
Hong Kong Tijuana Trip

Avatar for SirBacon83

My buddies and I went to TJ for a night during my bachelor party. They were kinda pissed we were not in Vegas but all that changed once we turned on the block.

Had our Uber drop us off at the border and walked across, it was 6 of us so we jumped into 2 white/orange taxis that took us to Hong Kong for $5.

Paid the cover which you receive a beer(tecate)


One of by buddies spoke Spanish and that really helped. Keep in mind we are 3black guys, 2white

guys and a Puerto Rican, so we diverse nonetheless.

Once inside we had a security guard get us a table, small tip, ordered a bucket of beers(stay away from liquor) got about 30 Tecates for $40+tips.

Same security guard got some ladies come over and our night began, I spent about $400 in return I went to the room 4times, that’s right, 4times!

We did so much blow before crossing and brought some blue pills just in case. Everyone got laid at least twice and we saw some stuff you only see

In the movies. Can’t wait to get back.

Only downside was the return, we left about 5am

and didn’t get back to our rooms in Gas Lamp till 8am.


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Avatar for TFP

Copy paste this and put it in a review to get VIP credit.

Otherwise, awesome story! This place is amazing. It helps tremendously to have someone who speaks Spanish.

Avatar for shailynn

Nice story. Why did it take you 3 hours to get back to your hotel room? Any issues crossing back or were you guys so drunk you just moved slow?

Avatar for galiziabob.sabbatical

Border crossing. It can take a long time depending on when you get to the border. Weekends take longer to cross. Weekdays the border guards move people through really fast because they know people are going to work. Weekends I have seen 2 border guards checking passports and work visas, for over 300 people waiting in line. Took forever!

Avatar for Amishman

Doesn't sound like Sir Bacon's upcoming nupitals are going to last too long. I think he will be back to Hong Kong very soon.

Avatar for JAprufrock

Amazing place. Many might ask why travel so far just for value when you can spend a little more closer to home and save on the travel expenses.

For me, in addition to loving Latinas, I like that it's completely legal, no games being played, and options are plentiful. It is quite a rush walking into the place, seeing beautiful woman in bikinis and lingerie and knowing you can have any of them for a reasonable price.

It's like something I would dream about before learning two years ago that a place like this actually existed.

Avatar for TJ Lee
TJ Lee

I read of this place 10 yrs ago but didn't have the means to get here. But better late then never.

Avatar for Countryman5434

@JAprufrock absolutely but some mongers think it's a shithole and makes smart remarks! They have no idea what they are missing! I will be there tommorow evening till saturday wooooo! Also the food is so good in tj will ruin you on american mexican

Avatar for Countryman5434

Ive known bout this place since i was 18 i need my head examined for waiting so long to go back to tj

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