OT: I no longer read news about Trump - do you?

avatar for Lone_Wolf
After so many years of being inundated with news about the wacky things Trump and his cohorts are up to, I rarely, if ever, read articles about it. I'll see the headlines but never read the articles anymore. Tweets, collusion, affairs..I no longer have an interest.

I have to wonder if this type of burnout is a nationwide phenomena. At this point, I wouldn't know if the presidency was on brink of collapse.

Anybody feeling this effect?


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avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
ever since he got elected I quite pay attention...
avatar for crsm27
7 years ago
The problem is that the media (both ends) are blowing everything out of context and taking it too far. I mean if Trump tweets anything... MSN, CNN, etc. Goes off on it as gospel and hold him to it to the strictest meaning. Then FOX goes off defending it or goes off on the other networks about reporting it. What i mean is if Trump would say....we have a record breaking trade deal.... then CNN, MSN, etc would go off looking and nit picking it and saying... it isn't record breaking deal.... ie: tax breaks were crumbs.... then Fox would go off saying it was a good deal and better than obama.... etc.

That is making everything and everyone tune out. Just like the collsusion... every day MSN or CNN says they got the smoking gun... then nothing happens. Just like the "stormy" thing is kind of running its course and we are all tired of hearing about it one way or another.

They are all deflecting from real issues. I mean the N. Korea summit is a huge thing. Yet people keep talking about collusion. The jobs report, ag bill, etc. Are all huge deals... yet media isn't talking about those they are trying to get a "smoking" gun type thing for collusion, stormy, etc. They are making it a circus.

So the long short of it...I too am checking out on all the BS.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
That’s exactly what they are counting on, all of the BS causing burnout !
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Sometimes if I think it's important or especially interesting. But not much more than that. I have stuff to do.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Trump is a liar and bullshitter. That's not a partisan statement. I don't listen to anything Trump says or Tweets directly.

Mueller and Rosenstein are lifelong Republicans. Nobody here knows what Mueller knows. Manafort was Trump's campaign manager is likely going to jail for witness tampering. Cohen, Trump's long-time lawyer will almost certainly be indicted. Trump says that he can pardon himself. Let's see what happens here folks. Right?

Totally disagree with the OP. I try to stay informed by reading the major news outlets like NY Times and Wash Post. Yes their editorial boards have a strong liberal bent; but you can always get the facts there.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I try to avoid the bizarre 24 hour news cycle. There are loons on both ends - so it’s useless to watch any news network at length.

I’ve been trying to read articles online. I find it a bit less inflammatory. I find that I can read - and filter out the crazy -
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
No actual content in your post @Cashman. What do you read and why?
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I read the Wall Street Journal as I find it a good source of information - not just for investing/business.

Also - I read CNN and FoxNews online. I steer away from opinion pieces and try to keep on the factual information.

I read NJ.com - to get a bit of the local information. But I avoid opinion pieces there too.

If there’s too much Trump nuttiness - I go directly to pornhub or rosebuttboard - to decompress!
avatar for crsm27
7 years ago

Those two publications are also known to "jump the gun" and say things that are facts that are proven later not to be.

If people want true info on stuff it is mainly the smaller publications that cant lean a certain way or they will lose subscriptions. The Washington Post and NY Times could slant one way or another and wouldn't lose subscriptions... but a smaller publication would lose if they showed any favortism one way or another.

The manfort thing... all pre-presidental (that we know so far). Cohen same thing. Trump comes out and says the "pardon" thing to get a rise out of the media because his counsel came out days before and said he wouldn't do it. Like I stated it is a fucking circus and they are all playing into Trumps huge ego.

Then if you try to watch the daily briefing.... what a mess. Reporters asking the same questions over and over. The Press Sec. saying she isnt going to comment on outside counsel issues or another departments issues and refers everyone to other statements made by said departments... etc. Just a joke!!

