
We all have had that trip to a club that went sideways somehow. What happened to

I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
I think we have a club go kinda Twilight Zone at least once. Here is mine.
It was about 5 years ago when I started back at SC's after a 20 year layoff called marriage. I lost my wife and after 2 years I went to my first club in forever. It was in ESL (East St Louis) and it was Roxy's which just was shut down due to some contamination. I was with several co-workers and we were sending off a newly promoted co-worker that was moving to NYC. The idea was a limo ride to ESL from StL and then hit a few clubs. For some reason Roxy's was the first club we went to and it was packed on a Saturday around 11 pm. There were 9 of us in a stretch and at 6' 215 I was the smallest guy in our group. The club was packed by "Daryl" our biggest guy who had played O-line at Oklahoma St in the 90's had no problem acquiring a table next to the shower where a show was just about to start. I ended up closest to the shower and as the two girls got into it and began the show I realized I might get a big wet. Then I noticed the glass wall was wiggling as the girls bumped into it and I got just a bit more concerned. Two minutes into the show which was getting rowdy as more and more guys threw money as the girls the shower wall fell out and landed next to me, the two wet, nekkid girls followed and I caught one and held her up as the second face planted in my crotch which was not very sexy and kinda painful. Then the water shot directly at our table drenching us all. It was a weird way to start the eve as we ended up in "free" t shirts from the club except Dary's was waaayyy tooo small for him and his belly and but crack showed. Overall it was an interesting reintroduction to SC's for me and one I will never forget. Daryl ended up nearly naked on the stage at one point which I try not to remember.


  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Wow - never heard of something like that before
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    You took a stretch limousine to East Saint Louis? For a few hours at least, you guys were probably the richest people in town. You've got guts, I'll give you that.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    I got $140 worth of lap dances for free for talking dirty to a stripper. She got up out of my lap and went back to the dressing room. I was kind of confused but went back to my seat to watch whatever girls were on stage. The dancer came out flanked by two other dancers and told me that I should leave. She looked like she had been crying. As I left, she threw a plastic cup at the back of my head.

    Now, understand that I was really young (like 19) and had a pretty fucked up mind set (for personal reasons which I won't go into). I know what I said was wrong, and I've learned from it and made sure that I never do something like this again. The thing I told the dancer was: "Even rape victims have orgasms."

  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    Just maybe she was a rape victim?
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Short version of story.

    Go to sapphires in Vegas.

    Wind up in hotel room at Palace Station checking in at 7am with a stripper in tow.

    Friends come pick you up and take you to a pool party, dropping stripper off at a Wendy’s on the way so her boyfriend won’t get mad that 3 guys are dropping her off at his house.

    Possibly greatest weekend of my life.
  • SteveSutton
    6 years ago
    To build on that last comment ...

    Sapphires in Vegas, last weekend, first time there. Expected to spend about $1K. Ended up with a gorgeous blonde in the skyboxes or whatever they're called for a couple of hours. Needless to say, I overspent by a ton as I used my card (I know, cardinal sin). But I did end up getting her to my room at a nice hotel on the strip for a couple of hours later that same night, or morning to be exact. She was worth it, I have no regrets, but no more Vegas for me for a looooong time till I replenish my funds! My total spending for the night is what went (significantly) sideways.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    My friend had a two night bachelor party scheduled - in Manhattan. I was the responsible one - and I had to make sure my friends cousin made it to both nights successfully.

    My friends cousin flew in from Ohio on Friday afternoon. He was supposed to take a cab from JFK to Times Square. In the cab - he told the driver he wanted to find some action. So the driver dropped him off near the Lincoln tunnel - where the cousin got mugged. He calls me and begs me to come get him.

    I grab a cab from my office - and pick him up by the Javits Center. He’s still got a suitcase - and he’s got some money hidden in his shoe. I get him to his hotel - and tell him to not leave the room (until I get back).

    He doesn’t listen - and he goes to the hotel bar - and gets totally drunk. The bartender kicks him out - so he sits on the sidewalk and pisses himself. I find him when I get back to the hotel.

    I clean him up, and take him downtown for the preparty dinner. He pukes in the cab - and we get kicked out. So we walk the remaining way to the restaurant. He sobers up a bit on the walk.

    My friend gives me all sorts of shit for the shape his cousin is in. I can’t believe what a mess this guy is. But I’m determined to get him through one night of the party.

    We get to the strip club - and it’s not my type of club - as it’s too classy. But we have a good time. We get dances for the bachelor - from two dancers. The one dancer leaves her dress on a chair as she grinds on the bachelor. My friends cousin decides to pick up the dress - and put it on his head. The bouncer sees this - and sees him pocket the dancers panties - and tries to bounce the dude out. I talk to the bouncer to calm him down, and I get the cousin out of the club.

