means that he had a wonderful time in Tijuana, and doesn't want that to potentially change because people are being "cheap a**" as he says and impacting the service industry there. I personally believe that's a legitimate concern
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
But wouldn't that just make him look like a baller in comparison.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Country, you do realize that you're coming across as a bit unhinged, no? :)

I'll never criticize how another grown man chooses to spend his entertainment $$. Some guys need it tee'd up as they struggle when interacting with women. GMD is having a great time in your area and I did the same the other night with a beautiful girl who asked for a very reasonable amount for the U.S. In my local area down south, I get high grade talent for $200 or even less.

If you want to travel all the way to TJ so that you can bang Mexican prostitutes in dicey hotels for $90 a pop then great. But that's not practical as an ordinary thing and time + travel costs weigh heavily in what kind of a deal you're really getting. I doubt that I'll be tempted so long as I keep getting it at the price points I do here with hot ass All American girls, but again to each his own.
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
Baller, maybe. Again, I'm not sure, but potentially he's concerned that if the girls are not making enough money, the breadth and depth of talent will be impacted negatively. I have no clue as I've never been, and probably won't go. I don't personally want to do sex tourism. I have enough to do where I currently am, at a price point where I'm comfortable.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ nothing for him to fear there. He'd be attracted to Rosie O'Donnell if she were latina.
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
It is always a dicey conversation when someone attempts to tell you how to spend your money. I understand

Countryman is saying to not be cheap, when paying Mexican whores, and that’s fine. However, its important to realize that everyone won’t simply agree to do it.

Being from America, I’m more inclined to accept a stated price. However, business is different in Mexico. There is more price haggling, and that creates more fluid prices for services. The tip expectations may also differ greatly.
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@tfp i use google translate
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@tfp i study spanish 4 hours a day! You cant use conversation in honk kong but you can still type in whatever and translate it
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@tfp google translate works for text messages also i text my chicas through whats app snd use google translate
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@ mister wonderful suggesting a price is a good idea i will try that thanks
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@ rick duggan i get a little unhinged when someone trashes my paradise! You and gmd can continue to enjoy kentucky clubs i would rether do escorts than ky clubs. Latinas and zona norte is worth it to me! But opininions are like assholes everybody has one! My opininion of a good time is not 25 dollar dancer drinks and strippers with track marks all over their arms
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@ rick duggan i get a little unhinged when someone trashes my paradise! You and gmd can continue to enjoy kentucky clubs i would rether do escorts than ky clubs. Latinas and zona norte is worth it to me! But opininions are like assholes everybody has one! My opininion of a good time is not 25 dollar dancer drinks and strippers with track marks all over their arms
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@ rick duggan hotel s
Cascadia is not a dicey hotel it is better than a lot of u. s hotels i have stayed at hottub etc i don't use dicey hotels!
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@flagoneer there is no way i could ever be possibly attracted to Rosie O'Donnell
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@flagooner sorry you would think my dumbass could spell your name my now
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
Damn it by
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