All of our media... printed, TV, internet, etc. All seems to want a "gotcha" moment. Instead of just reporting facts. They try to direct questions to fit their agenda (all sides). They want "breaking" coverage... so they go and be the "first" and get facts wrong or speculate facts and get it wrong. They dont wait to see what happens or let things play out. They report, jump to conclusions or opinions, and try to base it off little facts and then it spreads like wild fire and it is out there people saying it is gospel. again this is all sides of any issue. OUr present day media is a fucking joke. Again for the third time.... All sides!!!
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Disagree about NY TImes and Wash Post. Both care about getting the facts straight. I can say the same thing about the WSJ -- in fact I used to pay for the WSJ. Fox News is propaganda.

Yes Manafort and Cohen might have no link to Trump. But let's wait and see.
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
I get most of my news by reading...Very little from TV and radio...though I like NPR....
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I just read TUSCL. I know I will always get unbiased news.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Yahoo, CNBC and many others have just become unreadable. After endless op-eds dressed up as news, almost every one filled with much hyperbole and supposition but little substance, I am just burned out.

Similarly, I am starting to tire of Fox News too. While they do share my political leanings, I find that there biases sometimes lead them to the same powder puff approach as the others I mentioned above.

I read the WSJ (right leaning) and IBD (left leaning) mostly now, each leaning in a particular direction but also providing more balance and comprehensive coverage than most of the crap online. CNN is not as bad as most of the other left leaning outlets, so sometimes I'll read that too.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^Thats news, you mean you can read!
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Yearning for my attention again 25? ;)
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^Oh please, the dude is such a macho girly boy who could possibly resist.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Clearly you can't resist or else you wouldn't be trolling me, though trolling is perhaps too much credit for what you do. I'm starting to think that you grew up without a Daddy and need a surrogate now. ;)
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
25's my bitch. He wants Daddy Dugan's affection so much that he posts goofy weak shots just to get it.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^The only thing you would qualify as a surrogate for might be crash dummy : )
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^You ain’t got a bitch, you feeble minded moron, I made you my bitch a long time ago but dropped you for boredom, now you’re just crying yourself to sleep at night.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
My bitch indeed. Like a hurt whose Daddy was too hard on her. What she really wants is his approval, but she''s so hurt that all she can muster is emotional drivel. ;)
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
hurt girl that is :)
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Has this been good for you honey? Is this what you were looking for? I like to indulge your attention seeking about once every 20 or so troll anemic troll attempts. After all, I wouldn't want you to feel completely abandoned. ;)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Broadcasts news seems most concerned with ratings and are seemingly losing credibility bc of it
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Geezaloo you don’t ever quit, go back to the circus where you came from, even though the no longer have the freak show I’m sure they can find some use for you, you might be good as a clown who knows you certainly make a jackass out of yourself here.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I like listening to sports-radio but I'm fed-up with certain "enlightened" sports guys that wanna spend an hour talking about the politics and injustics of the day
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I agree Papi. I find it easier to mentally filter the hyperbole when reading. I find it much easier to get roped in when watching the news.
avatar for crsm27
7 years ago
@papi.... you are 100% correct. That media source would rather have people yelling, arguing, talking over each other all for "ratings" than actually giving people information and reporting news.

avatar for crsm27
7 years ago
@ papi again.... You hit the nail on the head with sports talk now. Just do what got you in your position... reporting sports and talking sports!

avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
25, the way you keep randomly popping into threads that I post in with school girl cries for attention, I assume that you don't want me to quit. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to give you all of the attention that you crave Sugar Pie, but Daddy Dugan has been rather busy lately. I know you've been seeking it elsewhere with lots of PMs and call outs to others on here for emotional support, but clearly that hasn't been enough. Sorry for making you feel so abandoned, but I'll try to do better in the future the next time you lash out in obvious pain.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^Funny you are the guy that just popped up on my post about trolls seems the attention whore is you,anytime I make a comment, you attack, shine on harvest moon!
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
The simple fact is that Mueller has jack shit. Every single charge against Manafort is in regard to things that happened around 2005. The embarrassment is the way liberal media reports things.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
25, Daddy Dugan was making a very legitimate comment that baiting trolls was attention seeking behavior. You, on the other hand, came into this thread with a "he can read comment" that was rather childish. Much like with my other children, clearly I need to instruct you on the difference between a targeted criticism and insults just to be insulting. Don't worry, my six year old has trouble with this too. ;)
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

You know what this reminds me of? Back in 2015 Huff Post announced that they weren't going to cover Trump in the Politics section anymore. So for a few months, his campaign antics were relegated to the Entertainment section of their website. At the time, I, too, did not take him seriously. In fact, years ago, I remember saying that I hope Trump runs for office again some day because he's really funny.

