
Who would you like to meet?

Living well and enjoying my retirement
I know this has been asked before but it’s been a while of all of the posters here who would you like to meet, I have met almost a dozen, and not one that I have met has been a bad guy. Two in particular have become good friends, I have met two dancers, they were both, friendly and great gals. Later I’ll add a few I haven’t met but would like to, Shadowcat is on that list as well as bubba, a few I have spoken to by phone, great convos, with Dadilac and flagooner, as well as BJ69, I liked them a lot. Anyone care to weigh in.


  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    GACA and I would be more smooth than Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney (Ebony and Ivory) slaying that stripper mom pussy. We’d put Ricky Dugan out of business.

    Sinclair, I just wanna get in a bar fight with him as my backup, I’ll hide behind a stool, he’ll kick everyone’s ass and I’ll take the credit for it.

    Hotstuffbabi69 - but she probably married some rich guy by now, retired from the strip club scene and has 3 kids.

    I wanna hang out and just get drunk with Flagooner and Twentyfive, and hide Twentyfives dentures as a prank before I take them back to their retirement gone in Florida.

    I’d just like to be in a club and see Rick Dugan work his magic. I don’t even have to talk to him, I’m sure I’d be in too much “awe” to be able to speak anyway.

    3 most prominent people I’ve met here are JS69, Juicy and Silkypants.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Cashman and I have a similar gutter sense of humor and an appreciation for dives so I’d buy Cash a beer.

    I think I’d also enjoy sitting down with Flag and 25 for a few cold ones. They could pontificate about whatever was on their minds and I’m pretty sure I’d be laughing.

    I message with a few local guys here who I trust a lot and wouldn’t mind clubbing. It’s nice to compare notes on the same places.

    As far as strippers, I’d be curious to see what Nina is like when she’s not on the discussion board. Bj99 would be an interesting meet too. Poledancer too. Judy Judy, Amelia....Hell, most of the strippers on here would be fun to at least meet.

    I haven’t personally met anyone here so far as I know but I have communicated with a few outside here.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    I’ve met 13 people. 2 of them were dancers (duomaxwell and MilaniCashhh)

    John Smith69, Papi Chulo and shadowcat, and twentyfive are the most well known members I’ve met

    I wanna meet NinaBambina and AmeliaSmith. Why? Because they’re fine as hell!
  • Aww how cute

    @amelia is cute i agree
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    Someone female with big tits would be my preference
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Preference Nina, Zoey, or Nicole.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I think every TUSCLer is interesting in their own way thus always interesting to meet one.
  • LinzeeDet
    6 years ago
    Yeah shailyn you should come meet me instead of hsb69
  • @papi do u think I'm interesting too aw
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    LinzeeDet I'll take you up on that offer when you're back in the D
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Holy shit LinzeeDet's new avatar! ::In my Borat voice:: Very nice!
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Sirlapdancealot - He has given me a lot of good advice and guidance in the ways of being a healthy regular LDKer

    Bj99 - She has posted she really enjoys giving "romantic style" lap dances which are what I really like

    Nina and nicespice - Both of them seem to have a really cool sense of humor and would be fun to meet
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    I’d like to met you, Juice, Shailynn, Dougster, and SJG at a club with Bj99 and Eve Hartley dancing. Of course other regular tuscl strippers that post would also be welcomed.

    The reason why is I’d have a group of funny ass fuckers watching us make fun of SJG trying to feed the dancers money under the table while trying to DFK them in the front room trying to coerce them to go into SJG’s RV parked out in the clubs parking lot.

    If Nina could join just so I could point out all the hypocrisies in club life, I would give examples of how only sharks win, and I wouldn’t live in infested waters, just go down in a cage and spectate.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    It would be good to have a few beers with Huntsman - in an appropriately sleazy dive. We share an interest in naughty dancers.

    I think Flagoneer, Shailynn and Juice would be fun to meet too.

    I’d like to meet Gawker just to see a living legend with more lives than several cats!

    I’d enjoy setting foot in Follies just to see the chair that Shadowcat owns.

    Definitely I’d like to meet PoleDancer83 and NiceSpice.

    As far as NinaBambina and Nicole - I’ll be meeting them via Skype in less than 24 hours!
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Id like to meet a ton of folks on here. I'll start off with SLD, since he's a fellow LDKer. We seem to have different taste in women so we wouldn't be competing for the same women lol.

    I love what I hear about the Miami area clubs so it'd be cool to meet the PL Godfather Papi Chulo. Twenty-five also seems like a cool dude to be around, and Warrior15 also.

    Chessmaster seems like a dude I could get along with. We have the same taste in women so it would have to be in a club where there's an abundance of big asses and big tits haha.

    As for the dancers on here I'd like to meet them all. Nina seems to have a fiery personality, I'd like to see how she is in the club. Nicespice seems like a sweetie, and Zoey......man I'd probably spend a lot of money on her lol.

