Why did the PL pay Nina $2400?

avatar for Lone_Wolf
Okay, going deep on TUSCL.

In a recent topic Nina shared that some PL gave her $2400 to pay off her tuition. She gave him nothing in return but a peck on the cheek and a sweet smile. My question is why did the PL do this?


This question really isn't about Nina's gift though. It is about all the stories I hear about PL's giving crazy amounts of money, cars, or even houses to dancers and getting nothing in return.

Do they think the dancer will fall in love with them? Do they think the dancer will fuck them out of some obligation? If no OTC is involved they are already getting the best the dancer has to offer ITC.

I believe that BS like these large gifts have the opposite effect on what the PL is wanting. The dancer sees them more as an idiot than even normal PL's.


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avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
easy money for the girl. especially attractive situation if it doesn’t include a obligation of sex.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Old saying, “no money no honey” my “saying, No honey no money” LOL
avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
^ yea, my point is though, that money got them no additional honey. Should have just burned the cash for heat.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
He obviously got her respect lol
avatar for houjack
7 years ago
Not sure... Some guys just like to help out another struggling human being, similar to charity, but personal I guess.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
Let’s look at this from a more realistic approach. Nina comes from a family of strippers-it’s in her blood. She also aspires to be a lawyer. Couple those items with the fact that she smokes a ton of weed and admitted to taking psychotropic drugs; what does it all add up to? She’s an unethical, lying, thieving stripper who claims to be a top earner as a clean dancer in the dirtiest strip club environs.

She may have gotten a gift of monetary value, but I doubt by any means it’s what she claims. Especially with NSA.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
Maybe he was Paying It Forward?

My mom used to do that. She recalls being a bind when she was very young, a single mom, and waitressing. Sometimes a customer would leave an insane huge tip (like $100 or more) on top of what should have been a modest tip. It especially moved her when she was really in need. Remembering that, she did it a few times throughout her life for other waitresses she felt her younger self identified with and was in a position to help her out. She did that (a tip of benji or two) more than a few times in the last five years of her life.

Maybe it's the same with Nina's PL or maybe not.
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
Do they think the dancer will fall in love with them? Do they think the dancer will fuck them out of some obligation? If no OTC is involved they are already getting the best the dancer has to offer ITC.
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
"Do they think the dancer will fall in love with them? Do they think the dancer will fuck them out of some obligation? If no OTC is involved they are already getting the best the dancer has to offer ITC."

It's all relative. I'm sure for some of these guys, $2,400 is $24 or $240. I am very well aware that there are some patrons where that $2,400 could have been payment towards affording their children's tuition or something. In general, I would think a dancer would see that patron as weak and easy to manipulate since she now has his wallet and then some
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
In my view - it must be evaluated as something done in the heat of the moment. It’s very difficult to find any rational explanation for this with a clear head.

When a sexy beauty has gotten a pl all worked up - and he’s totally enamored with her - there have been lots of crazier things done.

I’m sure he “thought” that he might be able to get more - but maybe he was just totally into her (not actually in her - but just into her)...
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
my simple answer "reciprocity." but some strippers are ruthless
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
Well said, @salty.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
Some men have more money than brains, and strippers are glad to take advantage of this.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
I can explain how.

It was my second night knowing him (I think). He had recently returned from a business trip where he gambled at the casino and made money, so he had some extra money to spend. He was a consultant and traveled a lot for work, and gambled if he did. He explained something about him banning himself from Detroit's 3 main casinos for life because he gambled there too much. I don't know how one does this but that's how he explained it to me.

It was a champagne room club. The first night, we were back there maybe 3 hours? Second night was three. But as I recall, and I recall correctly, I upsold a bottle of champagne, so naturally I think I'm getting paid X more amount of money per hour. But the VIP guy screwed me over and only charged the guy the basic fee so that he (VIP host) could keep my upsold earnings. I was pissed and drunk because CHAMPAGNE all night, so I started crying and telling my guy about how now it was supposed to be for the rest of my tuition. He asked me what it was, I told him. He said he was going to his car to get his checkbook. Prior to this, we had talked for hours about his marriage woes, and some aspects of my life including school, which started in like a week so I needed to pay the rest of my tuition and pick out classes.

