Racism At Vegas Sapphire

avatar for theh
I've been planning my trip to Vegas in a few weeks and I keep hearing reports that Sapphire is making up B's excuses to deny entry to black customers.

I'm a young black guy and I had planned to visit this place.

Any truth to this?

Have any of you been inside sapphire in the past 2-3 weeks?

Did you see any black customers inside?


last comment
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
Wouldnt surprise me. You're not missing anything anyway. Honestly it was probably one of if not my worst experiences. Everything is overpriced and everyone is rude af. Half(or more) of the club is closed and reserved bottle service crowding everyone together to where its SRO even though nobody bought the bottle service shit. Wtf? Its a hassle to get in and the hoes are all sharks and mega hustlers. Just not worth it brother!
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
I cant say enough bad things about them.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
I would rather you go literally anywhere other than sapphire. Im black btw.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
I had a blast at Sapphire in december. I would seriously doubt the rumour, which I have yet to hear anyway. I would suggest going during the day. You don't get the same experience, but the cost is 70% lower.
avatar for JackAstor
7 years ago
Clorox is racist
avatar for Profess2021
7 years ago
Wasn’t impressed with sapphire honestly. Everything was overpriced from drinks to dances.
avatar for Profess2021
7 years ago
Wasn’t impressed with sapphire honestly. Everything was overpriced from drinks to dances.
avatar for theh
7 years ago
Guys I appreciate the responses but please stay on topic.

I know it's expensive. I know the hustle is crazy.

I don't care about any of that and I'm prepared for it given that I've been a regular at rhino in Vegas since 2015.

So back to the point of this discussion.

Has anyone been to sapphire in the past 2-3 weeks?

If yes did you see any black customers inside?
avatar for JackAstor
7 years ago
14 yo immature Josh Allen's tweets make him a Racist

17 yo immature Josh Hader tweets make him a Racist

avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
I am black and i have been inside albeit 2 or 3 years ago. Dont listen to me though. I hope you get taken for every dollar since you apparently have so much money you dont care.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
On topic, i think "tfp" is black and he has been there more recently. Maybe he will give his input. I think you're a fool for even considering it since they apparently* discriminate against blacks(and women) and we all told you what a waste of money it is. Except skibum. Idk why he had such a good experience...
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
I was there on 12/2/2017. I went when beers were $5.00 and you could buy a bunch and have them put in an ice bucket. I watched georgia win and cover the spread easily. I got 3-5 $20.00 lap dances from 3 different dancers. All were at a bare minimum two way full contact above and below waist with dancers who were 9's. One dancer gave me the best non-extras laps I have ever had. Extras were offered and declined because at 60 I cannot do a dancer at 5:00 p.m. and then do my wife 30 minutes later and be as good as round one. There are very few places I cannot find a way to enjoy myself and I had a blast here. Having said that I think vegas sucks for strip clubs.
avatar for SteveSutton
7 years ago
Yes I was there on a Sunday evening 2 weekends ago. No I did not see any black customers though i was only on the floor area for maybe 45 minutes total. And yes, agree with all the feedback above ... I went to see a specific young lady, but I will not return. Super expensive, much better value at other places in Vegas like Palomino's.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
Well that makes sense. I think a beer was $15 or something like that when i went on a weeknight. Also i did the vip shit and you have to buy 2 drinks for an extra $40 or $50 which is fucking retarded. Yes there is a ton of bitches but they arent any better on average* than any other top strip club in any other city. Theres just a million of them making it look better than what it is.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
My response was to skibum.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
Chess: Beer goes to $15 at 6:00 p.m. The day shift was vacant on a saturday. We have it great in providence, this was just as good with hotter dancers.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
The vip is fucking rip off to be avoided at all cost. Skibum did it right only doing floor dances. I picked a dud and went to the vip just because she hit me with the "i only do vip" shit(which you will hear a lot, just say no. Unless op doesnt care about potentially getting an airdance for $250+ since he has so much money). Most of those bitches still had horrible attitudes. Fucking cunts, all of them. Maybe it had something to do with me being black.
avatar for Countryman5434
7 years ago
No matter where you go there will be dumb assed racists! Human nature, though pathetic, to hate someone different than themselves!
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
Most of what is mistaken for racism is actually classism and ethnocentric prejudice. Specifically, this club Sapphire is probably trying to hold a cultural standard. Sounds like higher end customers who are more subdued and less boisterous. In general African Americans tend to fall into lower end (notoriously cheap) and uncooperative and boisterous. While nothing wrong with their way of being it is counter to the experience the club wants to provide to their white/Asian customers who culturally are more subdued.

Now unfortunately blacks get swept up in statistics, and statistically we are going to fall into the boisterous categories.

I agree that you have to demonstrate that you're not in that category when walking up to the door.

That said, who wants to go spend a lot of money and then be told how to behave. Fuck that. Go to a different club and get cray
avatar for 623
7 years ago
It’s not human nature to hate. It is human nature to be afraid of differences

Back to the topic. Sapphire Rhino Hustler and partially Crazy Horse 3 are strictly tourist traps that are VERY shitty in the value dept. Any of the other clubs are better. If you just want to see it, go at 5:00 and stay til 7:00 or later. You’ll see what the buzz is about.

