What happens after the night ends? What do customers do? What do dancers do? Well customers feel free to answer i can speak for myself but not all dancers but here goes... Its a high when your working. Attention, money, booze, drugs and guys can get you in a state of confusion thats unlike anything youve seen before. But when the club closes and the lights go out your still in this state. Your what i call stripper hi. Sometimes is a legit hi other times its non drug induced. There are times i want your money and its an addiction that i almost feel i need. Other times i wanna keep partying no matter what time it is or if its appropriate. Other times i want sex. This one is dangerous because if i get into this mood its game over for me. Its a state more serious then horny its past that point. I want it on a deeper level. What is essential for all dancers to understand is that this will happen to some extent. Maybe not all of the things ive talked about but at least some of them. You'll want money, you'll be drunk or hi or you'll want sex. Its essential to curb these things or find a way to deal with them. When you develop and alter ego for dancing you cant just turn that off and go back to "normal" whatever that means. Its a process to get yourself assimilated with life after spending 8 hours or more in the strip club world.
I’ve gone through lots of periods in my club life/lives. I’d feel like a different person as I drove to a club. I’d drink and take some chemicals - and then step farther out of myself. At a certain point - it felt totally as if I was another person. That’s when it took time to come down. But I wouldn’t come down for days. So that wasn’t good.
I’m a bit more grounded now. Less drinking and chemical usage helps. So now I come down much easier - as I don’t get blown out as much.
One final note - your lips look gorgeous in your new avatar. The larger view is perfect to enjoy it!
I don't quite understand what you and others mean when you say you are "addicted" to the money. I read a post on r/confessions by a woman in a similar line of work who said she was addicted to the money. I suspect that's not quite the right word to use, but I may be wrong. I make decent money at my job, but I would not say I am addicted to the money. I would just say that I need/want the money, so I have to work.
When the night ends I often have a PL low. I get home and realize I've wasted $500 on booze and broads. And what have I gotten? Hopefully nothing that penicillin won't cure. When I'm in this down state, I resolve to stop going to strip clubs. That resolution may last as long as a week.
FTS - I see the point you are making. Maybe it would be better described as not having to plan - because money is handed to them in the clubs. They work for the money - but there are men who will hand them money for so many things - it can be a bizarre change in the real world.
When the night is over, I typically take a nice hot shower if I have the energy, count my money if I didn't already do it on the car ride home (I almost never count it at work), have a glass of wine and a blunt and catch up on a show I DVR'ed. If I'm drunk, I sometimes just pass out on my couch.
Dancing isn't what I consider a high to me, I think it's the focus / constant hustling that raises my adrenaline. An adrenaline raise is a "high," but I'm getting it from trying to do my job. Not from validation and/or having the attentiontion. It's more of any natural adrenaline raise as any other salesperson trying to make sales in a competitive, lucrative setting.
The real "high" comes when I count my money. That's when I'm happy, as long as I made decent money.
I don't really think it's a problem that dancers want money, unless they're going past their boundaries to get it. I mean, the point of dancing is to make money.
I think when dancers see how much money they make, and how much they potentially can, is when greed sets in. I think this is human nature. At least for most humans. When I started dancing I always wanted to take home at least $400 a night. Then eventually I raised the bar to $500. Found a more lucrative club and raised it to $600. So on and so forth, but all those numbers I wanted raised even more on the weekends, of course. There have been some Mondays where I'll leave with $650 or something and think, "I should've made more." (Of course, it depends on the season.) Then I feel shitty for wanting even more money and realize I should be grateful to have worked x amount of hours and made that much, so then I am happy and thankful to have that money and look forward to putting the majority of it in the bank the next day.
It really doesn’t matter what profession you work in or how much money you make. Human beings try to maintain a certain standard of living based on their level of income. For most people, if you ask them how much money would make them happy, the answer is usually something like, “more than what I have right now.”
Depends on the visit. Sometimes it's "holy shit, I can't believe that just happened" and there is much work to be done, so it takes a while to get to sleep. Sometimes there was no dancer I found attractive, so I'll hang out on a cam site and check out the Latvian cam girls that are usually online around 2am.
Nina - I appreciate your insight. A dancer needs to hustle to earn her money. It’s not like a salaried job - where you are paid regardless of your hustle. It is also variable - as dancers make good money some nights - and much less on other nights.
Your routine sounds excellent! I might need to adopt it to relax after a tough day of bank work - lol!
One of the first things I do upon getting to my car is write down some crib notes on hotel notepad (costs, dancer descriptions, etc) while my memory is still fresh for tuscl review.