    I decide to cut my losses - and take the cousin back to his hotel. We are going down into the subway on the escalator - and the cousin calls a guy heading up the escalator an asshole. So the guy turns - and delivers a perfect right cross to the cousins jaw - and knocks him out cold! I decide it’s actually better this way - and I carry the cousin to the train. He wakes up as we ride up to Times Square. He literally has no recollection of the dinner or strip club - or getting punched. I drop him at his hotel - and head back to Jersey.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    Wow, what an ass
  • Heellover
    6 years ago
    Cashman. You are a saint basically . That guy probably wouldn't be around if you were not watching his back. Glad the guy he called an asshole only punched him (no weapons used-definitely could have ended up worse) and left you alone.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Heellover - it was an experience that kept getting worse. Initially I thought - this won’t be that bad. Then after about a hour watching that guy I thought - what else is going to go wrong!
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    Liwet wins the fucked-up crazy story portion of this evening!

    Cashman1234 wins the non-brilliant friends portion of the evening! ;)
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Cashman I strongly suspect we are related by the same cousin......replace NYC with DC and we have very similar stories.

    I had to save the ass three times on one night ( he was also from Ohio) and then ended up holding his head in a large vase outside of http://archibalds.com/ as he lost his mixture of Captain Morgans and beer induced drunk binge.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    And I should add this is the main reason from that day on I go solo when I go to a strip club.....
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Warrenboy75 lol! It’s amazing how I kept thinking “This night can’t get any worse!” - but it kept getting worse.

    Switch Captain Morgan with Wild Turkey - and vomiting on a parked car - and you have my friends cousin!

    I tried Archibalds twice on a business trip to DC - and I was totally confused - as there were no lap dances at all. That was unexpected! I should have been a member here - to get the story (on DC and it’s lack of contact).
  • Prim0
    6 years ago
    I hate having to be the responsible one during a party night. I fucking hate having to babysit nitwits who don't know how to act.

    The only thing I can say for your misbehaving Ohioans is that we don't get to have much fun here so maybe they were just trying to finally let loose and over did it.

    I worked as a bouncer in a SC and have been to many of them. Nothing crazy has really ever happened in one while I was there.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Prim0 I’m sure the Ohioan I had to deal with was a special case - and not indicative of other Ohioans.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    He was an Ohioan that went to University of Michigan.....and it was his big claim to fame when I first met him........( afterwards I realized it summed up his personality well)

    Not that mixing drinking Budweiser and Captain Morgan and coke wasn't an indication I was dealing with someone who didn't have much common sense.

    Cashman --it's almost humorous now but every time I thought I had the night back on track it sunk to a new level. I haven't been to a DC Club in years but there were three of them within walking distance at one time ( maybe still) and the group of guys I was with chose eye candy over mileage so downtown DC over Maryland.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Wow! Those are some irresponsible people.

    My story:

    I was 19 and hanging out with my at the time boyfriend. His friend sent him a text that he was at a strip club and wanted him to join. The bf asks me if I wanted to go. I had never been in one in my life before at that point. I was curious so we went.

    Go to the door. The staff keeps our IDs up front. The door girl asks him to “watch over Bob” (not his real name). Bob was the one who had texted the bf and told him to come over.

    So while there he continues to get even more drunk (this is a byob club so bar staff couldn’t cut him off), him and bf chat.

    They were at one end of the table. I smile and politely converse with a dancer who was also sitting there next to me. Later on, the bf would describe her almost like a girlfriend to Bob. (Term on this forum, ATF)

    Another dancer went over to Bob and the BF casually full nude. The dancer I was talking with leaned over and whispered gossip about the other one. She clearly didn’t like the nude dancer.

    The bf decided it was time for dances. It was paid for by Bob’s dance dollars. lapdances in this club were not done on the floor, just in the back secured by a bouncer.

    I guess he felt weird about getting dances in front of me. I was the one getting dances while he watched.

    2 dances from a blond dancer. I remember she “mortorboated” me. Bouncer scolds her and tells her that she can’t be on her knees. Blond dancer says “but it’s a girl!” annoyed but gets back up.

    Back on main floor. More hang out with Bob. Then to the back again.

    Same blond dancer but also another one half German half japanese. My ex moves my hands over to grab her tits. I felt weird but I went with it.

    Go back on floor. Same stuff. Another dance session but this time it’s with five dancers at once.

    The other customers were staring at me and the 5 dancers open mouthed. They were all confused of what to do and decided on alternating every few seconds. Another two songs.

    Go back out and Bob left. Not good. Car not in parking lot. We drive north (where town would be) and sure enough Bob’s suv rolled over and the cops were already there.

    Bf left car. I remained. Turned out bf had a warrent out for an arrest cause he failed to pay a traffic law ticket. Though the cops decided to be lenient.

    Cops decided I was the only one responsible enough to drive home. I remembered that I never got my ID from the club. Went back.

    Bob’s ATF went over to us and told us the rest of those dance dollars Bob promised her and she was owed it. Bf gets irritated and says no. They argue.

    Bob gets DUI charge. Decides screw America and finishing pharmacy school to become fully licensed. (He was in the last semester) He rings up a bunch of credit card purchases. (Bought the bf a brand new computer and monitor)

    Bob buys a plane ticket to go to China. (He already taught English there in the past). He boards the plane, and leaves the US.

    The first and only time I ever met Bob.

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