Race and strippers

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Finished writing my law review article about policies related to race the undergrad version of the journal so i wanted to ask how the negative effects of racism are imposed on strippers (not customers), and if you had any specific examples seeing such instances occur.. Thx


last comment
The concept of "racism" doesn't really apply when you are talking about sexual attraction.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
I’ll need some properly placed commas, first. Wait..Taxi? Is that you?!
I know that black women make less money as sex workers than women of other ethnic backgrounds on average. But I can only speak from my perspective as a customer:

1) I don't like black women because I don't like the hair or the nose. They usually have great bodies though. So in my case, it's not racial prejudice, it's just physical.

2) I also don't like foreign women, as a general rule, because I like to talk, and their accents tend to get in the way. Western European and Australian women are the exceptions because either English is their first language, or they speak English so flawlessly that they have no accent to speak of.

3) Are you a troll or not? I can't tell.
Again this is for my own curiosity..just interesting to see how female sexuality is commodified in what appears to be an underground narket to an extent..instead of going out on saturday i stayed in to watch documentaries about sex trafficking lolol
Lots of people on this site express racist attitudes about minority strippers.

Im not a troll. Why difference does my response make if you have to ask to begin with :/. Also i dont think it is racist if you arent attracted to a particular cohort of women, but it would be racist to justify your lack of attraction by merely perceiving their natural hair to be dirty or just "not professional looking," both of which would be ignorance at its finest(not saying you are one of those people at all). I made post bc racism can occur by customers wanting to offer less money to AA just bc she is AA than a white dancer for the same dance.i read an article talking about her experience where she heard a customer explicitly mention this.
What kind of attitudes and for which races, please? I could be wrong but it seems the way latin dancera are talked about, latinas are too eroticized on the basis of race which is disgusting as fuck. While latin women themselves pereptuate the hype around their own race for enhanced financial benefits in return, it is still equally as nasty to hear older men of all different sorts of races to eroticize a latina just bc she is a latina. This is why i walk away from men who call ne exotic if it is just on the basis of what they perceive to be race/dark etes etc(it often is) as opposed to having an objectively unique appearance not characterized by color.
Its all racial stereotypes, worst against AA, but also against Latina's, and then also just against poor people in general. Amongst Republicans, such attitude are pretty standard.

What it is really based on is just the Patriarch project of having a double standard and of dividing women into two categories.


If the patriarchy is real, why is it illegal for a man to rape his wife? And why are women allowed to own property without a man's consent?
These are actually fairly recent improvements.

But most of the regular posters on this site routinely denigrate the women they engage in sex acts with. The patriarchy is real because it still holds up a double standard. Men are honored for sexual experience, where as women are dishonored and disrespected for the same.

Dear san jose guy,

I will.say again that some women who arent disadvantaged (jlo, etc) are equally responsible for upholding patriarchy and perpetuating racial.stereotypes. women like her, beyonce, and others in the media industry frequently use the "eroticized latina/big booty black girl" stereotype to appear more sensual and earn more money. Women also this in the dating world. So women themselves should be equally held accountable.however this does not excuse men from their actions.

Also , are the stereotypes/is the racism.different for latinas vs aa? If so, could u xplain how? Thx
^ " So in my case, it's not racial prejudice,..."


Those words have never been uttered by a racist. Let me guess, you
^ " So in my case, it's not racial prejudice,..."


Those words have never been uttered by a racist. Let me guess, you
^ " So in my case, it's not racial prejudice,..."


Those words have never been uttered by a racist.
Let me guess, you can't be racist because you have a black friend?
"upholding patriarchy"


But perpetuating racial sterotypes no, that is unfair. You are just saying that someone who comes across as Black or Latina, is doing something wrong.

This is completely unfair.

I am definitely a racist. Before I die, I plan on having sex with strippers of every race that exist.
Jeezaloo, the trolls are having a fucking convention !
Warrior15 +10

And I hold exactly the same sentiments.

It is definitely perpetuating racial stereotypes if they use the stereotypes to define their identities in the industry, which they do. If not them, a lot of aa , black, or middle eastern(im even admitting my own race) women in the dating world sell themselves as erotic to men just bc of race .its wrong.instead of perpetuating stereotypes, such women should refrain from defining their sexuality on the basis of race to men.
I don't equate having a preference for dancer type (e.g, latinas, big booty AA girls, skinny white chicks, etc) as being racist.


I don't know, maybe I am a racist. But if there's a black woman out there who has a white nose-job and "good hair" (to use Chris Rock's terminology), while still having a black woman's curves, I would totally fuck her. For example, I would fuck the shit right out of Nicki Minaj
$100 this is a Juice troll with his fat fingers misspelling all over the place.
I’m totally racist, too! I hate all races....