Well, it turns out the joke was on us.

I still think his syntax and personal aggression are very funny, and I read his tweets once in a while. But I'm really just bored with all this Russia stuff. It's not all that interesting to me, but it's the only thing the networks want to talk about, night after night.

I'm mostly interested in politics because I'm interested in ideology formation - what people believe, whom they support, and why. Trump is therefore much less interesting than even the average voter because he doesn't seem to believe in much of anything. He's almost purely transactional.

As for the networks, it depends on the show and the anchor in question. All three major cable news outlets have some pretty great on-air talent. But all three have unfortunately become much less interesting in the era of Trump.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Dumbass Dugan again thinks he’s the dude, I’m getting rather bored playing with you like a cat gets tired of a spider, I think I’ll go take a nap. Yawnnnn
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
25, maybe next time you should take that nap before calling out for my attention. ;)
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ "Trump is a liar and bullshitter."

I had to stop reading after that insightful comment.

He's a politician. To call out one specifically is showing a major bias.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Yawnnnnn fucktard^
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
25, still not in bed? Btw what did flagooner do to deserve being called a fucktard? After all, unlike you, he's not in here seeking the attention of others with unimaginative grade school insults.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@Dumbass Dugan Shut the fuck up already, asswipe I beat your ass every time you start with me, and this isn’t any different, too bad your mother never washed your fathers underwear because you are just a little cumstain
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Now now 25, Daddy Dugan didn't mean to put you into full meltdown. As I always tell the other kids, the only thing that losing your mind ever accomplishes it to give your control to others. Try to pull yourself together, take a deep breath and use your big girl words. ;)
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
Okie dokie. This is a bit much now. It's turned into a serious flame war. Maybe Trucidos should weigh in at some point ;)
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
We were doing well - then Trucidos spammed the site - and now we are rekindling old flame wars. Things are going downhill fast.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
I agree with the OP. Lone Wolf, I try to stray from politics as much as possible, except when it deals with my family, friends, and work. Yet since all of those people I associate with are hard working, law abiding, middle class Americans, Trump simply speaks what are on the minds of those people no matter what ethnic background they claim.

Every time the news reports something about Trump, it’s been overhyped and the topics have grown to be desensitized to our ears. It’s like the boy who cries “wolf”, pretty soon the people tune it out.

I don’t care what your political leanings are, Trump just letting those know how things really are to the general public is progressing society in the right direction. Wverybody in the media has stood on a platform and declared Trump’s mode of apperendi is wrong, yet the politicians have been doing it wrong, corruptly for many decades. Now we have to listen to the media tell us how a non-career politician (Trump) is doing things wrong? Smh....
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I've never taken Trump seriously. I wanted them to either impeach him or amend the constitution to dump the electoral college before the inauguration. So I applaud all who have sought to de-stabilize his presidency.

The scary part though is that it is not just Trump, it is also people like Paul Ryan. And then its just that some people in this country actually did vote for him. That is really scary.


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avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
Quote from Meat72: "Yet since all of those people I associate with are hard working, law abiding, middle class Americans, Trump simply speaks what are on the minds of those people no matter what ethnic background they claim."

Welp... according to Rasmussen, Trump's approval rating is around 48%. So are you saying that half the country is therefore not hard-working law-abiding Americans? Surely a person can be decent and hard-working, etc., regardless of their opinion on Trump, right? In fact, I'm sure if you look hard, you'll find plenty of upstanding all-American types, with Mom and Apple pie and the Star Spangled Banner coming out of their asses who nonetheless dislike Trump. And I'm sure you'll also find lots of marginal malcontent types who actually like Trump quite a bit.


