Question for dancers ?

avatar for Papi_Chulo

To piggyback on the recent thread about dancer outfits - is there something a custy wears that either you tend to like; or something a custy wears that you tend to hate; or hardly ever makes a difference what the custy wears?


last comment
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
I know dancers like jackets and suits because it screams money to them.
avatar for Titus23
7 years ago
I've heard the exact opposite. Guys that come in in suits and ties around me are the ones that never spend. The dancers always complain about them. Now, I've been told that natural fibers for pants are best, as the chemicals on fake ones can cause skin-irritation/ A dancer I know told me that she would take a rougher natural fabric over a softer fake one.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
I've heard that dancers like Donald Trump supporters wearing assless chaps.:)
avatar for GeneraI
7 years ago
You're a fucking faggot 25. If i ever met you i would beat your old fucking ass to a pulp.
avatar for blahblahblah23
7 years ago
In general, it is more their body language/eyes I am interested in. It makes it easier to tell if they will spend. I could care less if they are well dressed or look like they just got to the club from their blue collar job in their filthy work clothes (those are usually easy/fast targets btw). I guess military haircuts is something I do pay attention to as far as appearance.

Suits can be hit or miss honestly... as Titus says.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
I like casual or semi-casual. Suit and ties aren't a dealbreaker, but unless it's lunch hour it looks a little pretentious and like Titus23 was saying, a lot of them don't spend. Some do. Depends on the guy.

I just prefer them not to look bummy, some slacks and a collared shirt or a sweater are fine. Jeans can be uncomfortable during dances.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@General Gomer, any time any place, you are another keyboard coward, I'd stuff you head first in a trash can. Another idiot with brain damage wants to fight, get in line big mouth.
avatar for Eve
7 years ago
I don't think anything of attire as long as you're not wearing denim jeans. I hate jeans, not just to wear, but to dance over. Guys can't really spread and get relaxed from the waist down, I get friction burn on my pussy, and then the guy has to constantly re-adjust if he's hard and has no wiggle room.
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
Sometimes when I am in my business attire (blouse, slacks, heels) I get more attention than I want.....not sure why. I prefer wearing very casual attire like a t-shirt & either jeans or board shorts and have never gotten any complaints from dancers.
avatar for GeneraI
7 years ago
i'm about ready to buy a plane ticket to florida to pummel your pussy ass you dickless fuck. any place any time would end in you with a broken faw you old mother fucker. I'd even consider going gay just to fuck you in the ass in front of your family. I'd fucking own you faggot! fucking own you! And enjoy the next 6 years of Trump you transvestite cum guzzler. keep that gun on you fucktard
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ must be that summer heat
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Suits might have been great in the glory days of the 1990s. I read that strip clubs were a legit business entertainment expense, tax deductible. (If so, those glory days would have been before my time.)

I’ve definitely learned to not judge by clothing. I just notice them sometimes to start a conversation.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
I dislike:
Athletic clothing—only on two occasions do I air dance, basketball shorts is one.

And here is some info for you people. About 25% of guys I dance for have pants that smell like pee. Doesn’t matter if I’m in a crappy club or an upscale Vegas club, same result. Fucking disgusting. If I can smell your pee pants, you are getting your leg grinded and that’s about it. Gross. And 25% is a pretty good chunk, so please, take note.

I don’t judge by clothing other than that, all kinds of people wear nice clothes and all kinds wear more dresses down clothes.
avatar for Baller_Biggie_Playa_69
"Suit and ties aren't a dealbreaker, but unless it's lunch hour it looks a little pretentious and like Titus23 was saying, a lot of them don't spend."

But...the System...does this mean that white 3-piece suit I bought was a waste of money?
avatar for Baller_Biggie_Playa_69
"What is with all the aggression on the forum today? This is the fifth time today I've seen a comment threatening to beat somebody up."

Just things returning to normal. The relative quiet and civility on the board (at least since He Who Must Not Be Named banned himself) has been an aberration (kinda like peace in Europe). So now the aggression is picking back up, just like in real life.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
In the summer shorts and a tee shirt. Winter sweats a t-shirt and a hoodie. If the dancers don't likewhatI am wearing, or use it as grounds for an air dance, they can dance for others. I wonder if the pee pants % is lower or higher than the ass aroma from dancers.
avatar for Baller_Biggie_Playa_69
A hoodie? Seriously? Who do you think you are, Mark Zuckerberg?
avatar for jsully63
7 years ago
Skibum609 funny that you mention the stripper ass aroma. I caught a major whiff a week ago from a dancer. I actually cut the number of dances I was going to do with her because of the aroma.

