Looking for input on options

avatar for 623
My flight back to LAX arrives next week at 6:00 AM Tuesday (a redeye) and I don't have to be in Palm Springs until late Tuesday so I have some free time for mongering.

Should I:
a) drive to TJ and visit the Zona till maybe 4 pm then drive from there to PS, even though traffic might be bad?
b) mess around until noon or so and then visit the COI clubs or other clubs?
c) some other option, maybe Tropical Lei?

I am thinking the TJ option might be the best value, I find the COI clubs to be pretty high priced, but TJ will also be the highest effort (more driving).

What would you do?


last comment
avatar for jester214
7 years ago
avatar for abqspencer
7 years ago
How long is the drive from LAX to TJ? Can you make it and still have time for fun?
avatar for abqspencer
7 years ago
Or reroute your flight to San Diego instead, land there, do TJ, then drive to a Palm Springs.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
YOLO - go for the best-experience you can unless you're too-exhausted to go to TJ
avatar for galiziabob.sabbatical
7 years ago
You get in Tuesday morning and have to be in Palm springs Tuesday evening? I wouldn't go to TJ at all with that time frame. Getting in that early by the time you get your car and baggage, you will be in traffic forever getting to San Diego. Then crossing will be who knows how long probably not long but still. Coming back you can get caught for 2 hours depending on when you leave. Then driving back in traffic. Doesn't sound like a fun day for me. That's assuming you even find a girl in that time frame at HK. Just stick to LA, coi or Tropical Lei. Get some drinks, take your time, get some extras and relax. Just my thoughts.
avatar for galiziabob.sabbatical
7 years ago
Plus if your a newbie to TJ, that might add to the stress. But papi is right. You only live once and HK is #1 for a reason. Fly into San Diego. That will save you hours.
avatar for 623
7 years ago
So @papi, your estimation is TJ is the best experience?

I’ve been to all these venues but there might be others that I have missed. TJ is awesome but just wondering if its worth the extra effort.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
For me it depends how I felt - if I felt energetic I'd choose the better experience, if not feeling at my best then I'd choose an easier option - our life experiences is all we have once we're too old
avatar for galiziabob.sabbatical
7 years ago
It's definitely worth the effort if you have time and you have never been. The times I have been during the week, there really isnt much effort except crossing the border which has been a cake walk. 10 minutes over, 10 minutes back but I crossed middle/late in the day both times, then coming back I crossed late. 4 minute taxi ride for $5 and then your in heaven. So yes it's definitely worth it! Just not worth it to me for @623 in this situation.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago

I've never driven in SoCal traffic
avatar for galiziabob.sabbatical
7 years ago
@papi. Pull up the maps app with traffic on now. 2pm and it's orange and red. Wait 2 hours. All red! It's terrible especially trying to get from San Diego to/from la.....
avatar for EdwardKang
7 years ago
COI or Tropical Lei.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Another vote for COI/Tropical Lei. Driving from LAX to San Diego will suck, yes even at that early morning time there will still be traffic. Then figure in the border crossing there and back (unless you have one of those passes that let's you skip the line). Even without the border wait, the round trip drive will eat up at least 5 of your available hours.

So let's assume your red eye gets in at 6am. Grab your bag and car, leave airport around 6:30. Arrive San Diego around 9:30, cross border arrive TJ around 10am. Depends on what time you need to be back in LA. And traffic coming back will probably be worse.

Then again, shit, like Papi said YOLO. Might be the best 5 hours of your life down there. All up to you champ. If it were me and I'd never been to TJ Id be tempted to do it, even knowing full well about the shitty LA traffic.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^ I think also easier for most people to relate to the San Gabriel Valley girls than to TJ girls.








Interesting, but serious flaws in this guy's world view:
avatar for Dblednmike
7 years ago
I’ve done the drive down from the Long Beach area at that time of the morning and it’s not to far south of LAX. I was crossing into TJ a little past 10:00 which works out well since that’s when the clubs are reopening. It’s a long drive in traffic and I really wouldn’t recommend it if you’re tired from a red eye flight. If you’re used to them and get some rest on the flight I’d do the drive. You probably won’t be able to get a room other than short term until about 1:00 pm.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago

If you want a long session with a girl, especially TLN, what time is best to go looking for that. Later means likely she will be more willing and more reasonable.

With street girls I would not want to be approaching them after dark. But I suspect that many of the day time girls are less available for TLN, other obligations and all.

avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
COI/Upland is the obvious choice, but if you were willing to burn the extra time & gas to do a day trip to TJ you might consider another alternative: wait out the morning in the airport area, and hit up Bare Elegance in the afternoon.

*Disclaimer: never done a Tuesday day shift at BELAX, but I'm willing to bet the quality would be equal or better than COI at the same timeframe.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Jess age Christ. Flying into LA, drive to TJ then back that early evening? Yeah nothing could go wrong with that.

Are you retarded?
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Stream some porn on your phone and throw one off in a McDonald's stall.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
this situation is a challenge if you don’t get some sleep...
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone (health or o/w) - especially as one gets older
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I worked at LAX for 20 years and drove the I-405 35 miles to Orange county where I lived. Even getting off work at 6AM it is not a pleasant drive. I would definitely go with your plan B and hit COI and or tropical Lei.
avatar for 623
7 years ago
My car is at LAX so altering my flight to SAN isn’t an option, plus non stops from Asia aren’t either. I have been to TJ a dozen or more times so the stress factor is non existant. Only the traffic is a posible issue but Waze might help w that I hope.

So based on Papi’s advice and others, if my 63 y.o. body can handle it (I’m lin a lay flat first class seat from Asia) I will prob opt for the TJ option-less $$ and more certainty of multiple results. Not sure what time I will have to leave to guarantee a 9 pm arrival in Palm Springs though.
avatar for 623
7 years ago
Thank you everyone for your 2c worth, all good information and keep the opinions coming.
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
Los Angeles to San Diego is easily a 2 hour drive in minimal traffic. Many times I drove from Orange County (SE of Los Angeles) to Lakeside (North of San Diego) and it usually took around 2 hours. Never crossed the border but I'm sure customs is a bitch and will likely be worse coming back.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Let us know how it turned out
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
It’s gotta be a good 200 miles driving from LA to Tijuana, for those that suggested Tijuana as a layover, way to far for a simple layover.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^distance according to google maps is 182 miles
avatar for 623
7 years ago
@Papi - of course I’ll report back.
@Liwer - I have a Sentry card so I can skip any border crossing line.

I’m still debating whether 4 hrs of extra driving is worth the certainty of a great visit or if there is possibly a greater LA area club that can approximate the overall TJ experience. It’s really the traffic that can F this up, I generally enjoy driving if it’s not stop and go.
avatar for Dblednmike
7 years ago
No club in California can come close to TJ.

The traffic will suck from Long Beach till you get to Irvine. Then you can do the toll road and it will be fine till you get past Oceanside. Then it sucks again till you get to Miramar. Waze helps a lot.

avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
I'd have breakfast, head to Bare Elegance for a few hours, take a nap, then hire a hooker for the night.
But that's just me.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Some how I just can't imagine lopaw ever going to Tijuana. :)
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