Especially marathons, they’re the worst!
^lol. A troll, yes. Juice? I doubt it.
I would say that racial preference in regards to raw attraction in the strip club is likely identical to that of the vanilla dating world:

However outside of raw attraction it does seem that there are some tropes as far as dancer personality and attitudes. Cuban and black girls seem to both have a particular reputations.
Again, the concept of "racism" doesn't really apply when you are talking about sexual attraction. Attraction is personal and biological, not a product of racism, patriarchy, stereotyping or any other dreamed up nonsense. Strip clubs are just collective extensions of this, where men patronize the particular clubs that best meet their desires. This is really not rocket science.

What's next, are we going to start calling homosexual men "sexist" because they prefer to have sex with other men?
Not going to address how attraction can be racist(unattraction towards some races not always racist but it CAN be and some of yall are ignoring that), ive already addressed opposing arguments to this smh.
And the racism i was.asking about in the beginning wasnt about attraction but rather 4 instance if yall have seen/know of guys wanting to pay minority girls for same services not bc they know they will take it which might justify paying less , but rather on basis that they are perceived as inherently worth less, or something similar to.this form or racism. Ive just heard about it thats all.
Everybody's racist in one form or another. The extent and situation may differ, based on multiple factors.
^ Nicole, first and foremost, in this business, guys pay for what attracts them. The more attractive he finds a girl, the more he is generally willing to pay for yxz. So again, we are back to attraction as the primary driver of the economics of the business, which is not racist per se.

Now with that said, I may settle for a girl who I find slightly less attractive if the economics work, but that is also not racist per se. In all candor, I'm not as attracted to most black girls, so the reality is that I generally won't pay top dollar for xyz with one, though a Halle Berry look-a-like might own my wallet. But that approach is not limited to black girls and it is attraction driving the car.

The reality is that if any person or group is earning less on the whole in a strip club, there is only one reason for it, which is that not as many guys are attracted to them. Period. And again, contrary to your pre-disposed beliefs, this is not a product of social programming, but rather of biology. The fallacy in your approach is the notion that you can separate out the concepts of attraction and economic choices in a club and examine them separately, but you can't. They are inextricably linked.
Fucking Rick Dugan and SJG having an in depth conversation with a troll. Great.

Are all you guys fucking retarded????

This troll is making fun of Nina.
If I didn’t have first hand experience with the crap factory that is the modern American university, I’d be certain this is a troll. Sadly, it’s 50/50 this is real.
^I'm responding to the concepts, not the troll per se. This stuff continues to rear its head in clubs and on discussion boards, so it is topical.
What.do univerisities have to do with making me seem more real to you.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
^ You come off as insipid and uneducated, so common logic is that you are lying about being in college. It’s slightly easier to believe you are real, knowing how inadequate your college education may be.
WTF bj99!!!! In law school they don’t teach punctuation until the 3rd year! Cut her some slack!
^Professor shailynn, teaches a night school class called "Spelling and Punctuation for Trolls"
So much i could respond to this but the effort will b of no use. Thx 4 putting on a show 4 me
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Oh shit, we’ve really messed up this time. That’s basic for rage quitting! :( She won’t be picking her phone up again until she needs a snap chat filter.. so yeah, she’s prolly reading this. ;P
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
I have heard from more than one white girl stripper who went to work at a club where management was trying to broaden the appeal from "urban" to more mainstream/mixed. The AA customers would reportedly tell them they were white, so they had to be racist, make fun of their lack of booty, etc.

> Women also this in the dating world.

I have heard that all's fair in love and war. If she sees a guy who needs to be the father of her child, I would hope she would use all of her wiles to her advantage. A 3 month sabbatical to ask what everyone on the internet might think about her using her booty to her advantage could totally fuck that up.
SJG is fucking moron is what I take away from this. Then again the front room make out bullshit should have already alerted me to this fact. A couple of ridiculous statements here with the first being that Latina is a race, when it is not. In case the original poster hasn't noticed people from South and Central America come in a rainbow of colors. Further, I have never seen or heard of any "latina" being eroticized for the race, which isn't a race. Around here Brazilian women are held in high erotic esteem, although personally I don't see why. There will always be racism. Ask any Korean in Los Angeles about racism. The other day, while exchanging lists of our five current favorites in the club someone pointed out to me that I "prefer women who aren't white". Of course I asked why and it was pointed out to me that among my five favorites their ethnic backgrounds were dominican; puerto Rican; haitian; Japanese (bi-racial) and chinese (bi-racial). My retort was simply they were all spinners with beautiful faces. Lastly, I don't get the hair thing when guys post it about black women. Mt atf has literally had about 150 different hair styles in the past 12+ years and I cannot see how anyone could hate them all. I'm still a republican SJG, mainly because of fuckwads like you.
Skibum nailed it. Also, before using the words racist or racism, one should consider the definition.

I’ve sat at a piano many times. I must be a pianist.
^^ I concur about SJG. Discussing race relations with its political spin is SJG’s equivalency to us PLs getting an otc offer from the hottest dancer in a 7 up factory.
I’m hoping you use punctuation if you actually write for a law journal. I seriously doubt you are a college student.

