I hate my new fav's stage name - should I demand she change it?
If there was a problem Yo, I'll solve it, Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it, nice spice baby, nice spice baby
I have a new fav that scores high marks on looks and personality, but she chose a low-rent ghetto sounding stage name, and that doesn't fit with my image in the club. I'm thinking of telling her if she wants to keep getting my money (and my 64 year dick) she needs to change it to something classy. Thoughts?
Offer to pay her to change her stage name. If she doesn't want to, let her keep her "ghetto" name, and you can keep her money.
I've never heard of a custo being this bent out of shape over a girl's name.
But anyway, I only get dances from strippers who have the name of a car
Or a car name would be cool, too like EcoSport or a bike like Softail
I personally can be a little weird about stage names. I find it messes with the fantasy a little when a dancer has a wrong sounding name (white girl named ebony is a real example) or names that aren't real people names (bubbles, sparkles, safari, starlight, etc).
What exactly is her new stage name that kills your vibe?
I have to assume it is something like
1. uranus
2. sac-see
3. trump
@Subraman - so you only get dances from 3 dancers? Porche, Lexus, Ferrari
I like flower theme - jasmine, rose, lily, esparenza, holly
And there is a Porche in every club.
It’s a funny premise - as some stripper names are way over the edge.
I hope you enjoy your next dance with 'Probe'...
"Trabant"? I hear that those ex-East German girls are DTF!
Toureg would be good - as it would sound like Too-rag - lol!