
What’s with all the lame brief reviews.

The moderators need to step up their game.

I stopped in, the girls were pretty, the one beer was cold. I was too broke for any dances. Don’t know about the VIP or mileage. Then I left. I will come back though.


  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Yeah - I assume it's mostly people writing reviews mainly to get the free VIP and don't really want nor care to write a review in the first-place.

    Others don't seem to understand, or care, that a review is not about you, it's about the reader(s) - too-many reviews are e.g. "I met Alexis, a sexy brunette, and had a good-time ..." but don't give any other details about the club nor the other dancers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Part of the problem w/ the publishing of reviews that many that write crappy reviews than somehow get accepted then get to vote on other reviews - I think it onl takes 3 yes votes to publish a review and there can easily be 3-morons out there to vote yes.

    With time, hopefully those that write crappy reviews won't get published and thus won't get VIP so they can't vote themselves (the publishing/voting of reviews is recent and w/ time hopefully the duds will be weeded out).
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    Good points. I have noticed lots of short lame reviews that clearly were for VIP purposes only.
    The best reviews provide copious details and make a compelling argument of why you should or should not visit the establishment.
  • hoarker
    6 years ago
    I recall when I submitted my first review. It was quite lengthy, but was missing 1 or 2 key categories. So it was rejected. Appropriately so. The bar seems to have been lowered.
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    I rejected two reviews today that were short with lack of details or looked like a club ad. They have not been published as of this time. I hope they don't.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    "I think it only takes 3 yes votes to publish a review and there can easily be 3-morons out there to vote yes."

    It's why I think a review stay up for 12 hours and only get posted if it has a 60% positive vote rate.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @Liwet - That would mean we would have a veritable mountain of reviews. Already there are a lot, adding more would mean less people would do them. If you have too many I know personally I wouldn't have the time to make it through the list and making it to the end gives a sense of satisfaction.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    It used to be reviews only got published once or twice a day; and sometimes not till the next-day - I don't think waiting a few-hours or a day for reviews to post is too-big a deterrent to writing reviews especially if one is told ahead of time how long it may take - plus reviews get submitted around the clock so reviews will be going in and out of the Unpublished-list at different times; and once you vote on a review you no longer see-it even if it's still in the unpublished-list.
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    I rejected 3-4 today that were maybe 3 sentences each. Terrible.
  • hoarker
    6 years ago
    Good job Spencer.

    I don’t care how many reviews get published per day, as long as they provide thorough intel.
  • hoarker
    6 years ago
    FYI. I was in Houston on business for a month. Thanks to the complete reviews on TUSCL, I was able to target two clubs near my hotel. I must have visited each club at least 10 times.

    My thanks thanks to all you good reviewers.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I hope my club ads (opps... i mean reviews) are ok. I'm certain they could be better. always room for improvement. another reason that an edit function would be nice.
  • ndnman
    6 years ago
    I've been reviewing since 2012 and have never had a review not published. Furthermore what's the deal with certain members getting to accept/reject potential reviews? Not that i want to do that, just wondering.
  • ndnman
    6 years ago
    I've been reviewing since 2012 and have never had a review not published. Furthermore what's the deal with certain members getting to accept/reject potential reviews? Not that i want to do that, just wondering.
  • ndnman
    6 years ago
    I've been reviewing since 2012 and have never had a review not published. Furthermore what's the deal with certain members getting to accept/reject potential reviews? Not that i want to do that, just wondering.
  • Pyroxl
    6 years ago
    Sounds like a template with instructions and word count checker could help with the filtering.
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