"I try to stray from politics as much as possible... Trump just letting those know how things really are to the general public is progressing society in the right direction."

This is my favorite tactic of the blatant partisan. First they say they're not interested in politics and that they try to avoid talking about it... but, oh, by the way, they're huge (Insert Candidate's Name Here) supporters. The subtext is that they believe in everything that's right and good and true, and they don't like playing silly political games, and that's why they support (Insert Candidate's Name Here), while everyone else must be just a shrill political hack because they don't support (Insert Candidate's Name Here). Nice.


"yet the politicians have been doing it wrong, corruptly for many decades. Now we have to listen to the media tell us how a non-career politician (Trump) is doing things wrong?"

This last line of reasoning is absolutely the biggest bullshit of all. So basically, he's implying that all politicians are corrupt except for Donald Trump. They're not merely incompetent, or feckless, or simply wrong, or hamstrung by the separation of powers... they're actually corrupt. As though Trump is the very first American politician in history to ever espouse the views that Trump currently does. That's just retarded.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Not everyone wants democracy to work. And it can't work when it is just enforced normality.

So if people are not willing to let democracy work, and there is a rebellion, remember that I'll be the one passing out the long barrel rifled 12 gauges and the slug ammo.


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Great Possibilities In Georgia, If They Can Get Enough Voter Registration and Turnout

SEX WORKERS & COMMUNITY PROTEST TO OPPOSE FOSTA/SESTA Harmful legislation does nothing to support sex workers or survivors of trafficking
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago

@Flagooner: I know you're busy over there at your nursing home playing bridge and discussing your prostate issues and hip fractures. But maybe you can take a look at this Washington Post article that keeps an updated list of Trump false or misleading claims (i.e. lies). He lies at the rate of approximately 6.5 times per day.


Washington Post is one of the premier newspapers in the country, second only to the NY Times in the number Pulizer Prize winners. As I said above, Trump is a liar and bullshitter, and listening to him directly or reading his Tweets is a waste of time.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Nixon, Reagan, Bush 43, Trump, each more absurd than the other.

avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I finally got back to this thread and read past dumbass's insightful comment.

^ @dumbass (yes that's you LittleMember)

I didn't say he doesn't lie. Of course he does. Arguing that he does is one of the more MOTO comments I've read since I posted one yesterday.

My point was that all politicians do. Well, all except the libtards, right?
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
And you are right, the Washington Post and NYT are non-biased. (sarcasm intended)
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
The NYT and the Post USED to be news sources. They are living on past glories, but useless as far as news goes. I would just point out that SJG is a Democrat and right there that's more than enough to never vote for them.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
my opinion about the media is they put the spot light on issues like immigration, abortion, social welfare programs, to divide the country and distract us from the really policy and agendas they are passing behind closed doors.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

What are they really passing behind closed doors?
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
Bailouts for 1...its capitalism for everyone else but social welfare for corporations. we have a bubble economy, and everyone thinks its capitalism. only the 1% are entitled to government hand outs, but everyone else needs to pull themselves up from their boot straps. Media can spin any issue to fit their narrative.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
“grab her by the pussy.”
words to live life by.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

Oh sure, but didn't that happen like 10 years ago? Plus if I remember correctly, the bailouts were covered to death by the media at the time. Every media outlet covered every congressional vote in breathless anticipation. And in fact, it was an on-air "rant" against the bailouts by a media personality, Rick Santelli on CNBC, that is given partial credit for launching the Tea Party movement. So I would hardly say they passed the bailouts behind closed doors or that the media ignored it. Unless there's been another bailout since then that we don't know about. Which begs the question of how *you* know about it LOL
avatar for 4got2wipe
7 years ago
I almost didn't read this thread because I figured it was all the same old shit as every political thread on TUSCL. And that is mostly the case. No disrespect to any posters. If you enjoy standard TUSCL political threads go for it. For that matter, post about Bitcoin if you find that enjoyable!

On the other hand, I enjoyed rickdugan losing his shit in response to twentyfive. That stuff is brilliant!

