I still hate LeBron, but I hate him a lot less now.

Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
I'm sure some of you know about the public school, "I Promise," that he just opened in his home town of Akron for underprivileged and at-risk youth.
Since it's still in its beginning stages, right now it's only for 3rd and 4th graders but will be 1st through 8th grade by 2022.
The school includes music teachers, fitness instructors, etc.
Here are some more interesting and remarkable facts about the school:
-It lasts longer than most public schools; classes are from 9am to 5pm and the summer break is only about a month and a half.
-The kids all get free breakfast, lunch, snacks, and drinks. They also all get a free bike.
-The students will spend time each day on social/emotional learning, as well as a "support circle" after lunch to help them refocus on work.
-Lebron will pay their full tuition for University of Akron if they complete his program and graduate high school.
-They are not just offering benefits for the kids. The parents/guardians of the kids get free GED courses and job placement as well.
Link to article:
Since it's still in its beginning stages, right now it's only for 3rd and 4th graders but will be 1st through 8th grade by 2022.
The school includes music teachers, fitness instructors, etc.
Here are some more interesting and remarkable facts about the school:
-It lasts longer than most public schools; classes are from 9am to 5pm and the summer break is only about a month and a half.
-The kids all get free breakfast, lunch, snacks, and drinks. They also all get a free bike.
-The students will spend time each day on social/emotional learning, as well as a "support circle" after lunch to help them refocus on work.
-Lebron will pay their full tuition for University of Akron if they complete his program and graduate high school.
-They are not just offering benefits for the kids. The parents/guardians of the kids get free GED courses and job placement as well.
Link to article:
Your welcome
I've never thought LeBron was a bad person. You never hear about him getting wild, beating his wife or kids, making it rain then takin it back. No drugs or legal problems at all. Good family man. He is a very good role model for young kids.
He's still not the GOAT though. And he's gonna get exposed this year being in the West.
MJ is the best yeah Dig
I'm sure someone will bring up that the press overstated his donation, but he is still to be lauded for his generosity.
I haven't seen any stories about that.
Is it because he plays basketball?? Or because he's rich?
Lmao nina is so dumb ..that was the only thing I was pointing out .
Omg I used the term conversate once as a mistake the world is gonna fall...again, I went to cornell..not cornot..and I got in despite mistaking Cornell for columbia on my application cuz I thought i was applying to Columbia ...
Lmao hey dumb girl if you can get into an ivy see if you can get in with flying colors like I did by misktaking the name of the ivy you sent ur app to for another ivy..
What can I say..they wanted me bad...not too much of a surprise given that I had a gpa for harvard but not the SAT scores for harvard .
And yeah. I was arguing with a stripper bc apparently your profession doesnt make you immune from making stupid claims, like that I'm jealous of your money ..if an ivy league school offering me thousands (tuition was being paid for) doesnt impress me enough to want to stay there, (for undergrad I mean), why the fuck do u think id care about a stupid girl making hundreds? Lmao the fuck
You kind of just cant stop barking? Lol...little chihuaha girl.
Nicole out .have a great night everyone
Again, you did not go to Cornell. You went to CorNOT.
You're probably a fat dude in real life but clearly a cokehead and the girl whose pics you use looks like a horse.
..ive heard kids from harvard making similar mistakes a few times in their lives , lmao even my former professors..so I'm sure a former Cornelian can do it as well.
U know what I haven't heard tho? Wanna be lawyers who commit logical fallacies more than I make "grammatical " errors....wait . I have heard of such lawyers, such as the guy I used to kind of flirt with . at least he was aware of his stupidity tho? Lmao
As a lifelong Cavs fan, (way before anyone knew who LeBron was) I kinda have a love-hate relationship with him.
The one most positive thing I can say about him is, for his star status, he has NEVER gotten into an ounce of trouble, which can't be said for a lot of other big time NBA players. Nevermind his mom banged half the team when he first joined the Cavs but he can't control her.
One negative is if he was truly behind a lot of the Cavs roster moves, he wasn't very good at picking teammates considering how gift he is in PLAYING basketball.
IME - I have read that too, I think it's been spelled out he'll be covering/donating about 2 million a year to this school, but I'm not sure how long. I know they plan to add more grades by 2022.
I guess from now on I can just root for the Cavs to make the playoffs. He was a once in a lifetime player for a small market franchise
He is a great player at times, but coasts way too much during games.
It is a great thing he is doing for the kids, credit for giving back. More athletes should follow the example he and JJ Watt have set.
