"Where you learn LDKing is not only a choice, but a lifestyle."

avatar for NJBalla
New York
Would just like to salute the site owner for this great tagline. I have been LDKing so much that my cleaners asked me to start washing my shirts before I bring them in.


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avatar for TFP
6 years ago
It was actually one of the members who came up with that tagline. There was an old thread where members here were coming up with different taglines to use, and Founder just ended up rotating all the best ones. I know Papi Chulo came up with a ton of them on his own.

I'm trying to search for that old thread, but no luck :(
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
How'd you find that so fast??? What did you put in the search?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I knew it was JohnSmith69 that created the thread and knew it had "tagline" in the title, so I searched "JohnSmith69 tagline"
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
I've been on an LDK binge myself lately. In the last two weeks I have LDKed at least ten times. My wife was wondering why I have double the underwear to get laundered and why my shirt and cat (from petting him after coming home from the club) smelled like perfume. I played dumb and she let it go.
avatar for shailynn
6 years ago
^^^ that damn cat went out and bought some perfume for himself again!?!?

Hey god bless all you LDKing fools. Just don’t start giving tranny’s handjobs like LDK82 did.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
LMAO. No fucking way I get near a tranny.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
LDKing is a perversion. Its not that one is doing too much of something, ejaculating, its that one is doing too little. No real sex, no emotional intimacy or relationship.

When people accept LDKing, that means then that they are sacrificing so much of what it is to be human. Why do they do this? It is because in one way or another, their social and civil standing have been compromised. They don't want to understand this, they just live off that endorphin rush of ejaculation.

A dancer, coming from extras and LDK shops, told me, "Don't use strip clubs for sexual gratification, because that is perverted."

I've thought long and hard about this. See I was trapped in strip clubs because I was bound in a death trap marriage. What I really needed was a divorce lawyer. But strip clubs were cheaper.

But I got the girl's message.

Strip clubs are good if you want to imbibe a sexual esthetic, the highly dolled up hotties, the physical openness. You can imbibe this, but if you like it, you recreate it in your ordinary life.

They are also good for those extremists amongst us who want outside relationships with strippers.

avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
“LDKing is a perversion. Its not that one is doing too much of something, ejaculating, its that one is doing too little. No real sex, no emotional intimacy or relationship.”

What’s wrong with perversions?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
^ And LMAO despite all those "revelations" you still haven't OTC FS with a stripper since your divorce.

Talking about sex with a stripper ad nauseum but not actually ever having it will exacerbate your sexual frustration to the point that all you do is talk about it and nauseum.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
“What’s wrong with perversions?” Yeah, that’s what I say—and I’m not an LDKer.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@san_jose_creep posted -> "Strip clubs are good if you want to imbibe a sexual esthetic"

^ Which is another way of saying strip clubs are good for sexual gratification which you later said was perverted.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
SJG said "You're all having fun wrong."
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
6 years ago
"we have san jose guy" always cracks me up ... plenty of them are good to excellent! :)
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
A perversion is something which keeps you from enjoying sex and intimacy. Obviously these LDKer's have got it bad. They are chumps of the worst sort, really morons, creeps.

These guys live on LDKing. But we read the reports, guys go to TJ, they don't go for LDKing.

Okay, but women can be bedded and fucked in the United States. It just has to be worked out a bit differently. Rick Dugan wrote his magnum opus about just this, The System (tm). But these guys, they keep going for LDKing.

What most of them probably need is either a marriage councilor or a divorce lawyer.

I was in the same place, but one difference, I knew I was just trying to survive and stay sane. I never bragged about it! Beautiful and willing hotties all around, some trying to go home with me, strip clubs and AMPs. But I had a nasty ugly problem, a Death Trap Marriage.

So we endure what we have to, but being a PL, a guy who can't resolve his life's problems, that is not something to brag about.

We need to start a fund and raise some money, send some of these girls to school, to be come Marriage Councilors or Divorce Lawyers. That way they can actually help some of these guys resolve their problems. One at the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, Tall Latina big tits big hair bombshell. She was going to school to become a Marriage Councilor.

Lap dancing used to mean lap sitting, and that is actually a far more flexible situation, being all in the front room.

I have more of a fetish. All things considered, I think it is a moderate one. But it does prevent me from forming relationships with women who don't understand it and so they won't go along with it.

I like to keep women in high heels and makeup.

Actually I think a lot of guys are like this, they just haven't really looked at how much they are effected by it, and at what it is about the strippers that is really getting to them.



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avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
san_jose_creep posted -> "A perversion is something which keeps you from enjoying sex and intimacy. Obviously these LDKer's have got it bad."

^ So not true. I thoroughly enjoy sex and intimacy with my wife while also enjoying light hearted LDKs with my faves.
avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
6 years ago
You and your wife should join SJG’s organization. Then she cold join the temple. And both of you would have amazing intimacy enhanced by the entire community!!
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
6 years ago
If crazyjoe’s load is brown then he should definitely not save it however
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
Trish you should join SJG's organization because it is just as fictitious as you being a stripper named Trish at Club Lust IRL.
avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
6 years ago
I would but SJG hasn’t made his way over to me yet :/ but once he does I’ll be ready for him
avatar for TrollWarnBot
6 years ago
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

Trish_Club_Lust - definite troll account

san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is widely mocked and considered potentially mentally unstable, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
There is no better feeling than walking around the club after you LDK, its like you are playing with house money. Ive posted the link before, but this is an example interchange with guys talking about LDKing along with proper techniques.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
"There is no better feeling than walking around the club after you LDK"

What total bullshit. LDKing is just an admission that you are not going to even try to get the girl, get your cock into and be waking up with her in the mornings.

And of course a key stage in getting a girl is when you get that first makeout session gong with her. Front room, before any booths or back rooms in the strip club is best.


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Baker Gurvitz Army - Vinyl Album High Quality

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