Would you ever open up your own SC?

Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
Which part of the country would it be located? Would it be in a suburban or urban location? Upscale, midscale, or lowscale? How large would your private parking be (or would we have to use public parking)? What other services would be available (full kitchen, cigars, etc)? You can also factor in whether you would be making good profit or just barely getting by
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Hell no.
No. I once thought I wanted to own a strip club just for the fringe benefits. But I came to the realization that all the hassles with the cops, politicians, gangsters, and crazy strippers would ruin the whole experience.
Good luck to you.
Good luck to you. I’d rather go to the dentist.
You have to be a stubborn, single minded, son of a bitch to open a strip club. The neighbors don't want you. The surrounding businesses don't want you. The cops don't want you. The politicians don't want you. If you ever do get open, you have a bunch of whiny, high maintenance dancers to manage. No, thank you.
Ok. One of my sisters and I used to talk about this, years ago.
I'd open a decently sized club. Sure I'd get approved for loans, but if the club fails, my money gets flushed down the toilet so let's say I have the financial means to splurge on a club.
First, I would be in charge of the design and decor, both exterior and interior. I'd also hire the first group of girls who will start out at the opening. I'd partner with an agency to bring girls in, but I would also tell the agency not to bring ugly skanks.
Mostly thin, with a decent amount of thick girls for different customers' pleasure. Multiracial. More white girls, but a fair amount of blacks, Latinas, etc.
I'd have midscale rules even though the aesthetic will look upscale. I'll encourage girls to look expensive but not mandate rules that make them all dress the same. I'll have a housemom who brings in awesome outfits for the girls to purchase. I actually already have someone in mind. She is a seamstress and designer and stripped with my mom back in the day, then became a housemom and sold stripper outfits.
I'd employ people who are eligible for the job title, including family. I have lots of family with managerial experience, accounting, etc. I have plenty of family members who can be bouncers. They would all be paid well.
My private parking would be adequate to fit the club's capacity.
I'd like to have a kitchen, but idk any five star chefs and the added cost of that. I would definitely have cigars, maybe even a designated cigar room or area so other people at the club don't have to sit next to smokers.
A ton of those questions would be answered based on locations and zoning laws
I think any business based on alcohol is something of the past. Tolerance for intoxicated drivers and drinking become less everyday.
I feel that because of tough zoning laws, hard to open new clubs.
So I say that the growth area is membership no alcohol. Most regs no longer apply, harder for LE to crack, harder for LE to get adequate political mandate to invest the resources to bust it.
Costs are lower because space is smaller, no alcohol license, little or no insurance, less staff. Membership clubs need very little security.
But proceeds lower because less people know about it and less people willing to pay the high entrance fee, like maybe $100, and then plus what you pay the girl.
So drawing from Swingers Clubs model, and trying to combine the high slut wear and dolling up standard from Strip Clubs, with the maximal front room friendliness, full makeout session, then with the longer time and better back room experience found in AMPs.
Harder for LE to crack, lower overhead costs, no money obtained from the women, except for an entrace fee. So they are more like customers, not contractors or employees.
But not conducive to drop in customers or small spenders because of membership req and high entrance charge. Less people know about it.
Also women will tend to be seeing guys outside more.
Yep. For the fringe benefits. I'd hire a competent manager for the Bullshit.
^^^^^^ :) :) :)
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I've had the fleeting thought of it, for the fringe benefits and amazing views, but that dissipated quickly. The novelty would wear off quickly I presume. Most of the long term managers and bouncers I see appear ambivalent to the whole scene.
I would never open a strip club, but I would buy an existing strip club. Since no bank in its right mind would give someone with no experience a loan to buy a business like this, I would have to invest my own capital. To mitigate risk I would need 5 to 10 other investors, and I would shoot for a club that costs less than $2 million. Let's say we each invest between $100,000 and 200,000, and we buy a mid-scale club. Hopefully at least one of the investors has done this before and knows his ass from a hole in the wall, because I certainly don't. You're not going to get rich from buying a $2 million club and splitting the profits with 10 other people, but I would consider this first club to just be practice. The goal is to eventually buy more.
I wouldn't buy a club that didn't have private parking, so it would probably have to be something suburban, or perhaps something in an urban area with less population density than, say, NY or Philly. If it doesn't have at least a 30-car parking lot, I wouldn't be interested. No kitchen (too many headaches to deal with), but booze and cigars are fine as long as that's what the area calls for. For example, in the New Jersey suburbs, you can't have both alcohol and nudity. The clubs here that serve alcohol often aren't doing too well. But the nude clubs seem to be doing fine. So I would rather have a dry club that has nudity.
if i was rich i’d consider it. nude in california. no booze. and as strip fighter says... “Yep. For the fringe benefits. I'd hire a competent manager for the Bullshit.”
I caution anyone against turning something they love into a job. The nice thing about being a customer is that you can leave when you feel like. As the owner?...not so much.
Investor / silent partner? ...maybe. Case-by-case basis.
Only way I would is if I had so much $$$ that I could afford to lose the investment and would be doing it mainly to see/try if I could create a good/great club
I would rather just have enough money so that I could spend like 10 - 20 k a month at a club. Be the best customer ever. Get friendly with everyone. They all cater to me.
I think that would be possible after like 25 million. Not adjusting for inflation.
I mean after 25 million XD
I used to think I could open one, but after joining this site and learningof life in an sc, there's no way I would ever do it.
no way. it's a dying industry in the areas I frequent, not to mention dancers suing your club for their golden parachute.
I knew a guy that owned several clubs. He dated several dancers who thought he had tons of money. He offered a friend and I an opportunity to invest in the clubs. He played up the chance to date the girls.
We both passed. Being a minority owner of a cash business like this is a poor option. He eventually got in huge trouble with the IRS, so it was the right call to pass on the business.
Membership Club model is best as I see it. Very different from a conventional bar or strip club.