LeBron's foundation is providing money to Akron's public schools. This "the taxpayers are paying 80% or more for the school" is bullshit. It's a public school. The taxpayers are paying what they were paying anyway but a rich guy came along an gave a lot of money to turn what would have be another poorly-funded public school into something way better funded.
I don't know where the Palestinian indoctrination stuff came from. The school is a part of Akron public schools. If you think Akron is indoctrinating students to become terrorists you should probably write a strongly-worded letter to the mayor of Akron and maybe cc Kasich so he knows about the terrorist training camps in Ohio.
Another way of looking at LeBron is "kid with teen mom and absent criminal father learns early he has talent for basketball so he pursues basketball as a career and ends up with a nearly half a billion dollars to his name". Add onto that "then he decides to give some of the money he earned to charity".
You can bitch about whether the guy is the GOAT or not. You can bitch about him moving. But come on people. Bitching about him giving money to help a public school system? That's fucked up.
Harvard yale Princeton (known as HYP)
Penn dart brown etc
Too bad your upbringing failed you. Your posts may have better grammar than Nicole’s but the quality is the same. But she’s young so she may catch up to you one day :)
....like obviously a judgement based on someone who has had to respond to ad hominems while also typing on a shit phone is going to be skewed ..
You guys want hinder the conversation as opposed to progressing it. At least if I dont like someone, I rarely respond with comments that are not constructive.however, this is what many of you do.
Always listen to SJG
Anyway, I mean I think LeBron is overrated and everyone here knows I hate him but I think the act is great. And I think that the fact that the school is going to help a bunch of kids, is great. I also think the fact that he's behind it will give students more ambition.
...youre a dumbass.case closed
Oh yeah. I’ll be back in Dallas on the 19th though, so I won’t be able to make it on the 20th. Does the 23rd work?
That’s awesome Lebron is doing that school though! I don’t really care about sports. I just thought it was awesome when Lebron and Sal Khan (from Khan Academy) collaborated and made a math problem together.
Cashman1234 has been waiting to Skype her for like two months, even though it will only take 5-10 minutes of his (or anyone's) time.
Cashman1234 has been waiting to Skype her for like two months, even though it will only take 5-10 minutes of his (or anyone's) time.
Cashman1234 has been waiting to Skype her for like two months, even though it will only take 5-10 minutes of his (or anyone's) time.
Cashman1234 has been waiting to Skype her for like two months, even though it will only take 5-10 minutes of his (or anyone's) time.
Cashman1234 has been waiting to Skype her for like two months, even though it will only take 5-10 minutes of his (or anyone's) time.
Spice I will be in dallas Aug 20-28 or 27..we can try meeting one of those days in dallas but idk cuz i live in Plano..let me know
I can hang this sat or Fri or sun..leme know if u can hang this wknd in Austin
Otherwise we will have to wait end of august when I get back from dallas to coordinate meeting in september
I think I can meet on 20th or 21st..ill hit u up this wknd.
Would u wanna go to uptown by any chance ? Ideally I wanna go there but if not then Plano plz
U cant hang 22-26 in Plano?
Seems like best bet woukd be 21st tho..so lets aim for that if my ppl wanna celebrate in afternoon which ill find out on 20th
And and any meet up would be in a public place of course. I’m sure Nicole had similar expectations.
Niceapice ya pub space..like I said if u jus wanna see that I'm real I can def meet 15 mins during day time on 21st and maybe even 20th
But if u want more than that - ask me questioms talk hang etc which I'm down for also then time would.b more limited fpr that and gotta hit u up on 20th for that
And ya ur bf can show.up .. When u were talking abt later tho did u mean wvening or later date?
So hopefully you are not a man like this discussion board thinks that you are. ;)
And a quick meet up is fine by me.
@nicespice I'm excited for you to finally validate Nicokeyes is the same person as her avatar. But be safe!
If not ya ofcourse u can bring bf thx 4 asking
Quick meet up sounds cool..some thing tells me youre cool..I might wanna ask u few questions abt stripper life style..so if I have time for that then I prob will
We can aim for quick meet and if we feel like at when meeting we can extend for longer
So I will message u on 20th and or 21st
U bitches need to shut the fuck up ...y'all are fucking rude as fuck
And ironically she accuses others of being rude. Hence my point about her bringing the rudeness upon herself.
And FYI MJ is the GOAT. But yes LeBron is a generous almost GOAT.
Nicole is a just a four legged goat and the Bride of Frankenstein A/K/A txttyfag
LMAO Nicokeyes for such high aspirations a strip club discussion board is a pathetic place to be bragging about it.