As a crusty I’ve gone to clubs in a suit and shorts and a T shirt. Doesn’t seem to make any difference in the attention I get from the dancers. A few have told me I look nice in the suit but in the end it’s only the money that they really notice.
avatar for AmeliaSmith
7 years ago
I dance at dive so I have no problem with athletic clothing. I tend to stay away from guys in suits because that usually means that they are pimps on the lookout. I hate when guys wear jeans. The zippers constantly rub against me and the material of the pants hurt after a while. Wear more basketball shorts !
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^So my shiny three piece white suit wouldn’t work on you Amelia, guess I better get some basketball shorts, is LeBrons number OK or do I need to wear a different team ?
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
"Ass Aroma" lol sounds like a classy perfume Aqua de
avatar for AmeliaSmith
7 years ago
Will your jersey say Lakers or Cavaliers @25? It will make all the difference.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Tell me I’ll wear whichever one you like, I aim to please. ;)
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
Dammit @RBD, you have me doing this all wrong.

I should send you my dry cleaners bill. All that money wasted on 3 piece suits, and I coulda been wearing track pants the whole time???

There is no God!!!
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@GACA Maybe we could get JS69 to file a class action against Ricky Boy and we all sue for dry cleaning fees. ;)
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
Wearing an expensive custom made suit to the club, as I do on occasion, means no lap dances, no friction or rubbing against me. casual clothes go in the hamper, a suit that smells like a dancer costs $$$$ to dry clean. Also, if u get gr8 wood and a dancer rubs her crotch on it hard enough you will get a penis shaped rub spot and the suit is now worthless. Back in the day lack of knowledge cost me $1,500 I could not afford.
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
@PinkSugarDoll - What do you not like about athletic shorts? Also what is the other situation that makes you air dance?
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
^ she probably doesn’t like basketball shorts because when dudes wear them the boner is very noticeable. My favorite local club bans basketball/athletic shorts.

I wear khakis. They aren’t as soft as basketball shorts, but they are soft enough to make lap dances enjoyable and I don’t look/feel like a creeper like I would IF I wore basketball shorts
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
@PaulDrake—I should give a better description.

A lot of guys who wear b-ball shorts, in my experience, or athletic shorts/pants in general, do not wear anything else underneath. I do not like a guy who is spending only $20 and trying to nut in his pants on one song, and that is typically my experience with this type of customer. (One other comment on athletic pants, they usually also smell like ball sweat, like the smell is ingrained into the pants permanently. AWESOME.)

I did mention the other thing that makes me air dance and that is people who stink, because I don’t want to make myself stink like this gross guy when I’m talking to and dancing for other men who have made the effort to smell nice for me! And like I described before, an air dance for me is just not straddling the guy, not rubbing on his crotch. Very, very rarely do I actually air dance.

Side note, I pull my bottoms down during various parts of my dances and I receive many compliments on my pleasant aroma. :)
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
@PinkSugarDoll - Thanks for the response. Good info. If you had a regular customer that spent a moderate amount ($80-100) would you mind freshly washed basketball pants in that instance? Basically is there a dollar amount for you that you are OK with giving a lapgasm to someone in sweatpants? Or is that something you are against generally.
avatar for jsully63
7 years ago
Touché PinkSugarDoll
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
@PaulDrake, I do have a regular customer just like that! He spends $100 in his b-ball shorts, he smells fresh and he’s very nice. But he leaves *happy* every time and I enjoy seeing him. We have a good time and a good thing goin.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
@jsully63: “As a CRUSTY I’ve gone to clubs in a suit and shorts and a T shirt.”

Hell of an autocorrect there, dude. Especially in this thread. :)
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
PinkSugarDoll posted: "@PaulDrake, I do have a regular customer just like that! He spends $100 in his b-ball shorts, he smells fresh and he’s very nice. But he leaves *happy* every time and I enjoy seeing him. We have a good time and a good thing goin."

And PinkSugarDoll is back to being my favorite dancer on this board :)
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
@Pinksugardoll - Thanks for responding. The type of business relationship is exactly what I tend to go for.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
I don’t mind that at all—

I think that a lot of strip club goers have a little chip on their shoulder (be it tiny or more prominent) that everyone in the strip club is trying to get over on them. And, I don’t blame anyone for feeling that way, that reputation is based on customers’ experiences in the club.

The strip club should be an environment of hospitality. Even if I don’t impact that entirely, I want my customer to feel like he had a good time and it was money well spent.

So, wear your b-ball shorts, but, make sure you don’t smell like pee or balls. <thumbs up emoji, 100 emoji>
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
Also I appreciated this discussion, :) and the nice comments.
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
Generally I wear slacks until I start seeing a dancer regularly and making appointments. It seemed to me that a lot of dancers have a similar preconception to BBall shorts as you do and it isn't the best to start of with. Recently I found a dancer I really liked and she seemed really annoyed when she realized I was there to LDK. I guess a lot of guys who do don't tip well. In the case of this dancer I did tip well (I paid double totalling $80) but she didn't count the money to realize what happened. Your insight is good to help build good business relationships in the future.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
I am really direct but I would appreciate a guy just telling me what’s up—maybe try that.
avatar for NJBalla
7 years ago
Girls at the clubs I frequent tend to like guys who wear heavy wallets. Not sure why. They always really hate jeans.
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