Bogus #
Livin my inner redneck
The test on the PL scale is when you get a number from a cute girl on your first visit and you get home to check veracity and it comes up as a Korean sounding name. Nope, she wasn't Korean ;) Your mind tells you that you should go back, that you must have miss-heard or entered it incorrectly right?
If she asked for your number to exchange, then you probably just got her number wrong. If you asked for her number, she may have given you a bad number on purpose. This happened to me once. And it was with a girl that I had seen ITC several times. Next time I was in that club, I asked her about it. She then admitted that she didn't give out her number and to avoid any confrontation when someone asks, she just gives out a bogus one so she doesn't have to argue with the person about not giving it out. That explanation didn't make me feel better, but it did make sense.
They often text me right away anyway.
You're a bit in no-man's-land - on one hand s
IMO it can be uncomfortable and one look like a desperate-loser asking her about it, but best to be straight-forward and clear the air.
I'd ask her about it just in case it *was* a mistake, but would try to ask in a way that does not put her on the spot something like "I tried your # and it doesn't seem to work, if you're uncomfortable giving out you're real # that's ok I understand there are dancers that rather not give their #" - sorta to clear the air and so you can know for sure w/o putting her on the spot too much.
Could be that *is* her real # and Veracity is giving you incorrect/outdated info?
I'd suggest texting (strong preference of most dancers) or calling the number before you pitch it, on two grounds: one, it's possible the number is 100% legit and just doesn't show up as hers in any public records. Two, she may use a friend or "administrative assistant" to track potential clients, ITC and/or OTC. I can see why case two might present its own set of issues, but I'm sure you can see how it might also lead things where you'd like them to go anyway.