
Declined Enjoyment from P4P

I just make them raise their right-hand and swear they are clean - then its all BBJ's & FS
Sunday, June 17, 2018 11:04 AM
So, I'm not sure if I have ruined myself by having sex with what are prostitutes whether they be Strippers, or AMP girls or Casino girls or sugar babies. The only thing I've never done are street walkers but, last a few sundays back I took this girl out to Seafood Lunch + Dave & Busters (arcade). Enjoyed myself and then the date got to the point where I could tell she was going to have sex with me. I almost felt wrong having sex with this woman regardless of her history because it was a "civil date". An on my way taking her home I stopped at the Suntrust and withdrew money out of habit and she asked me why I had the money, (It was a black woman) I was in fear of saying, I want to give it to you because we had sex and tell her how I usually get down but due to fear of being slapped I gave her some regular response. Has anyone else experienced this dissatisfaction with civil relationships as a direct result of P4P? I enjoyed myself but I felt as though it wasn't even worth the hassle of driving to pick her up, ordering food, playing games, driving home, sex, driving her home. It was like 5Hr's of work for what I could have got inside an AMP in less than 30 minutes.


  • joc13
    6 years ago
    pussy on demand is a big attraction of the p4p world. when I was in my mid 30s I tried to pretend I was divorced and do some vanilla dating. the combination of how I still looked then, and the career I had, garnered a lot of interest. but, in the 90s women didn't give up sex as easy as they seem to today, and it was way too much work to save $200-300 these days, I did want more of a dating relationship instead of p4p hookups, but I'm no longer 30 or look like I am, so I went the SB route
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Go here: [view link]
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Honestly, I really think this is the main reason why most women are against prostitution. Not that they really see anything wrong with it. But their fear is that we would just totally lose interest in normal dating if it was really easy to just buy your sex. Why put up with the hassles and drama of a girlfriend when you can pay for it ? And in the end, it's probably significantly less expensive to just pay for it.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    You sound gay. Give shasowcats a call
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    Is any pussy really free? My ego gets in the way of being able to directly pay, but there's nothing wrong with it. And we all pay indirectly and get emotionally fucked over along with it. At least when its P4P you avoid all the games
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I think our OP is saying that he wants to be giving the girl money. Nothing wrong with that, just have to do it so that she doesn't get pissed. Can be learned. SJG Erik Satie - 6 Gnossiennes, for Piano (Full) [view link] HK Bar, Fat Girl On Stage. I like her. [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] Chicago Club [view link] Street [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] Pattaya After Midnight - RAW and UNFILTERED [view link]
  • loper
    6 years ago
    Good reference, Ishmael.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I have a steady side piece so my ITC has declined a great deal over the past two years. The sex is phenomenal, best ever for me and I can fuck bareback all I want and never fear any issues. For a woman she’s relatively low drama too. Those are some very big positives. If I would rewind myself to the day I met her, I’m not so sure I’d do it over again. There still is drama from time to time, it still costs me money (probably close to the same cost as a strip club visit) for each time we meet up and I get no variety. She’s attractive but of my conquests over the year she’d be one of the lower ones in the looks department. I can totally see why guys have no interest in that, especially older guys who are divorced, and just want to fuck go home and be left alone. The day science makes a gem it that can do that society is fucked because men won’t need to deal with women to get fucked anymore.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ !!!!! SJG
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    @ToyChaser: "Has anyone else experienced this dissatisfaction with civie relationships as a direct result of P4P?" ====================== I think the question was aimed at single/divorced guys, but as a married guy I don't expect a girl in her early 20s to be a true soulmate and I don't expect my wife to provide the sheer animal attraction of someone decades younger. If anything I appreciate my wife more because of P4P. Over on the sugaring forum, some of the girls complain about being dissatisfied with guys from their own generation because they can't provide as much stability and financial support. Although the younger guys will eventually become good providers. Slightly off-topic, I wonder how SBs in their early 20s, who've had arrangements with married guys, will be able trust men enough to get married later in life. How will they be able to cope with the cynical reality that men with disposable income often cheat with age-inappropriate girls?
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Well Random I guess they’ll be looking over their shoulder their entire life. I know a handful of girls that did the partying and sugaring before it was as popular today (this took place over a decade ago). Most of them are now approaching 40 and none of them have been able to get married even though they want to settle down. Their expectation of what a man should offer is just way too high. Any guy at age 40 who can provide what they expect has already been long off the market, so to speak. Also with the economy providing many jobs but few “really good jobs” I feel younger guys are going to have a harder time getting those jobs where a lot of disposable income is available as it was in the past. That’s just my opinion...
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Agree @Shailynn. Automation is taking away a lot of mid-level jobs, and most of the new jobs don't pay that well. Good jobs are available in STEM fields and especially healthcare, but it may require taking on a shit-load of student debt in the process. Taking on all that debt just kills a young person starting out, and paying for school is just way harder than it used to be. Enjoy your side piece. She sounds pretty wonderful.
  • hoarker
    6 years ago
    “Although the younger guys will eventually become good providers.” That’s a howler. Sure, 5% of them might. Agree with randomMember. I will add there are young guys that aren’t afraid of real work. They don’t go to college. They learn a trade, or get into construction. Then in about 10 years, they start their own companies. I have a number of friends in this category. Now they’re worth 10 or 20M. But that was a generation ago. Now, most young guys don’t want to work. Talk to contractors. It’s brutal trying find good young guys to actually work.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Yeah, the more one does P4P often the less one wants to invest in civvie relationships - and the less power civvies have over us dangling the Y in front of us to get us to conform
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    p4p fits me to a ‘t’.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    I pray this never happens to me.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    That Denis Hof says he only goes out with prostitutes. I think a guy reaches a point where he wants the dolling up and instant results. Which is better, spending money on her, or giving money to her? SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    If u want romance/love/relationship, P4P is not for you - if u just wanna get laid P4P may be the more sensical way to go
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Thing is, women who do P4P are still just ordinary women. The P4P mode is just a jump start, and it also helps keep her engaged over time. SJG Ancient Egyptian Music [view link] TJ HK Bar girl: [view link] U.N. report on extreme poverty in the United States, but BHF knows that poverty is caused by the poor themselves. [view link]
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    So stop doing it.
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