    Should be meeting MrWonderful on my TJ trip in exactly 2 months so that'll be the first TUSCLer I meet. Unless I see someone in Vegas in 3 weeks. Liwet, you down for that?
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i wouldn’t mind meeting all of you mongers and dancers. and i’d like to hang out with lopaw again.
  • RTP
    6 years ago
    I have always wanted to meet PaPi and GoVikings. Should happen someday. I also want to meet some of the guys that club in Charlotte at times, Hamster, GACA and JS69.
    Finally, the dancers. I want to meet PoleDancer and I was a big fan of HotstuffBabi. She just disappeared. I am headed to Detroit in the fall, maybe Linzee, just maybe.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    I mainly would like to meet BJ99 and speaking of, where is she? I don't recall seeing a post from her in a couple weeks.
  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    I’ve met some great guys over the years. I seem to align best with and would enjoy meeting more of the easy going guys but would enjoy meeting some of the wise asses like flag, shailynn, etc. . Specifically I’m hoping to meet joc13, goldmonger, dr evil and a few of the other Atlanta based guys over time.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Tfp, ldk, vikings, cashman, papi chulo, rh48, juice, nina, nictroll, linzeedet, amelia, poledancer, nicespice, zoey

    Pretty much everyone except sjg. I want to see him f2f but not at the strip club. He hasnt been to one since the 90s.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    I wanna smoke a blunt for sure with NinaBambina. Also wanna have a drink with nicespice. Both simultaneously would be awesome.

    As far as mongering together I would for sure go with my man TFP and if in Portland I would hook him up with some badass big tits and big ass strippers. But LMAO except with my ATF DS I go first! Same goes for juicebox69, lapdanceking82, PaulDrake, joc13, GoVikings, Huntsman, and Cashman1234. All these guys mentioned were the most supportive of me when I first joined.

    There's definitely many others.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ gotta mention LDjunkie and londonguy too.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I've met over 60 guys and 8 or so dancers. Always room for 1 more.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    While I much prefer to get my SC groove on solo, there are many of y'all I'd like to meet. It's nice to be able to put a face with a name, and it would be a hoot to swap some stories. But mostly, I guess I'd like to meet whoever is rich enough and generous enough to pay for my dances.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I wasn't going to give names because I will leave out some for sake of time/space, but here are the one's that come immediately to mind...

    1. BJ99 - no explanation required. She gives me a boner.

    Papi and 25 - They represent the most likely to happen since they are relatively close, and I think we would have a lot to talk about.

    Londonguy - I want to go to London and watch a game at the Emirates. Plus I like his style.

    GoVikings - I'm sure there would be plenty of latinas, we would just have to do it out of his stomping grounds because I want mileage.

    JS69 - It sounds like he's rich so maybe he'd buy me dances.

    Jackslash and Shailynn - I want to hit some Detroit clubs and they make me laugh.

    Shadowcat - I want to hit Follies dayshift as a bucket list item.

    There are quite a few others, but I want to end this post now.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I guess you can tell I’m a social guy, I go to strip clubs to goof around, and enjoy it the most when I go with a few buds, I really don’t look for sexual encounters in the clubs, I very much prefer the more relaxed atmosphere of a private place, a hotel, or a residence, I have though over the years, had a few encounters in different clubs, but truthfully they were not as enjoyable as they would have been in a more private setting. Any my point was that there are many I’d like to meet and share a few beers and swap stories, among them are flag, shailynn, juice, those guys are as wild as I am, others like, cash, and bubba are real laid back and seem to be just plain good ole boys, I think of myself that way. Shadow has been around a long time and he gives me hope that I’m not any older than the gals I’m fucking, or at least that when I finally go it will be with a big smile on my face.
    Now as to the ladies, BJ is just one cool chick, and so chill about most stuff, she’d be a most loyal friend, actually I consider her a friend even thoug we’ve only spoken by phone(she assured me she was fine BTW, and just taking a break) Amelia Smith seems like a really smart young woman, I’d be happy to meet her anyplace she seems to have that knack also for stating things how they are, Nina, I have a feeling that she is different in person than the quick temper, that she displays here, I’ll bet she’s a sweet and thoughtful girl and personally generous in a good way. Another lady I’d like to meet is lopaw, she has a sly sense of humor, I have had many a chuckle from her witticisms
    There are many others that I’d like to meet, but it would be a book length post and I don’t have the patience to spell it all out.
    One thing I’d like to remark about I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you, and I hope to meet many more.
    Peace out people.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I suppose we need to have a meet up. a reunion. a convention. something that can take place in a practical fashion and with beautiful gorgeous available women around.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    When I belonged to other discussion boards I have met up with other posters. Through the years the general principle of a public board has been to use the open forum as a means to figure out who you trust to meet up with and also to share information you'd never post on a public board.