It is almost like rickdugan trolls himself! ;)
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ I can almost see the steam coming out of both their ears.
avatar for rockstar666
7 years ago
I have Donald on "ignore". It just upsets me too much to watch him try to justify his destruction of our country.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@flagooner steam coming out of my ears really that would damage my hearing aids
BTW Fuck you Ricki Boi ;)
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I'm very political, but I mostly avoid debating politics via the web. Almost all online political debates are composed of people who are waiting for the opportunity to not change their minds about anything.

Which is to say, it's not actually a debate.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
^^^ True, it’s all about a person’s confirmation bias in this thread.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago

Do you avoid them because you can't convince others to convert to your stubborn position?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
No. When it's an in-person debate with knowledgeable people, it's not unusual for me to walk away with a modified view or at least some areas of interest where it's obvious that I need to do some more research. Though I think it's very rare to swing 180° on a viewpoint via a single debate; that usually happens (if at all) over time and many discussions.

Still, when it's a bunch of people online who mostly don't know each other, it's less of a debate and more people waiting to post their favorite links.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@Meat how's that confirmation bias thing working out for ya ? :)
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
^^^ I’d say there are a lot of pots calling kettles black around here.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
Yeah.... and # MeTooMovement
avatar for crsm27
7 years ago
If people dont think media is biased and wanting to turn a narrative.... Look what April Ryan tweeted yesterday....

First she said that trump was booed.... and stated it was a "confirmed" source.

Yet later she had to delete that tweet and tell the truth about how it was a person in the crowd that was booed.

Again... reporting things as "FACTS" before finding out what really happened.

This is just an example from yesterday. If you dig you will find more and more from all of the media outlets. Hence the reason why people are shutting out and tuning out on a lot of this crap.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Again, totally disagree with the OP: we have a president with an authoritarian bent who lies constantly. He challenges the separation of powers and he's trying to discredit the agencies that are investigating him. Good time to stay informed and to get your information from reliable sources.

I find some of your comments especially smug and obnoxious, @Ismael.
avatar for crsm27
7 years ago

So he is bucking the established system? Causing waves?

You know that is why people voted for him. It isnt your traditional dog and pony show. Lots of lip service with no action.

Again.... we will see what comes out of all of this. The NK summit is going to be interesting and see if he can get something done there. Plus if he can re-negotiate a better Iran deal.

But yet he is too much of an egomaniac. Look at his tweets saying a "red wave".... it hasnt happen yet. But he just likes to hear himself speak. But i think the reason why he tweeted that was because all you heard in the media and from other elected officials... is how everything was slipping away from the GOP and how they will lose in a "landslide". yet that didn't happen. Again... media running a narrative.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
"So he is bucking the established system? Causing waves?"
I'm trying my best not to write a novel. There are studies showing that Trump has overwhelming support from white men (I'm both white and male). Other studies show a correlation b/w Trump support and lack of education. And other studies that show that voters who identify authoritarian leaders support Trump. My gut instinct is that Trump is a backlash against Obama and the changing demographics of the country.

I don't know that much about NK. I get the feeling that NK will never disarm their nukes and that we are giving him legitimacy with the summit. Keeping an open mind.

The blue wave is evaporating and the Dems only have a 60/40 chance right now of taking back the House. There an enormous amount at stake in the midterms.

Enjoy your posts @crsm.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ @TinyMember: "I'm trying my best not to write a novel."

How about raising the bar a little and don't write anything. That would be an audience pleaser.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Didn't start the thread, asshole
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Damn, you wrote something.

Try again.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Surprised you're still awake, geezer.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
--> "I no longer read news about Trump - do you?"

Yes, but like others I read news as opposed to passively watch it so I can skim or speed read through it. I'm also tired of the "Russian investigation & fixation" the lamestream (lol) media has.

I didn't initially support President Trump but he's grown on me more and more since he's been elected. I feel more like the regular guy has a voice and maybe just maybe he'll be a junkyard dog in there and shake things up in Washington. I keep up on him for that reason.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

How was Ishmael being smug or obnoxious? I think he basically hit the nail on the head. Lots of people seem to converge on TUSCL to shout their political opinions at each other, but we uniformly fail to convince anyone of anything.