Me, the VIP hosts, and my friend were waiting in a booth upstairs where the guy said he'd meet me after getting his checkbook. It took him a while so I worried that he might not return. But he did, I was so happy. My two friends were waiting for me so we could finally leave. They were impressed. The VIP hosts were impressed. My manager was impressed, although the check could've been cash for the club but VIP host screwed me over. But we upsold champagne (thanks to me) so it was a good night for many of the staff.

The following Monday I cashed my check at my unversity.

This was a few years ago when I worked at a champagne room club.

And that's what happened.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
Holy shit. That's some good hustle Nina. Mad respect.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
When I was reading the part about you crying, I instinctively grabbed my checkbook and started writing a check for 2k. Kinda woke up out of trance..wtf am I doing? lol.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Lone_Wolf, Nina posted something. She said what she said, she told us what she wanted us to know. If she wanted us to know more she would have posted more.

I don't find it acceptable to start a new thread just to speculate on what she did not say, or to try and force her to say more.

avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
Nina, glad you made some bank...and it all went to you!

Guys,. you don't even have to be a stripper or even do anything for a person...For example when I was in my 20's I was a nurse on an orthopedic wing of a hospital. I took care of a lady for about a week and while I did we talked and she found I was in school. When she was getting discharged, she slipped a check into my backpack to help with school...I think it was $300 at the time...We aren't supposed to accept tips....but I took it home and put it in my account for books.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Yup. Some people are just generous when they have the money to spend and see potential in the person they help out.

My guy had some White Knight Syndrome going on, I'm sure.
avatar for gawker
7 years ago
I know a strip club aficianado who has a great deal of income and sizeable wealth. He attaches himself to dancers and while he frequently has OTC with them, other times he just gives them money with no strings attached. I was talking with a stripper last night who says she hasn't slept with him in more than 6 months and he gave her $1500 for a downpayment on a car. On several occasions he's given me his credit card to buy on-line stuff for dancers because he doesn't know how to use a computer. Different strokes...
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’m a dive clubbing guy - so I don’t know pricing of the nicer clubs. Is a bottle of champagne $2000? Holy crap! I know it’s marked way up - but wow!
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^^^ :) :) :)


Crazy Horse Paris
avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
Let me finish the story for Nina...

Nina messaged the.PL on FB. They started communicating and Nina reliazed he was sweet and kind. Everything she ever wanted in a man.

Eventually Nina meets him in a hotel and they have passionate gfe sex. Afterwards they lay in each other's arms spooning.

Suddenly the alarm goes off waking the PL from his white night dream. He realizes he was actually spooning with his checkbook missing one check.

A beautiful love story.
avatar for stripfighter
7 years ago
Some guys are more lonely than horny. Nothing wrong with that, and I admit I'm a pretty big PL who doesn't mind overspending, but damn 2.4k.

I know guys here don't like to believe it happens, but I have seen it personally to Camgirls(much worse value), to know that it does. It was a 100k tk tip ($10k) for just a reaction. Not nearly that amount and far from everyday, but some of them post and screencap the instances (whether you want to believe it or not)
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
One evening i was at bourbon street in phx. there was a guy sitting next to me at the bar he orders a drink and tips the bartender 50. we are talking for a bit, orders another drink and buys me a round and tips 50 again. im like wtf dude, dont buy me shit. Dude is pretty drunk, now i feel obligated to buy him a round after he finishes his round. this guy is putting them down fast, and buys another round before i can
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
pay. he pays, whips out a 100 to tip the bartender. bartender says "no, this rounds on me and ask him if needs a cab." PL and bartender go back and forth. bartender tells him he tipped him a 100 already and PL needs to go home. A bartender displayed more ethics morality then nina. Nina was not obligated to service him, and she should have declined. she considers herself a clean dancer but actually is worst morality wise then strippers that do "extras."
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
"Yes, a lap dance is so much better when the stripper is cryin"
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
I have no doubt that there are quite a number of dancers who manipulate patrons, especially if they can sense patron has a good amount of wealth. I do believe NinaBambina perhaps manipulated the patron with the sob story but just put yourself in their shoes a bit. Don't tell me if you had the opportunity to get a good chunk of money for essentially doing nothing, that you wouldn't do it? I personally feel I have a pretty good moral compass and wouldn't think about pulling off such a scam but it would be very hard to turn down easy money
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
And let's face it-- there are quite a few sleazy men at SCs (and any other place in general). It's like that Robin Hood mentality (except that money goes to yourself)
avatar for stripfighter
7 years ago
^^ lol at Robin Hood mentality except giving it to yourself.
avatar for stripfighter
7 years ago
I've always liked Nina, but wow, that came off as a straight up sob story to manipulate the dude. And she seems proud of it too. She says she got screwed over, but it was not by him.