You haven't done shit with yourself in life yet. At this point your proven accomplishment is creating over 120 discussion topics and making over 800 posts in four months of being a TUSCL member. You talk about all these great things about what you WANT in life but yet you don't HAVE any of it.
Come back and brag when you've actually accomplished something and are actually successful IRL. Until then you are a wannabe and poser law school graduate. You haven't done shit yet.
Btw Cornell law isnt high aspirations dumbass . anything below harvard Stanford columbia is not high-just minimum
...and 25 mentioned me being goat of something. Of course if someone is gonna mention me being goat, I gotta let them know what I will.be goat of
And while you are in school I really hope you learn what a strawman argument is because that is your method of trying to make a point. You are too stupid to even understand my point about high aspirations so you create a strawman argument to try to refute it. You have no chance at being a good lawyer with your strawman arguments, dumb bitch.
If I keep up my grades ill graduate nothing less than top 15% of my undergrad class..which would give me a gpa higher than the average for cornell law
Getting into ivy under grad I heard is harder than ivy law. If I can get into a fucking ivy with flying colors 4 undergrad Given my socio econmic background in addition to my top gpa at tier 1 research school..just shut the fuck up
At the very least ill get into top 20 law..admission rate is same for ivy undegrad there, I think applicant pool for top 20 law is just as academically strong as that for ivy under head
I'm only a soph after having taken time off from Cornell before transferring to UT so of course it isn't logically possible for me to be at Cornell law.
So plz just shut the fuck up ..jk ur stupdity does that 4 u , in addition to ur lack of knowledge about statsitics and admissions for things of substance
Nicole out
Maybe when you actually have a degree in your hand we can talk logically. I keep forgetting you're just a dumb bitch sophomore without a degree yet. When you actually have a college education then maybe I'll explain to you exactly where your strawman arguments are. By your reply you clearly missed it again.
And LMAO I'll run circles around you with statistics and anything with respect to a college education.
LMAO as proven by your own post you are still a wannabe poser law school graduate. Once you graduate with something, anything, then absolutely you won't be the poser you currently are. LOL you can't shut that truth the fuck up, sophomore without a degree.
Its ok tho. I'm few years ill dunk on ur stupid ass just like i dunked on the upper class parents by getting into schools they wished their kids got into with all they money they had lmao
See u in few years.ill be at the top of my law school class , at a top.25 school , or at ivy law....
Like I said, it isnt wanna be if I'm already on my way by being more qualified for the application process than students already in law school.
At that point , it becomes a resonable and justifiable prediction .
Your dumbass doesnt seem to understand that though . based on what u said , it would have to be true that someone with a 3.8 from a tier 1 school can only call.himself a "wana be lawyer" just bc he doesnt have a law degree yet, despite having academic credentials fit for the top 5 % of law schools if not top 1%., and therefore despite having credentials which surpass at least 90% of law school students
Joke is on u tho. Lmao no.I'm really done gnight.
You are no different than anyone else without a degree. Simple as that, dumb bitch. And FYI you bringing up GPA is a strawman argument but LMAO it went over your own head (like a dumb bitch).
I'm not wanna be if I'm more qualified than 90% of admitted law students .
I keep talking about it bc gpa is what determines how good of a school u get into.
Only things they truly care about are lsat and gpa
Gpa is strogly correlated with lsat..which is why people who have gpa 3.75 higher usually have the highest lsat scores
Havent taken lsat yet so I'm relying on gpa..and since they are so clearly correlated , it is fair fair to say that I can pull off elite score.
...not only are you ignorant about law school admissions, you thought you could articulate that which you just demomstrated u know nothing about
What a dumb fucking fuck.
You're a wanna because you don't have a law degree and you want one. Yes you are a highly qualified STUDENT. I'm not and never have been debating that point with you, dumb bitch. (That's yet another strawman argument you made, BTW.) And by definition a STUDENT is one that does not yet have the degree. This is the simple point I've been making yet you try to make the argument more than that (like a dumb bitch).
Yes or no questions...
Do you currently have a law degree?
Answer: No
Do you currently WANT a law degree?
Answer: *
*If "yes", that makes you a wannabe, by definition.
It's this simple, dumbass bitch.
The premise of your previous comment was incorrect, and hence any of the conclusions that flowed from it could have only been equally incorrect at best ;)
Correction: a wanna be is not defined as merely someone who wants to be something , but rather someone who wants to be something but is INCAPABLE of being that thing.
Given that being a highly qualified student in UNDERGRAD in many cases has been proven to be a sufficient condition for attending a top law school or graduating at the top of one's law school class, it cannot be said that I am incapable of achieving what I want.