Since I go for recreation, and not making a living (gotta make "x"$$ this shift, or else), I don't experience the highs and letdowns to the degree that many dancers do.
Pretty simple for me. I go home, immediately take a bath, and eat something. Maybe have a drink. Then I come on here for a bit, and/or Facebook. I might call my best friend, or read. Then sleep. But I work days, so it’s more like a normal job. I don’t feel addicted to the money. I average 550 a day, but I made 800 the only night I ever worked, in ab 4.5 hours. I still work days. Sometimes, I get burned out and take a few weeks off. I have my financial goals, and I’m happy as long as I make them.
I don't get an adrenaline rush or anything when I visit a SC. I'm excited but I know how to keep my composure. I'll usually watch some videos before/after the night is over. I always plan my visits to SCs with other things kept in mind, meaning my whole trip isn't focused around the SC visit only. I'm not a huge partier but I see the appeal of it
i hear a lot of girls in the dressing room counting money and keeping the party going and going home to fuck their man. i don't get it personally- all i wanna do at the end of the night is put on comfy pants and stuff my face. i do have trouble sleeping so sometimes illl take a bennydryl to help wind down from all the redbull and loud noises and bright lights and dancing.
i don't really get a strip club high now. i remember that i did when i was 19 and brand new, working at a crazy dive full of drama and the money was new to me. weird cuz back then i stayed 100% sober but the money and atmosphere was intoxicating to me. i was naive and didn't realize how bad this club was but girls were on drugs, crazy fights, girls eating each other out on stage and in the VIP rooms. i was so excited to be a part of this wacky lifestyle and $400 was like SO COOL to me at the time, it felt like i was in a movie or something. now you couldn't pay me enough to set foot in a COI club.
these days it's just work to me. unless i'm traveling- that's part of why i do it. being in a new place is always exciting and gives me a high. counting money is fun but it doesn't really give me a high since i know a lot of it just goes to bills. $400 is a lot more exciting when you still live with your parents.
As others mentioned, dancers and custies are at the club for different reasons - custies are there to relax and have fun, dancers are there to work/hustle and instead of relaxing at the SC they often have to pump themselves up throughout the night and kinda maintain a level of intensity vs th custies that usually just sit back
I don’t club nearly as often as I’d like, and I normally stay til closing, and on walk back to car I’m almost always wishing I had More Time, More Money and More Mileage
Sometimes when I take my ATF or my side piece (don't know what to call her now because we dont have a play for play set up) home and we either spend the night at her place or the hotel this is what she usually does:
*no music on the ride home. She said she needs to wine down & shes tired of listening to music *Eat at waffle house if we didnt eat before the kitchen close. *no sex most of the time lol... shes usually tired & she will watch Netflix for sometimes like fucking 2hrs. Said it helps wine her down.
@Rick you’re are using “wine down”, instead of “wind down”. He’s yanking your chain “prolly” but you can “axe” him to be sure. Do it nicely though, so you don’t get ‘band”
I always suffer withdrawal when I leave a club, knowing that I could have spent a whole lot more money for an incrementally better time. It's sort of like taking the heroin needle out of your arm when there's still 20% more product available. Ultimately I feel better about myself and proud that I stuck to my Strip Club Plan and am happy to still have money for my next visit but man that withdrawal is killer.
Well I wish I could have long deep answer like the rest of the ladies in here, but really, the only thing I do after my shift ends is go home, feed the cats, throw myself on the bed and pass the fuck out. I can't be bothered to do anything extra before sleeping after a long work night - not even pouring a bowl of cereal.
I didn't know dancers go through that. Since dancers strip for money I can see why after a while doing it over and over again they would need a drink to keep that spiritedness at a high point. It takes a lot to try to be friendly to men you don't know especially ones that can be jerks along with dealing with other dancers who may become jealous if you are making more than them. Like any job that can work your nerves. As customer I know I "try" to put limits on spending and also not get caught up with friendly attention getting from dancers since that is pretty much their job. Sometimes strip clubs bring out a different character in a person whether more wild side if you are tame on the outside world or the reverse. Its almost like a hideaway in that this is a arena where you can create a illusion about yourself for a few hours before getting back into reality
We had one in Portland who said that she fucked herself with a dildo each night after she got home.
We have had some in our local no touching clubs who have gone into lots of DFKing, seeming to want an immediate OTC.
For me during those years it was always DIY while the wife was in another room. Sad life.
Some who ran our underground Mexican Bar table dancing circuit said that it was important to give the guys a cool down time before they are forced out into the parking lot. So they made sure their last show ended at midnight, so that they would have time before the club starting closing up at 1:30am.
