
Tijuana Hong Kong

Going to Tijuana soon staying in hotel cascadas right above Hong Kong! Is it safe to stay in that hotel? I want to hear experiences please! On there site it says there is a spa in the hotel how is that? I would also love to read stories about people’s experiences in Hong Kong I’m really excited


  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    It's not a 5 star hotel, but it seemed safe to me.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Been there twice. Felt very safe both times. Get a room on the 5th or 6th floor. High enough not to hear the music, but the elevators go up that high. You have to go up stairs to the 7th and 8th floors. And get a VIP card in Hong Kong BEFORE you check in. If you do, you get big discounts on your room.
  • mikemike912
    6 years ago
    I’m goin on a Wednesday and Thursday will the VIP pass still be useful
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    If you haven't already read it, this is a pretty-good TJ TUSCL article:

  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i’ve been there a few hundred times... as lately as this monday and tuesday nites. and the newest addition is quite nice. the vip card gives 80% off the hotel rate monday and tuesday. 20% the other nights.
  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    I haven’t been there as much as justme, but that’s my new goal.

    I’ve always felt safe there. The higher rooms are much better because of the noise. There are two entrances and elevators. The lobby in the rear appears to be the “main” lobby. Near the rear entrance is also the restaurant, a little convenience store, a beauty salon, and the spa. I’ve never used the spa services, but from what I understand they offer legitimate spa services by appointment. They are not just sitting there waiting for customers, and they are not the girls that work in HK.

    All of the rooms I’ve stayed in have a plush Mexican blanket stashed somewhere in the room which is nice since the rooms can get a little chilly if you don’t have someone there to keep you warm.

    Expect to pay cash, and expect to pay a deposit that you will get back without to much fuss.

    Do NOT expect a really comfortable bed. It’s a basic mattress, but nothing more.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Didn't know about the spa. That would be a great diversion when I"m trying to recuperate in between sessions.
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    My room last time was on the 4th floor and it was fantastic. Better then a lot of US motels. It had these nice flashing colorful lights around the ceiling that gave a nice ambiance. The shower was impeccable! Bed was fine, I would say way better than any motel 6 bed!! I felt safe every time. If your going for 2 days, definitely get the VIP card! You will save a ton, you can take a shower anytime you like. You can sleep at your own will, lock your stuff up. Keep a girl longer than 30 minutes and maybe even have one spend the night with you if you okay it right! Plus the VIP card gives you half off lap dances. In between sessions I take some girls there to try then out, finger pussy grab boobs and still have fun while little whilly is recovering.
  • PutaTester
    6 years ago
    Short Answer: Yes. It is very safe.

    Been going almost monthly for two years. Just returned yesterday from a two-night trip.
    If you can afford it, spring for a Master Suite or a Jacuzzi Suite. Most of the girls love the hot tub.
    Avoiding the music is nearly impossible. I know it is 4am, because the music stops. (The clubs have been shutting down at 4am and reopening at 10am, at least the M and T I was there.)
    Always felt safe in the hotel.
    The advice about getting a VIP card is right on. Good discounts that will more than pay for it.

    Note that some of the pinon staff make up their own rules and sometimes you must be firm and remain polite.
    I have had girls TLN and received a little grief from the security staff, but it is not hard to back them off. Just be firm.
    And I tip the security staff. Not often, but at least once every visit a few dollars each to those who are reasonably friendly to me. One of the roving security guys likes Red Bull, so I buy him a drink. He doesn't frisk me carefully (which does not matter, as I never bring in anything that I should not), and I always get a smile and a handshake. I hear stories from guys that get into disagreements with staff that require security to be called. It is easy for them to just toss you out (or worse). I like to think that if I came to serious grief with staff, some of the security guys know me and would at least listen to my side before jumping into "action."

    I also tip the hotel staff. A few dollars when I get my room and when I check out. Also if I have any requests, such as more towels, I tip a few dollars. And I leave a few dollars in the room for the cleaning staff.

    Likely I will get grief from some on this board for my tipping practices. So before you decide to give me that grief, think about this: Mexico is an impoverished country; the average income is $40 A WEEK! (And we wonder why the quality of the work is so low.) All Americans are seen as being wealthy (and by their standards we are). Most of the girls make pretty good bank, but they have bad days too. One girl told me that she had to pawn her cell phone, because it has been slow for her. It is not so much about the money, but a tip to a staff member that rarely gets tips is validation that they are appreciated.

    Best way to stay safe in Mexico is to be polite and recognize that you a guest in a foreign country. Don't get stupid drunk. Learn at least a few words of Spanish, such as Please, Thank You, You are Welcome, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening.
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    @tahoe nailed it. I agree with your tipping policy. It works wonders and gives people some real smiles. $1 or $2 works fine.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Dr. F.

    I think the hot tubs are basically if you want to keep the girl for longer. In effect you are entertaining her between the rounds.

