
Is this rude at some level?

layin low but staying high
Wednesday, May 23, 2018 10:13 PM
I’m at the tip rail and have been through several stage sets. I tip just a couple of bucks to each girl cause they are just not very hot. Then a genuinely ugly woman takes the stage. The thought of her nude turns me off. So I get up and go to a table just as she takes the stage. Is this rude? I do feel bad for her as I’m walking away. If must be disheartening to a woman for men to reject the chance at seeing them nude. But I don’t want to see her, I don’t want to tip her, and I’m the customer.


  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    No. It’s not rude. Sitting there and refusing to tip her would have been rude. And yelling “good god! Please don’t take that off right in front of my face!” Would also be rude. I think you took the polite route.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    I agree that you should tip for what you want to tip. It just so happens that sitting up by the stage means you pretty much have to tip every dancer. Only thing that solves this is by getting up and walking away. I can say I may have done this a couple times but then again, I rarely sit by the stage. I usually just look elsewhere if I am uninterested in the stage set but do not get up from my seat to completely avoid tipping. I would say it is rude to some degree
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    You are also letting the dancer know that she isn't worthy of being tipped. His/her value in terms of dancing comes from how much money he/she is making. When you take that approach, you can see why this wouldn't be considered rude
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Not rude at all IMO. For one it let's her know that she's not your type so don't bother asking you for a dance once she finishes on stage. Two, like the others said, it's your money, why waste it on a girl you're not really interested in. I move from stage side to away from the stage multiple times per visit. It's funny when a hot girl gets on stage. Almost simultaneously everyone pulls up a chair with their dollar bills out and ready.
  • clubdude
    6 years ago
    Can't see it being rude at all. Our money, so our rules.
  • bang69
    6 years ago
    It's our choice if we want to tip. And how much we tip.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Not rude. If you had returned to the rail as she was stepping off the stage probably would have been obvious and mean.
  • RTP
    6 years ago
    John, strip clubs are not a charity. She has to realize she will not be everyone's type, maybe not many people's type. But, as we have found on here, we have different tastes and she may find someone who is. Also, based on what I read earlier this week, she should be working harder than the prettier girls.
  • grand1511
    6 years ago
    Doing this sometimes I'll get up and go to the restroom to make it not look so obvious.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I don’t think it’s rude when done as you describe it. You moved away as you didn’t intend to tip her for her stage performance. That’s basically all the dancer might notice. She doesn’t know that you moved away because you found her to be ugly. Your reasoning isn’t known to the dancer - or the rest of the club - so it shouldn’t be perceived as rude. In my case - those are the dancers I pull up a chair for. I get nice and close - to see what falls out of their g string when it comes off! I’ll put some folded singles on stage and see if she can pick them up with her pussy lips...
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Maybe a little rude. I have done this occasionally (very occasionally because I don’t often sit st the stage), but what’s the alternative? Tip for a service you don’t want? Or worse yet, give her the impression that you like her, and she finds you after her set and clock blocks you. I’d rather be rude.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    I've been told it's rude but I don't personally think it is. I don't usually sit at the stage either, but at some places I do. I've done what you describe multiple times. I've taken it one step further in that I've returned after that girl or two in the rotation; usually because that next girl was particularly hot. For me, its usually about personal preference. Its not so much that the girl on stage is ugly, although that does happen, its usually more that she's just not my type. Also, some clubs have a rule against approaching customers at the stage. So its not about being unwilling to give the girl on stage a couple bucks, its about giving the other girls a chance to come over and pitch me. If its rude, oh well. I'm gonna keep doing it.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Cock block, not clock block (obviously).
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    I don't even go up to the stage unless the girl is attractive and I'm looking for some action...and then I usually tip them a 5 at least...I don't like singles....depending on my budget I might giver her 5, 10 or 20.....sorry guys I spoil them...haha
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Not rude.
  • WillMunny
    6 years ago
    Agree that it isn't rude, but this is why most experienced PLs choose not to sit stageside to begin with.
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    Rude. If I'm on the tip rail I'm tipping. I'll toss a buck for the dancer when I jump off regardless of looks.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    To me as long as you get up and leave before she starts her set then it is not rude and your prerogative to tip or not. Now that said, I have found that tipping a buck or two every now and then for a dancer getting on stage and putting in effort is a good investment if you are a regular. Even though I don't care to do any more "business" with them other than enjoy a little bit of their stage performance, those dancers treat me well and are friendly and helpful anytime I come in. I've built good rapports this way and have had the same dancers do favors for me like tell my ATF DS or CF that I'm there waiting or invite me to smoke weed with them.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Rude or not, I've done the same thing and walked away when a gross dancer came up.
  • Lofn
    6 years ago
    Walking away is not as rude as sitting there and not tipping. Or pointedly ignoring her. Dancers have pretty thick skin, so I doubt you offended her. She may not have noticed at all.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    ^ I agree with the notion that it's better to walk away then just sit there and not tip. I do not agree with the notion that dancers have thick skin. I guess it depends on where you go but from my experience, a lot of them seem insecure and easily offended
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    It *is* a bit awkward and kinda dissing her having been at the rail tipping other girls then leaving as soon as she gets on. I can't say it's "wrong" and that as a custy one is not in their right, and I've done it myself also. I guess a good compromise would be to tip her as you did the other girls then get up and leave the rail as to not make it look like you're leaving b/c of her - again nothing wrong w/ just leaving as soon as she gets on but maybe a way to do it differently - I don't think she would necessarily see-it as you being interested in her since tipping every girl while rail/stage-side is kinda the accepted norm.
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    I like sitting at the rail. Ive had dancers mention that I was two or three dollars a song but only gave them one. SS I know but it shows they keep a close eye on what's being tipped. I believe they would be aware of such a diss.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    ^ I picked up on my first day how dancers, at least from my experience, look at what is being tipped at the stage. They'll actually take a second to look down and count the cash. I think it's incredibly rude when they suggest you need to tip more than what you tipped. This is rare for me but I am sure it is the norm for other patrons
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    not rude.. I agree w bj- if a guy isn’t into me I’d rather him move away than just sit there staring at me in disgust and refusing to make eye contact or tip. guys leave when I go up sometimes.. that’s their prerogative. no one HAS to tip just like girls down own certain customers or songs.. that’s bs
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The way I've done it is what I feel is most polite. Wait until the girl starts her set, and then let it be like she is drawing you to the stage, but don't go too soon. Then keep feeding her money until the end. Usually you can say a few words to her as she comes to collect her tips. But then once she has done this, get up from your seat and go back to your table, before the next girl comes onto the stage. You don't really want to be sitting at the stage when a girl first comes onto it. And you don't want to be departing from the stage when a girl is on it. This is also another reason I like the slower day shifts, not problem about the dual seating positions, stage and table. SJG
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