In things I am working to build for the future, you'll usually be able to bed down with a girl and continue pumping more loads into her throughout the night.
"For me during those years it was always DIY while the wife was in another room. Sad life."
Your wall of privacy blows.
"In things I am working to build for the future, you'll usually be able to bed down with a girl and continue pumping more loads into her throughout the night."
Is that before or after we make the 'emotional connection' that you keep going on about?
Thanks for posting this insightful topic.. I can see how this would come into play. I also appreciated the comments on how it changes for some based on the years working.
"I usually go on night shift, so after the club I go home, get something to eat, then go to bed."
Except that sometimes dancers go with him in his car to administer his 'dance' to him in a parking lot somewhere. And then sometimes dancers call him up so they can come over and interfere with his sleep by fucking his brains out.
last commentI’m a bit more grounded now. Less drinking and chemical usage helps. So now I come down much easier - as I don’t get blown out as much.
One final note - your lips look gorgeous in your new avatar. The larger view is perfect to enjoy it!
Dancing isn't what I consider a high to me, I think it's the focus / constant hustling that raises my adrenaline. An adrenaline raise is a "high," but I'm getting it from trying to do my job. Not from validation and/or having the attentiontion. It's more of any natural adrenaline raise as any other salesperson trying to make sales in a competitive, lucrative setting.
The real "high" comes when I count my money. That's when I'm happy, as long as I made decent money.
I don't really think it's a problem that dancers want money, unless they're going past their boundaries to get it. I mean, the point of dancing is to make money.
I think when dancers see how much money they make, and how much they potentially can, is when greed sets in. I think this is human nature. At least for most humans. When I started dancing I always wanted to take home at least $400 a night. Then eventually I raised the bar to $500. Found a more lucrative club and raised it to $600. So on and so forth, but all those numbers I wanted raised even more on the weekends, of course. There have been some Mondays where I'll leave with $650 or something and think, "I should've made more." (Of course, it depends on the season.) Then I feel shitty for wanting even more money and realize I should be grateful to have worked x amount of hours and made that much, so then I am happy and thankful to have that money and look forward to putting the majority of it in the bank the next day.
Your routine sounds excellent! I might need to adopt it to relax after a tough day of bank work - lol!
Since I go for recreation, and not making a living (gotta make "x"$$ this shift, or else), I don't experience the highs and letdowns to the degree that many dancers do.
From my end of things, I’m honestly usually at a low after leaving the club really questioning whether is was worth it.
i don't really get a strip club high now. i remember that i did when i was 19 and brand new, working at a crazy dive full of drama and the money was new to me. weird cuz back then i stayed 100% sober but the money and atmosphere was intoxicating to me. i was naive and didn't realize how bad this club was but girls were on drugs, crazy fights, girls eating each other out on stage and in the VIP rooms. i was so excited to be a part of this wacky lifestyle and $400 was like SO COOL to me at the time, it felt like i was in a movie or something. now you couldn't pay me enough to set foot in a COI club.
these days it's just work to me. unless i'm traveling- that's part of why i do it. being in a new place is always exciting and gives me a high. counting money is fun but it doesn't really give me a high since i know a lot of it just goes to bills. $400 is a lot more exciting when you still live with your parents.
*no music on the ride home. She said she needs to wine down & shes tired of listening to music
*Eat at waffle house if we didnt eat before the kitchen close.
*no sex most of the time lol... shes usually tired & she will watch Netflix for sometimes like fucking 2hrs. Said it helps wine her down.
@Cashman dont really follow your comment
We have had some in our local no touching clubs who have gone into lots of DFKing, seeming to want an immediate OTC.
For me during those years it was always DIY while the wife was in another room. Sad life.
Some who ran our underground Mexican Bar table dancing circuit said that it was important to give the guys a cool down time before they are forced out into the parking lot. So they made sure their last show ended at midnight, so that they would have time before the club starting closing up at 1:30am.
In things I am working to build for the future, you'll usually be able to bed down with a girl and continue pumping more loads into her throughout the night.
Led Zeppelin II, awesome
Your wall of privacy blows.
"In things I am working to build for the future, you'll usually be able to bed down with a girl and continue pumping more loads into her throughout the night."
Is that before or after we make the 'emotional connection' that you keep going on about?
Such a romantic....
"I usually go on night shift, so after the club I go home, get something to eat, then go to bed."
Except that sometimes dancers go with him in his car to administer his 'dance' to him in a parking lot somewhere. And then sometimes dancers call him up so they can come over and interfere with his sleep by fucking his brains out.
Otherwise its just like he posted.
:) :) :)