This is actually the only place where I talk about politics online (by contrast, I talk about it all the fucking time to whoever will listen in real life). And I blame SJG for this whole thing. I originally came here with a specific question about strip clubs, and he immediately started shitting on libertarianism, totally unprompted and unprovoked LOL. It took me a little while to figure out that that's his gimmick. And I've been coming here talking about this stuff ever since.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
Of course the media is biased. It always has been and it always will be. That's the nature of things. The obsession with an unbiased media is of twentieth century vintage. And even during the 20th century, the media was still totally biased, albeit secretly and subtly. Does anyone really think that Kronkite and Winchell and Murrow were unbiased? Please, give me a break. Anyway, if you travel the country, you'll still find newspapers that are literally named after political parties (with names like The Daily Democrat, The Republican Post, etc.). These are legacies from a time when people understood that the purpose of a newspaper was primarily to get their preferred candidate elected.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Nap time.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
How was Ishmael being smug or obnoxious?

Ishmael could simply ignore the thread; instead he goes out of his way to state that folks on an online forum are not well-informed and simply there to post their favorite link. Obnoxious beyond anything @Flag is capable of. Pretentious, too!! But what kind of guy comes up with username based on some 19th century novelist?

Here's one of my favorite links studying the correlation b/w lack of education and Trump support:

avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
...and the point, @Burlington, is that good media outlets are capable of separating news from editorial content. NY Times, Wash Post, WSJ are good examples.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
@randommember, I’d read that, too, and observed sort of a correlation RE: trump support and education level attainment. So I guess I’m partially digging at myself there, but it’s in good fun. But seriously, it is part of the case and part of the point.

I think that goes back to the class of people who feel like they are left behind or at least feel that may, particularly less educated white men. So far the marching orders have been re-tool, get educated, learn some new valuable skills, adapt, and even relocate your family. And that group likely includes me (, even if that’s uncomfortable or not even really accurate). But turning back the clock isn’t really possible. President Trump pays to that base, IMO.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
News on television is not news it’s just babble, the 24 hour news cycle consists of so called experts opinining over the relative merits, of shit versus piss. If you want news you need to get it online via various sources and have a healthy dose of skepticism, check your sources facts constantly, because the spin varies from day to day.
I get more reliable news from PBS and places like BBC than I ever get from CNN or Fox or NBC. Those Chanel’s miss more important stories with their constant carping over the latest shitfest from Washington DC.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
I think you're right about working-class white guys. But in fairness, there's a small percentage of upper-middle class, self-employed people who were screwed over by Obamacare and who voted for Trump.

@25: we don't get BBC but I've heard it's a good source for news.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
First paragraph addressed to @Dominic
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^BBC is available on line
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

I don't know... his comment seemed relevant at the time. This thread is basically about how the OP has tuned out news about Trump. (And I can hardly blame him - sometimes consuming news about Trump feels like drinking from a firehose.) Ishmael responded by saying that he tunes out most online political discussions, period. It seemed to make sense. He wasn't talking specifically about you. The fact is that there ARE a lot of uninformed people here.

Anyway, I remember reading that 538 article years ago, and I've read about this phenomenon elsewhere, too. I'll re-read it later. It's an interesting pattern, but I think it fails to tell the whole story. Yes, uneducated people were more likely to support Trump. But this is part of a pattern that has been taking shape since probably the 70s. Young people are increasingly more and more likely to vote Democrat, with each passing decade. And each generation is now more highly educated than the last. Hence, educated people vote Democrat. So I think it's really a story about age.

Of course, Trump accelerated this process, thanks to his "regular guy" grammar and syntax, and the fact that he pushes a luddite position on trade (which anyone who has ever taken an introductory macroeconomics class in college knows is ridiculous and counterproductive), and panders to a nakedly racist view on immigration (which is going to trouble the younger generation due to the diversity of post-1965 America, in which they were raised).