I get that it was decision, and maybe you could've milked him for more, or maybe he really gave you bc he enjoyed your company, but it came off as too much of asking for a hand out hustle. My personal most hated one. But hey it worked for you, so good job, I suppose.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
There’s a lot that’s disturbing about this, but it’s his money to do as he likes I guess! Seems to me that it’s stereotypical predatory behavior, but not having been there I don’t really know for sure.
Nina I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, but this doesn’t really sound like something to be proud of.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
My read is that he was trying to buy karma and there was someone in his life like Nina who he wished he had done better by, or he wished there had been.

ref: Haruki Marukami's Kafka on the Shore.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
This topic wasn't meant to be a jab at Nina. Not at all. She just did her job. The intent was an analysis as to why PL's give huge gifts to dancers.

I think these huge outlays have the opposite effect of what the PL's are looking for. Instead of winning favor with a dancer, they probably create kind of awkwardness driving the relationship further into the hustle.

An observation of Nina's story, which I would assume to be true throughout the biz, is that she did not heap accolades on to the PL for the gift or express any type of a desire to deepen the relationship (i.e. what a wonderful man, I hope he comes in again soon). No, it was just some PL giving a crazy amount of cash that will be forever un-reciprocated.

I understand that money is relative and the 2400 could have been pocket lint to the PL but my point is, nothing is free, and he gave 2400 and received the same affection 200 would have gotten him.

If I won the lotto, no doubt I would be spreading cash the exact same way. No judgement.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> I think these huge outlays have the opposite effect of what the PL's are looking for. Instead of winning favor with a dancer, they probably create kind of awkwardness driving the relationship further into the hustle.

I agree. Ayn Rand's "The Husband I Bought" lamented this kind of dynamic.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Geez, what’s with all the hate? She accepted a gift. Unless the PL attached strings to it before giving it to her, and she cut those strings *afterwards*, I don’t see a problem.

“Thanks dude!” is perfectly acceptable and appropriate.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
Speaking of which, Nina was there to actually take the money and be gleeful, assisting him in his struggle to become a better person. If the guy had given money to the person she represented, it might have had negative repercussions.

We're talking about a guy struggling to overcome a gambling addiction. That's a pretty big dopamine issue. At least when he saw the check clear at Nina's university, he had an inkling that something happened to it that was better than simply further enriching a casino owner. Waking up the next morning and realizing that you helped someone you liked is a lot better than many of the alternatives.

The Great Gatsby and Francisco D'Anconia are examples of this.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Never underestimate the level of stupidity that can come to bear when you combine wealth, delusion, and a hard-on. Add booze, and it's game over.

I've watched buddies burn through thousands of dollars trying to win over non-strippers (but obvious gold diggers / scam artists). I've had long, detailed debates clearly explaining how and why they are being taken for a ride. And the response I get is "Yeah... but maybe..."

I could employ bar charts, sky writers, and sock puppets, and it wouldn't change the answer or level of delusion.

In a strip club, it's just that much worse. Because any stripper who is making money is also good at manipulation. This shouldn't surprise or offend anyone.

Strip clubs aren't really a haven of egalitarianism. The strippers are working to manipulate us into giving them as much money as possible, and we're trying to manipulate them into providing as much contact as possible.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
Taking the story at face value its really not about Nina its just about the pl and why he wants to give away his money. She of course accepts free money with no expressed obligations. Its a different story if its here is X if we can do Y which is a verbal agreement and its not fulfilled. But thats not the story here.

