Being a Regular

avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Is my favorite way to club...I've experimented with the traveling and hitting clubs wear I'll stay times and it's not often I'll still do this


As I get older I really enjoy being a regular wear you can build a good report with people and escalate the relationship to decent friendships with gives you more things to talk about and more meaningful for what it is

Hell I've been blessed to have watched some girl's full carers from start to's enjoyable to have been their for them


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avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
I would agree. In my opinion a dollar spent near home goes way further than one traveling out of town.
avatar for NJBalla
7 years ago
Being a regular is definitely the way to go once you find that club with a group of girls that meet the requirements of your checklist (eg. looks, bar-side manner, LD mileage). The only negative is if one of the girls gets too clingy she can make your experience uncomfortable. Ive become more of a regular especially as with economic growth I have found many strip clubs becoming more profit driven and conservative. This has forced me to limit the clubs I go to where Im to leave happy.
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
In my experience it usually takes a couple of visits before you unlock everything a girl has to offer. No amount of money can make her give you the experience she'll give you on your third and later visits.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Be regular take Metamucil every morning;)
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Well said boys lol...agree with all of it
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
For Juice, being a regular means he always uses his right hand.
avatar for Baller_Biggie_Playa_69
Ahem, excuse me Gentlemen, Mr. Papi Chulo would like a word with you...
avatar for Smalltowncpl
7 years ago
Being a regular is the only way to go. Not only do the dancers recognizing you, but the waitresses,bar tender, bouncers and DJ is a good feeling when you are on a stress relieving night out. I like walking into a place and knowing what the rules are. Also it's really nice to know who does what.
avatar for OldWhiteGuy
7 years ago
I am treated much better by the bartenders, waitresses, bouncers and managers in the club, Desire, at which I am a regular. I currently spend the majority of my time with a particular lady but when I show up on a day when she's not working, the other girls will entertain me and usually refer to my regular not being there so they have to take advantage of the opportunity.
Also, because I am a regular at this club, a few of the guys I see on a regular basis have become friendly and have a standing dinner with the boys on Thursday nights.
avatar for houjack
7 years ago
I definitely agree. Once I find a girl that does that I like, why dump her ass? Sure, having alternates and see others, obviously, but moving on seems crazy if she's what I want.

It's nice to have a sure thing, and be confident you're going to have a good time. Also, it seems you can really stretch the value of a dollar a lot further when seeing a girl on a regular basis.

I also like the friendship aspect too. Of course, being mindful it's only a friendship while they continue to get my money, but still, it can be nice.
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
Sorry. Must disagree. Obviously there are some pluses to being a regular, but some minuses also, at least for someone like me that likes variety. Some of the girls get possessive, and some of the others are standoffish because of that. Not that a big a deal really, but I just don’t agee being a regular is the only way to go. Most of my clubbing is out of town in places where I am not a regular, and more often than not it’s a first time/only time visit, and it doesn’t usually negatively affect the experience for me.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@doctorevil I understand what you are saying and definitely successful mongering has multiple paths, but being a regular doesn't mean you can't go see other strippers whenever you want. I have been a regular to my ATF DS for almost two years now and at least 6 months to her backup CF. With both of these strippers I reap all the aforementioned benefits - lowest cost per time visiting, predictable service, and priority service (just to summarize). And yes the supposed "drawback" is that it is the same stripper, but with me it's not really an issue because I have two faves, and also I sometimes skip my visits with them and go to other clubs and see other strippers at random like the non-regulars do. So with me I kind of get the best of both worlds. Also there is such a thing as being an infrequent regular, and with these strippers I don't usually get the same priority as my faves but I do get a nice warm welcome and very good service because they still know me and are more comfortable with me.

So ultimately to me I don't look at this as an all-or-nothing issue. One can be a regular and a variety PL at the same time.

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