And because such an incapacity is required for the term "wanna be" to be used, I am not a wanna be
And apparently, u have anger issues too since u wanna be rude to people who did not mistreat you, and mistreatment is the only thing that could warrant such rudeness.
Only a pure and /or nonsensical douche would agree otherwise.
Get some sleep, do less coke, and come back when you have an actual degree, dumbass wannabe. You argue like a freshman, BTW.
Once again having or not having the degree is the only relevance.
It's this simple, dumbass bitch.
1. aspiring or wanting to be a specified type of person.
Nicokeyes is aspiring to be a law school graduate, therefore she is a wannabe.
It's this simple, dumbass bitch.
That you fail to comprehend this and continue to reply and make all those elaborate strawman arguments speaks volumes as to your potential to be a law school graduate.
Simple. This is TUSCL!
Remember, bickering about Nicole1994's chances of completing law school successfully is less psycho than shitting on LeBron for being generous.
Before reading this thread I though "guy makes a lot of money and then gives millions to a public school system in his home town" would be universally viewed as kind of brilliant. Apparently I was wrong.
Back when mammoths roamed the tundra, I went to a good university (not ivy) that wasn't cheap. During my senior year, I met a junior who had done all of his 101-level courses at a community college for two years and then transferred over to my university to get his advanced courses and degree. He got the same degree as me but at about 60% of the cost / debt.
I felt like a jackass.
To conclude my discussion with sir dance- we cant have a constructive discussion if you always wanna skew the underlying definition. That is not the complete definition of a wanna be.
Wors case scenario, even if it was, you would be the straw man , not me, because then you would be relying on a definition to support the term wanna be in a context which the definition is not applicable, as you are trying to use the word in such a way to imply a negative connotation which you wouldnt be able to find in the literal meaning...
And hence you would need to find a word that fits what you truly mean to say
Basically what youre doing is like me calling my sis a bitch bc i am made at her snd ee all know what bitch means in such a context ..and then telling her that bitch is not a bad word bc it just means "female dog"
More importantly tho, even if that were the literal term, you are ignoring the fact that just how bitch means "female dog" u gotta read between the words "female dog" to deduce what the negative connotation of the word is.
Therefore you are really stupid bc even if that were the literal definition, you fail to deduce the negative connotation from its hypothetical literal definition in order to fully comprehend the term
Proof I'm right? Absolutely no one uses to ONLY mean "someone who wants something"..(whatever defintion u provided)
At least first graders stick to using words they know the meaning of, rite?
Nicole 1994 out
Nicole out
That's always a lie.
1. aspiring or wanting to be a specified type of person.
Nicokeyes is aspiring to be a law school graduate, therefore she is a wannabe.
It's this simple, dumbass bitch.
That you fail to comprehend this and continue to reply and make all those elaborate strawman arguments speaks volumes as to your potential to be a law school graduate.
Who the real dumbass tho? Lolol
.....and I can find an "online defintion" of one which proves my point just like u did urs..obviously which defintion is more accurate then could not be determined without discussing how it is used in the real world, and there would be 0 examples in ur favor for that.
so now sir dance wants to cherry pick "text book definitions" of words while ignoring how such words are used by people in reality 100% of the time as well...
Whos the real dumbass tho? Shit I already asked this question in my former point. I guess i meant go ask whos the real DOUBLE dumbass tho?
Lmao . I'm nicole out 4 real
1. aspiring or wanting to be a specified type of person.
Nicokeyes is aspiring to be a law school graduate, therefore she is a wannabe.
It's this simple, dumbass bitch.
That you fail to comprehend this and continue to reply and make all those elaborate strawman arguments speaks volumes as to your potential to be a law school graduate.
That is absolutely false. While GPAs obviously do matter, LSAT scores are worth at least 2/3 of whether or not you get into a specific law school. This is because a GPA from, say, Harvard, is not comparable to a GPA from, say, Florida State. GPA holds little bearing on admissions unless it's used as a plan B or C as a "deciding factor" for a split decision.
And for you to say, you have "credentials which surpass at least 90% of law school students" is insane and laughable considering you're a 23 year old sophomore, and most 23 year olds who get admitted to the very top law schools are either already in law school by 23 or have been accepted and committed to one, whereas you claim to have done a whopping 30 credits at Cornell, then took a 4 year break (but claimed you did not work during that break) and did one light-weight summer semester at UT. You are a sophomore. Nothing about you makes you more qualified than any law student; at least they all have degrees. You seem to take four years off after every semester. Good luck!
So youre repeating everything i said instead of refuting it
...u need the good luck, I don't.
That is all.bye