Why do some guys do it? I think its simply because it makes them feel good they are helping someone else out. It could be a Karma thing or just feeling sorry for someone in apparent need. He could have been RIL angling for something more but gambling she would take the next action but he did not want to establish himself as a typical p4p pl. Who knows, we would have to ask him.

I only did that once years ago with an established 2 year relationship to help my once ATF to finish school. I thought it might demonstrate my commitment to be there as her go-to main guy as I was RIL. I also ended up regretting it as she showed little appreciation for my assistance and in fact starting hustling for more and was seeing me less. This was like a splash of cold water on my face and a realization I was just another pl to hustle. It wasnt long after that we both moved on with me the wiser. Not my proudest moment but I learned a hard lesson early on which did not cost me too much from my bankroll.
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
Yeah, the club is not an environment where “Love your neighbor as yourself” is likely to be practiced much. As Ishmael said, the club is transactional and manipulative both ways. We’re all grown ups when we go in and just need to accept the nature of the club. The sex world is not immoral because of the sex part. But it’s not exactly a shining example of folks really treating one another with kindness and respect. It’s more like competing selfishness.

I’m not inclined to be critical of Nina’s actions or those of the PL in this case. Neither one of them harmed the other.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> I also ended up regretting it as she showed little appreciation for my assistance and in fact starting hustling for more and was seeing me less.

The most cogent way I have heard it expressed is that with women, any positive action is worth one point. Pay off her college? One point. Put your arm around her waist and offer to buy her a shot? One point.

The inverse applies as well. If your one point is $2400, your $1 starts to not really feel like appreciation. You can tell her how much you love her boobies, though, or her outfit, and that's worth the other $2399 and resets the whole thing away from how much you spent yesterday or today.
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
@LoneWolf: "An observation of Nina's story, which I would assume to be true throughout the biz, is that she did not heap accolades on to the PL for the gift or express any type of a desire to deepen the relationship (i.e. what a wonderful man, I hope he comes in again soon). No, it was just some PL giving a crazy amount of cash that will be forever un-reciprocated."

@UprightCitizen: "I only did that once years ago with an established 2 year relationship to help my once ATF to finish school. I thought it might demonstrate my commitment to be there as her go-to main guy as I was RIL. I also ended up regretting it as she showed little appreciation for my assistance and in fact starting hustling for more and was seeing me less. This was like a splash of cold water on my face and a realization I was just another pl to hustle. It wasnt long after that we both moved on with me the wiser. Not my proudest moment but I learned a hard lesson early on which did not cost me too much from my bankroll."

^^So many reasons to not give big gifts and here's two of them, never have and never will, there's just no upside. In recent thread someone posted he's gotten good return in his estimation on small gifts and that makes sense - but in the end cash is king, pay for dances not for affection.

@LoneWolf: "I think these huge outlays have the opposite effect of what the PL's are looking for. Instead of winning favor with a dancer, they probably create kind of awkwardness driving the relationship further into the hustle."
^^THIS. Good advice in 2 simple sentences.
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
@Ishmael: "The strippers are working to manipulate us into giving them as much money as possible, and we're trying to manipulate them into providing as much contact as possible."

^^This could be one of those TUSCL bylines that used to flash at top of home page - Where'd those go? They were funny.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Bravo! :) the perfect storm. I wish I was better at that. No one ever does anything big for me, and when they offer, I turn them down out of an idiotic fear of owing anyone anything. :P
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^ That’s not idiotic, to not be a predator. It’s not ok to manipulate people it’s bad karma. Remember what goes around comes back to bite twice as hard.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
It’s not necessarily predatory to accept someone’s goodwill and gift. I do things for ppl, and it’s almost selfish not to accept, as well. Ppl need to give, and then ppl need to receive. I feel it’s almost arrogant and self absorbed not to accept gifts. Like, why am I so special I can’t be vulnerable enough to accept someone’s help? I gave my best friend a few thousand when his va pay got screwed up, and I’d have been miserable if he wouldn’t have accepted my help.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^That’s way different and you know it.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Evidence that wealth doesn't equal intelligence.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
DeclineToState asked: "This could be one of those TUSCL bylines that used to flash at top of home page - Where'd those go? They were funny."