    Can you get a Jacuzzi room and still keep it 6th floor or lower, to be able to avoid bringing your girl(s) in stripper shoes up the stairs?

    So do you guys approach girls, stage? tip+feelup? when they are seated? Find any in the hotel hallways?

    Or do you wait for them to approach you?

    And do you consider front room makeout sessions part of the usual preliminaries to arriba?

    Ever bring in a street girl?

  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    Great comments!


    Does the convenience store in Hotel Cascadas sell condoms, lube, shampoo/conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, and lotion? Sorry for the list, but I was thinking of purchasing all of the stuff I need to stock a hotel room after crossing the border. If everything is available at Hotel Cascadas than that would be a nice convenience.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    Also, can I order alcohol and store it in the hotel room or bring alcohol from outside up to my room? I’m thinking if I take a girl up she may be more inclined to stay if I have all of the creature comforts. Thanks for all of the information. I probably wouldn’t know this place existed without TUSCL.
  • PutaTester
    6 years ago
    EchoPapa, although you asked Dblednmike the questions, I can answer from personal experience.
    Short Version: Yes to all of the above.

    The convenience store does have all that you mention, but I would recommend that you bring your on condoms and lube, as their selection is very limited. (Tip: Many girls like Durex Tropical Flavored Condoms.)
    The items you list, including alcohol (except maybe the condoms and lube), can also be purchased at the OXXO (the 7-11 of Mexico). There are two locations, one across the alley and the other across the blvd from the hotel.

    You already have the right attitude and you will be the kind of monger the girls love.

    I recommend that you also buy some bottled water and snacks for both you and the girls. I usually buy at least two bottles of water, so the girls can have an unopened bottle (as some of them fear drugging of open containers). And typically I let a girl open the liquor bottle as well.

    Tip: The OXXOs display the larger liquor bottles, but there are smaller versions behind the counter that you have to ask for. Liquor is cheap in Mexico, so you can get a variety, depending on how long you plan to stay.

    Finally, I have met Dblednmike in person. If you get a chance to meet him, he is a good guy and a smart monger.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @tahoecruz, you advice about tipping is right on target, even though I have never been to Tijuana, I have been to Mexico many times, every part of the country, is similar with regards to tipping, their culture values politeness more than most Americans realize, a few dollars spread around with all types of service workers will always get you a smile and a gracias senor,
    You sound like a classy guy. Keep on keeping on!
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    Just remember if you buy alcohol outside of the hotel, DO NOT show it in public at all. You will be arrested by the many police officers driving around and will go straight to jail. That's why the meseros carry your drink from HK to the hotel entrance for you.
    @echo papi. Yes the convenience store has everything including condoms and dildos. 8 would recommend bringing your own condoms and lube. The ones they offer are thick, way too thick! Plus the lube doesn't come off in the shower even with a ton of soap. Bring a wash cloth in a plastic bag. They don't offer wash cloths. Use it, then store it in the bag for transporting back home.
  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    Thanks Tahoe, and as usual you nailed it. Some of the nicer rooms have fridges and nothing says you can’t bring a cooler with you. If you get there early and want to do some running around before hitting the club you could also head to one of the several pharmacies all over TJ. One of my coworkers goes down to TJ every other weekend with his family for non Zona fun. He was telling me about a place similar to BevMo that had great prices, free samples, and shot girls. He’s also gay some leads on excellent steak houses. When I get a regular, or at least someone I’m interested in TLN with, I plan to hit them up. They are in Zona Rio, so it’s a little drive if I stay at Cascadas.

    On the tipping issue. For gods sake tip these people. A buck here and there goes so far here it’s probably the best investment you can make in having a good time.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ Ever order room service with a girl, or take her to the restaurant?

    Ever take a girl outside?

  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    Excellent advice on tipping, which extends outside of the clubs. I tipped $1 to taco vendors for a great fish taco that’s an exceptional value for a buck. They work hard and appreciate it.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    @ tahoecruz Thanks for answering my questions and giving me extra insights. I'll make sure to bring a box of the Durex Tropical Flavored Condoms with me. I have also been diligently learning Spanish. I already knew a smattering beforehand, but I want to be able to hold a conversation with the women, even if it is only at a elementary grade level. I have actually grown a little fond of the regular posters on this board. I have no clue what you guys look like in real life, but as a relative strip club newbie I find the advice on here priceless. Sometimes when I read the reviews of the local clubs I think I was probably there around the same time.

    @ galiziabob Thanks for the advice. I've read your reviews and I think you and I have similar tastes in girls. Is that Little Caprice as your avatar? She's gorgeous.

    @ Dblednmike Thank you for the information. I plan on tipping. Whenever I visit another country I try to be respectful and understanding of the locals. I'm a guest, and visiting their country is a privilege.

    I actually plan on bringing a notebook with me so I can journal anything unusual or interesting I see. I'll also make sure to include any information that seems new and hasn't already been mentioned in previous reviews.
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