As for the news, I'm not sure that you'll want to go trumpeting the Times, Post, and Journal... after all, don't John Tierney, George Will, and Stephen Moore write for these august publications? And aren't they "Randoids"? LOL.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^Nothing wrong with George Will he’s a reasonable man don’t forget William Buckley, a conservative thinker with values that include listening to other opinions and if you want smart Tom Friedman writes for The NY Times he’s a bit liberal for my taste but it would be hard to dispute his intelligence.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
^^ I admire George Will, detest Stephen Moore, and don't know who Tierney is.

As long as you agree about the incontrovertible fact that lack of education is correlated to Trump support.

I'll think about your claim that the trend is really about voter age. What you say about racist views and diversity is spot-on.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Tom Friedman is great
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^Moore is a moron who spouts shit just to hear the sound of his own voice and Tierney is just as enamored with his own self as Trump.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
@twentyfive, @RandomMember,

Well, my point is that all three of them are libertarians (of varying degrees of intellectual consistency, partisanship, bias, and obnoxiousness). And therefore, according to RandomMember, everything they say must be water from a poisoned well. I happen to like all three of them. But probably because they validate my preconceived biases.
avatar for crsm27
7 years ago
"But in fairness, there's a small percentage of upper-middle class, self-employed people who were screwed over by Obamacare and who voted for Trump."

This is a bigger number than you think that is the voting base. There are many non union contractors, electricians, plumbers, laborers, machinists, etc. Then you have your real estate sales people, your appraisers, mortgage professionals, bankers, insurance agents, etc. Then you have accountants, lawyers, paralegals, etc.
Many banks are "branches" which are independently owned but yet have the big name... same with fast food and chain restauraunts... etc. Each Mc. D's is independently owned... they just have the franchise name. So the employees are in the "small business" classification. Which means under 50 employees the employer doesnt need to provide insurance. So the executives of these places are in that group.

You see many people got "fucked over" by the ACA and have to get health insurance on their own. Yes some of these places of work will "kick back" some premium or all of it. But if you are not in a huge group you are FUCKED and dont get the rates like big groups. (which actually trump and some Reps are trying to pass or did for smaller groups to get benefits) that wasn't covered by the media too well... LOL

Like someone stated before with Trump and his "base"... some feel they finally have a voice.

Remember the ACA put in regulations that effected everyone but mainly benefited 10% of the nation....ie: the 30,000,000 "uninsured".

Anyways... if you can tell what group i fall into you now know... LOL But we could go off on the ACA alot. But there are good and bad things with that bill... and i will leave it at that. So a repel isn't 100% a good thing.... but a remodel/revamping is very much needed.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
You may not like my opinion, but I have yet to see any evidence that anyone here has modified their views based on political threads here (and really, any place else where people who don't know each other talk politics).

So, I'm sticking with my original premise.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

Don't overstate the case. If you make $20k per year at McDonald's, then your insurance should be practically free through the federal exchange, assuming you filled out the form correctly and chose a Silver Plan. We don't do ourselves any favors by exaggerating. Yes, there are lots of problems with Obamacare, but many of the complaints that people have are actually caused by the third party payer system, and would be just as bad under a "Medicare-for-all" system or a system of private health insurance. But I agree that Obamacare is generally a bad thing.
avatar for crsm27
7 years ago

^I am talking about the executives, managers, owners, etc... not the cashiers at these places. So people pulling in $60K or more on a single income... then add in a possible spouse's income.... you are talking upper middle class.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
^^^ Ok, this is true. But the penalty for not buying insurance wasn't really all THAT high. For many people it was much cheaper to simply forgo insurance altogether and accept the tax penalty. After all, in most cases, they didn't have health insurance to begin with.

Anyway, Obama certainly did lie repeatedly about his healthcare plan. And even when he didn't lie, he was often simply mistaken or exagerating about its benefits and capabilities. But he's gone now and so is the individual mandate. I really wish they would get rid of the Employer Mandate next.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
@25. When did you start looking for Big Black Cock online?
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
You illiterate boob, that’s British Broadcasting Company is your mind always on your fetishes. ;)
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
That joke went over my head. You have to be a genuine pervert to come up with something like that.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^ He wasn’t joking he really has a BBC fetish ;)
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Guilty as charged.
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