    I've yet to meet anyone from here and for the most part with one or two exceptions ( not counting the obvious aliases and trolls) each of us has a unique and different perspective and meeting up would be fun.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    Most guys I go SCing with are cool. It'd be the same way with most guys here, and that even goes for the trollish ones. T&A is the universal bonding agent.

    I won't want it at my home club.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Well, when and where is the next meet-up?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ Are you saying that you want to take care of all of us?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @NinaBambina you can feel to PM me if you ever vacation strip in Portland.

    I'll bring the blunt.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^feel free
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    SirLapdancealot - do you ever travel to other areas? The only place on the west coast I am visiting soon is California.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @Nina if it is to club it is during the random business trip which could be the Bay Area, Albuquerque, or Boise. No hurry on Portland.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Nina, will you visit NorCal or Socal?
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    MisterWonderful said "I suppose we need to have a meet up. a reunion. a convention."

    Maybe TUSCL should sponsor or cosponsor a strip club industry convention. We can all show up... and then we can all get arrested for FOSTA violations. I can picture people picketing afterwards with signs that say "Free the Juice" just like back in the 90s.

    If you guys want to get together to gangbang Nina, or Zoey, or Poledancer, or BJ99, I might fly in for that.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    TFP - I always visit SoCal because I have family there. But I always want to go to Napa, so I think I'll visit family and hang out in SoCal for a week and head north for a couple days before I head back to Michigan.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Napa is a good day trip. Get sloshed on fine wine in beautiful settings. Hit the Rancho Cordova or SF clubs for funds.
  • Nice spice sounds nice. Lol
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    nicespice looks nice.
  • She is mine cuz her personality is actually bearable unlike almost everyone else on here :) #bye felicia #have a nice day #nicole out
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    Ya definitely like to meet:

    Shailynn. I think the two of us with our personalities and know how would tear up any strip club we went to. We'd be whales without spending over $50 :)

    Juice, RTP, Magicrat, Around town, and JS69 and because we club in the second neck of the woods.

    Nukam or Clackport. I text him and we are FB buddies.

    Huntsman and Cashman because they seems intelligent and interesting.

    Subra, because he seems the realist of course :)

    Papi but only at Follies day shift :)

    I've met go GoVikings, Shadow (twice), and Snow at Follies.

    There's lot of people I'm not mentioning who seem down, names aren't coming to me as I write this..like Gawker for sure
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    Oh and how can I forget definitely would love to meet Nina...or would I?

    Not sure how my 401k account would feel about that, because I probably would be mortgaging my future on her.
  • PrimetimeSchein
    6 years ago
    The cute dancer from SA (forgot her name)
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    Any Phoenix mongers I haven't met yet.

    Shadow, Papi, GoVikings, Chessmaster, Shailynn, GACA, MrDeuce, jackslash, lopaw, Clackport, juice, subra,

    BJ99, Nina, poledancer, any other cool dancer.

    I know I left names out. Sorry if I missed someone.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Aww Nicole that’s so sweet <3 does that mean I have hope for you to get that cabana with me after all?

    I forgot about the guys on here. Definitely any one would be interesting for at least a drink. There’s only a few I wouldn’t be willing to if I get misogynistic vibes.

    Members that stand out the most on the discussion board currently me the most at the moment, SirLap, PaulDrake, Cashman, Huntsman, TFP.

    And MackTruck if he doesn’t smell like poop.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    What the heck, I had more typed here and idk where it went.

    I forgot to include the males. Most of everyone seems interesting in their own way and I like meeting different personalities. The only ones I wouldn’t be interested in are the ones who give off misogynistic vibes.

    Based on recent forum activity, the most interesting so far would be for the most part those who have engaged me the most on here. SirLap, PaulDrake, Cashman Huntsman, TFP, 25.

    And MackTruck if he doesn’t smell like poop lol.
  • lopaw
    6 years ago
    My goal is to meet londonguy at a FKK in Germany someday.

    @Nina- where do u dance when in SoCal? LA or SD area?
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    Awwww thanks for all the love you guys :-)
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    I can't give go vikings any love i'm a bears fan! Lol
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LOL Countryman5434 as a Packer Backer I wanna meet GoVikings at a club in Milwaukee. And you too!
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    "And MackTruck if he doesn’t smell like poop lol."

    @nicespice... i smell like roses... lol
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Anybody but nicole 1994!
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Lopaw - I have never danced in SoCal. Every time I go is a family vacation (my aunt and uncle both live out there and work successfully in the tv/entertainment industry, and my grandma also retired and moved out there a few years ago) so I don't always get time to sneak away and go dance. But next time I go there, I'm just going to tell them I have a friend I am visiting. I do have a friend in San Diego, so I might visit her and strip a night or two in my next Cali visit. My aunt and uncle live in LA, so we spend most of our time there and sometimes go to Santa Monica as well and various beach cities.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    I pretty much like everyone here. This place has a lot of unique characters with interesting viewpoints. I would be fine meeting with anyone, but I'm kind of shy at first and it will take a few drinks before I really loosen up and boogie.
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