Bottom of the page.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Meh, the beggar has a need to receive and the rich man needs someone to give his money to. There’s no real judgement involved and neither is better than the other. Plus, you really never know the outcome of giving anything. Even complements.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I agree with BJ here. Accepting something that is freely offered is not predatory.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
@CMI "Strip clubs aren't really a haven of egalitarianism. The strippers are working to manipulate us into giving them as much money as possible, and we're trying to manipulate them into providing as much contact as possible."

So what if Nina had passed out in the CR and the PL started playing with pussy while she was out? I do not think its okay because its a strip club and nina is a stripper. I pretty sure both of these predatory con jobs happen in strip clubs and one is still expected to act with deceny regardless of the enviroment.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ That wouldn't happen. SJG doesn't go to SCs.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^Fuck ya. That’s the point
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^ Intended for salty and he’s 1000% right
So it’s ok for the stripper to be predatory but if the pl is a predator how would you spin that.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Why are so many people upset about this? I didn't lie to the guy, everything I told him was true which is why I cashed the check he wrote me - the exact amount I owed my University, no more - the very following Monday. It's easy to start crying when you're drunk and emotions are already skyrocketed because I got fucked out of money that I upsold to earn. I was pissed. I was drunk. I cried. I'll admit, I didn't try at all to stop my tears, and I knew as I was crying that I was making myself more likely to get more money from him. But it's not like I told him an elaborate lie.

"So what if Nina had passed out in the CR and the PL started playing with pussy while she was out?"
My guy wasn't passed out though. He knew my situation (or at least chose to believe it, and got the confirmation that I was telling the truth when the check cleared). He made a conscious decision to write me that check.

But while we're on the topic, I did fall asleep with him in the champagne room several weeks after, once we knew each other better. We were on like the 4th hour. I fell asleep with my head in his lap within the first 15 mins of the last hour, stayed asleep in his lap for the duration of that hour, and was awoken by a VIP host and a manager knocking on the door once the hour was complete. They were chuckling about it - there were cameras in the room so I was fine - and my guy didn't seem to mind at all, he kinda thought it was funny, too.

avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Thanks georgemicrodong, bj99, ppwh, and everyone else who didn't bash me.

"My read is that he was trying to buy karma and there was someone in his life like Nina who he wished he had done better by, or he wished there had been."
He actually told me pretty early on that I reminded him of his high school sweetheart who he admittedly wished he had ended up with instead of his wife. His marriage had a lot of issues and he was constantly texting me about it and I didn't mind at all. I was happy to talk with him through his ups and downs. Who knows? Maybe I saved his marriage. His wife ended up finding out my name, stalking me on social media, etc. Maybe I nudged her into stepping her game up and being grateful for her husband who did everything for her and made sure she never had to work.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
"he pays, whips out a 100 to tip the bartender. bartender says "no, this rounds on me and ask him if needs a cab." PL and bartender go back and forth. bartender tells him he tipped him a 100 already and PL needs to go home. A bartender displayed more ethics morality then nina."

It actually just sounds like the bartender clearly overserved the customer here, knew it, and wanted to get him safely home in a cab to avoid the legal repercussions of overserving.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Salty.Nutz said: "So what if Nina had passed out in the CR and the PL started playing with pussy while she was out? I do not think its okay because its a strip club and nina is a stripper."

That would be horrific, and rape, and not even remotely equivalent to Nina's situation. Your hypothetical removes all of Nina's ability to give consent or act on free will. Whereas Nina's mark made a conscious decision to pay for her schooling.

I think he got manipulated, but he made the choice on his own and apparently without regret (well... not yet). She didn't slug him with a sock full of pennies and take the money out of his wallet. He offered and she accepted.

Keep in mind that we see more than little moral sketchiness when it comes to PL attitudes and behaviors. This ranges from the relatively benign-yet-creepy practice of creating a cum puddle in your pants without warning the dancer, to manipulating dancers into OTC while they're desperate for cash (for whatever reason). Also, there was a recent thread that asked if PLs would be willing to take advantage (though not via assault) of a dancer if she was sloppy drunk, and there were quite a few guys who answered "depends on the girl...".


