
If virtual reality improved substantially to the point of replicating the SC exp

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lolrunedYour Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy

This is factoring in that you're spending the same amount of money in virtual reality that you would at a physical location


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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Of course - virtual reality is just advanced video, it's still virtual

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ of course I'd still go to strip clubs

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

The long-term goal of virtual reality is to eventually break away from the massive video headgear and create a completely immersive environment (including sight, aural, tactile, and smells, etc.) so that it is indistinguishable from reality. It's a long way off, but not impossible.

The other possibility hews closer to a "Westworld" scenario, where the reality isn't virtual but fulfilled by proxy.

In either of those scenarios, I'd probably do a mix of both. Most of us would probably leap at the possibility of having a strip club experience that is tailored to our tastes. At the same time, we lose the thrill of unpredictability and potential failure.

When I'm in the mood to gamble, I'd go with the real thing. Many of us already do that now. We have our favorite club where we're a regular, but every so often we venture out to a different place just for the variety.

Avatar for Jascoi

ain’t nothin like a real live pretty girl.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

People have asked things like this many times. We do have visual porn, and that does stimulate the imagination.

I go with what an 'extras' club experienced dancer said long ago. "Don't use strip clubs for sexual gratification, that is perverted."

Of course she was talking about ejaculation services.

So my take is that strip clubs have two good uses:

  1. If you want to imbibe an aesthetic, the dolled up hotties, and the physical and emotional openness.

  2. For those few crazy enough to want outside relationships with strippers.

Notice that with neither of these uses do you need to go to strip clubs very often. You take what you have learned and re-create it in your ordinary life.


Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Not going to strip clubs often is something you have down to a science...

Avatar for skibum609

Virtual reality is to strip clubs as wearing a condom is to bareback. Its virtually the same, except for the fact that its not even close. Virtual reality is never going to create tactile. Touch is touch. Virtual reality tactile is like a veggie burger.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

For the order I am building, there will be a certain amount of visual softcore. But we are not saying, jerk off because that is all you can get.

We are saying, use this as the software, as the aesthetic, but go out and find your own girl(s).


Avatar for ppwh

This is factoring in that you're spending the same amount of money in virtual reality that you would at a physical location

If there were any question, the same amount of money part makes it a no brainer - I'm going to the SC. Even if the VR were free, I would still go to the club, though. I would likely use free/low cost VR, too, like visiting cam sites sometimes. Those OK for what they are, but there is the missing in-the-flesh human factor. In person, our hearts synchronize when things are going well, etc.

Ayo I'm tired of using technology. Why don't you sit down on top of me?


Avatar for theDirkDiggler

I'm not paying anywhere near the same money for essentially a lucid "dream" as for the "real" experience. A very vivid dream being as close to the real experience as i can think of, i'm not sure technology can replicate that. The visuals and audio maybe but any realistic taste, smell or feeling will require some level of brain manipulation that may not be possible at least in my lifetime.

Avatar for shailynn

Ever see the movies Strange Days (1995)? If virtual reality was like that then I’d probably be interested.

Avatar for ppwh

Ever see the movies Strange Days (1995)? If virtual reality was like that then I’d probably be interested.

Yeah, that was one of my favorite movies back in the day. I would be interested. In fact, I wouldn't leave the house for a week. Ok, maybe a few weeks.

After the week (or maybe a few weeks) was over, even if there were new material available with a fairly unlimited number of women, I would still want new real experiences, though.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

The only technology I'd be interested in is if they could teletransport a bitch from anywhere in the world to my house - and I'm not talking about a hologram type shit, I'm talking in the flesh.

Maybe in the future there can be hypersonic drones that can serve point-to-point where a person could be transported anywhere in the world in an hour or two.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Very good idea Papi, teleporting the girl to your house. I would certainly go for that.


Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

The continued popularity of porn (which remains purely a spectator "sport") shows that there's a market for increasingly immersive experiences.

There may be a lot of purists in here, but this is a technology that will eventually bite into the strip club market in the same way that camming has pulled some women away from stripping.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

It would take a LOT of improvement, to make the experience "comparable" to a real-world experience. Smells and touches and so forth are really seriously not well replicated by digital media yet.

Perfect virtual reality? If you mean, that virtual reality got SO thoroughly improved that I personally COULD NOT DETERMINE whether or not I was inside a real strip-club or a merely virtual strip-club, then sure, I'd forego the real for the virtual (presuming the virtual would be safer, less expensive, etc.).

Realistic improvements, not perfection? That degree of improvement to the virtual experience is probably CENTURIES away, if it's ever going to happen. Given what I suspect about virtual reality and its likely level of improvement, I can't say that it will ever make an adequate replacement for the real experience. Not because I want something "real" even after digital becomes comparable, but because I don't think digital ever WILL become comparable.

Here's another major issue. Cookies, records, downloadable tracks of your activity. In the virtual-reality strip club, your every (virtual) move is recorded for posterity. Who wants to be able to record his most PL moments for wifey to look up?

Furthermore, strip clubs are, after all, a FANTASY that replaces certain aspects of interacting with civilian women. In fact, why not just ask, "If virtual reality ever gets good enough, will we be able to replace wives with strippers?"

Avatar for twentyfive

Only if a virtual female can make me a sammich bitch;)

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I think VR would probably feel super-real in the visual-sense, I assume that may already be here - but I don't see how it would physically feel the same - hell many of us don't currently like fake-tits no-matter how well-done, I think VR tits would be as equally not-liked.

I think there's a place for it mainly in the super-visual space but I don't see it being as good as a live ho.

Avatar for chessmaster

Read the question wrong. Yes, i would prefer a real sc.

Avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory

If and when it gets to the point where my brain literally can't tell the difference between reality and virtual reality, then I would stick with virtual reality, all the way. We're probably light-years away from accomplishing this with current consumer technology. But consider the benefits of virtual pussy:

  • no annoying texts when you just don't want to be bothered;

  • no risk of STDs or pregnancy;

  • unlimited snatch at the push of a button, with lots of variety;

  • infinitely customizable;

  • over time, the cost would probably decline to the point where it's almost free, just like the price of porn.

So what's the downside? If SBs make me unlikely to spend much time with strippers or escorts ever again, imagine what virtual reality could do. That's the holy grail.

Avatar for twentyfive

^I like getting my dick wet, you guys do what you want, that just leaves more for me;)

Avatar for Hugh_G_Rection

The problem with a VR club is that we're PLs.... we need ROBs, wannadance girls, pushy shotgirls, cockblockers etc for the thrill of the chase. It don't make sense without Drama and Stripper Shit, does it?

Avatar for Topcat13

I mostly go to clubs for the dances but so I’d just stop going to irl SC if they can simulate all of the sensations of a dance.

There’s a point of clarification though. Would you be virtually interacting with a real girl or would be like an AI?

Avatar for Cashman1234

No thanks. I’ll stay with horny filthy sluts and whores. The experience is pretty excellent already.

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