I’ve seen poor grammar exhibited in the writing skills of well educated women, but your posts are quite poorly written. I have hoped your grammar and intellect would improve, but it’s actually declined.

To answer your query - I’m attracted to women of all ethnicities and races. I don’t think it’s appropriate to limit my experiences by using race/ethnicity to exclude any women. By following my attraction - I’ve had many wonderful experiences.

With respect to the sexualization of Latin women, I think you are mistaken in your dislike (of the practice). You must understand that you are posting in a strip club forum (not a collegiate law journal). By exploiting the stereotype - Latina dancers are attempting to attract more customers - and increase their club earnings. These Latina dancers may be much less sexual outside of the club. The point is - it’s a sales technique - and it may work in attracting customers (in the fantasy of the strip club).

With a woman like J-Lo - she’s seen more as a star than an ethnicity - so seeing her as a sexualized latina is your bias (not mine). I see her as one of the world’s most beautiful women, and a very talented performer.

Some stars attempt to exploit stereotypes in an attempt to increase their appeal to a specific audience. It can be a marketing tactic. It may be done by a record company, and it can fail miserably.
As far as I know there is no such thing as an undergraduate law review article anywhere in America. The way Law Review works, or at least worked when I was in Law School is that the top 10% of the first year class is invited to submit an article on any one of a number of questions. The article has to be supported with citations to actual statutes and case law. Then only the best and the brightest (I was invited to submit one; did and was culled) are offered a position. A superior, well researched Law Review article is often cited by the Courts in judicial decisions. The idea that a college version of this exists seems patently ridiculous to me.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Texas undergraduate law review:

^ I’m sure her reply will be entertaining!

She might attend a law school that is a bit different.
The Georgetown University Undergraduate Law Review

avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
TULR Monthly is the newest edition to the family of TexasULR publications featuring the writing and research of undergraduate students around the state of Texas.

"Each month, students submit their work for publication based on any one of the literally thousands of contemporary legal issues facing our generation.

As a month-to-month publication, TULR Monthly allows students the opportunity to submit their work for publication within days of major events, court rulings, and laws being passed."
The George Washington University Undergraduate Law Review

avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
"As far as I know there is no such thing as an undergraduate law review article anywhere in America. "
Showing your age there @SkiBum?
^Hopefully his legal advice is more up to date, lol
Just what the world needs, another lawyer(
avatar for Jasdoit
7 years ago
Ok, from my observation, I feel black women make more off their stage show at a black club than a white club. Black clubs have patrons that like to “make it rain”. It happens at white clubs but very prevalent at black clubs.

So a black woman in a black club will make more off that stage show than a white woman at a white club.

That being said, I’ve seen black women have a harder time at white clubs if she is one or two WOC there. White women or light skinned women at black clubs get more attention. Not all the attention but more that they would at a white club.
a beautiful sexy woman is my preferred type. race doesn’t matter.
Seriously? You don't like them ugly and prudish?

Fucking weirdo!
Nicole, strip clubs cultivate interracial sexual desire. So a girl has got to come across as sexualized and teasing. If she did not do that, we would be disappointed. So I don't see anything wrong in what the dancers are doing.

It is not my bias.no point in aruging about the over jlo as an over sexualized latina, i am not the only one who has claimed this, and youre just going to argue against this very fucking obvious notion. Secondly, is damn funny how y'all unsuccessfully attempt to derail my "intellect" when , even after having made claims more than once, only one or two of you seem to be able tp comprehend what i say. For ex, @san jose guy, never did i imply nor explicitly state that women in strip clubs should refrain from sexualizing themselves.this is because not only is that their job duty, but often are compelled to do so due to economic disadvatages.i said that it was the respoinsibilty of economically able women(jlo,& many others as well as other media sources) to ward off rather than continue to pereptuate the sexualization of their ethnicities,since they have the freedom to do so as given by their economic status.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Did SJG finally managed to “derail someone’s ‘intellect.’”? Hilarious.
"The idea that a college version of this exists seems patently ridiculous to me."

All pre-law programs seem patently ridiculous to me. It's bad enough that they make most lawyers go through three years of post-grad nonsense, all for a profession that used to be learned on the job. But now they want to snare them as undergrads, too. I believe that most aspiring lawyers would be much better served by majoring in economics or by double-majoring in, say, accounting and history or political science. A single Business Law undergrad course should suffice, imho. But then again, I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not invested in trying to protect this profession from competition.
So Nicole1994, what do you want, what's your problem?

If you worked in a strip club and talked like you post here, I don't think anyone would put up with you.

You are still welcome to post here, but I don't get anything you are trying to say. If female, then you are either a strip club dancer or a strip club customer. We have had some who are considering becoming dancers.

A high percentage of TUSCL's regular posters are racists.

This you might find interesting:


avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
"but I don't get anything you are trying to say."

That's what everyone says about you, creep.
^^^^ Has the sun set now in Ohio, so is that why you have crawled out of your hole?

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