One of my favs was an aggressive brazilian who would chase me down everytime I entered the club. I like some variety on my dances and would often shoo her away. I recently starting getting more dances with her and even took down her number. As chance would have it it was only a week later that I noticed she vanished off the grid (no appearances, not answering cellphone). While I initially thought she retired I do remember she was an illegal. I suspect ICE crackdowns in NJ sent her into her hiding. Anyone else have similar stories?
I have not heard of any crackdowns in NJ. If ICE was having an impact on the strippers in any of the clubs I go to, the others would be gossiping about it.
@3leggedman 5 years ago I drove through a snowstorm to go to a club. Literally only me, a few cars, and countless snowplows on the 45 min drive. Got to the club which was empty and got a great 5 song session from a girl who regretted coming in. Went by mermaid, should have taken her number as I never saw her again.
Narrow minded:-)