Starbucks - Loitering in the news

Call me dumb but I was not aware that if you go sit at Starbucks and not buy anything you can be asked to leave. Sometimes I meet up strippers at Starbucks. They are notoriously late so I can be sitting there with no drink until the stripper arrives.
This got me thinking about Baby Dolls. Sometimes I just go check out the talent and I just sit there with no drink. Does the cover charge protect the PL agains being kicked out for “loitering”
I know some clubs enforce a drink minimum. As far as I know, Baby Dolls does not.
This got me thinking about Baby Dolls. Sometimes I just go check out the talent and I just sit there with no drink. Does the cover charge protect the PL agains being kicked out for “loitering”
I know some clubs enforce a drink minimum. As far as I know, Baby Dolls does not.
She then told me that I had to buy a drink if I was sitting.
I actually dislike Starbucks coffee, it is undrinkable in any form where you don't first turn it into a liquid coffee-flavored donut (i.e., add cream, sugar, whipped cream, caramel, sprinkles, etc)
Really ridiculous service at starbucks. Even mcdonalds has free restroom.
Think of the employment it would create!
If Starbucks doesn't take it I'm going to start a coffee house with bathroom trolls! They can sell lattes while crazyjoe clogs the shitter!
623, flagooner, and twentyfive, would you like to invest? I know crazyjoe is in, as long as I install bidets in the coffeehouse shitters.
Just imagine sipping a latte while cleaning your taint after a satisfying shit. You'll be able to live that dream every time you come to "Taintbucks"
And seriously, why don't we have bidets in America? If Trump really wanted to make America great again he'd appoint a czar for convincing Americans to use bidets. Imagine the manufacturing opportunities!
But then he’d run into the problem of getting ass water on his hairdoodoo
If you pay to get in then things can get more complicated but in most circumstances my bet is that you’d just get a refund.
As far as clubs go, my club has a mandatory 1 drink purchase (and I'm sure all of them here in Jax do), and plenty of customers have bitched about it because it's a non-alcohol bar, and there have been plenty we've had to kick out because they'll refuse. But when I think about it, that would apply to anywhere with food or drink service. It's not like you'd go to a Chili's and tell the waitress you're just hanging out and don't want anything.
A quick bathroom run is one thing. But going someplace for 10/15/30/45 minutes without using the services provided is illogical anyway.
Starbucks certainly has got itself a problem.
Never ever have I patronized one.…
In the Starbucks case, it is pretty clear it was done because of race. As far as I know, Starbucks has no policy on people actually having to buy something to sit there, unless no tables are available. I've seen people at Starbucks go there just to use the tree wifi.
You don't see tits and ass there though, so it makes sense that strip clubs make someone buy a drink. It's not a free show.
I hate my new phone.
I remember being there to meet with an attorney and our witness for the case. I was early for the meeting so I ordered a beverage, finished it, then they showed up. Walked all the way from one side of the Starbucks to the other while lawyer brought out his laptop and played police dashcam footage of the incident. We watched and discussed it for idk how long. Lawyer and witness bought nothing the entire time. I had finished my beverage long ago. We were sitting in a booth for a long time discussing evidence. No one asked them to buy anything. We were there for a meeting.
Many others there were using their laptops as well, and many had no beverages. This is actually common at Starbucks. People will sit there for an hour using the wifi and then order a tea, or coffee, and continue to sit. It's common there.
It is so common a meeting place that sugar babies and sugar daddies meet there. It is courtesy for some people to wait on the other party to arrive to order. If I'm a sugar baby and the daddy is late to meet me, I'm going to wait for him to arrive and pay for my damn drink.
It is very normal to wait for acquaintances (etc) before you order at any establishment, especially Starbucks which has very liberal policies regarding people hanging out without buying.
And the men arrested in this bullshit we're anything but homeless... they're in real estate, and were waiting for a business associate to discuss an investment.
I don't know of any details in this specific case so this is a hypothetical question
What is legally or ethically wrong with a manager politely asking a non-paying visitor to leave the premises if they do not make a purchase after they had been enjoying the facilities without any compensation?
Is there some sort of law that requires Starbucks to charitably serve the community with free WiFi services?
Sometimes you’re out and about and get the urge to go to the restroom. Why should I have to buy something I don’t want at the moment just to use the restroom?