And I don't necessarily find any of the above behavior from dancers or PLs to be admirable. But it's what I expect 100% from a strip club, because everyone is being manipulative to some degree or another.

The point is that if you're a guy who is easily manipulated and can't afford it, then you should probably stay at home with a jar of Vaseline and internet porn.
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
^^^^i agree with Nina on her distinction. The bartender was good to a drunken customer that probably wouldn’t have given the $100 sober and/or didn’t want repercussions later. Again, neither Nina nor the PL harmed the other with regard to the $2400.

Also, this discussion is a follow up to a previous discussion where the ladies were invited to relate stories that were out of the norm. Most of us enjoy when the strippers chime in generally and enjoy those kind of stories. Nina is a big girl who chooses to participate here and needs no defense but I’m not sure we are showing the better side of ourselves if we speculate and get too deep into analyzing this story as a morality play. I don’t think Nina or any other stripper who posts here gets a free pass in general but I also don’t think she did anything wrong here nor do I think any wrong should be read between the lines.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Thank you, Huntsman. Well-put, and appreciated.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
Many of us appreciate your candor Nina. Its good stuff for pl debates and navel gazing.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
We don’t know how he benefited from giving Nina that money. If it gave him an altruistic aura/vibe at the casino, or in a business deal, he might have made ten times that. Sometimes, I don’t even recognize a pl when he’s had a bad day, bc his body language is so defensive and angry. I once saw a very defensive, jaded, stripper dance to a song that made her feel vulnerable bc it was her song w an ex; she’d never looked beautiful to me before. And she asked the dj to never play that for her again. You never know.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> Your hypothetical removes all of Nina's ability to give consent or act on free will. Whereas Nina's mark made a conscious decision to pay for her schooling.

> I think he got manipulated, but he made the choice on his own and apparently without regret (well... not yet). She didn't slug him with a sock full of pennies and take the money out of his wallet. He offered and she accepted.

I don't buy it that he was manipulated. He left, had a while to think about it and in the days that followed, the opportunity to stop payment on the check before it was cashed.

Strip clubs and car dealerships have a similar dynamic for me. As soon as I step off the lot, I know whether or not I like the car.
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
I dug up this thread to seek advice on whether or not I should reach out to this man or not. I haven't actually seen him in like two years, and my phone number has changed since then. I still have his number stored through Google...

On one hand, I could just text him to see how he is doing and make sure he is doing ok with his marriage. I could also try to entice him to come see me, but I would feel bad if his marriage has gotten better since his wife made him stop seeing me. However, seeing me would probably be a breath of fresh air from his ever-stale marriage. Or, I could just do nothing.

Side note - I re-read this discussiom and damn, there sure were a lot of people thinking it was crazy for me as a stripper to accept money from a customer. Lmao.

For what it's worth, I agree with ppwh's last comment on this.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^You could send him a text and thank him for helping you, leave it up to him, whether or not he wants to visit, nothing is wrong with expressing gratitude. It might brighten his day just to think he made a difference in your life.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Get real. You bumped this thread to show off and get attention. You are transparent.
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
This thread is also hypocritical. Not on Lone_wolf's part, but the guys that actually tried to turn me accepting money into an ethical debate; it was "wrong" for me to accept money from a guy, and spend it on exactly what I told him I was going to spend it on? The same dudes questioning my "morals" will lowball an extras girl because they know she's desperate for money. Please.

Twentyfive, that is true. I know enough about his marriage to know that he is probably really bored with his life. Since he wrote me the check on our second day knowing each other, I found out his name right away and he found out mine once it cleared after I paid the rest of my tuition. So we knew each other on a real-name, real life basis quite quickly. I think he would be happy to hear from me, I just don't want to get him in trouble with his wife.
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
"You are transparent."

^Thank you, Flagooner. I try to be as transparent as possible with regard to things relating to this industry as they pertain to me, so that you guys get the most unfiltered, authentic version of Nina as I appear on this forum and in the strip club world.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
You're welcome
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