Any of these clubs are likely to turn anyone away if the are dressed gangsta or homeless. Be nice, fit in and there will be no problem even if your purple as long as you look like you have $$.

And for gods sake don’t take a taxi to any of them.
avatar for pistola
7 years ago
Dude whats with the should I or shouldnt I. Just go and check it out for yourself. If you dont like it, go somewhere else. Go live your life and take a chance.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
In upscale environments, racism is rampant. It’s harder for black dancers to get hired places too, and there will probably only be a few “tokens” roaming around if you choose to go.

GACA said it well for customer end.

What is your budget and what did you want?

For floor dances, as a young black guy, you will probably have to walk up and ask the dancer you want for one.

For OTC someone else could probably give better info for specifics. But some claim on this board “value” rates and I believe it for some dancers.

It would be a hit or miss, but if you find a dancer who travelled to Vegas and isn’t used to the cut throat environment, and paid all the money already for a sheriff card and a hotel and whatnot, she may not only agree to OTC but at a price that she wouldn’t normally consider.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Edit: Oh, I just saw what you said about being used to Vegas.

I say just try it and have a full battery phone. If racist shit happens at you, record and put it online and call them out publically ;)
avatar for JackAstor
7 years ago
Bing Crosby's signature Christmas song is RACIST
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
Its funny that Bing, a nazi, is known for a Christmas song written by a Jew.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
Hi, I work at Sapp about 20% of the year. I see black customers every time I work, and there are a handful of black Barbies who work there as well.

I would tell you the same thing I’d tell anyone who visits: dress like you’re going to the club, dress to impress, whatever that means to you. A collared shirt and slacks or nicer shorts will serve you well.

I don’t really think there is any merit to this however, the security folks include black guys and Samoan guys, so I think you should be ok.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
If you wanna make sure you get in, wear slacks and a collared shirt that way they don't have an excuse - if you wanna prove a point then dress down and see if they deny you entry while letting similarly dressed folks in.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I've never encountered racism.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Easy solution - go to Rhino instead.
avatar for rane1234
7 years ago
GACA is talking foolishness racism is still an issue...good luck to you bro.
avatar for theh
7 years ago
thank you to everyone who posted.

I'm still worried about this but I'm going to go and report back here with the outcome.

In several of the reports i read where these black people where denied entry; they mentioned that the reason they where given for no entry was :dress code requires a collared shirt".

I reviewed sapphire's dress code on their website http://www.sapphirelasvegas.co… and there is no mention this is required.

I almost never wear collared shirts and probably wont have time to go buy one before I'm in vegas so hopefully i still get in.

I've never had this problem at rhino and I have no "wanna be gangster" syndrome at all so I"m hopeful there will be no issues.
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
I never said racism isn't still a problem but I will say that a lot of what people are calling racism is it racism is classism and ethnocentric thinking (cultural preference).

Sorry but I hate low class niggahs myself. I'd rather not be at a club they are at.
avatar for GACA
7 years ago

avatar for GACA
7 years ago
@Rane notice you're up North. Maybe you should move to the South and you'll see a lot less racism actually.

Trust me I was in Cali and people over there are way more racist but they just don't feel like they have to admit it because they weren't part of the Old South. But the south is making up for it sins.

avatar for TFP
7 years ago
@theh you wouldn't happen to be going to Vegas for the Evo2k18 tournament would you?

Anyhow, it seems I'll be there at the exact same time as you. Do you not have at least one collared shirt, like a polo shirt, button up, anything? If you want to get into Sapphire with no issues just find one collared shirt. On any night other than Saturday night I doubt you'll have a problem no matter what you're wearing
But if you get unlucky with a dickhead bouncer on a powertrip then he might try to deny you entry. And I'm not sure that telling him about the dress code on their website will do anything to help.

All this aside, if you've visited Rhino a bunch, then the quality at Sapphire won't wow you. From visits to both I think Rhino gets the nod in quality. Sapphire just has a massive amount of women because the place is huge.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Take a white friend with you it'll probably increase your chances of getting in

avatar for rane1234
7 years ago
bizarre gaca...cali is very chill imo have had good experiences there and yeah the north is by no means perfect still lots of subtle cism. Liberals aren't as tolerant as they think they are but to say the south is better is a stretch. If you're trolling me well done.
avatar for rane1234
7 years ago
Lol sad but harsh truth from Papi
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
Newsflash: same girls work at rhino and sapp. Think about it.
avatar for stripfighter
7 years ago
"Most of what is mistaken for racism is actually classism and ethnocentric prejudice. Specifically, this club Sapphire is probably trying to hold a cultural standard. Sounds like higher end customers who are more subdued and less boisterous." --GACA

and this sounds like a well thought out explanation... to that I say GTFO here with that, ain't nobody wanna hear nothing about making sense. ;)
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
^^^^ ha, I know, wtf was I thinking
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
theh you can PM me and I'll tell you what I heard and why I had made the comments I did on a different discussion about Sapphire.

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